• Published 9th May 2024
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Mona Lisa Overdrive: A Date With Stardust Glitter - AndyHunter

Stardust Glitter, a young and sensitive emo mare, captures your attention with her enigmatic aura. Your relationship with her is fresh, still in its budding stages.

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My Beautiful Judith

In the tranquil embrace of the park, the gentle caress of the breeze intermingled with the melodic chimes emanating from Marechester Town Hall. Seated side by side on a weathered bench, your hand found its place atop Stardust's hoof. Locking eyes, a rush of crimson painted Stardust's cheeks as she savored the warmth of your touch.

"I love you," Stardust's voice, soft and endearing, filled the air, accompanied by a blush that deepened with each passing moment. "I'm over the moon you've chosen to spend time with me."

A smile tugged at your lips, unable to resist the charm of her tender words. "Me too, Stardust," you replied, your fingers gently tracing patterns across her hoof, a silent declaration of affection. As you squeezed her hoof gently, a silent assurance of your shared moment's significance lingered in the air.

"I'm glad you feel that way. Strange things 'ave been going on lately, what with this Equestrian Paradox business," Stardust murmured, nuzzling her head against your shoulder.

"What exactly is an Equestrian Paradox?" you inquired, your fingers gently combing through Stardust's mane.

"It's when the world goes all topsy-turvy, nothing makin' sense, ya know?" Stardust explained, her voice tinged with a hint of distress. "Remember when I told ya 'bout bein' stuck in that space hospital? That's the sorta thing I mean. Ain't just makin' it up, still gives me the shivers, that experience."

"I'm sure there's gotta be some explanation for it. Anypony else been through something like that?" you pressed on.

"Lollipop and Blackjack, they've 'ad their fair share," Stardust replied in a hushed tone, her grip tightening around your shoulder. "Lollipop reckons she was in 'ell, while Blackjack got 'erself trapped in some foal's book."

"And it wasn't a dream? I mean, I know we're in a magical land, but I know that kind of thing can't happen just because." You voiced your skepticism to Stardust, acknowledging the fantastical nature of their experiences even in a land as magical as Equestria. Although you trusted Stardust's sincerity, disbelief still lingered, especially when faced with such extraordinary occurrences.

"It's all a bit bonkers, isn't it? I mean, I sorted Lollipop out, and next thing I know, I'm back in Equestria, everything's back to normal," Stardust replied, her voice tinged with unease, seeking solace in your presence amidst the aftermath of trauma.

The perils of the Equestrian wasteland loomed large in your mind, yet a resolve simmered within you to unravel the mysteries behind these unexplained phenomena. However, for now, your priority lay in providing Stardust with comfort and companionship, anchoring her amidst the chaos.

"Fear not, Stardust. We'll get to the bottom of this someday. But for now, let's make the most of our time together, shall we?" you reassured her with a warm smile, coaxing her to set aside her fears and embrace the present moment.

Stardust's face lit up with gratitude at your comforting words, a sense of safety washing over her. "Aw, thank you. That's why you've got my heart, love," she remarked, her tone shifting to one of flirtation as her gaze turned suggestive. You were well acquainted with that mischievous glint in her eye.

"You know, it's been too long since we indulged in a bit of naughty fun. How about we sneak off to a public loo, and I treat you to a cheeky blowjob?" she suggested, her words laced with an undeniable allure.

You brought both hands to your chest, a hint of frustration tainting your tone as you took a step back. "What do you mean, it's been a long time? We were at it just yesterday," you questioned, the frequency of Stardust's requests for intimacy beginning to wear on you.

Stardust raised a hoof to her lips in contemplation. "Really? Feels like an eternity to me. It'll be a quickie, I promise," she assured, her adorable demeanor melting any resolve you had left.

With a resigned sigh, you pressed a hand to your forehead, weighing your options. Refusal could potentially lead to tears from Stardust, a prospect you were loath to entertain. Considering Stardust's nurturing upbringing, filled with love and warmth, you relented.

"Alright, but let's make it quick," you relented, rising from the bench and offering Stardust a helping hand.

With eager excitement, Stardust took your hand, and together, you ventured off for a brief but intimate encounter.

Stardust emerged from the bathroom, a contented sigh escaping her lips as she savored the moment, relishing the taste of your release. "Mmm, that was smashing. We ought to do it again later," she suggested with a playful grin.

Meanwhile, you found yourself leaning against the wall, exhaustion weighing heavily upon you. Stardust's proposal elicited a wave of frustration within you, unable to bear the prospect of another round of intimacy so soon. "Are you serious, Stardust? Can't we do anything besides fucking?" you retorted, your weariness evident in your voice.

Stardust turned to face you, a mixture of shock and hurt clouding her expression at your abrupt response. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears as she struggled to comprehend your rejection. "What else is there for us, then? You don't want me to get knackered, you don't want me to get bladdered, you don't want me to turn tricks. I'm not a bleeding foal! I'm your bird, not your bairn. I reckon my old boy would give me more freedom than this," she lamented, casting her gaze aside, her hooves fidgeting nervously as she bit her lip.

"It's not like that, Stardust. I just want our relationship to be about more than just sex. There's a whole world out there for us to explore, like taking a spin on the Marechester wheel," you explained, your voice softening as you tried to convey your feelings without exacerbating Stardust's distress.

Stardust shook her head, tears glistening in her eyes as she turned away from you, her emotions raw and unfiltered. "I don't want that. I want something deeper, more intimate. I want to feel wanted, to feel alive. Ever since I left Stable Fifty, my life's been utter bollocks. I've got bugger all to live for, except my looks, shagging, booze, and you... that's all that bloody keeps me going," she confessed, her voice trembling with anguish as she struggled to articulate her pain.

Moved by her vulnerability, you gently cupped her cheeks in your hands, urging her to meet your gaze. "I'm sorry, Stardust. I know you've been through a lot since you ventured into the wasteland. But none of it's your fault. All you wanted was a bit of fun at Sparkle-World. I get that. But you're tearing yourself apart, love. I want to help you, but you're making it difficult for me," you said earnestly, your words laden with empathy as you tried to navigate the delicate terrain of her emotions.

"What's the bloomin' problem? Have I gone and gotten fat or somethin'? Not attractive anymore, is that it? Feels like you're just findin' excuses to not shag me," Stardust's voice cracked with hurt and insecurity, her vulnerability laid bare.

"Stardust, it's not about that at all. I'm just trying to say that our relationship isn't just about sex. There are plenty of other ways we can spend time together. I know you want to feel desired, but you've got me, haven't you? We don't have to get it on every time to prove it," you reassured her, maintaining a tone of understanding to protect Stardust's fragile heart.

"Well, like what then?" Stardust's question carried a mix of anger and sadness, her refusal leaving her feeling dejected. But you had a plan to lift her spirits, to remind her of her worth.

"You could show me those breakdance moves of yours. It'd be good practice so you don't lose your touch," you suggested with a warm smile, knowing that breakdancing was a skill Stardust rarely shared with others, making her blush with pride.

"Do you really wanna... see me bust a move?" Stardust asked, her embarrassment evident as she hid behind her bangs.

"Absolutely. It's a talent unique to you, not many ponies can do it. Plus, you've mentioned dodging bullets with those moves. I'd love to see 'em," you encouraged her, taking a few steps back to give her space to prepare.

"Umm, alright then. I'll give it a whirl for you," Stardust replied with a shy smile, positioning herself on two hooves.

With a graceful fluidity, Stardust crossed her hind hooves and dropped to the ground, executing a stylish spin with her back against the earth.

Next, Stardust effortlessly performed a backflip, landing gracefully before seamlessly transitioning into a stationary walking motion, her hooves gliding with precision. With a swift motion, she executed a 360-degree turn with one hoof planted firmly on the ground, effortlessly transitioning into a single-front-hoofed stand while her hind hooves remained suspended in the air.

You watched in awe as Stardust showcased her skills, unable to contain your admiration. "That was amazing!" you exclaimed, approaching her to offer your congratulations.

Stardust, slightly out of breath and showing signs of fatigue, flashed you a tired but contented smile. "Cheers, love. Glad you enjoyed it," she sighed, her breaths revealing the toll of the performance. It was evident that Stardust had let her practice slide, but her dedication to impressing you served as motivation to continue honing her skills and building her stamina.

You and Stardust shared a warm embrace before heading home, basking in the glow of the wonderful day you'd shared together.

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