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Try and guess my favorite pokemon. No, really.

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  • 10 weeks
    Unpublished Fateful Flurry April Fools chapter for those who missed it.

    Author's Note
    For anybody who missed it. I prefer to keep the actual story clean so it's being moved here.

    I know moving it to a blog deleted all the comments on the original story, I promise I read them all and appreciate those who weren't policing my creative drive.


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    8 comments · 707 views
  • 21 weeks
    Where is Misplaced Wings!? [Vote]

    Hello, Misplaced Wings readers! Sorry, it’s been so long since there have been any updates whatsoever. I’ll try to be rather quick and concise about it.

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    20 comments · 1,683 views

Unpublished Fateful Flurry April Fools chapter for those who missed it. · 6:13am April 2nd

Author's Note
For anybody who missed it. I prefer to keep the actual story clean so it's being moved here.

I know moving it to a blog deleted all the comments on the original story, I promise I read them all and appreciate those who weren't policing my creative drive.


Discord jerked awake, startled, with a glint of fear in his eyes at the downright robotic voice that assaulted his ears. He pulled his nightcap and sleeping mask off, which disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

Of course, he hadn’t actually been sleeping. But a spirit of chaos needs to rest the mind every now and again.

“Discord…” The voice, with a tint of impatience, startled him again.

“I’m up! I’m up.” He groaned in his realm of chaos as he theatrically opened a door. “What do you want, Harmony?”

What met his eye was nothing more than an unassuming white pony with flowing white hair. Her soulless white eyes bore through him as the spirit tilted its head. “Why would you do that to the human spirit?”

Discord furrowed his brow and crossed his arms. “Whatever do you mean?”

Harmony took a step closer and squinted her eyes. “You know what you did. He is unstable now.”

“Pfft…” Discord said with a wave of his claw, “How dare you suspect me of throwing an abnormal amount of chaos magic into such a simple disguise spell?”

Harmony sighed, “There is no harmony in his body to counteract the chaos. Therefore…”

Discord’s eyes widened as he quickly materialized a book into his hands and a monocle onto his face. “No… nonono. This is just a misunderstanding! He was perfectly fine when I left him!”

Harmony sighed again and muzzlehoofed in admonishment, “Just... fix it. And drop the unneeded disguise. Before things go wrong.” She said with a hint of a warning.

Discord grumbled to himself as he stretched, but before he could appear before the foal, it all fell apart. And all he could do was sit in shock as Harmony’s intense glare loomed over the spirit of chaos.

I sat on the train in silence, trying to get over what exactly I’d just done. I’d been traveling for only a half hour now, and even now I began to feel anxious.

A funny feeling rose in my chest—something that threatened me yet, at the same time, felt wildly familiar.

I breathed deeply to try and quell it, but nothing seemed to happen. Even as I raised a hoof up to my chest and tried to calm myself, “What in the world is going on..?” It felt like a mix of panic, heartburn, and fear.

Beyond my understanding, the world around me began to break apart into pieces. I felt like I was inside some sort of jigsaw puzzle. It started with the environment around me as I looked around in panic, until eventually even my body began to break apart into puzzle pieces. I tried to yell for help or even just scream, but I found that my voice no longer had volume.

One by one, the puzzle pieces began to evaporate, until eventually I fell into a deep void. I didn’t have a body to feel the falling, but somehow I just knew that I was. The falling felt like it was taking forever, and I wondered in fear and anxiety where I was going.

‘I guess this is one way to get out of the empire…’ My brain thought idly.

I kept falling, until eventually a hole opened up and light could be seen on the other side.

I fell through and hit the ground with an impact you’d expect from someone falling at terminal velocity, though oddly, it didn’t hurt in the slightest.

My head was dizzy, and I could barely tell up from down as the world continued to spin. “Hey, you’re that one filly…” I heard a sudden voice.

I blinked my eyes and shook my head until I could see only one image, only to come face to face with the same green filly with black hair. She looked tired, fed up with everything, as she spoke in a monotone voice, “The one that ruined my pie…”

I slowly forced myself into a sitting position as I widened my eyes. “Huh?” At the continued upset glare, I sighed and rubbed the back of my head. “Sorry… about that.”

I finally took in my surroundings; I was clearly in the crystal empire again, yet there was no barrier, and it felt like summer everywhere. The usual snow-covered fields had green grass with flowers. The mountains weren’t snowcapped but had beautiful distant horizons.

“Hello??? Earth to… weird annoying Flurry clone?”

My eyes widened as the smaller filly waved her hoof in front of me, and I looked down to notice my disguise had indeed worn off, and I was simply back to normal colors. Albeit, I had my preferred hairstyle.

“Where am I?” I asked.

The filly rolled her eyes. “The crystal empire? Are you really that lost?”

I shook my head again. “N-No this isn’t right. The crystal empire is cold and covered in snow.”

The filly shrugged. "Well, you did just fall out of an odd hole in the sky. Probably came from a different dimension.” She said nonchalantly. “Welcome to the worst place ever.”

I squinted my eyes in confusion and sighed, “Who are you?”

She smirked, “Anon… anonymous… former human, permanent tortured resident.”

“Wait, you were human before too?!” I shouted in wonder and excitement.

The filly’s mouth opened in understanding. “Oh, you’re one of those clone-type characters…” She huffed, “Yeah, I used to be human too. Unfortunately, I’m stuck here. Not like I had anything going on back on earth anyway, but y’know. I still hate it here for no reason.”

I looked at her weirdly and said, “No, I don’t know what you mean. I don’t get why I’m here.”

The filly just shrugged and turned her back to me. “Look, I don’t know either. Just follow me; maybe my mother will forcefully adopt you against your wishes too.”

“Wha.. who?.. What does that mean?” I questioned.

She kept the same dull and unassuming face with a monotone voice: “My "mother." At least that’s what she calls herself. I hate her. She is always so friendly for no reason, and she runs the empire like the most virtuous being to have ever lived. It makes me sick.”

“Cadance?” I questioned her oddly.

The filly just raised her brow at me. “That’s my "grandma." My “mother” is named Flurry Heart.”

“WHAT!?” I yelled loudly as I halted in my tracks. The filly just glanced back without care, and I had to run and catch up. “Flurry Heart? Cadence’s daughter?”

“Mhm, she’s like a few hundred years old or something; her mother got tired of running the empire, so she passed it down.” She glanced again at me, “Judging by your shock, I’m guessing you’re from a different time.” I just continued to follow with shocked, wide eyes as I gave a slow nod.

I think my mind was so broken from that information that I didn’t even question why I was allowing this filly to lead me back into that dreaded castle. The last person I wanted to see was Flurry!

But we entered without issue as the guards saw… Anon. But they looked weirdly at me, and I couldn’t blame them. When we entered, Flurry was already there, sitting at the throne. She was clearly much older now, with a long flowing mane similar to Cadance’s, and she wore the crown as well as a bunch of jewelry as you’d expect royalty to.

Flurry smiled happily, with infectiously giddy excitement. "Oh, my daughter! How are you today, dear? It looks like you made a… friend…” Her words slowed as she stared at me more, her eyes growing more and more wide. “Anon, who is this?” She asked with a nervous tilt of her head.

Anon just shrugged. “I didn’t ask her who she is.”

Her mother shook off how dumb that was before looking at me in intrigue. I grew a bit nervous; I didn’t want to get thrown into the dungeons of some far-off universe I didn’t know at all. "I'm, uh… Kieran. I know I look a lot like you, probably.”

Flurry just nodded slowly as Anon put her hoof on my chest confidently. “This loser is another human like me; best not to ask questions. Clone story probably.”

“Loser?” I repeated it under my breath, confusedly.

“Clone…story?” Flurry spoke with equal confusion.

Flurry shook her head, and again, slowly, she nodded with a tilted head. “Well… you’re quite welcome to stay as long as you need… Are you- ”

“Cool, thanks, big F.” Anon interrupted her before grabbing my hoof. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

I was dragged out of the room quickly as Anon tried to get out of sight. Flurry called after her, "Anon, dear, have you done your homework?”

Anon groaned from the hallway we were in and shouted back, “I’m never bucking doing it!”

I continued to follow in confused silence, staring at the ceiling with a thousand-yard stare as I thought to myself.

I would never treat Cadance or Shining like that back in my universe, no matter how angry I am. I would just feel far too bad afterward.

The filly suddenly stopped and tilted her head. “Watch out for the…” I took one distracted step and plummeted past her as she huffed, “...hole.”

I yelled as the world above me disappeared and the hole closed. I began falling again through the void, tumbling endlessly.

This time, falling didn’t seem to take so long. But I think that was simply due to just how much confusion was flashing through my brain now.

I went through many worlds after that. Time became a meaningless constraint, and the endless multiverse was all that was left. Reality was a lie; life was a simple pass-time that you dreamed of before being dropped into the next world.

It was somewhere amongst my fourth dozen world hops that things became a little bit more noteworthy.

The next time it opened up, I swear I came out of the portal-hole thing even faster. I made an entire crater when I impacted the ground.

I pulled my poor, flattened body out of the crater and got my bearings again. I was in some sort of large town or village. It looked like I went back in time or something, but I wasn’t about to make assumptions about… whatever was happening to me right now.

The first thing I did was look at my body, and, oh boy, was that a confusing sight.

I was still Flurry, but I now had light blue scales on my back and covering my hooves. I lifted my hoof up to feel, and sure enough, I had scales on my head as well as a very odd-shaped horn.

I mumbled out sourly, “The hay am I… and what am I supposed to do now?”

I looked around; the village I’m in was sort of… on fire. And the residents were either running and screaming or hiding in stone buildings. I simply shook my head with a sigh and looked for the nearest important building.

The giant crystal tree in the center of the town seemed the most important, so I went there first. Upon opening the door, I was met with seven different ponies holding combat stances directed at me.

I took a few steps back. “Whoa…” 

There was a rainbow one, a super pink one, a cowboy, two purple ones, a white one, and a yellow one. They looked like a rather important cast of characters, but I didn’t really appreciate the hostility.

The purple one was the first to stand down and say, “Uh… hi?”

“Twilight! It might be dangerous!” The rainbow one spouted before flying dangerously close and growling at me, “State your business, you… weird changeling!”

Oh, they must be Twilight and her friends, not that I knew much about them.

“I uh… I just got dropped here from some other universe, and I really don’t have the patience for the questions that I’m going to cause.” I said seriously. “Can I just like… wait inside until I inevitably disappear into a new one?”

The group all looked around bewildered at each other, and after a quick scan from the purple alicorn, they all shrugged and allowed me inside.

That was when I felt like screaming, because I was again met with the sight of Cadance and Flurry. But Flurry was tiny and in diapers. I felt like ripping my hair out, since I couldn’t escape these two no matter where I went in the multiverse.

“Twilight…” Cadence began slowly, “Why is there an older, kirin version of my daughter in your castle?”

“Save it, Pink Witch.” I said with a long, exasperated sigh as I threw myself onto one of the couches in the lobby. “You’ll only get more confused by asking those questions.”

The best worlds were those where I was allowed to rest or even sleep. They kept me from going insane, which was something I desperately grasped onto in the endless spire, or web, of new universes.

I suddenly felt eyes boring into me—those that weren’t the other eight ponies around me. I dared open one of my eyes, coming face-to-face with an adorable orange colt with yellow scales and a blue mane. Apparently he was a kirin too… whatever one of those was. I had no clue why I was one right now either, but whatever.

He leaned up, carefully putting his hooves up on the same couch as me, as he carefully sniffed my hoof. He was at least a full head height less than me. “Um… Hi…” He said slowly.

I hummed, “Hello.”

Behind him was a red mare with dark brown hair and a gray and red kirin with blonde hair. They looked to be his parents. The foal caught my attention again as he smiled and giggled, “You’re like me!”

I couldn’t help but smile at the infectious little colt, "Yes, I am!” I said proudly, puffing out my chest slightly.

He jumped up onto the couch next to me and leaned in. “I’m Mellow Spark. What’s your name?”

I hummed, “Kieran.”

His eyes widened, and his brow furrowed. “Not a very pony name,” he said quietly.

I shook my head. “It’s a human name.”

His eyes sparkled with wonder as he leaned in and whispered as if he wanted nobody else to hear, “You were a human too?”

I pulled my hoof up and ruffled his mane. “Sure was kiddo.”

He giggled excitedly and pointed up at me, leaning into my side. “Big sis!”

I blushed deep red as I looked at him wearily. “H-Hey now… I’m not going to be here for long…”

He wrapped his hooves around my side. “No! Stay please!”

“I-I can’t…” I said with a small smile, booping his nose, “I have to go to other places a lot. And I can’t control it.”

I heard hoofsteps approaching and felt the presence looming over me, and his two parents sat down right next to the couch. "Hello, dear, where are you from?” The red one asked.

The kirin looked at me strangely and said, “I’ve never seen a pink-horned kirin.”

“Are you from the same place as our Mellow?” The red mare asked wearily.

To avoid confusion, I simply hummed with confirmation and nodded.

I was immediately scooped up into a large hug along with Mellow as the red mare cradled us both to her chest. "Oh, you poor thing.”

I don’t think I should’ve said that.

But man… this mare was soft.

I hate to admit it, but I immediately succumbed to her cloudy fur and nuzzled deeper into the sensation. I've been through far too many awful universes lately to pass off on a generational hug of this caliber.

Wait, no, I hate ponies now. Right?

One soft nuzzle from the soft red mare made me immediately forget my previous thoughts as I practically melted into butter. "Mellow, can I have your mom..?” I said absentmindedly.

“Sure!” He chirped eagerly. “But she’s still my momma first!”

I scoffed shortly after with a smirk. “It’s the thought that counts, I guess.”

You know, maybe I was being silly about all of this being controlled by Flurry stuff. Once I get back to my world, I should probably try and find a way back home. I miss Cadance’s hugs; they always felt just as comfortable as this red mare’s hugs do.

Yeah, I’ll find a way back to my universe, and I’ll go home. A much happier and more understanding pony.

At once, I felt the comfortable sensation of the mare’s hug disappear, and once again I was shunted off into the void of unknowing.

The void felt a lot more cold than usual, and I folded my hooves inward as I felt myself lose a little bit more of myself. I groaned and mumbled to myself angrily. 

“Have you found him yet?” Harmony asked angrily from over his shoulder.

Discord just released a very nervous laugh as he waved his paw. “It’s… taking longer than expected.” He pointed to an odd map that was four-dimensional. “Mhm… He’s somewhere between universe E-83721 and universe L-3492."

“Just get him back!” Harmony hissed, “He has been looping through the multiverse for hours!”

Discord hummed, “Well, for him it would’ve felt like weeks; if he’s unlucky, even longer…”

“Discord!” Harmony shouted with uncharacteristic vitriol, “Fix. It. Now.” Their many voices commanded him.

“Alright, alright.” He bemoaned. 

“Yeah, hi, my name’s Kieran. Yadda yadda.” I explained for the twentieth time today.

“I’m actually from another-” I immediately fell through a hole and groaned loudly. I hadn’t even been able to introduce myself before getting transported again.

What a miserable existence!

When I fell through the hole this time, I ended up right back on a soft chair. And breathed a sigh of relief at the lack of impact.

Looking around, I was on some sort of train, and slowly, my mind flickered to life with surprise.

Could it be?

Was I back in my original universe?

Even if I were in it… would I stay?

Suddenly, magic poofed across from me as Discord appeared on the other seat. “Sorry about that kiddo. It won’t be happening again.”

“Discord!?” I shouted, “It’s your fault? I swear..!” I growled furiously, “I knew making a deal with you was… oh whatever.”

I took a long sigh and bumped my head with my hoof. Maybe I could ask Discord to take me back to the Crystal Empire? So that I can go home and rest and continue to try and find out what’s wrong with me and my new family.

“Say cheese!” Discord announced.

I looked up as he flashed something in my eyes, and I shook my head, and I…

Wait, what was I talking about? And who was I talking to?

I looked around my cabin suspiciously, but it was empty—just myself. I'm still running away from the Crystal Empire and those awful ponies.

I had just left the train station, and I was already going insane, of course. I groaned at my own mental instability.

I hate ponies.

“Did you wipe everyone’s memory?” Harmony continued to ask with scrutiny.

“Yes, every pony, bird, and worm in the dirt for faust-sake…” Discord groaned. “Kieran won’t know a thing happened.”

Harmony shuddered and felt your presence. “What about the humans?”

Discord scoffed, “Thankfully, it’s some sort of prank holiday. They’ll see it all as nothing but a joke chapter. Gullible, I say.”

“How convenient.” Harmony muttered.

Discord nodded with a short, crazed laugh of agreement.

Report FIygon · 707 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

Glad this is still available!

For fuck sake, republish it. This is great and anyone that doesn't like it can chose not to read it. What, are you going to drop below 1,000 likes or something?

I’m a bit upset that you removed the chapter but at least we can still read it here.

They probably did it because of that like one dude who got the first comment to be him whining about April fools

Yeah, this. Or drop a link to this blog in 18 chapter - it would be a shame if new readers miss it.

This "Chapter" gives me some serious Bloom and Doom/Doors vibes.

Edit: That's Bloom and Gloom. Bloom and Doom is a Plants VS Zombies thing. Sorry. Sorry.:facehoof:

Yeah I decided to not write anything for the first of april this year after the reception I got last year. :P

This is neat tho.

Republish it as chapter 18.5.

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