
Viewing 1 - 20 of 64 results

Find Serenity: Effective Anxiety Therapy at Princeton Psychotherapy Center · 9:31am March 29th

Experience relief from the grip of anxiety with specialized therapy at Princeton Psychotherapy Center. Our dedicated team of professionals offers comprehensive treatment for anxiety disorders, providing strategies to manage symptoms and regain control of your life. For more details, visit:


Why I write romance · 11:18pm Oct 14th, 2021

The truth is, I don't actually believe in love. Maybe I'm too cynical, but I really don't believe anyone is out there for me, I don't believe anyone truly cares about me and wants to make me happy, and I'm pretty sure that I'll die alone at this point... But the truth is, I'd rather not think that way. I want to believe in love and romance again, but I just don't! I write about these ponies that slowly become enamored with one another, and I can't help but wonder if maybe, just maybe, there's

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The Schism: Enter Jessi Trotsky · 6:01pm Mar 14th, 2022

Scootaloo’s ghost represents the old me and she carries the guilt and shame of Apple Bloom’s (my mother’s) death in the form of the chicken costume she’s currently doomed to wear. Jessi Trotsky represents the new me and that’s why it’s important that she be a filly. She’s very bright and sensitive and has a lot of love to give to the world, but she has no idea how to go about that… She’s very quirky and witty, but she doesn’t like or trust most ponies. She’s a green unicorn filly

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My first therapy session starts tomorrow · 2:32pm Mar 24th, 2021

I'm a bit nervous, but I know that I got this. I wholeheartedly hope that there will be no interruption or cutoff of internet connection. 🙏🏻


Making Amends · 1:15am Apr 16th, 2022

In chapter 12 of my Twinkle Shine story, Twinkle makes amends with Cozy Glow, the monster who haunts her dreams... Since then, I've noticed a distinct change in my thinking and how I view things... All the pain from the past no longer really hurts when I dwell on it because I feel like I've learned to accept and live with it now... What's done is done and nothing could ever change that... I can, however, control how I view it and what story I tell myself. In that way, I can

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equine massage therapy · 12:23am Jun 5th, 2022

Massage stories are quite prevalent as a person that actually works with techniques i figured i could provide descriptions. Pegasi have me completely confused however.... the way their muscles would work and the treatments they would need (especially the wonderbolts) to keep them in top shape. obviously the wings themselves would be sensitive but in the excerpt below from the story "The Discovery" i haven't quite figured it out. Unicorns would most likely want their "poles" rubbed (see

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Opt for Couple Therapy for Best Results! · 6:50am Jan 3rd, 2022

If you are facing problems in your relationship and are not able to cope up with your wife, we recommend you take up Couples therapy NYC. Such sessions will help you and your partner handle all conflicts with greater ease. For more details, visit:


Reformation · 10:23pm Mar 10th, 2021

So in my story, Chrysalis is "the changeling." She changes shape to whatever she thinks wants to be seen. She does this to hide her true identity so she can feed on love. This is an interesting allegory for how I felt for a very long time. The assumption is that I need love right? Well, what if I could only get that by pretending to be something else? That's the way I felt for a long time... Like, nobody would accept the real me and so I needed to pretend to be "male" or whatever... I was

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Enrich your mind with world-class premarital therapy! · 10:09am Jun 6th, 2022

If you are struggling with personal relations and having a hard time with your partner before marriage, choose premarital therapy NYC. Counselling services have helped several such couples like you and will be beneficial for you as well. For more details, visit:


Therapy Over, But The Healing Never Ends... · 2:37pm Nov 10th, 2020

Hi, chaps and chapettes,

Hope you are all doing well and staying safe in these crazy times. It has not been a fun year, and next year may be equally as uncertain, but look at the end of this one as an opportunity to close the book and start another. I plan on trying to make the best of these last two months and feel as though I did something productive with 2020 as much as possible.

I figured I would write to you all to update you on where I am currently.

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Report Scaramouche · 395 views · #therapy #end #new #start

These freaking little horses! · 6:24am Feb 3rd, 2022

Honestly, becoming a brony not only saved my life, but it opened up a whole new world to me. A world of imagination and stories. A world of colors and art and music. And through my writing, I've come to realize that I'm attacking my own demons, one at a time. Trixie Interviews got me over the death of my parents. Gabriela at least addressed some of my initial concerns about life, love, and the world at large. Twinkle Shine showed me how to deal with my past, by simply accepting it for what it

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Why did I write this? · 10:05pm May 7th, 2022

So, you might be wondering why I'd write a lesbian three-way romance story? Well, truth be told, long ago, before my transition, I was involved in a three-way relationship. And while said relationship failed miserably, I also don't believe that was my fault. I wanted to explore the concept of polyamory a bit more thoroughly in a safe environment and so, that's what I did! Once again, the answer is similar to what I found out when I explored the idea of love and romance again. And that answer

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Trixie Interviews: Demons Are Not Always the Evil Ones · 3:00pm Nov 10th, 2020

I guess I'll recap on all this wonderful project has done for me now? Seems appropriate since I'm pretty much done and the rest is up to my editor huh? I know how it ends now, but you'll need to wait for that... But after the fact, I wonder where I am now? Well, Trixie Interviews showed me that I not only have a talent for writing as I get better and better, but I actually enjoy doing it! Through ponies, this adorable little best filly specifically, I realized that I actually enjoy telling

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Nightmare Scratch · 3:53am Feb 25th, 2016

I had EMDR treatment yesterday, which was basically where I did guided meditation while holding two vibrating devices. I know. That sounds really weird. The therapist said it was an exercise to trigger something hidden in my brain so that we could find the stuff that keeps me from functioning like a well-adjusted adult. She said that the side effects could include heightened awareness, increase in mood,

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Where to go from here? · 5:19pm Jul 4th, 2020

Well I've been brainstorming and I think I know where I want this to ultimately end up. As a manipulator, Cozy Glow would actually make a wonderful counselor and I think Trixie also sees this. Like she said in one of the previous chapters, "Getting people to think and look at things a certain way in my profession is very useful." I'm thinking that should be the end goal at this point.

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Another Important Update. · 6:23pm Apr 3rd, 2016

I've just gotten some of the worst news ever. I'm moving. Again. This time to the one place I hate more than any other: Colorado. I will most likely be gone at the end of this month. And so as of now everything is back on Hiatus. I don't know when I'll be back.

I'm going to need a lot of therapy in the coming days.

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Report Inazuma · 376 views · #sad #moving #Colorado #hiatus #therapy

Back to Midnight · 12:01pm Sep 27th, 2022

Hello all!

Its been a bit hasn't it? I've spent my time mostly working on Newtons Law as a lark, then some Infinite Shards to get the odd idea that wouldn't leave the old noggin' out. Best to write them down before you forget, you know?

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Plans within Plans · 8:10pm Aug 9th, 2022

The latest chapter of Mind Over Midnight is done. Two away from a 'stretch goal' of some custom cover art I'll treat myself to. The fic is going in some interesting ways I didn't 100% intend, but such is the way with fiction. The core is still there of course. As much as I want to start other pieces (currently outlined in the 'possible' folder is 'Captain of the Lunar Guard Story', 'EQG Crossover Anthology', 'Blueblood: Duel' and 'Digimon Redemption Squad') I need to either finish or at least

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Putting the 'Fun' into Thunder. · 11:17am Aug 19th, 2022

I mentioned in my last post that this latest chapter (session 1.25) has been a pain to write. It has. Ignoring irl issues of course (heat, work, fatigue, illness) I've been grafting at the laptop to define the uncertainty in Calmys heart whilst also expanding on his outside life. In some ways, it's hard for me to imagine Calmy (cool, mostly confident, often in control) outside of his office. Even his home is fairly sterile, justifiably and with possible explanation in the future. Still, writing

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Big Chapter, Big Themes. · 9:51pm Aug 2nd, 2022

First of all I'd like to thank Estee, some of her notes regarding her latest piece (Monster Girl In Equestria) really helped me gain a more critical eye over my own work. I certainly re-evaluated scenes and cut what felt like cliché content, some of which( in hindsight) just wouldn't have made sense with where this is going and what I want it to be.

Now, this chapter.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 64 results