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Here is an interesting challenge for me · 1:46pm Oct 28th, 2015

So a lot of people know me as that guy who can come up with ideas. Not just those who know me online, but also based on my adoption blogs. But I want to really challenge myself.

As such, I ask people to send me an MLP image of any kind (except NSFW) and I will come up with a complete story outline for that image. Why am I doing this? Well, I'm trying to move my brain into continuing writing Death of Button Mash so I need something to pump me up.

So go on. Hit me with an image and I'll come up with a story for it. Just one image at a time please.

Comments ( 48 )

The Professor does his usual thing about how "good news everyone" when he introduces a dimensional traveling portal that can be used to transport into any real dimension. However, he's only been able to send things into the dimension and not back which is shown in a flashback where he sent debt collectors into a dimension filled with monsters. Fry wants to take a chance with it but Leela pretty much tells him no. Bender, who doesn't give a crap as always, gets a beer but accidentally loses it and chases after it until he goes through he portal. The crew asks where he went and the Professor doesn't know but bets its some dark, harsh, cold reality where Bender will have to fight for his very survival. Cue him waking up in Ponyville with everypony staring at him.

He at first is all like "Oh my gosh! I traveled into another dimension! This is so... eh, I'm bored." And drinks his bear while telling Lyra to get off her bench so he can sit on his metal ass. Twilight arrives, having heard of the strange being, with her friends who greet him, unsure of what or who he is. He makes fun of their names and looks like calling RD gay for her rainbow mane and Twilight a sparkling princess. Pinkie thinks he's funny asks if he wants a party which he is down for, but wants booze to be there. When he learns there is no such thing as booze he goes nuts and panics, breaking stuff and trying to find a substitute for booze but it all sticks to him. The girls try to stop him, but he uses his robotic abilities and his trolling skills to outwit them. When Rainbow Dash calls him stupid for wanting booze, Bender gets angry and pulls out a machine gun and starts shooting everything making all of Ponyville Panic. He corners the six, ready to make them eat lead when the portal opens and the Professor, Leela, and Fry come out and say they came to take him back. Apparently, the professor just forgot to press the button for reversing the portal. Bender wines, saying he wanted to kill his new friends, but Fry tells him they were going to check out the new strip club and Bender is instantly hooked, saying goodbye to the mane cast as he leaves with the others and the portal closes.

The mane six just stay frozen for a bit until Pinkie asks Twilight what a strip club is.

No, comics are already stories

(if it's NSFW please says it is and just provide a link only)

You're not allowed to link NSFW material

3502328 Just warning ya pal

3502318 Eh, some comics feel like they need a bit more, but all right.
In that case... s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/18/12/2d/18122d6342cec52d5d61f5cef403a2ce.jpg

How about a story based around my profile picture?

Because she has no father and is a unicorn, Dinky has had to deal with her mother often made fun of for this, not to mention her regular clumsiness. She tries to tell her mother she should stand up for herself and apologizes for not being a pegasus like her, however, Derpy says she loves her daughter for who she is and she doesn't care what other think. That night Dinky wishes she had pegasus wings.

The next morning she wakes up to find out that she does indeed have pegasus wings as well as her horn. She proudly shows her mommy her knew look, but her mother is instead horrified and tells Dinky that until she gets back she cannot tell anypony about what happened or go outside. Derpy leave while Dinky doesn't know what to do. When a mailpony comes to relieved mail, Dinky innocently takes it until he notices she looks like an alicorn and publicly announces it. Everypony is stunned that Dinky is an alicorn and some even call her princesses.

She's taken to the town center where ponies ask her questions and make her nervous, but Derpy and Twiligth arrive asking ponies to leave them alone as they confide in town hall. Dinky is confused until Derpy and Twilight ask Dinky to close her eyes and imagine herself without wings. She does os and is surprised to find them gone. She does the same for her horn, her looks, mane, tail, and it all changes color and shape. She asks what is she and Derpy finally reveals the truth, Dinky is half-changeling. Her father was a changeling Derpy fell in love with, but due to their love being forbidden they broke it off. It was only afterwards that she found out she was pregnant with her.

Dinky used to change her apperance all the time as a baby until Princess Celestia helped Derpy in secret by casting a spell that allowed the ability to be locked until she was mature enough to use it which is now. Dinky at first thinks she's a freak, but Derpy calms her down and says she loves her. She is her daughter no matter what appearnace she is and she never regretted having her. They hug and Twilight says she'll helped teach Dinky how to control her magic. They go back outside, Dinky back to normal, with Twilight saying it was just an illusion magic combined with a transfiguration magic that went wrong and the crowd buys this. Dinky and Derpy head home with Dinky asking about her daddy and Derpy finally decides to talk about him

Can I get a bigger picture of it?

Always thought this would make a cute story, though not entirely sure if it counts as NSFW:
(Actually was thinking of doing a full one me self.)

This take place in an anthro world.

The Mane six and Spike are getting ready to head out to the beach when Fluttershy asks if they can bring her friend Derpy along with them. The girls are against it at first, since while Derpy is nice she happens to also be a klutz, Rainbow Dash even commenting she once was set into the hospital by an incident. Still, Fluttershy goes with the puppy eyes and they agree to bring her along. Derpy is excited to come although she happens to be wearing her bathing suit weirdly.

A series of actives go on such as swimming contests, which Derpy ends up losing her bathing suit and causing a scene. Thankfully they aren't kicked out thanks to Twilight's Princess Powers. Next is volleyball which ends up a tie after Derpy jumps to high and gets caught in the next. And finally, Spike asks to be buried in the sand, but Derpy goes to far and buries him so deep it takes an hour to get him out, he only survived because dragons can hold their breath the longest.

Upset that she's caused a lot of mess, Derpy goes to a juice bar and starts talking to a stranger that we don't get described. Midway through the day, Rainbow Dash decides to enact "Operation Stud Hunt" where they try to find a bunch of hot studs to hit and flirt on. Their first attempt ends in failure upon when trying to flirt with him it turns out he is married. Their second one ends in disaster as well because all the guys they see as a group happen to be gay. Finally, they find a very handsome unicorn reading by the pier and one by one try to flirt and get his attention, but fail. However, when Derpy spots them he then spots the guy who happens to be teh one she met at the juice bar and thanks him for his talk. He says its fine and asks if he can take her out for dinner which she agrees to, this earns her a kiss on the cheek which stuns the group while Derpy asks what's wrong.

They all bow down before her and ask her to teach them the way of the Derpy much to her laughter.

Comment posted by powerpony deleted Oct 28th, 2015

Normally, I don't write this stuff.... but I did say anything... okay.

So it starts off with Applejack greeting Apple Bloom after School and the two chatting before spotting a depressed Scootaloo who has been down all week despite finally having her cutie mark. Applejack asks her sister what's wrong with scoots but AB says she and Sweetie Belle don't know. Feeling concerned, she decides to talk to Rainbow Dash who is the little pegasus's unofficial big sister. However, RAinbow Dash doesn't want to talk about it since she says its private for Scootaloo and things are now ackward between them. Still worried, Applejack decides to talk to Scootaloo herself.

She finds Scootaloo crying to herself all alone and comforts her without saying anything. After some silence, Applejack asks what's bothering her and pinkie promises not to tell. Scootaloo confesses she told Rainbow Dash that she loves her, admiting she's into older woman. Rainbow Dash however told her she didn't have those feelings and even if she did, Scootaloo was way to young for her to date. Applejack feels sorry for the filly and Scootaloo thinks she's a freak for being such, but AJ says she isn't. She's trying to find out who she is in her heart and nothing wrong with that, but explains to her that she has to wait for the right time to go after those older then her since she needs to mature and follow the law. Scootaloo then asks nervously, if AJ would be willing to take her out when she reaches the right age. Applejack is about deny it at first, but she decieds sure she will.

Cut to years later when Applejack is recounting that day while in bed with a much older and adult Scootaloo. Scootaloo asks her what she is remembering and AJ is saying she rememebered the time they really became closer. Scootaloo says its been quite a ride since, and we see photos of them going on dates, anniversaries and even a wedding. Applejack asks if she regrets not having Rainbow Dash instead of her like she originally wanted, Scootaloo just kisses her and says no

3502443 Even for a short summary this is good.

Also, its the first and only Scoots X AJ fic on the site.

I like seeing extremely odd ships that no one would really think of.

After losing the sisterhooves social again this year, Sweetie Belle feels depressed and thinks they just aren't "sisterly" enough to win. Rarity thinks its nonsense and sets out to prove to Sweeite Belle how much of a sister group they are. She takes them to the Spa, Sweetie Belle's first time ever, and the two have fun in the hot tub, blowing bubbles, acting like monsters, and even splash fights. They get their hair done in various styles and act them out and have a blast. Finally, they get a mud bath which Sweetie Belle relaxes and asks Rarity what she was like as a little foal. Rarity jokes she was stinky, but the says she was quite a charm. Always floating around on her magic, climbing things, chewing on Rarity's tail a lot. Rarity asks if she still thinks they aren't sisterly enough and Sweetie Belle says shes more then sisterly with Rarity.

The two get out and pay for their spa resort and Sweetie Belle asks since they are so sisterly, she has a question she's always wanted to know. Rarity tells her to ask and it ends with Sweeite Belle asking where babies come from.

During the climax of the third Equestria girls movie, the magic doesn't transform Sunset into an alicorn princess, but a peice of super toast! Midnight Sparkle is confused until Super Toast Sunset gets into her mouth and she starts to suffocate because it turns out she is allergic to bread. She is then defeated as the Shadowbolts leave with a catonic Twilight and Principle Celestia lets today be offical Super Toast Day as Super Toast Sunset flies around in victory.

And then Pinkie Pie wakes up from her dream with a craving for toast.

That's a gif, not an image

It was a joke. If you want to make a super sarcastic fic revolving around my fisheye-distorted hat in the lobby of my school, be my guest:
3502407 secure.static.tumblr.com/06b8ee1b2459a0f75674b6da9f8c35d2/galwetn/LLanvbml4/tumblr_static_tumblr_static_filename_640.jpg

A few weeks after the events of Equestria Girls 3, the two characters Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle (human) start having dreams. For Sunset, her alicorn self is teaching her how to be a wise and generous leader for those who look to her for guidance and help. Twilight Sparkle, however, is under the course of nightmares from Midnight Twilight who is urging her to seek power and crush those in her way for dominance. Twilight appeals to Sunset for help who is bafffeled by this and thus asks her Alicorn self what this all means. Her alicorn self fears that the evil self in Twilight is still a part of her because she herself has not faced her inner demons. Only be facing her and defeating her can Twilight be free.

Not wanting her to face Midnight alone, Sunset uses a spell she remembered reading that allows her to enter Midnight's dreams. The two come face to face with Midnight Twilight who attacks both of them, claiming if she defeats Sunset she can take over Twilight without fear. There is another problem, if you die in somebody elses dream you die for real in the waking world. Sunset and Midnight are even in power, Sunset demanding why Midnight won't let Twilight be alone while Midnight proclaims she is there because Twilight wants her to be. Twilight figures it out and gets infront of Midnight before hugging her, realizing what Midnight is all along. She is Twilight's lonelyness and bitterness that she hid for so long. She tells Sunset that Midnight doesn't want to leave her alone because she herself doesn't want to be alone, just like what Twilight deeply desired when he was growing up.

She tells Midnight she doesn't have to be alone anymore, they can be together along with their new friends, but this isn't the way. Midnight asks if she is so sure. Twilight says she knows in her heart she is. Midnight then changes into her real alicorn self and thanks he for finally finding the light inside her. Now both Sunset and Twilight are learning from their alicorn selves with the promise to work together to make a world where nobody can be alone anymore.

It's World War II in Equestria against the Griffin Empire. Tank Major Twilight Sparkle and her tank crew are on break after a heavy battle against the griffins and are stopping to repair their tank and rest. The girls all take this time to tell about who they were before the war and why they are fighting while they recuperate.

Twilight says she was a student at the Celestial Academy for Magic with dreams of being the Arch-Mage of Equestria, the title to the most powerful mage in court. However, her brother Shining Armor, who was stationed at Fort Ixion was killed in the surprise invasion attack by the Griffins. After the loss of her brother, she sought to join the military and avenge him. She even shows the metal he loved the most so that it makes her feel like her brother is right beside her.

Applejack says her family have always been called for war when needed to defend the land from invaders. She even mentions she's a decedent of General Appleton, the famous commander during Dragon War. Apples have always been farmers and soliders and she sees herself following tradition. Her big brother is currently in Infantry and might even make Captain soon. She plans on getting married to a sweetheart of her's back home and get back to farming when its over.

Rainbow Dash says she was actually part of the air division, specifically The Wonderbolts. The girls are surprised she's stationed with them instead of the high risk flying team, but Dash says they aren't as honorable as most ponies think. She tells them her mother was a Wonderbolt and after she died she wanted to follow in her footsteps and become close friends with a pegasus named Derpy. She was a klutz, but she had more heart then any solider Dash had ever seen. However, one day Derpy said she and a few others were being sent on a mission by orders of Captain SPitifire. It turned out to be an ambush and the captain knew it, wanting to send less qualified fliers to be slaughter. None survived. Upon learning this, Dash requested to be transfer to a different division and here she is.

Fluttershy admits she never wanted to join the war, she was drafted due to the law that stated every memeber of the family must send at least one sibling. Her older brother was very weak in health and so the army choose her to join. She can't fight, and she's not very brave, but she can fix things well and that's why she's a mechanic.

Pinkie Pie just says she joined the war cause she wanted to ride a tank and blow stuff up.

Rarity is about to tell her story until they hear artilery fire and take cover. However, Rarity is killed in the blast. Twilight orders them to get back in the tank and move out, Fluttershy asks about Rarity. Twilight goes to her corpse and finds a picture of her and her family. She puts it in her pocket, saying they'll need to notify her kin, and takes her dog tags. They move out and continue to head into the next stage of battle.

That's easy. A series of comedy one shots where the four horsemen of the apocalypse try to deal with life Friends style.

Twilight Sparkle invents a strange magical item known as a "Dimension Eye" which teleports into different dimensions and shows what it seems. The girls seem interested in this and Twilight sends it out where it appears in your school, stuck in the hat, and whatever happen baseds on whatever crazy stuff happens in your life or school and the girls react.

I can't come up with anything good for that one

Anything I can come up with it just filled with DBZ cliches ugh

3502946 yay that work perfectly you get a cookie and 4 fluttershys out of 5 twilights


That was great. I really liked RD's part


The "Oh shit" moment for the wrong mlp universe have fun with this one :pinkiecrazy:

I'll answer both yours and future others tomorrow.

3503909 I might think of an idea for your pic my self sometime.

3520832 I figured it be a interesting challenge overall mainly cause I enjoy the HiE worlds that actually make sense. So something of this alternative is a tad on the scary side when I look at it. Cause nothing quite says 'friendly' than a couple hundred pound Pinkie Pie raptor coming in for a hug :pinkiecrazy:

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