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A Man Undercover
Group Admin

...and to find more members of some of the character-dedicated groups I founded, as well as to help out the administrators of other character-dedicated groups...

Who around here happens to be a fan of the following characters?

  1. Meadowbrook.
  2. Rockhoof.
  3. Mistmane.
  4. Somnambula.
  5. Flash Magnus.
  6. Stygian.

Stygian kinda blows.

Somnambula and Meadowbrook are interesting, but I feel their roles of Earth pony and Pegasus would be better reversed. Not because it simply coincides with their counterparts Pinkie and Fluttershy, but because it better fits their similarities with their counterparts. Somnambula was a normal pony stepping up to some great task, and Meadowbrook lived as a recluse in the forest (more like she just enjoys the quiet).

A tie between Meadowbrook and Somnambula.

I guess I like the Pillars, yes.

I think you mean "sate" (to satiate or satisfy) your curiosity. To sedate your curiosity would be to put it to sleep, which may have the same effect but is not the same thing :)

Not really a fan of any of them to be honest. That's not to say I don't like them - I just think the show never did enough for them, and I haven't read any fics that would get me into them.

I like Meadowbrook for her earthy, swampy vibe, and the fact that she's a healer and an earth pony who dabbles in the magic arts (or at least in potioneering). Rockhoof is good-hearted and a bit stupid, which isn't a bad thing in my book. Mistmane is nice, but tragically underexplored. Somnambula has the most interesting design and backstory - I mean come on, she's from pony Egypt - but again, no exploration of this character so we don't know. Flash Magnus is cool and his militaristic attitude makes him somewhat unique - this is clearly a character for whom duty and honor comes before all else. And Stygian is a good guy with some darkness in his heart, which is always fun. They're all a good bunch with plenty of potential.


To be honest, I never really thought much about them.

Gonna have to go with Rockhoof on this one.

7340161 I'm a fan of pretty much all of them, and I wish the show had done more with them instead of shunt them aside in favor of yet another alternative mane six.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

So, you mostly just like Rockhoof?

I found them all kind of...meh, really. They didn't blow me away, but they didn't disappoint me. I'm neutral.

Stygian is a underdog i love reading about. Basicly he is 'Goblin Slayer' in mind wile being Spike the assistance level useful in combat.

Perhaps he could join a Changeling Hive? His mind and there strength? Perhaps that is why the mane six are so successful? No plotarmor but Clever Stygian guide Changelings to keep em safe.

I love all of them in their own way.

Rockhoof: Because i am {clears throat} strengthenly challenged, i have always locked up to Rockhoof for inspiration.
Mage Meadowbrook: Simple, she Cajun and i am from Louisiana. And who can't adore her accent.
Somnambula: Her optimism. Like me she is very optimistic. And who can't love her accent.
Mistmane: She is just so generous, willing to give up her beauty to save her friends and family. Also you know she beautiful cause even after she gave it up, she still look nice.
Flash Magnus: I don't see why people don't like him. He is so brave. Diving into a storm cloud and stuff.
Starswirl: uhhhhh. Yeah he was awful at first. But eventually I warmed up to him. I mean he is over a thousand years old so he was probably hurt in some way before being all... well you know.... :Once a villain always a villain.
Stygian: I just admire him because i can identify with him. When people don't listen to me i get in trouble for things i didn't do i get upset. SO i don't blame him. Also it's not his fault he turned evil. He never wanted it. The darkness (probably the same darkness that corrupted Luna) made him evil.

Flash Magus and Rock Hoof because those two are remind me of some movies

I am a fan of Somnambula, Mistmane, and Flash Magnus

Mage Meadowbrook, Mistmane, and Stygian.

Not really a big fan of these characters. Most likely because they weren’t ’ shown much.

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