Spike's Harems 1,590 members · 490 stories
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Comment made by KARLOS1234IFY on Path_of_Cloud's fic Conquests of a Dragon

What mare WOULDN'T want to have sex with Spike?
Can you imagine, if Spike was in court because of a crime?

Prosecutor John Law: "Spike, did you BANG my witnesses and the mares of the jury to secure a innocent verdict?!"
Spike: " Uhh...I did no such thing."
Spike: " Shut up, baby! I know it."

Here's my proposition:
12 mares
12 writers (ideal but less would work as well)
1 sexy ass time for a dragon!

After Spike does a stupid crime (I don't know... he jaywalks or he loiters or some stupid shit like that (we can as a group figure this out later)) He is prosecuted to the highest extent of the law death banishment to the moon. However, thanks to some strings pulled by Twilight, the trial is moved back by exactly 12 days. But not before the jury is selected... the ALL Female jury. So in order to save his ass, he needs to woo and sac each mare to secure his safety in court. It sounds a little frat boy at the moment but I'm sure in the talented quills of you guys it can be quite romantic! So here are the rules:

No mane 6 (They would vote for Spike innocence regardless of anything so yeah)
No OC (Want to keep ponies that we know people!)
No dudes (No hate to the M/M shippers, but not for this fic)
Other than that it's free reign! From Gilda, to Luna to Queen Chrysalis! And everypony in between.
First come first serve basis for ships.
should be between 2,000 to 6,000 words.

any other questions or if you're interested then PM me. Hope to see you guys do some stuff!

Definitely sounds like it could be an interesting story.I know you say anypony except the Mane 6 and stallions but don't think having the Princesses would work very well despite how epic it would be. I vote for Gilda and Trixie to be included.

I like it!

Group Admin

I swear I don't put him up to this. It's way more fun to watch and see what he does.

That being said, I should probably be part of this.

Group Admin

1325430 Well I was just trying o be opened ended and not too restrictive. But maybe you're right... but it's too epic to turn down. And as for what to choose, the writer gets to choose when they join like I said. So if you want to write a Trixie or Gilda (or both!) chapter then claim that Spot or find someone to do it.

1325437 IF you like it than join! It's all in good fun!

1325439 I just do things like that kid in Jericho, absolutely no reason for doing it but I do them and it is just glorious. Besides, I would probably just do the opposite of what you said like Thing one and Chocolate Thunda.

And it'd be cool if you'd bless this project with a chapter.

1325355 I'm glad to have come up with the idea.
I will gladly help with this story.
I have few ideas for the jury.
Inkie and Blinkie, Lightning Dust, Flitter, Cloudchaser, Trixie , Aloe, and Lotus.

1325439 Greetings Mr. Cloud.
Can you believe a funny comment I made on one of your amazing stories, is going to be a story.

1325453 Wish I had the ability to actually write fanfics.

This sounds like it is going to be one hell of a hot and funny fic.:rainbowlaugh:
Chrysalis and Gilda should have guaranteed spot in this fic.:moustache:

Arby. Me. Set me up, nigga.

Or that's fine if you've already found your guys.


>should be between 2,000 to 6,000 words.

Only 6,000? That's fucking short for one chapter an author.


Sign me up! I'm down for this.

What're your plans for going about this?

I'd like too but I suck at writing HAHAHA!:rainbowlaugh:
But I guess I could give my two bits, how about Sunset Shimmer be put in the jury since I guess it'll be hard for Spike to please this one(he'll need a challenge) plus it'll be the first fic he is paired with her that I know of.:pinkiehappy:
OH OH OH and Pinkie bailiff! Pinkie bailiff! or Spike's lawyer which ever.

i would read the shit out of this story, it sounds awesome! :pinkiehappy:

1325355 Looks like a challenge. I might like to help, but I if I do romance stories I like to do Romantic Comedies with no clop in them. Just to let you know.

Would we be able to have more then 12 (The scenario mentioned witnesses). Obviously we'd need to nail down who's in on this and a basic storyline to start with, if only as a line-up of who writes when (I for one would need to see what those before me have to write something that fits in), and we may need to discuss certain things about the story and it's contents (Is it anthro? Humanized? Is Spike, for lack of a better term, 'Dual Wielding'?)

Otherwise, I'd be interested, maybe Gilda or Flue De Lis (Although the OP's avatar makes me wonder if we could R63 some characters...)

1325453 Oh sweet baby raptor Wunas nipples this will be a insta fave :pinkiegasp:

By the time I would say yes, the spots would be all filled up.

1325355 Well I would love to take part in this, but due to my old laptop breaking down and the current one I'm using is slow as Hell, that's not going to happen at all sadly. :fluttercry:

However, I do have 12 mares in mind for this story and I'd like to hear feedback about each of them.

1: Gilda
2: Trixie
3 Zecora
4: Princess Luna
5: Cheerilee
6: Flitter
7: Cloudchaser
8: Spitfire
9: Nurse Redheart
10: Aloe
11: Lotus
12:Lightning Dust

So how about those choices? Love to hear about the feedback please. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

At the moment we still have plenty of room in the collab, and I've also decided that if we get enough writers, I'll add three 'witnesses' for Spike to have to score with as well in order to have them take back their testimony.
Also, changing the limit to 7,500 instead of 6,000. If it's a little over or then that's fine, the point being though I don't want the chapters to be too long. This is for time purposes purely. If you talk to me we can maybe give you a little leeway but otherwise just write until your fingers bleed.

At the moment we still have room in the collab, the ones who have confirmed that they're in are SparityLoveisForever and 1325439 1325486>>1325574>>1325585>>1325699(you can write SFW chapter)

People who I feel are on the fence and should join are 1325703>>1325813 and 1326006(you could do one of the last entries to give you the most time to write. And who knows, your PC could get better by the time it's done.)

Now I need your guy's ponies that you want to do. please respond to this and tell me what pony YOU want to do, It's first come first serve so PM quickly!
SparityLoveisForever: Ms. Harshwinny
Path_of_cloud: Lyra Heartstrings and Bonbon
KARLOS1234IFY: Lightning Dust
Arby Works: Nurse Redheart (going 2nd)
Vexy: Queen Chrysalis
Riddleja: The Great & Powerful Trixie (going 4th)
Bloody Brandy: Gilda (going 7th)
DarkDMan: Mayor Mare
[space 10]
[space 11]
[space 12]
[possible space]
[possible space]
[possible space]

1325489>>1325599>>1325606>>1325706 you guys should join! For some of you it'd be a great place to start the writing and you'll never know if you can do it if you tried. And some of you I see have actually written and I think could make a great contribution!

1326782 Well the problem for me is that my computer's warranty ran out, so I have to buy a new one. But I need to first pull some money out before buying the one I want to have.

And if I do decide to go with this, I think maybe I'll do either Spitfire, or Gilda. But don't add me to the list yet please.

Group Admin

1326899 I won't. Good luck with the new computer!


I've gotta choose a mare?

Sheesh. So many to choose from. I guess I'm down for any of them as long as it ain't no filthy super-background pony that no one's ever heard of. :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin

1326943 So... you would do say, Queen Chrysalis?



Hmm, I guess you're challenging me there. I won't question why she's on the jury. :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin

1327079 I'd imagine she'd be disquised as a pony, and when Spike goes to screw her she transforms.

so is that a yes?


Oh, that'd be most interesting, indeed. :moustache:

You have my moustache, sir, and also my yes. :twilightsmile:

1326782 Alrighty then.

Group Admin

1327159 And it's claimed!

1327274 Sweet! What pony do you want to do (no pun intended)

1326782 I'm on Hiatus For a little while but Ill see what I can do. :pinkiesad2:

If she can be one of the later jury members, or maybe a witness, I'll take Gilda.

I'd still like to know some of the specs, though, like if Spike is older/bigger, if it's anthro or not, etc., maybe make a specs sheet to pass to the collaborators for Spike.

1327406 Either Trixie or Lightning Dust.

1325355 I really can't wait to see what stories come out of this! :pinkiehappy:

1327406 I'll try Trixie.

Group Admin


Alright, so here's an update that I know what you guys have been wanting, there are a few things that we need to discuss regarding the story now that most of you (still waiting on you KARLOS for your mare pick) so some criteria to follow. This is fairly up to debate but I still think the ideas are sound. So anyways:

Spike is an 'adult' my the pony standards, as are any fillies that may be in this as well. I want to avoid Foalcon if at all possible, I think we can all agree on that.

These are normal traditional ponies. If it's unanimous that we want say anthro of human then we'll do that but I think it'd be fine as ponies.

Now as for the order that we do this can be done one of two ways: It can work as a first come first serve basis, or we can agree on an order. This is something we need to discuss, and I want to know your opinion.

Another issue that we have is that we don't have enough collaborators, The way it is now, I will now give you all the option to decide if you want to do TWO entries. So if you had a hard time choosing between two ponies, well... now you can have the best of both worlds! Or, if anyone wants to spread the word that we're doing this and they want to get in, please do so! If we don't get enough collaborators for this I fear I may have to cancel the project.

Now for the setup. Since I'm allowing you guys to write all the saucy scenes, I was going to write the setup and the epilogue for this. Basically, we need a list of small infractions of the law that Spike will break, things like 'littering and loitering' are the right idea. The sillier the crime the better. In the end, Spike will be sent to court to one of the most stupidest courts ever, and thanks to his friends, the final sentence will be withheld for twelve days. That's when Spike gets his idea from Twilight to sex the ponies. Cue you guys.

If you have any suggestions then please tell me as I literally pulled this out of my ass last night.


No lollygaggin'.

1350423 Maybe Menacing could be a charge, some dick-head stallion with a prejudice doesn't like the idea of a dragon among ponies (Maybe someone like Jet Set, if only because his initial reactions to Rarity may be a good indicator, plus it would be funny if someone did Upper Crust as a jury member). It's a charge that can be minor misdemeanor or felony and, technically, spike could be counted as having a weapon (Fire, claws, you know, dragon stuff)

Plus, as jury members, it might be a good idea to just chooses our order first, so we can have an idea of how long we have (I call 7)

1350423 Alrighty then, but I'm more of a clean writer.

Group Admin

1350423 One: You are so not getting out of writing a clop scene, slacker.

Two: We need a set order so that the chapters can have continuation. Everyone should be reading every chapter before theirs before they write.

Three: We need a title. I suggest "Twelve Pleasured Mares" a parody title on Twelve Angry Men, a famous play/movie about 12 jurors.

Fourth: Make Blueblood the judge and have all of the main 6 practically hang off Spike to get him jealous and mad so that he has the ridiculous charge.

Fifth: Might want to hold off on giving away double spots till we have the current ones finished as we have some people still in the air and we might have more appear before then.

I'm sure the others have some thoughts they'd like to throw in,


I definitely think order of mares is something that should be determined once all the mares are set, And is something vitally important to a story like this. If double slots become necessary I'd like to place my own vote for having to Octavia in chapter separate from Ms Harshwhinny.

1351531That is brilliant Mr. Cloud. :moustache:

Group Admin

I'd be willing to give up my slot if we get enough collaberators, and I'll choose last so newcomers can have first choice. I don't mind doing this. I'll put a blog post asking for people to join this as well, and I would appecaite if others would do the same. Like I said, the more the merrier!

So I guess we'll come up with a set order, but like I said if we don't get the people to do this, then we can't really move forward.

So who wants to go when? At the moment, Bloody Brandy wants to go seventh.

1352003 Maybe try getting forum posts on some of the other Spike pairing based groups, too.

Group Admin

1352023 was just about to do that

I'm going second. Somebody else can suffer first chapter.

As for thoughts... well, this is more of a question. How much should be smutty goodness, how much should be criminal trial, and how much should be Spike hunting down and screwing the juror? If you don't tell me, you're gonna get 6,000 words alone for all three of my points. ('o_o)

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Hey, which one of you guys would want to do a threesome?

Group Admin

1352200 that's up to you, but if you need some guidelines, then I'd say 40-50% buildup, 50-60% clop

1352258 I don't think I could, my plans for Gilda are kinda a one-on-one thing

Group Admin

1351956>>1351854 oops forgot to ask you guys, would one of you guys wanna write a threeway?

1352271 Alright, 50/50.

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