Weird Ideas Done Seriously 228 members · 571 stories
Comments ( 15 )
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The SideKick
Group Admin

This will be the official thread for any and all questions regarding the group. If something isn't clear or your not sure what category your story belongs to then this is where you go.

3795835 An in-depth guide to better writing is about when Davenport finds a book in Twilight's library which sends him to a world where he can do anything as long as it conforms to the "rules" of good writing.

The story is a comedy but it still takes itself semi-seriously and I was wondering which group it should go into and whether it should go into a group here at all.

The SideKick
Group Admin

3808206 It fits the glove. I'd recomend putting it in the strange folder and of course the main folder as well.

3808795 Great. I love the group and I've been waiting for a chance to add a story to it. :pinkiehappy:

Hi there.
I've got two stories which may fit for the group:

That's some service!
"The Ritz Charlton Hotel Company has considerable trouble when they finally discover why Canterlot officials keep refusing their construction permit."
The weird idea is that the refusal is based on city statutes forcing the existence of Glory Holes inside every spa or gym.

Not Really a Mare
"A harem world is not a happy one. Genetic testing only makes things worse."
The weird idea is that "A Harem world is not a happy one". Social structures are simply weird to our standards, such as concepts of completely disassociating sex, love and marriage.
The first chapter is about Lyra and the Doctor, a lesbian girl and the best man at her weeding, trying to conceive.
The second chapter is about Applejack taking example of the Flower Sisters and planning to marry both Applebloom and Big Mac.
And still unreleased, but following chapters include Rarity retiring her dresses and tailoring herself a tuxedo, Angel Bunny NOT being an arsehole (despite appearances), and Rainbow deciding to marry Fluttershy despite both of them being straight as arrows.

The SideKick
Group Admin

3870621 That's Some Service would fit in the kinda strange folder while Not Really a Mare would do well in the Strange folder.

I'm not sure where my story would fit into

The SideKick
Group Admin


I'm so sorry about the late reply, this groups been dormant for so long that had stopped checking by while I did other stuff. Do you still need help?

The SideKick
Group Admin


Whats your story?

4564098 Well it's a mature fic called 'Moons of Canterlot High'

The SideKick
Group Admin


let me take a quick look at it and I'll give you a verdict in a little bit.

The SideKick
Group Admin


I only really gave it a quick skim, but I got what I needed. Your story fits in the Normal concepts folder. It starts out normally, just some high school girls mocking each other, but then goes all over the place. Also don't forget to put it in the main folder as well.

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