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Quoth the raven: "CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW" (Patreon)

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  • 6 days
    And It's Row, Me Bully Boys; We're in a Hurry, Boys

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  • 32 weeks
    A Full Year of Only Mondays

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The Lens Through Which We See The World · 8:50pm February 27th

Comments ( 43 )

Consider tipping, if you liked the comic! I'm sorry for the bother, but every cent really helps.

Also, here's my Patreon if you want a shoutout!

Can you tell the artist is studying to become a judge or was I too subtle.

Anyway, as always, HUGE thanks to Mousse for helping me with this comic. Without her input I would have NEVER managed to make the dresses look half as good. She's incredible.

Coming from someone who used to play the saxophone, the oboe is a pretty rad instrument. However, I am also unabashedly into dad rock (though I prefer prog rock to psychadelic, at least as far as I know).

An excellent comic, as always! I loved my shout-out.

I enjoy the solid characterization these comics provide :twilightsmile:

The comedy, while not strictly in my taste, works too!

Panel 139
Fuckin' anime weebs

This was the funniest shit I've read all month
I'm gonna need to know where I can find other comics you've made :3c

Applejack is in danger! I wonder how snogging a draconequus translates to snogging a farmpony?

Simply glorious.

You were already peak at comedy even before we met, so the jokes pretty much all landed with the quality you always bring. It's your artwork that's noticeably improving with each comic. Your style so expressive now!

Sorry not sorry, everyone, for the below. But a play-by-play of choice reactions was the least I could do for Aragon. He's been such a champ for me over the last year, after all. Gotta do a solid for your buds like that. :pinkiehappy:

Right! As the first time I'm reading one of these bad boys since I became a proper part of your community, and that was mere weeks after the last one, so it's been nearly 14 months, I'm gonna try reacting to it as I go, rather than only make a comment at the end and produce some vague wishy-washy "you're talented and witty, mate" type of statements.

This isn't normal for me, but sure, why not? Could be fun, especially if I go for more guy reactions rather than trying to analyse the quality on the fly. That can wait until the end. Let's hope this doesn't just turn into a FoME-style blog. :twilightsheepish:

Here we go!

  • Panel 2: Okay, so this is a Gala-type thing, if everypony is wearing dresses. Knowing how much your rely on reference/model sheets of your character to do any panel in less than several hours (and justifiably so, I'd be the same), and that these dresses demand more curves at least somewhat smoother than your hard-edges angular pony proportions, that can't have been easy. On top of making these designs.

    They came out well, at any rate: in a rarity for Sunset, I actually like this outfit of hers. :pinkiegasp:

  • Panel 4: Sci-Twi barely registers on my radar most of the time, and even less when she and Sunset are a lazy-doesn't-begin-to-describe-it couple (sorry not sorry :rainbowwild:) Yet I am so with her here. It's possible I have never related to her this much before.
  • Panel 5/6: Oh, never mind, I retract the above statement. :facehoof: Also, there are several reasons (in the approach to characterisation of an Aragon comic, anyway) why Human Fluttershy would be a paint puffer, and I'm not sure I want confirmation which applies here.
  • Panels 7-10: Even just with canon, and ignoring your previous comics with these two lesbians, them being so nonchalant as they ponder the logic of killing gravity and all life in the universe feels fitting. All those monsters/lame-ass-human villains of the week against these Sailor Moon expys would do that. Also, I approve heavily of making Sci-Twi's stats-and-graphs-3D-swipeable-holograms (surely with all the anime out there, there's a term for this) and the projector feel in tune with her canon home DIY gadgets. The rare instance of technology like this being acceptable in Equestria.
  • Panel 12: Ooh, not just an in media res opening, but one that gives way to "so, you're probably wondering how we got here…". Have you done this before? I don't have nearly all your comics committed to memory enough to say. It doesn't feel rote or over-laboured here, at any rate.
  • Panel 18: Well, don't I look like a total sucker now. :applejackconfused: Playing your favourite ghost for a rube, man, not cool. I'll let you off for this fourth-wall meta writing this time only because it did funny-startle me. Though the following Sunset flirting leaving me in stony silence, as everything with this couple does, didn't do it much favours.
  • Panel 23: Oh, of course this is after Twilight's become the lone Princess. Sigh. Despite that being the case in every Aragon comic I've read, my mind still never presumes that's true of any pony media by default. Are any of your comics not set at the most recent FiM canon (or later, like the short Diamond Tiara ones) as of when you published/started writing them? According to your index, only three are from before the show even ended. Food for thought, I suppose.
  • Panel 26: Ah, it's a Fluttercord wedding, eh? Well, there's canon precedence, and you've had them together in comics past. I'm no fan of the ship, but it still gets more out of me than the Human-Pony-Abomination couple we've been with thus far, so I'll take it. And Discord always being the lols too.
  • Panel 30: Obviously this comic has been well-written thus far, no question. Even with me wishing it didn't use so much EqG and late/end-series canon, there's no denying the comic timing, poses, the works. But this was the first joke that got me to proper LOL. They're rare, but there are some gags that make actual GOOD use of the alternate dimensions gimmick, and Sci-Twi not being grossed out by vivid descriptions of Fluttercord snogging and wanting more detail to visualise it… well, that's one of them. Bonus points for Sunset's reaction too.
  • Panel 35: It's a sign of how much ponyfic I've read by now that Alicorn Twilight producing too-strong natural magic that screws with scientific reading doesn't even phase me anymore.
  • Panel 40-45: Major props for making three things that are usually absolute can't-wins actually work: personality differences that are worth having between the two Twilights, Pony Twilight being aware of and cool with being a lame nerd, and one character unintentionally driving at the other's soul and leaving them a bumbling mess. :rainbowkiss:
  • Panel 54: I definitely like some of these dresses more than others (Dash's is the only one I'm anything less than fine with), but solid design job on taking the motifs of the garments they've usually worn at fancy events, and stripping them of all the lifework Flash rigs can handle fine for something human hands have to redraw.

    And thank you for saving this from a M-rating too with that visual censorship of carnal abandon.

  • Panel 57-59: Lovely hat for Celestia, and good run-pulling moment of her being her show-sincere "friendship is lovely" self before she gets into the same gross debate they're stuck in.
  • Panel 61: Wait, didn't Sci-Twi say all ponies gave off some magic? How can she be taking readings if there's
  • Panel 65: Whether Pinkie is saying earth ponies of old said "never again" about different pony tribes marrying each other, or a pony with a different species, this both raises and answers a lot of questions.
  • Panel 67: I'd make a quip about "anything would be a better depiction of their friendship after Gillian Berrow gave us the blot that was "The End in Friend"", but even on its own merits, this is a fitting depiction of Dash and Rarity's friendship in (approaching…?) middle age.
  • Panel 77: Celestia spoke for me here on more levels than… well, I have identified with her before a hell of a lot more than with Sci-Twi, but still a lot more than usual.
  • Panel 81: Being honest, sometimes you have lines of dialogue that could stand to be shorter or belabour the point less. Rarely, but it happens. I know you won't agree, and that's cool. But this reaction was just perfect.
  • Panel 85: …Those two are totally fucking each other already, aren't they? :rainbowderp:
  • Panel 90: I do love me a good "one character doesn't understand the nerdy-isms of how other(s) speak"
  • Panel 95: Don't get me wrong, bud, I never forget how good you are with plants, payoffs, and structural echos. But this delectable payoff was worth (almost) every bit of Sci-Twi/Sunset I had to grind through earlier. Bravo.
  • Panel 98: …This is probably the smartest thing Pinkie has said since… Season Seven? Not counting prior comics you've written, of course, she's plenty sharp in those.
  • Panel 100: I retract my comment on panel 85 above. I forgot we were in Rarijack land. Which may not have canon basis, but I am just worn out on it by now.
  • Panel 102: I think I know who Twilight is talking about. Of the many knock-offs of her, she means the one who she never had a villainous spat with and reformed. As in…
  • Panel 105: …Do I know my structural writing and/or FiM characters, or do I know my structural writing and/or FiM characters? :ajsmug:
  • Panel 107: There's a thesis out there on the life crisis Rarity has faced building her like on being a clothing designer in a world where going in the nip is the norm. I'm not the one to write it. But I will not stop others from doing so. Hint hint. :raritywink:
  • Panel 108: The rhythm of my scrolling (I enlarged the tab with the comics as big as it would go) meant I didn't see the below panel with this one. Thus this just registered as Celestia with the wrong colour, not Luna. With her hat at this angle, there's barely any differences between their dresses and design in this art style.

    Once I focused, her expression was totally fitting. Still, a rare hurdle in your razor-sharp quality for character personalities being so evident from all facets of the drawings such that you always know who is who.

  • Panel 113: It is fitting on some level that Luna and Moondancer would do this, and that Luna would be responsible for today's So You Have Chosen Death moment, courtesy of something snapping in Twilight's brain.
  • Panel 120: Aragon, you crafty sod. Only you could take the adoration look you used for Sunset earlier, one which provokes the same "No, it's the children who are wrong" feeling I have SO INTENSELY at the GOAT-level adoration everyone seems to have for Sunset and/or her with Sci-Twi, and twist it around to Celestia and Twilight being so proud of their "little siblings" like this. A moment that is simultaneously adorable and funny without compromising either. I forgive you for even more of that earlier stuff (if still not all of it, of course – otherwise it'll just keep coming :trixieshiftright:)
  • Panel 124: Has Scootaloo appeared/being referred to in any comics of yours yet? Doesn't seem Dash is as close to her as their arc over the series would appear to merit by this point. Or, at least, she doesn't think of her as a little sister. Which she probably should.
  • Panel 128-133: …Honestly, it'd be more fitting if only EqG Fluttershy was a paint buffer and not just this one too. And not just for tossing away a perfectly good distinction between dimensional counterparts. With how hard they are to nail, that feels an awful shame.
  • Panel 138: There's been lots of great reaction panels here, but even without further knowledge of the punchline (which caught me off guard), the expression here are gold.
  • Panel 144: Not your intention, no doubt, but I like the implication that there are non-ponies (besides just Discord) more powerful than even Twilight and Celestia.
  • Panel 148: It is very fitting how, after 100-plus panels of snarky jokes (that almost fully don't skip on character and a proper story) you bring this around to a moral with guileless, utter sincerity. Even with Luna's pouting at Celestia's smugness, yes.
  • Panel 149: Eh, I don't think we need to meet Moondancer's EqG counterpart. And I'm not just saying that for my personal taste reasons.

    They're welcome to meet off page, of course, long as it ain't mentioned in a future comic. :yay:

  • Panel 155: …Yeah, okay, no, I've reread this ending a few times, and other than Teenage Fluttershy being powerful enough, with a guitar and a gun, to marry her counterpart and Discord, this ending is just confusing. No idea what Dash did, other than a vague "tried to attack the act of carnal abandon, fate known, apparently up on the alter now though".

    Though, props for making me think "wait, weren't they all bridesmaids?" And going back to check that, oh, no, just Rarity and Rainbow Dash. They really should all be, but Fluttershy is closest to them, so I'll let it slide.

  • Panel 156: Always gotta end with another sex joke! Though at least this one won't run the risk of blinding us or destroying the universe. :eeyup:

I don't know if I will ever fully, on a truly personal level, be able to vibe with your sense of humour as much as just about everyone else here does. You absolutely do it well enough that it works wonders even for nakedly sincere guileless me, no question. But it's very rare it even personally stimulates me. Just intellectually so.

Then again, given the profession you're studying for, that's probably just as much of a win, no? :duck:

Setting aside my personal, utterly biased wish that you'd do one of these not overflowing with late-series canon and EqG elements/characters (a futile hope, but hey, even a spirit can dream, can't he? 👻), I do honestly think this was largely just treading water once it switched to bringing in the Mane 5 and the Princesses and shelved the EqG ponies. Possibly these kinds of eldrict abominations as backgrounds threats is just something I've seen in enough of your comics by now that even the way the characters talked about it early on was mostly just, like, fine (by Aragon standards). A little milew, a little going through the motions. I never yawned, but it was closer to habit and momentum, least in the story department.

Now, yes, I concede that my being utterly unmoved by all the SciSet gunge that everyone else adores did play a part there. But that is not all of it; there was enough plug-and-paste elements with your approach to these sorts of plots, in incident and tone, that it was closer to coasting than I'd have liked. Doesn't help that, once the comic was over and I actually reflected on the story and character beats, it became abundantly clear how easy the opening third could be snipped without only a few extra panels to port over the necessary info.

No, I am not joking. Whether that be a casualty of your adoration of writing this SciSet (it is impassioned writing, I won't deny), or how you approach the writing of these as regards what is outlined before you start, I cannot say. But the facts don't lie, bud.

Things picked up once we switched locales and characters, of course. The lines, plot roles and bits from the Mane 5 (okay, Mane 4) were pretty good, but once Celestia came onboard, I think the comic truly hit its stride and (mostly) didn't let go. Possibly I just haven't read (or can't remember) prior comics you've done with either or both of the Princesses (if any exist). But even given that, you hit a great balance of them being relevant without taking over. Yes, even when Luna came in. Doesn't hurt that Twi herself is in a position where her nerdy and self-deprecation side shows far more, so she's actually, you know, fun too. Too many good moments to pick from here, and you pulled the trick well of letting the comic's heart gradually beat louder and louder until the moral statement 10 or so panels before the end too.

And of course, your nerdy and clever in-jokes through (least those I got, which is quite a number) were on-point too. Lastly, your drawing is getting better and better: the dresses always felt right here, the expressions on point, and the style just feels well-honed and knowing how to work within its limitations. When when character have snarky lowered eyes and are saying narcissistic things (and the proportions are more angular and less rounded then I'd personally like), I enjoy looking at this art. And if you're enjoying the content too, that's a double win! :derpytongue2:

The ending few panels regarding Dash leaves me a little confused, but that still leaves about half a comic with you being on point, a third quite good, and a third treading water. Considering how difficult a year you've had, and how even "just good" for you is saying a lot, this is still sublime, on balance. Whenever we get the next one, mate, can't wait. :twilightsmile:

Now go knock 'em judging exam bandy! :raritystarry:

I loved seeing you use Celestia (maybe for the first time?). She was the perfect combination of wise and silly, her KISSIES~:heart: for Luna was the highlight of this for me. And from Luna we saw tsundere dealings with her sister masking sincere and heartfelt adoration as she manipulates all reality to put Celestia on top.

Naturally, we at the Rarijack Appreciation Church also appreciate your contribution, particularly with the notion that Rarity is a freak and AJ is along for the ride.:rainbowkiss:

Aside from that, the tender insight, political nods, and overarching story once more captured your signature style of making the silliest extended jokes form a story both intelligent and touching. Wonderful, as ever!

Sad that they didnt try shooting the black holr smh

Loved the comic

*She did not want a shoutout because we're besties; I made her an animation anyway because I'm a piece of shit.

I respect your commitment to the bit.

Just look through Aragon’s blog posts. You’ll find several as you work your way backward from most recent to earliest.

10/10 would huff paint with fluttershy again

Comedy so at peak that it's not even funny anymore.

You just smirk to yourself and go "Heh. Relatable."

I may have teared up a bit seeing Level Dasher </3

Awesome comic as always though :D

God I only stumbled on your comics recently through one of your DiamondBloom ones but holy shit do you have a grasp on comedic chops that would put a vice grip to shame, I can never pin down a favorite moment in your comics because I think I've seen my favorite bit and then I scroll down 3 panels and see a joke that tops the previous.

And your dry wit is something I aspire to achieve myself

All in all: Another 10/10 comic that will 100% flavor my writing, absolute banger

what the fuck did I just read...

good comic tho

Insanely good comic, highly enjoyable. I will consider joining your patreon due to me literally never being on this site.

Great as ever, and yeah, the dresses came out really well. Probably the prettiest your ponies have looked. Loved the hard magic system take down lol.

Seems like the ending is being a little bit confusing for some folks, sadly! Entirely my fault; I was exhausted and busy by the time i got to writing the ending, and didn't iron it out properly.

The whole joke is a misdirection; it SOUNDS like Dash will beat Fluttershy, but what they do instead is grab Teen Shy and give her a gun taped to an electric guitar; at the very very start of the comic, panels 3 and 4, this is explained as "a Rainbow Dash move", and as Teen Shy mentions, this gives her "the confidence and firepower" to beat her adult self. Rares and Dash know Fluttershy well enough that they know her own teen self would fight herself!

As per the start of the comic not being entirely necessary, I honestly would have edited it down if this were a written story? But it's a comic, and there are enough elements here that I think justify it, even if it's absolutely self indulgent. Scitwi and Sunset are the closest thing to a consistent main character in these comics, and I wanted to do the "twenty minutes earlier" fakeout and the visual hook of the characters being dressed up and the reader piercing together what's going on little by little. It's a long setup for themes that are later explored in the comic, but if you don't enjoy these characters, I get it feeling like it's treading water a bit.

What can I say! I enjoy drawing and writing these two, and wanted a treat for myself after working so hard. They're so cute together. Plus, I needed that hard setup for panek 95 and the ending with the gun (even if that last one didn't super land).

Love the bit with Shy at the end.

Nah, that's brain damage

Completely lost it at this.

Oh I completely got the setup with the guitar gun, Human Fluttershy, specifically why they picked her, the thematic relevance, all that. Come on man, I may be dense sometimes, but I’m not forgetful when it comes to structure, plants and payoffs. :ajsmug:

The only part that confused me was Dash’s role in all that – we cut from her about to spring into action against the Fluttercord carnal abandon to Human Fluttershy doing the vows, and the comic timing (albeit unintentionally) directs me towards assuming Dash got seriously hurt and is in hospital, or at least a wheelchair for a while. Standard comic cutaway gag, but a reliable one. But then Rarity and AJ talk about how it’s Dash moment to shine, as though that’s her up on stage, not Human Fluttershy. And we don’t see Dash at all. And the comic doesn’t read like it’s supposed to be ambiguous what happened to her. Honestly, had we just seen Dash onstage behind Human Fluttershy or something, I wouldn’t have had anything to be confused about. Possibly the dialogue element about it being a Dash moment, as opposed to the visual of a guitar and gun, or the themes echoed throughout and paid off there, was too small a thing for people to remember. Reminds me of something the great Howard Ashman once said, that if you want your viewer to remember something, have it stated/appear/highlighted three times.

I may not have said it as clearly as I could have, but: I can only at best remember a third of your comics to hand. And even then, it was just an awfully stock setup, both in plot structure and the rhythm of dialogue, to the kind of interactions you’ve done with them before. Obviously it’s by no means a total repeat – plenty of individual jokes, and it is setting up key moments and themes for later, the lot.

As per the start of the comic not being entirely necessary, I honestly would have edited it down if this were a written story? But it's a comic, and there are enough elements here that I think justify it, even if it's absolutely self indulgent.

For sure: it’s never a slog or boring or anything. And it’s not, like, wasteful. Just could be a lot more economic (and the setup elements that are great could absolutely be fused into the later parts). But these kind of comics, and especially one like this wanting to get away from the huge plot ambition of you last few, can make that work.

Largely, I just think it’s a them thing, not a comic thing: you’ve had the Mane 5 in lots of these, yet their antics later don’t feel like they’re recycling past uses of them the way the SciSet ones do. And I can only really remember a third of your comics. Still, it’s only lighting treading water, and I raise it only because it only affected them, not the rest of the comic. As your wonderful business with the Princesses shows.

Were it just my personal feelings on the characters, I would have kept it to just the panel asides, not th need thoughts. I know, with how much everyone here mysteriously adored them, that it’s be pissing in the wind (you’ll notice I didn’t even raise Spike’s absence – I can read the room and know a losing battle when I see it :twilightsheepish:).

What can I say! I enjoy drawing and writing these two, and wanted a treat for myself after working so hard. They're so cute together.

We’ll agree to differ on that last part (:ajbemused:), but I totally get it. I really, really do. I wouldn’t raise any of the above if I didn’t know you don’t appreciate that and always strive to get even better.

Plus, I needed that hard setup for panek 95 and the ending with the gun (even if that last one didn't super land).

Some hard thinking would have been needed, but there are ways to retain that even with a shortened version of the first third, or just in the bits thereafter. But yes, the way you write, wanting to get it out, all fair. And sometimes, art is a bit more attractive owing to its idiosyncrasies too.

Make no mistake, your comics remain da bomb, bud. :pinkiehappy: Take pride in that! Especially as you buckle down for the next half-a-year of studying hell.

10/10 no notes, amazing.

Damn. Loved the comic, but the FlutterCord kinda ruins it for me.

Holy crap, this was a 10/10 read, I haven't laughed this much in ages.

22) Stream of consciousness comments are cool, right? (I frikkin' love oboes. :twilightsmile:)

30) Can't tell if SciTwi has that Dispassionate Scientific Curiosity turned up to 11, or she's just messing with Sunset. Either way, I love her for it.

38) "Ontological headshot" is now a thing I will say to people.

60) Dash's about-face is hilarious to me. (And I knew it was Fluttershy!)

79) Totally with Celestia there.

80-81) This is how you know they're in a fantasy world.

91) I love them both so much!

98) Pinkie Pie, the Wise Fool, is absolutely integral to the smooth functioning of the universe. Why do so many people not understand this?

102) I called it right here, even though Twilight left "nevertheless adorable" out of her description.

107) Nothing in this panel is not sheer brilliance.

108) I noticed the subtle sun and moon elements on their hats and was very happy about them.

111) :facehoof: Classic mistake.

113) Sweet Baby Jeezuz, that monitor line behind Twilight is perfect—

116) —as are the dark magic emanations!

120-123) :heart::pinkiehappy::heart:

139) Yeah... That always works out just fine. :facehoof:

154) Makes as much sense, if not more, than most legal systems.

Brilliant, as always, and completely worth the wait!

Author Interviewer

this was great, but the thing I am going to comment on is the Level Dasher tribute because ;_;

Rarity said 'This wedding's sure it's affecting you' when i think its supposed to be 'is'

As a Jew who identifies with Pinkie Pie, I have to thank you for panel 65. Never again means never again, even if the people doing say it's in our name. <3

Every time I'm in awe of your comedic timing and flow. As an aspiring writer myself, it almost feels like magic.

Oh this entire comic was an absolute treat!!

Fantastic, as always!

Guntar, the greatest of inventions and power

Good catch! I had to wait to get to my good computer to fix it -- it's the one where I have the drawing program -- so I couldn't fix it up til now. Should be properly spelled now!

You can find an index in my Fimfic profile, as long as you're on desktop mode! I'll have a website to host these up and running sooner than later, but for the time being, Fimfic's the way.

I like how the alicorn wings in the small cameos make them look like they're doing jazz hands constantly

Jazz hands make everything better, clearly.

Late to the party but this is so much damn fun. n_n

Love the dresses. And also, dunno if anypony had mentioned this yet, but the Mane Six are all wearing Fluttershyʼs cutie mark. And I think thatʼs unbelievably sweet and lovely.

Oh, and you comedy is excellent. You probably already knew that.

I just want you to know that this comic had me clutching my sides laughing. It was so good, I just now made an account so I could comment and let you know it was good. I've been lurking for two years, and this was what finally broke me into making an account to comment. absolutely amazing. (now I'm going to go read everything else you've drawn and written)

Well! This was a lovely comment to wake up, actually -- thank you very much! You can see the rest of my comics either looking at the index on my user page (as long as you're on desktop mode, and not on mobile) or just browsin' through my blogs, analog style. Hope you like what you see!

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