
Viewing 1 - 20 of 64 results

Signal Boost · 5:14pm February 17th

I hope to help more soon, but in the meantime, please read and help if you can.


EMERGENCY YOU GUYS URGENT · 4:55am Jun 13th, 2015

I can't stay on for too long, I have to keep posting, but just go to my DeviantArt page (Username is "PegasisterTheBrony" still) And check my last journal. Please do WHATEVER you can. I beg of you, please.

(I just made a link, here)


Cry For Help · 6:44pm February 16th

I've been cagey about what's been happening to me.

Part of that is an instinctive wariness of sharing personal info online. And yes, those of you who have worked with me through Paypal are free to note the irony, since y'all know my legal name but... you still get it.

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Report SilverNotes · 817 views · #emergency

Important Message | Internet Service Going Down! · 5:18pm Jun 5th, 2018

Hello, everypony!

I am so upset! So we don't have enough money this month to pay for the internet, so unfortunately I will not be able to update any of my stories, or be online as often as I am. Which means do not expect any updates this week. I am hoping to go to the library but I hate the library I go to, something always happens up there and I can never do anything!

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Report thedarktome · 279 views · #Emergency!!

First post in 2024 -- Technical Difficulties · 12:19am February 29th

Hey, guys! I know its been a while since I made a blogpost, but I've been preoccupied with writing out commissions to keep up with bills. I also recently moved to a new place (dont worry, this one was planned better than the cross-country move back in 2022), and I've been settling nicely. I've been fortunate enough to work on a new series of my own accord titled 'To Nerd A Bird,' but at the moment I javent been able to update that story either.

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Report TheVClaw · 314 views · #Emergency #update

Computer Update · 4:20am Jan 8th, 2021

Hey readers! Max here with a quick update on things!

So, this is being written from my computer. And it may be that the source of the problem has been found. Perhaps. Two problems, really.

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Report Viking ZX · 263 views · #News #Emergency

Just saw a thing on my feed. · 1:29am Nov 2nd, 2018

This is going to be a short post. MagnetBolt has been dealt a serious blow by life. I have about eight dollars to my name, but maybe someone out there might see this and decide to help out.

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Report Hubris Von Ego · 195 views · #Emergency #Help

Emergency commissions opened and here's why · 1:01am Aug 19th, 2021

Hey all,

So remember what I said about me taking the month off? Yeah that's been derailed. Due to an unexpected payment I had to make I am in the red a bit, and since I have panicking issues with this I am opening up emergency commissions to hopefully mend the issue. So if you want one get one while it's hot.

Also I'm gonna post a chapter to a fic I haven't worked on in ages that I forgot about so yeah.

Magma out


Emergency Commission Request! · 3:14am May 30th, 2018

I know this is kinda out of nowhere, but I have some bills coming up at the end of this month, and a 90% chance I won't be able to afford it with the amount I have in my back account.

So because of that, I'm offering up a 5K story commission for $50. Just PM me for the details, it message me on Discord at TheVClaw#2689.
That is all

Report TheVClaw · 273 views · #Emergency #commission

Emergency Commissions! Spread the word if you can :) · 5:35pm Jun 22nd, 2017

Hello. I need your help. You might have seen some of the 3DS stuff on dA, Tumblr or YouTube. That is something I want to make future from, but I can't at the moment. My own PC is from 2008 and I can't run any program that requires a lot of RAM, like 3DS or similar programs. 

Current specs :
Intel Dual Core 2,33GhZ
nVidia 9800GT Silent 512MB

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The Emergency Donation Story Poll! · 9:48pm Feb 1st, 2018

Hey guys! If you haven't read my blog entry from last night, all you guys need to know is that I'm moved into my apartment completely, but I still have a lot of bills I need to take care of before my next paycheck in two weeks. I currently only have $114 in my bank account, and I'm in dire need for some financial stability for the next couple weeks. So, I decided to try something

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I Need You Guys' Help! · 6:31pm Jan 21st, 2017

My bed broke. I sat down on it and it just snapped. Now it's lopsided and wobbly and just about ready to break again. I can't sleep on it because it's titled and it makes my back hurt. So long story short I need a new bed frame. Problem is a new one is going to cost at least 300 bucks because of the fact I have a full bed, and there's a delivery fee.

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Comrade's Commission · 1:21am Jul 20th, 2018

One of the things I'm slated to do at BronyCon is help with an improv comedy bit called "And That's How Equestria Was Made!" Slight problem, though: The scheduled host, Super Trampoline, had the vagaries of life hit him hard enough that he doesn't have hotel money available at the moment. Hence, emergency commissions. There are only three slots left, so act now and get this magnificent madman to Baltimore!


Tragedies and Emergencies · 11:46am May 7th, 2017

Wow. This many blogs already. 911. I don't even know what to say about this... I mean, you can't exactly joke about the tragedies or emergencies that number represents. I just learned something I should have known all along. A certain friend of mine can't be trusted. For her sake, I won't say her name. But I can assure you, it's not Kat. And even though this friend lied to me, I still want to be friends with her. I blocked her for the next few days... possibly a week, since the day that's one

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What Services Does A 24-Hour Emergency Locksmith Offer? · 10:26am Sep 9th, 2022

Locksmith and Door is the best place at which you can call to obtain experienced Emergency Locksmith Tampa FL services at very affordable cost. Contact Locksmith and Door when you have any problems with your office keys and locks. To receive the cost-effective and licensed services of Locksmith and Door, just visit at:


Family Emergency · 7:37pm Nov 22nd, 2023

Sorry guys, I had to redact this post. I honestly did not think my site would be found by newshounds that quickly, and just wanted you readers to be aware of what was going on.

So I've deleted the original post. Work on Axtara will resume when the current calamity is over.


Help TheLostNarrator · 3:14am Mar 15th, 2016

(Edit: Her gofundme page has reached the amount asked for, but feel free to continue to spread the word in case more help is needed.)

YouTube pony fan TheLostNarrator has recently been rushed to the hospital and admitted to the emergency room. Apparently, she has an ovarian cyst that could be cancerous due to its size. She is scheduled for surgery, her condition is very serious, but what she has is very treatable.

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I'm stuck. · 8:12am Jun 12th, 2018

Alright guys, I've reached that point. I'm officially stuck with fixing the balance. I have no clue how to continue the story.
I'm just going to give it to you straight; FTB has more views than my other story, project horizon, yet I feel a lot more comfortable writing for the latter. This comes down to P-horizon being set in a first person perspective, whereas FTB is third person. And given that I'm arguably better at writing first person perspective stories, I'm unsure about it now.

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Emergency Commissions · 8:53pm Nov 28th, 2023

Hello to you all, my dear readers.

I am putting this out because I am in a great need of money. My dog, a darling I have raised since she was a cheerful, skipping puppy, needs surgery for a fatty tumor in her chest.

So, in hopes of raising the money I need for the surgery, I will be offering myself to any and all commissions. Nothing is off the table. No subject matter will be rejected. If anyone wants to pay me $20 per 1,000 words, I will write whatever you desire.

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Report Holocron · 380 views · #Commissions #emergency #aid #dog

The Landslide · 12:26am Dec 15th, 2023

Posted via Mobile. Legal stuff at bottom.

The first message arrived an hour before midnight.

I was still awake, finishing up some gaming and thinking about getting to bed, when a friend of my family sent me a text. It said that they’d heard that there had been a landslide “out the road,” by my parent’s place, and asking if they were okay.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 64 results