Spike Fanfictions 2,963 members · 5,612 stories
Comments ( 28 )
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Group Admin

Alrighty, here are the basic forum rules. I imagine this place will be pretty quiet until Season 5 starts, but we might as well make 'em official.

They're pretty much the same as most groups.

1. Don't Be A Dick

2. Don't Spam Threads

3. Keep Foul Language To A Minimum (for the sake of our users who don't want to read that kind of talk)

4. Don't Link Porn or Other Graphic Content

Well, that's the gist of it. If you have any other concerns or rules you think should be added, let me know.

3551024 Seems like some good rules to me

Group Admin

3551034 btw, I read your story, and I really couldn't think of anything wrong with it. :pinkiehappy:

3551039 alright. You should've read the original. It really :pinkiesick:

Comment posted by TheAmazingPeanuts deleted Mar 14th, 2015
Group Admin

3551166 As long as the trolling isn't directed on a personal level. But, if you experience any offensive trolling or whatever, let me know and I'll take care of it.

Also, I'm not particularly active in groups, but I can tell that you and Lumino don't get along. I don't choose sides, so just let me know if you have any problems.

Can you give me an example, though, of a "clueless assumption"? You lost me a bit.

Group Admin

3551179 No, I don't plan to. The only thread I deleted was LK's one when he wanted a couple admins before he disappeared again.

Comment posted by TheAmazingPeanuts deleted Mar 14th, 2015


Keep Foul Language To A Minimum

3551024 Don't worry. I'm pretty sure this place will get louder when Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks comes out.

Group Admin

3551304 That was per request from LK himself. My hands are tied. :twilightoops:

Group Admin

3551401 Oh okay, I get it. Yeah, I see what you're saying. Lumino said he'll keep civil from here on out, but like I said, let me know if there are any further occasions. I want this to be a place where we can talk about Spike in a non-hateful manner. Especially with the new season coming soon.

Group Admin

For the record, I haven't even posted in this thread yet, and he's trying to undermine me. Well, at least you are proactive.

I'M going to say this, and it is to everyone here. If you have an issue with anyone here, you have two options. You can talk to moderation staff, myself or Famous, or you take it to PMs. You don't have to agree with people, you don't even have to like them, but if I see any public attempts to cause drama or insult other uses they will be dealt with, harshly.

If you don't agree with me? Fine. You think I am stupid and petty and childish? Doesn't bother me in the slightest. You keep that crap off of the forums because I don't want people causing drama here. You can accuse me of favoritism, spiting people I don't like, or whatever you think, but I will not tolerate people causing trouble simply for the sake of making waves.

Anything in the past is immaterial. Clean slate, starting right now. If you disagree with someone, do it in a respectful way. If I start seeing personal insults thrown around with the intent to cause crap, I will slam you into the dirt.


You guys are hilarious.

I'll slam you into the dirt/

I died laughing.

Group Admin


I aim to please. :D


4748416 Lol.

At least you chill about it. That's pretty cool.

Group Admin

4748416 bowchicawowow

Group Admin

5093196 Taken care of. I moved it to the appropriate folder.

Comment posted by Silver Butcher deleted Jan 2nd, 2017
Comment posted by Silver Butcher deleted Jan 2nd, 2017

3551024 I really like that first rule

Hey Admins. There's a story called Equestria and The Stranger. It doesn't fit in this group since it doesn't focus on Spike.

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