Cyberpunk Equestria 500 members · 115 stories
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Group Admin

Hello again, everyone. :pinkiehappy: The group has been very silent lately, in no small part due to the ongoing lack of thread notifications, but rest assured I have been doing my best to check in on the group with some degree of regularity. Obviously, since this announcement is about a week overdue, I failed in that regard. :twilightblush: Bear with me here, please, forum activity in general has been rather low of late. In any case, Cyberpunk Equestria just hit the hundred member milestone today. During the group's infancy, I made a habit of leaving individual welcomes to members in the comments of their own user page. I stopped doing this somewhere after the group hit forty members, but I'd like to give a special welcome to everyone who has joined the group in between then and now; especially our lucky hundredth member, Dramacolt. Wilkommen, Freunden. :raritywink:

As was the case when our group had met its twenty member milestone, I didn't make this thread for that announcement alone. For a while now, there's been proposal to the group's policy, as well as a change in administration, that I had originally intended to put off until thread notifications had been reactivated. However, it has been well over a month since we made the changes, and thread notifications are still deactivated, so I'm posting the announcement now for any active members, all of which are welcome to offer input on the following policies. Please note that this is not a vote. Froey and I will have the final say in what, if any adjustments should be made to group policy. We will, however, be making a decision based on member feedback.

First and foremost, Craterfist is no longer an administrator. This is not the result of any sort of squabble, nor did he break any group rules while he was an administrator. He has been demoted simply because he is no longer active on FiMFiction. As a result of Knighty's declaration of a site-wide ban on role play, he has left FiMFiction in favor of managing an off-site forum. While he does still visit FiMFiction on occasion, he can no longer be counted on to administrate our forums, due to inconsistent activity on site.

That said, we are not promoting a new administrator. Not yet, anyway. Froey and I have decided that the group isn't currently large enough to necessitate another administrator just yet. After discussing the issue, we have decided that we will be hiring a new administrator for every hundred members in the group. This means that once the group has more than two hundred members, we will begin to seek out a new administrator. This, as well as a few other amendments, have already been added to the group rules. If you have any doubts about that such a system would be prudent, please voice them. Aside from that, there's also the issue of how new administrators should be chosen. Up to this point, I have been choosing from among friends of mine with experience administrating other groups. While acceptable in the early stages, I have my doubts that members will find this tolerable as the group continues to grow. After all, I am prone to selecting from among good friends of mine, so this system would be prone to nepotism. However, while a vote may be viable in the early stages, it could create its own problems as the group expands. There's also the possibility that people would make choices based more on an individual's popularity within our community rather than on their desire to moderate and improve the group. We're open to suggestions from all of you.

As for contributors, any member who has written a story featured in the group's folders or created an image on our banner/group icon rotation is entitled to contributor status within our group. Keep in mind that, as a result, contributor status is little more than a badge of recognition than anything else. Unlike other groups on FiMfiction, contributors don't have any more authority than standard members. Once again, if you have any grievances with the current system, feel free to voice them.

That's about it, for the moment. We're eager to hear your opinions on this, everyone. :twilightsmile:

Don't worry. Forum activity has been pretty much axed everywhere. I really hope Knighty will get it working sometime soon, because I really don't like the Dashboard. New here, so I don't have any quarrels with you guys.

I really want more cyber ponies.

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