Admiral Sunset Shimmer 43 members · 2 stories
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Shrink Laureate
Group Admin

An outline of the stories in this verse, both published and in progress. I'll update this when new stories are published.

Published Stories

ELog of the UNS Twilight Sparkle
Two friends separated by centuries and light years.
Shrink Laureate · 1.4k words  ·  283  2 · 4.4k views

Log of the UNS Twilight Sparkle

2481, Salamis

The original story. The moments leading up to first contact.

TFate of the UNS Moon Dancer
New frontiers aren't always safe.
Shrink Laureate · 14k words  ·  204  1 · 2.4k views

Fate of the UNS Moon Dancer

2433, Epsilon Eridani

In her quest to reach Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer must accept that new frontiers aren't always safe.

In Progress

Ghost of the Alicorn


Star Swirl explores a relic that may hold secrets from long in the past.

Mutiny on the HMS Star Swirl

2118, Phobos

Sunset Shimmer visits a space station as unsettled as her own heart.

Voyage of the EQS Ember


A new changeling crewman tries to settle in on a dragon-owned spaceship.

Sunset on Mars

2385-2460, Elysium, Mars

Sunset visits the same place and meets the same man, but they all change over time.


Ward of the State

2433, Elysium, Mars

Sunset tells the story of her immortality.

Princess of the Stars


Twilight Sparkle interviews a promising young candidate.

looking forward to the this keep up the good work

Any updates regarding these stories? Or have you moved on from "space equestria"?

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