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False Door

If you like feeling awful, you've come to the right place.

More Blog Posts6

  • 26 weeks
    The Craziest Thing Happened to Me...

    A short while ago, a user reached out to me on FimFiction to tell me they were making a video adaptation (in Spanish) of my story 'I Have No Wings and I must Fly' for their grimdark fanfic channel. (That was my first MLP fanfic. I wrote it when I was only 1.5 seasons into the show. In fact, I started watching the show in order to do research for the story.) Anyway, I told them that that sounded

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    4 comments · 458 views
  • 43 weeks
    My New Book is Out!

    Exciting news for me. The book I've been writing since the end of 2016 is live and available for free download RIGHT NOW. It's my first full length novel, clocking in at 92k words. It’s a significant personal accomplishment because I've never been able to weave a story over 60k without it stagnating or becoming riddled with filler. I've been trying

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    8 comments · 217 views
  • 51 weeks
    Summer Sin Celebration

    I'll be participating in the Summer Sin Celebration writing exchange this year. Not because I'm some clop fiend but because I'm enamored with the idea of being part of a group writing project where you put your own spin on someone else's prompt. I don't write clop without plot;

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    2 comments · 125 views
  • 55 weeks
    My New Book is Finished

    Exciting news for me. I finally finished the book I've been writing since the end of 2016. (I did take a 1.5 year hiatus in the middle.) It's my first full length novel, clocking in at 92k words. It feels like a significant personal accomplishment because I've never been able to weave a story over 40k without it stagnating or becoming riddled with filler. I've been trying to write a 'real book'

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    2 comments · 134 views
  • 64 weeks
    Current and Future Projects

    I’m focusing on finishing a new book that I’ve been writing slowly for over five years. It’s horror. I’m currently at 81k words. There are only two to three chapters left to write. I’ll self publish it digitally on Amazon. It’ll be free on its debut. I’ll tell you about it when it’s out. But what this is really about is the fanfiction ideas that have backed up in my head in the meantime. I just

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My New Book is Out! · 7:15am Jul 31st, 2023

Exciting news for me. The book I've been writing since the end of 2016 is live and available for free download RIGHT NOW. It's my first full length novel, clocking in at 92k words. It’s a significant personal accomplishment because I've never been able to weave a story over 60k without it stagnating or becoming riddled with filler. I've been trying to write a 'real book' by my definition for 14 years and this is the first time it feels like I actually pulled it off.

Oblivion Girls is set in 1938 New York State. It's a first person noire-adjacent horror mystery that's heavily inspired by two horror games, Rule of Rose and the Silent Hill franchise but shares much in common with other titles too, like Deadly Premonition and The Evil Within. It's also shaped by my brief stint living in a secluded cabin in the mountains (when I started writing it.) It would make a riveting Telltale game with dozens of moral and relationship choices and several possible endings.

If you're more of a movie person, Oblivion Girls is like the tragic existential journey of wonderment in 'What Dreams May Come' with the world-bending madness of 'Inception' and the traumatic psychological dread of 'Jacob's Ladder.'

Here is the synopsis:

The worst hell is the one you make yourself…

It's 1938. Norman Hewitt is an NYC homicide detective with a haunted past. Still anguishing over the loss of his wife and only daughter, he goes on a pilgrimage to their once frequented lakeside camping spot in the country. But his hopes of finally laying his demons to rest are quickly scuttled when he wrecks his car taking a detour. The only thing around for miles is Juniper Gates, a secluded orphanage for girls, tucked away in the Catskills where time seems to have stopped.

Norman finds himself stranded there indefinitely as the orphanage has no working vehicle, no working phone, and no one seems to ever come by the house from the outside world. Forced to settle in and while away his time at a strange place that becomes stranger by the day, he begins to spend time with some of the less caustic residents. Agnes, a strange girl continually spying on him, shares her account of a cover-up and a girl who went missing from the house, a mystery too enticing to ignore. But as he tugs at the veil of the old orphanage, an insidious conspiracy comes into focus that plunges him into a twisted nightmare of dark memories, horrifying secrets, and worst fears come to life.

Dark, provocative and visceral.

Themes include:

Grief and guilt 

The fluidity of memory

Empathy and forgiveness and who deserves them

Keeping secrets

Concrete versus abstract thought

Autonomy and consent

The cycle of violence 

Self flagellation

Perdition and purgatory

All of this in an environment that is influenced and shaped by psychosis.

It’s a slow boil that bubbles over and out of control just after you’ve settled in and turned your back on it. It's both heart wrenching and heartwarming and you'll feel conflicted about many of the characters.

There are many twists and other significant story components that give it a supernatural edge but probably the less I say about that, the better. Just trust me, it's a real trip and it's big and elaborate for something taking place in a single location. Part of the reason that it took me so long to write this story is because of all of the layers and world building.

Here's a Pinterest mood board for the story if you're interested in that.

Here's the Spotify playlist for the story which I guess is also a sort of mood board.

Oblivion Girls is available for download as an ebook on Amazon for Kindle or the Kindle app. It's on promotion for the first three days, (7/31/23 - 8/2/23,) so you can acquire it for free if you snatch it up quickly. There's even a paperback version... for NOT free.

Since this is not a FiM fiction submission, I'll designate this blog post as the official comments and questions section for the book if anyone has them. Or you can even DM me about it. You can also rate and review me on Amazon and/or Goodreads too. That would be amazing.

P. S. The Goodreads link has a photo of my face... from 2016 if you've ever wondered...:rainbowhuh:

Comments ( 8 )

That cover is fine! The summary has me hooked!

Thanks! That's good to hear.


If this contains your usual brand of slightly unhinged disparity than I think I'll be in for a solid if kinda concerning read.

YOU BOUGHT A PAPERBACK COPY? :pinkiegasp: I don't know what to say... :fluttercry: I feel so honored.

I've had many enjoyable hours reading your stories, I think you're a really good writer. Least I could do was give a little bit of kickback, not to mention I got two of these huge bookcases to fill up. Cover art is solid too, it'll look good up there.

I’m about 3/4 of the way through the book now, and you weren’t kidding when you wrote that there would be conflicting feelings on the characters. Mainly though I think you’ve excellently represented something I’ve never really though too much about before, that being the chaotic living of a group of children growing up and trying to cut out their own stake in life after losing everything they knew.

Juniper Gates doesn’t feel like a place that exists for the sake of a story, but rather like a real place where many people are living out their everyday lives whilst we’re just looking in through the window. I’m expecting some more curveballs before I’m done and I really can’t tell where I’m going to end up by the time I turn that back cover over, but I’ve really enjoyed it so far and I’m looking forward to finishing it out.

I'm so glad to hear you're enjoying it. When you finish, I'll try not to inundate you with questions since you're practically a test reader. But here's one I've been wondering:

Pick one:
Almighty Scissors
Carving Chalk
Infinite Nail Gun

No you really don't have to hold back. I'm so used to reading books where I have other people to talk about it with after that it's actually been kinda frustrating to know that I don't have anyone else to really discuss it with. I'll let you know once I'm finished and you can feel free to say whatever you want.

As for your question, I'd pick the scissors. By almighty I assume you mean they can cut through anything, although I wonder if you intended for that to mean just anything physical. I would probably pick them either way, as I don't think an infinite nail gun would really be exponentially more useful than a regular nail gun, and I don't know what you mean by carving chalk.

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