• Member Since 6th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen Mar 16th, 2020

The Corn

Hi, I'm the Corn.

More Blog Posts56

  • 261 weeks

    Life. Stress. People. Houses. College. Grades. AGH!

    Sorry! Kinda left the brony fandom... Please don't kill me though, I still like the show and everything but I don't think I've seen any further episodes than season 7 (or was it 8???) and don't have a clue where anything's at anymore?????

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    0 comments · 226 views
  • 285 weeks
    Can someone please review my review???

    Okie so I've joined my college newspaper team and they've asked me to do book reviews so in short I just want somebody read the review I've written and let me know what they think :rainbowlaugh:

    It's not due in until the new year so there's no massive rush, but it would be much appreciated just to have some feedback before my first publish :twilightsheepish:

    Thanks, Corn

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    0 comments · 284 views
  • 286 weeks
    I want an orange for Christmas

    That's it. That's the blog.

    Enjoy your day.



    12 comments · 322 views
  • 287 weeks
    I miss talking to people

    I mentioned in one of my last blog posts that I'm staying with my Grandad every weekend. We live in the middle of nowhere, really, just fields and farm land. There's not many people here, and those that do live here tend to be rather elderly. I don't really know where I'm going with this, but the bottom line is I don't have anyone to talk to out here. It's the main reason why I came back to

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    6 comments · 315 views
  • 288 weeks
    Am I... A furry?!

    Soooo it's past midnight, I should be asleep, but yaknow I have this pressing matter which I feel inclined to blog about... An issue far greater than any I have faced before... Issue being that I could be a furry...

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I am back, back again... · 5:54pm Mar 18th, 2017

HELLO! I is The Corn and I is back....... Again. SO in my last blog I said that I had not fallen off the face of the Earth, and I can re-confirm, I still have not fallen off the face of the Earth. I've just been VERY busy recently and have been finding it very hard trying to keep up with fimfiction with everything going on in my life. But anyway, I'll try to keep it updated as much as possible, and I've recently been looking back and checking through all ofmy groups and stories etc... Yesterday, I updated my story 'The Other Alicorn' and I aim to update 'My Top Secret Diary' by the end of the day and 'The Shipping Game' by next week. I KNOW that in my last blog I said that the stories should be updated by December, and now it's the middle of March, and I'm so sorry about that but I had no idea what was about to happen in my life and a lot of stuff happened that was unplanned and as I said, it's been difficult keeping up with fimfiction because I've had to prioritise other things. I'm so sorry for not updating in so long and I'm sorry if my stories do not get updated by the times I said they would but I can't give an exact date, just an approximation, and as you've probably learnt by now, I'm not exactly the best person for meeting deadlines and I'm so sorry about that. The only thing I can do is try harder...

I'm also working on a few NEW stories at the moment too: 'Hallucinations', 'Princess Of The Changelings' and 'The Crystal Heart', though I've made the decision not to post these until they are complete.

As for my groups, here's all the info you might need about those:

I've been checking through the forums on Advertisments and I have found a lot of posts that are nothing to do with MLP. These posts shall be taken down. I've also been looking at the comments on the forums and it all looks okay so far, I can't seem to find any nasty or rude comments, so thank you everyone for being so nice. (Basically, thanks for not being ar:yay::yay:holes). I'm also going to be checking through the story folders and making sure they're all in the right places, if they're not they will be moved into the correct folders. But please, put the stories into the correct folders to begin with, it just helps a lot because I don't have to take time going through all the stories and placing them into the right folders. A forum explaining the rules in more detail shall be posted later on because I think that there has been some confusion. Lastly, I shall be checking on the Advertisements Group Collab and I apologise for not contributing to it as much as I should, especially since it was my idea to have the collab in the first place. I kinda feel as though I've just dumped it on everyone who's involved with it, so I'm ever so sorry about that.

Discord Group: Advertisements Group Collab
As I said, I'm sorry for not contributing all that much to the collab but I will be checking on the collab and the group and everything as soon as possible.

The Crystal Corn's and The Derpy Appreciation Society

These are the first two groups I made, and with them being the first two they're not very large or well-updated groups, but they're still groups nevertheless and I shall be checking on them, posting forums and making sure that they're both running smoothly.

I also made this group quite a while ago Pre-reading, Proof-Reading And Editing but I never actually got around to doing anything with it, so the group is essentially just an empty shell. BUT I would like to re-vamp the group and start it up propely, though if I am to do this I'm going to need some help. With the group being designed specifically for pre-reading, proof-reading and editing, I'm going to need some pre-readers, proof-readers and editors to help me out. So, if you would like to be a pre-reader, proof-reader or editor for the group, let me know.

One word story game groups
I also created a couple of groups for playing the one word story game so if you fancy some fun, check it out! There's also a NSFW version

SO, thank you for reading and thanks for your patients. Bye!

The Corn, Signing out.

Comments ( 507 )

Welcome back! :pinkiehappy:


4461456 I don't know whether that was my fault making a typo or whether it was autocorrect but I'll blame autocorrect anyway... :facehoof:
But there again, I could have been actually thanking people for their patients... You never know :trixieshiftright::trollestia:

You could, but you wouldn't be thanking me for anything because I don't have any patients. :derpytongue2:

4461484 Not anymore you don't.

Touché. :moustache: However, I intended to say that I really haven't ever had any patients.

4461498 Well, where on Earth have these lot came from then?! :rainbowderp:

:moustache: *come

Somebody else, apparently. I'm no doctor. :trollestia:

4461498 You said the funny word!!!


I love that word!!! :pinkiehappy:

Hey The Corn! Welcome back weirdo!!! :pinkiehappy:

4461537 Thanks....... I guess.......

4461541 I'm not weird...

I'm just mad :rainbowlaugh:

:rainbowlaugh: I suppose it is a funny word. It's used in English far often for its figurative significance than its literal meaning in French.

I take it you already know it's a reference to fencing.


Ya ha! I'm actually learning french :rainbowwild: but i love that word :rainbowwild: it's my favourite!

4461546 :pinkiecrazy:

4461560 I find it weird talking about Cupcakes on here, because if we mention Cupcakes anywhere else, nobody ever understands what we mean, and they think we're just talking about innocent Cupcakes, but on fimfiction most people know what we're talking about. Oh, the references! :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

Gotcha! :pinkiesmile: I took Spanish myself. I only know a couple words, most of which are phrases that either appear in English or were lyrics in songs I've learned. :pinkiecrazy: I don't really know the mechanics of French.

4461585 I took Spanish too - I never really got very far, but I can say this:
Me gusta comer helado y galletas pero no gambas.
... Not much help really.

Opino que la comprensión es más importante que el hablar. :derpytongue2:

4461569 I know right! :pinkiecrazy:

4461585 French is easy once you got the basics down :pinkiehappy:

4461611 You're doing great! :pinkiehappy: better than me, i can't speak, only read and understand so you're doing perfectly fine :rainbowwild:

I'd say the same of Spanish. The rules are pretty hard and fast, and the exceptions are few and relatively easier to remember when compared to English.

4461624 Si, estoy de acuerdo porque una vez dije 'tu tiene bonito pescado ojos' y es mal... :facehoof:

4461635 Yepi! :rainbowwild:

You guys wanna know something? :rainbowlaugh: i'm crazy enough to want to pick up on my japanese learning again :rainbowlaugh:

4461638 How many languages you learning?

4461639 Learning? Only french because i stopped Japanese a while back, to consentrate on other things. I've learned English, Brazilian, (if you count it) Spanish, french and obviously my own lanuage Portugese :rainbowwild: it's not that many :pinkiehappy:


"bonito pescado ojos" y es mal

:rainbowlaugh: Quedo en eso. No me gustaría tener los ojos de un pez muerto preparado para comer. No me gusta el imagen.

Recuerdo que yo decía varios pensamientos muy insanos como "¿Dónde están los bomberos de espaguetis?".
"En ninguna parte, Daniel. No existen." :rainbowwild:

4461642 WAIT... You already know Spanish?! And does Brazil have it's own language? :rainbowhuh: I thought that they spoke Portugese too! Unless it's slightly different like English and American, same basic language but a few words change.

A friend of mine was trying to learn Japanese at the same time we were in Spanish together. They kind of let it go since it was just because they liked anime, but a friend of mine I met in college actually know both pretty well.

4461648 Its the latter, but their accent is a heck of a lot more different than ours :rainbowlaugh:

I know spanish, but i can't spotaniously speak it if that's what you mean :rainbowwild: I can read and understand fine though :rainbowlaugh:


"¿Dónde están los bomberos de espaguetis?".
"En ninguna parte, Daniel. No existen."

Me rei tanto.


Not that many

:ajsmug: Don't sell yourself short there. Being a polyglot is not something many people really manage.

4461651 I'm seriously considering learning it again :rainbowlaugh: I've worked out my timetable, but i have this massive gap in it and there's nothing extra for me to do :rainbowlaugh:

4461653 OHHHH. So, if you see it written down you can figure out what it says, but if you tried speaking to someone in Spanish you would struggle?

4461658 it's just not that many in my standered :rainbowdetermined2: i wanna know a minimum of 10 before i can call myself good enough. :rainbowwild:

¡Bueno! :pinkiehappy: Misión completa.

It doesn't hurt to, I guess. :twilightsheepish: I don't really have time for that.

4461664 I'll figure it out :rainbowwild: can't be a japanese potato if i don't know the lanuage!! :rainbowlaugh:

4461662 10?! Well that would be incredible if you could, an extremely useful too. But I think that Spanish, French, English AND Portugese is STILL quite a lot. I mean, I only speak English and a small amount of Spanish... You know 3 more languages than I do!!!

Your goal is to become a potato?! :rainbowderp:


4461676 After years of knowing MagicalShield, I think it's best to just roll with it, she's like a human PinkiePie, you just don't question it...

4461676 I already am!!! :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowwild:

Wanna join potato world?? :rainbowwild:

4461671 Technically knowing those lanuages is sorta cheeting considering they're all latin based... :rainbowlaugh: japanese isn't latin based, neither is chinese, so they're gonna be a crap ton harder to learn (Considering Japanese has 4 different alphabets... :rainbowlaugh: )

4461689 Latin based or not they're still different languages and so it's not cheating...

:rainbowderp: Something tells me this is an invitation that is highly inadvisable to decline. Might've something to do with your remark about Cupcakes earlier.

Those same friends of mine did tell me that Japanese has a lot of parallels with Spanish, though.

Then I won't. :pinkiesmile: I just wasn't expecting that.

4461699 Expect the unexpected... And watch out for those human PinkiePie's with their suspicious Cupcake references...

:trixieshiftleft: Entendido. :trixieshiftright: Pues, recuerdo un comentario similar y sospechoso.

4461715 ?cual comentario?

4461696 I count it as cheeting because why not :rainbowwild:

4461699 I like cupcakes :rainbowwild: NO, NOT THE ONES PINKIE MAKES!!!

But we're normal society, Right
4461569 ???

:rainbowderp: Ay. . .
Mmm. :coolphoto:
Sólo recuerdo la existencia de aquél comentario. roundstable.com/forums/images/smilies/liarjack.gif

So, not like the White Glove Society from Fallout: New Vegas? :duck:

4461729 Never even heard of that :rainbowlaugh:

They're a group of people trying to live an upper-class lifestyle in a post-nuclear-apocalyptic world. They live as gourmets, but all the food in their establishment is made from human meat, so they're all technically cannibals.

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