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  • 290 weeks
    Arrow 18 dramatic reading for Flight Recorder log now up.

    It's been a long time coming, but I'm happy to announce that 'A.F.R.T. 11252257:054557' has gone up at Nimbus Productions.

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  • 321 weeks
    Teaser/Preview: MLBB II: 'Race The Sunset'

    Spitfire blinked in relative silence, not sure exactly what to say before the smallest of the three Stalliongrad pegasi jerked his head up, squinting at the approaching dusk.

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  • 326 weeks
    She's coming back...

    I haven't worked on this story in... Six years?
    So I figure... "I really, REALLY need to finish this last chapter. I mean, it's the LAST chapter and it's been sitting for YEARS!"

    So I've had the document open, for two weeks now, trying to recapture my 'voice' from six years back.

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  • 354 weeks
    Just a random story prompt...

    If anyone's interested in writing a 3 to 5 thousand word short, be my guest. But I wanted to write out the prompt of sorts that popped into my head today.

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  • 394 weeks
    Instant full body flush, just add vitamins...

    Tagging FtFoNR because medical shenanigans...

    So, interesting experience today. I'd like to think I know how to handle dealing with vitamins and supplements. I do my research, I check safe doses, antagonists, read warnings.

    But sometimes, something just slips through in a moment of complacency.

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Arrow 18 dramatic reading for Flight Recorder log now up. · 6:47pm Nov 4th, 2018

It's been a long time coming, but I'm happy to announce that 'A.F.R.T. 11252257:054557' has gone up at Nimbus Productions.

This particular 'chapter' is of special note to me because I specifically asked Kovabomb to let me do the audio editing for it back when he first approached me to do the dramatic reading. I had a very clear image in my head of how this segment proceeded, and wanted control of the details.

So, they finally got to this chapter at the beginning of 2018. Once the initial lines were sorted out, it was turned over to me to do audio effects and mastering.

Who did what? Well, the various voices and Kovabomb himself did all their voice work as requested, and Kovabomb did the initial alignment and layout of the lines with preliminary audio mastering. From there, I took over, creating effects ranging from the 'distortions' caused by the translation spell, alignment to effects sequences, details of effects sequences, implementation of music, levels, alterations of voices, alignment, and even subtle details. All topped off with final audio mastering.

My personal favorite detail ended up being the mach count after Throttle Up. The count IS actually at 3 Gs. (12 seconds between mach intervals). There ended up being some shuffling and outright deletion of a few pieces of unimportant lines to keep alignment, but they were a small sacrifice to get everything aligned as desired. Overall, I enjoyed the entire sequence, and I hope those who listen to this find a good Subwoofer for that throttle up to 105%. I feel the need for Gs every time I put it on in the car.

Comments ( 27 )

Wow it has been a while.

Arn #2 · Nov 4th, 2018 · · ·

It was wonderful...really enjoyed the audio.
You made a good point that they were in too much a hurry.
...really would like to read Twilight's perspective.

I’m very pleased with how things turned out for this chapter. You did a wonderful job with the final mixing, my friend. Now it’s time to get back into the editing process for the next chapter. Hopefully it will not take so long, as it is clear that people really like what we and those at Nimbus have created.

Awesome audio! Glad to see you still care about this universe after all this time!

...still waiting for a continuation of Sparkle's Notes, though :twilightblush:

I love this series but it was this chapter I was especially looking forward too!

I hope there will be more!

It was really worth the short waiting period. Though I think the initial Baumkuchen might ran away on legs.
Just get yourself a new one. Yes A whole Baumkuchen for you all!

A big thanks to yourself and Kovabomb.
Glad you found a VA for the job.

D'awww... After he chews her out the second time (about the recalibration) Twi sounds like a kicked puppy, I felt bad for her.

That was great!

That was really well done. I swear the sound felt like I was on the Spaceship Earth ride at Epcot.

So so happy to hear the next chapter. 😎


I just hit the button marked Bass Boost. Only last a few seconds, but on the pad, those few seconds are all you need. :pinkiecrazy:

Now, if you excuse me, apparently someones just invented 3D printed graphene foam which Ive been waiting for the last 30 years. So much cheap SSTO and return fun. :moustache:

I treat the scrams like the SSMEs from the Space Shuttle, where in full available power was not actually 100 percent. It's explained in a Wikipedia article on said engine.

Engine throttle/output

The most obvious effects of the upgrades the RS-25 received through the Space Shuttle program were the improvements in engine throttle. Whilst the FMOF engine had a maximum output of 100% RPL, Block II engines could throttle as high as 109% or 111% in an emergency, with usual flight performance being 104.5%. These increases in throttle level made a significant difference to the thrust produced by the engine:[8][26]

Specifying power levels over 100% may seem nonsensical, but there was a logic behind it. The 100% level does not mean the maximum physical power level attainable, rather it was a specification decided on during engine development—the expected rated power level. When later studies indicated the engine could operate safely at levels above 100%, these higher levels became standard. Maintaining the original relationship of power level to physical thrust helps reduce confusion, as it created an unvarying fixed relationship so that test data (or operational data from past or future missions) can be easily compared. If the power level was increased, and that new value was said to be 100%, then all previous data and documentation would either require changing, or cross-checking against what physical thrust corresponded to 100% power level on that date.[12] Engine power level affects engine reliability, with studies indicating the probability of an engine failure increasing rapidly with power levels over 104.5%, which was why power levels above 104.5% were retained for contingency use only.[31]

Thus, Throttle on the Raven is set up in a similar matter. The throttle can go up to 110%, with maximum 'sustained' throttle being 105% This is of course, all entirely background story fluff.


I was thinking more lije the detailed power capabilities of the Olympus engines. Not only did they have 100% nominal power, with 140% or so available at double ? the fuel consumption afterburner, but there were increased power level durations from the compressor limitations, like 20 minutes at 105%, and 4 seconds at 115% or so. I think it was to deal with shock surges and bird strikes or organic combustible injestion?

FWIW, the actress playing Twilight, if she adopted a slight Brooklyn-style accent, would be how I imagine Cherry Berry's voice for CSP/Maretian.

Kova!! Just wanted to tell you that although I first read this story a few years ago, I somehow didn't discover the audiobook until a few weeks ago. Your excellent delivery made me feel like I was hearing this story for the first time all over again! I binged the audio version in one day, and I was ecstatic when I got the notification about the new chapter -- you (and everyone at Nimbus) have done a phenomenal job of bringing the Admiral's story to life, and I can't wait to hear how the rest of the book turns out! :twilightsmile:

Is there an album of these? I can't really find the others by tags, either?


Just go directly to the story. I've been placing the dramatic reading links at the top of each chapter.


Next chapter is up on Nimbus but there is no link-up in the next chapter head.


Are you seriously working stuff like that?


30 years ago I was doing a Low Degree cource in Polymer Science and Technology. We were going through how to design materials at the atomic level, just that assembling the chemistry was fairly new in public uses, such as silicones, so people treated materials like they treated home computers. 4 chips is all she wrote, instead of Voyager style etc with a whole bunch of stuff doing different things in harmony, because it was that much more complex to work through, and patent.

I just watched the Open University where they turned a bamboo skewer into a 2 inch square spaceframe that could take 20 times the origional load because the material could me more closely loaded to its theoretical possible strength, and Buckyballs had just been announced, so I was thinking, in 20 years or so, could we have Sierpinsky Gaskets formed of Buckyballs, and what would that material be like?


Buckyball I have heard of...not that familiar. I was around I think when they were putting buckyballs in shampoo and other product for who know what reason...are there places on a buckyball for others to attach? I think I remember they had divots or holes....
What strikes me is your comment about bamboo...
Dear Lord. I never though a rocket could be anything other than metal as a child...never though composite, fiberglass was just coming to the edge of imagination when I started thinking of rockets.
And now?
We could actually make a habitable spaceship out of wood/bamboo.

I'd been sitting on the last couple recordings for way too long, but I just wanted to say how much I enjoy listening to them. A good performance for a good story.

Is it just me, or does the guy doing the voice sound a lot like Jeffrey Combs?

One of the really great touches was the click click click click click sound of Randy hammering that cutoff switch when the SCRAMs went screwy.

Are you still writing stories?

Hey bud! Are there any plans to continue recording this audio series? I find myself returning to this series at least once a year, and it would be awesome to have some fresh chapters recorded!

I have never listened to these... might need to change that to satisfy my addiction for your work.

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