• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen May 12th


A guy who did pony stuff at one point.

More Blog Posts194

  • 25 weeks
    In Retrospect: Ponies and Cage / The Beasts of Tartarus

    Why yes, it has been 24 weeks since my last retrospective blog post, but who was counting anyway? I'm back for another round and that's what matters!

    Once again, I'll be taking a look at my past work and posing the question of... why? Will I know the answer? Probably not, but keep reading to find out! Today I'll be looking at Ponies and Cage and The Beasts of Tartarus!

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    4 comments · 120 views
  • 48 weeks
    In Retrospect: Feeling the Beat / Equestrian Hearts

    Welcome, one and all, to the third edition of In Retrospect, in which a washed up fanfic author reviews his ten year old stories!

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    5 comments · 168 views
  • 49 weeks
    In Retrospect: Legacy of the Sun / My Little WTF

    Greetings, champion! Bet you didn't think I'd actually continue this, did you? Bet you thought I'd go and disappear for two years again? Honestly, wouldn't blame you, there's a bit of a precedent for it. But last time was fun, I wanna keep doing it! So, what's on the docket today?

    Ah. I see.

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    10 comments · 154 views
  • 49 weeks
    In Retrospect: The 63rd Rune

    Hello, hey, hi, what's up, how's it going! It's me, Alexstrazsa, aka that guy who was deeply involved with the fandom but is now washed up, irrelevant, out of touch, and probably no one remembers him. That guy!

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    14 comments · 348 views
  • 160 weeks
    Contrary to popular belief, I am not dead.

    Yo, what's up everyone? How's it going. I'm here with my... what year is it? Ah, yes, 2021.

    I'm here with my annual blog post, because let's be real, I've been disconnected from this fandom since like 2016. But I was digging through a lot of old screenshots I had, and had a lot of fond memories of my time in the MLP fandom.

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Original Outlines for The 63rd Rune · 5:22pm Jun 6th, 2016

I was poking through my hard drive and discovered the original outlines I had for The 63rd Rune. I figured I'd share them.

Chapter 2(?):

- Main cast goes to collect things
- RD flies to cloud house
- Rarity goes to boutique
- Finds suits instead of dresses
- Sweetie Bell calls her "Elusive"
- Elusive tells SB she needs to watch the boutique
- Applejack goes to farm
- Greeted by Applebloom, still called Applejack
- Big Mac asks where Applejack went
- Applejack acts as normal possible
- Explains he needs to go to Canterlot for business
- Big Mac and Applebloom help him pack
- Pinkie Pie goes to Sugarcube Corner
- Greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Cake
- Fluttershy goes to cottage
- Animals don't recognize her
- Has to convince Angel to let her in the house
- Gathers things and leaves
- Tells animals he'll be normal soon
- Cast returns to the library
- Twilight gets map of Equestria
- They plan route to Canterlot
- Fairly straightfoward, but very long
- They double check supplies, then leave
- RD gets hit on as they walk through Ponyville
- Doesn't quite know how to react
- Cast leaves Ponyville
- While walking, begin discussing new bodies
- Rarity enjoys the feel and new look
- Rainbow Dash starts to like the attention
- Pinkie Pie likes her voice and mane
- Applejack enjoys the strength
- Twilight and Fluttershy want to go back to normal
- They travel until it gets dark out
- Decide to set up camp for the night
- Discuss what they'll do if this is permanent
- Twilight assures them it'll get fixed
- Cast goes to sleep, not quite convinced

Chapter 3:

- They wake up early for breakfast
- Pinkie somehow gathered food
- After a quick meal, they pack up and leave
- Eventually, they arrive at the mountain path to Canterlot
- They reach the gates of Canterlot and enter the city
- They approach the castle, the guards let them pass
- Go to the throne room
- Celestia greets them, commenting their look
- Twilight presents the book
- Celestia reads over the spell
- Recognizes it as very old experimental magic
- No pony was ever able to successfully cast it
- Celestia asks them to follow her into the library
- Celestia gets an ancient book locked in a dusty case
- She translates a forgotten language
- Tells cast they need special ingrediants from around Equestria
- The ingrediants include:
- A feather of the late Pegaus King
- An artifact of gender from the castle of the sisters
- A vial of magic from old canterlot
- Group asks where they can get the ingrediants
- They must talk to the pegasus king
- Return to the temple of the solar sisters
- Find the pool of magic within Old Canterlot
- Group decides they will begin the journey tomorrow
- Thank the Princess for her help
- Group leaves the castle and goes to an inn
- They order dinner and talk amongst themselves
- Dash gets awkwardly hit on some more
- After a laugh, the group go up to their rooms and sleep

Chapter 4:

- Cast meets downstairs
- Asks Blitz about Octavia
- Says they literally talked
- Innkeeper says goodbye
- Cast leaves
- Go back to Canterlot Castle
- Dusk uses orb to speak to Celestia
- Celestia tells them how to get to Old Canterlot
- Gain entry to castle
- Head to the lower levels
- A large sealed door awaits them
- Dusk and Elusive use their magic to open it
- Cast enters Old Canterlot
- A hallway leads them to a large cavern
- A city and old castle is in it
- Everything crumbling and decaying
- Cast makes their way to castle
- Enter castle, try to find royal library
- Find library wing
- Need to bypass traps
- Pressure plates
- Switch puzzle
- Magic shields
- Enter library
- Find pool of magic nearly drained
- Dusk takes vial and fills it
- Cast leaves
- As they exit, hear sharp cracking
- Castle and city begin to break
- Try to escape
- Barely make it out
- They bring the vial to Celestia
- Decide to head to Cloudsdale
- Celestia gives them a royal balloon
- Cast enters and begins flight

Chapter 6:

- they get there, object missing
- Dusk mentally panics
- they all look for the object
- after plenty of searching and no result, dusk snaps
- claims the whole thing is his fault
- he never should have tried the spell
- their lives will be ruined forever
- he doesn't deserve to be an element of harmony
- while being upset, he hits the throne
- it moves slightly
- Elusive notices and points it out
- AJ and Blitz push on the throne, opening a compartment
- between the thrones
- the artifact is in it
- They all tell Dusk it's okay, comfort him
- Dusk realizes they're close to the end
- they need to hurry back to the balloon
- all agree, leave the castle
- they all look at the necklace
- group leaves the forest
- Dusk worried about the necklace
- everyone has one uses left, Dusk has none
- they make it to the air balloon
- they say it's going to work out in the end

(Notice the lack of Dusk getting punched in the face)

Chapter 7:

- The group arrives at Canterlot Castle
- Celestia meets up with them
- Dusk gives the object to her
- She tells them she needs some time to prepare
- Says they need to wait for about an hour
- Tells the group to not stray from Canterlot
- The group moves to the town of canterlot to wait
- Elusive says he wants to go out window shopping
- Dusk is apprehensive about it
- Elusive convinces him by saying he'll be back on time
- Dusk agrees, but makes Blitz go with him
- Blitz and Elusive go into the town to look around
- While looking around Canterlot, Blitz is approached by Octavia
- Octavia says she has some free time, asks Blitz if he
wants to get something to eat.
- Thinking he has plenty of time, Blitz says he'll meet
with Elusive in an hour and goes with octavia
- An hour passes, with Butterscotch, Dusk and Applejack at
the same bar they were at previously.
- Dusk questions where the others are
- AJ suggests they look for them.
- Dusk agrees, tells Bubble and Butterscotch to go meet
with Celestia and explain the delay.
- BB and BS go off, D and AJ look in Canterlot
- D gives AJ the necklace, says AJ is better off with it.
- They start to search through Canterlot, looking in
stores and asking around for Elusive
- The eventually find him in a tailor shop.
- They figure out he's lost his memory and doesn't know
why he came to Canterlot, also doesn't remember Blitz
being with him.
- AJ uses the necklace on Elusive, bringing his memory back. He says that Blitz went off with Octavia
- The three then start looking for Blitz
- They find him in a small coffee shop with Octavia
- AJ comments about the location
- Blitz has also forgotten things, and says he wants to
just have his lunch with tavi
- Dusk says he needs to come with them to change him back
- Blitz doesn't know what they're talking about
- AJ uses the necklace
- Everything comes back to Blitz
- He apologizes to Octavia and says he needs to leave
- octavia questions it
- Elusive quietly breaks it what they're doing
- Octavia tells Blitz that he should go, and stop
trying to be somepony he isn't
- Blitz agrees and they leave.
- They arrive at the castle, where Celestia is waiting with BB and BS.
- They super teleport to the middle of Ponyville
- Celestia asks if this is everyone
- Dusk says he needs to get Spike
- Dusk runs to the library to get Spike
- He enters, calls for spike and looks for him
- He hears a rustling upstairs
- When he checks, it's Spike in a dress
- Tries to explain himself
- Dusk says there's no time
- Spike gets out of the dress and they leave.
- As Dusk meets back up with Celestia, his memory turns
- AJ panics because Dusk can't use the gem anymore
- They try to convince Dusk to get in the rune circle
- He doesn't, claiming it's some sort of trick
- Celestia tries to convince him, but he doesn't recognize her.
- Blitz and AJ wrestle Dusk into the rune circle, where celestia pins him down with magic
- When everyone is in place, Celestia casts the spell.
- Twilight opens her eyes to a throbbing headache and looks around
- The rest of her friends are back to normal, along with Spike.
- Celestia is in the middle, tired looking, but happy.
- When they realize it worked, they give a cheer and have a sappy group hug
- Pinkie reminds everypony that its time for a huge party.
- They party.
- End.

Unfortunately I couldn't find the notes for chapters 1 or 5. I was originally writing this story on a borrowed netbook when I was displaced due to my house being renovated because of flooding, so the fact I have this many is a miracle. Hopefully you've enjoyed this little look into the creative process.

Comments ( 7 )

>>Uses necklace

I remember this fic!

I've been struggling with making competent outlines, so this is pretty neat. Seeing them done by someone who doesn't suck is nice.

Author Interviewer

>tfw Alexstrazsa posting on Fimfic

Hey, I'm still here. Sorta.

Author Interviewer

:pinkiehappy: Oh wow, talk about a blast from the past. How old is the story now, what, 4 years?

Almost 5, actually. First chapter was published here on Fimfic July 12th, 2011.

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