• Member Since 2nd Jan, 2019
  • offline last seen 13 hours ago

Alicia Van Hammer

Lore-keeper for The Discordian Temple. Nonsense Non-servium. Ave Discord.

More Blog Posts12

  • 115 weeks
    I Got A Question For Y'all

    Hey and How Do. :heart:

    It's been a tick since I've posted up on here- not for lack of content or ideas, that's to be sure. :pinkiesad2: Still, sorry about that. The world can be a pretty rough place and anytime you get a chance to uplift folkes, spread some joy and give something back, I feel it's a good idea to do so. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 🌈 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 So I need to get off my rump and get to it.

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    0 comments · 133 views
  • 150 weeks
    Making THE Call

    Hey, just finished up the cover image for a last-minute change of gears story! Hopefully I can squeeze it in as part of the charity drive for Pride and Positivity. I hope y'all like it, maybe give you a happy for the day.

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  • 152 weeks
    Fiddling Around At The Hootenanny

    Hey all y'all wonderful ponies! Just wanted to drop y'all a note wishing every one of y'all a Happy PRIDE Month. I hope y'all are safe, warm, have something in your belly and know that you're loved, wherever you are and whatever circumstances you're in.

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    0 comments · 141 views
  • 193 weeks

    I know things are REALLY scary right now for anypony out there who's paying attention to the state of the world- scary, sad and likely more than a little infuriating. Outside of something regrettably stupid, not much to do for it so, here's a bit of happy I sketched up today instead.

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    4 comments · 194 views
  • 201 weeks
    More Love is The Order of The Day

    So, my health is on the mend and my hand is finally hurting little enough to get back to art-ing it up. Barring some rather depressing biz in the world today, time to get back to putting in work.

    Of all the mess of stories I need to post, I decided it was time to give this one a go. Here's the cover art for it. I hope it gives y'all a happy.

    Big love to ya, everypony.

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    1 comments · 185 views

WHAP! · 4:58am Sep 20th, 2020

I know things are REALLY scary right now for anypony out there who's paying attention to the state of the world- scary, sad and likely more than a little infuriating. Outside of something regrettably stupid, not much to do for it so, here's a bit of happy I sketched up today instead.

BIG LOVE to all y'all and always hold tight to what PRIDE means.

Ave DIscordia

Comments ( 4 )

Love that drawing haha

I'm glad you enjoy. :)

Though it seems something has gone wrong -at least on my end- and now it's only appearing as a little box, rimmed in red displaying "NXDOMAINresolvinghost". I'm not really computer savvy so I've no idea what this means.


Me neither. I can't see it either.

Do you have the pic saved elsewhere?

Thank you for the reply. I have the sketch in my art folders on the desktop- though the URL I used is from another art sire I post on as well. The image is still fine there.

I tried re-uploading it and it seems to be fine now, so I dunno.

I looked over the Fimfic rules to see if there was something new about posting from that site or something and I can't find any reason why the image would have been removed by or blocked by some admin- though it would seem really odd if that was the case and they just do that and don't inform you that they have or why.

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