• Published 31st Aug 2018
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SAPR - Scipio Smith

Sunset, Jaune, Pyrrha and Ruby are Team SAPR, and together they fight to defeat the malice of Salem, uncover the truth about Ruby's past and fill the emptiness within their souls.

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Celestial Advice (Rewritten)

Celestial Advice

So, there it is. It’s been Sunset stopped and sucked on the tip of her pen while she worked out exactly how she wanted to…no, it wasn’t even about how she might want to describe all of this madness; it was more about how she could. She scribbled It’s been an eventful couple of days.

I cannot disagree with you. came the reply from her old mentor, because Sunset had felt the need of Celestia’s wisdom, the wisdom that came with many years and many perils faced and overcome. Twilight was there too, because this was a situation where… well, Sunset could do with some advice from both sides of the divide about this business with Ozpin. At the moment, however, Twilight seemed content to let Celestia do the talking, and honestly, Sunset was content with that as well. I have to tell you, Sunset, that the more you tell me, the more I would do anything to whisk you away from such a dangerous place as you have found yourself.

Sunset felt herself squirming in her seat in the library, as though Celestia were there in person, looking down at her with that gaze that could see through all of her deceptions. It’s not so bad.

After all that you have told me – after what you have just finished telling me – I hope very much that you don’t have such a low opinion of my intelligence as to expect me to believe that.

Sunset couldn’t help but chuckle wryly, just a little bit, before she wrote back. Okay, Remnant has its problems; sure, there are monsters who want to eat everyone, and they’re being directed by some kind of demigod who also wants to kill everyone, and she’s convinced someone that I wanted to call friend – who I might still call friend, which might be even worse – to serve her in that same cause, and sure, there are a lot of people who think I’m an animal because of the way I look, and the guy leading our fate against the aforementioned demigod might send me out to die just to advance his plans a little bit, but apart from all of that, it’s really not so bad.

Celestia did not reply for a moment, so Sunset wrote a little more. I can see your arched eyebrow in my mind’s eye, Princess.

Perhaps you can also answer the obvious question?

I can’t come back to Equestria.

I don’t understand why you would not want to. Luna told me that you had had a nightmare that she found especially terrible, and it took all of my restraint to respect your privacy and not write to you to find out if you were all right. Why would you want to stay in a world that does that to you, that pains and traumatises you, when you could return to Equestria where it is safe?

This isn’t about what I want, Princess. I do want to come back to Equestria, and if Princess Luna talked to you about my nightmare, then you must know that. I miss Canterlot, I miss the streets and the shops, I miss my room. I miss the safety and security of a world and a land at peace. I miss being able to lie down in the knowledge that everything was fine and was going to stay fine. I miss Sunset hesitated for a moment, the pen shaking a little in her hands. I miss you. I miss you so much. I miss the feeling of your coat against mine, I miss the feel of your feathers, I miss knowing that you were watching over me, keeping me safe.

I miss being able to sleep like I did back then, when I was a filly, to sleep without needing to be able to wake up in an instant and be ready to fight because the monsters are coming. I miss that.

I didn’t realise until I absorbed all of Cinder’s hatred just how tired I am from not being able to sleep like that. But I can’t come back.

Why not? Why can’t you come home? What is keeping you in that place?

It’s your friends, isn’t it?

And the Princess of Friendship gets it in one. There are other things that I could tell you are keeping me here, and they would be real things: like what would I do in Equestria now, be a second string Twilight Sparkle? I have a chance to make a difference here in Remnant, to be something, to mean something; you know what I just got offered from Professor Ozpin, a chance to stand in the circle that decides the fate of the world.

But I’m not sure how much any of that would matter if it wasn’t for them. They need me, if that doesn’t sound too arrogant. I can’t just abandon them all to run off home because things here are less than perfect. Ruby, Pyrrha, Blake, Jaune; Rainbow Dash, the other Twilight; they don’t have another world to go back to. This is the only world they have, and they have to fight for it; they have no other choice. And so, even though I do have a choice, I’m going to fight for it with them because they’re my friends. And honestly, when I say this world isn’t so bad, they’re a lot of what I’m talking about. Sure, Remnant has grimm and racism, and apparently, it has this creature Salem too, but it’s also got my friends in it, which makes it bearable. In fact, I will go further than that and say it makes it pretty good.

Some things change, but friendship is always magic.

Sunset looked at that statement for a second before she wrote back. Uh, yeah, I suppose.

Sunset, there are times when I feel as though my heart is going to burst with worry for you, and there are other times when I feel so proud of how far you’ve come since leaving Canterlot, and I am honestly not sure which I feel more at this moment.

Thank you, Princess Celestia, but I didn’t write to you so you or Twilight could feed my ego. I did it because I need your advice. Both of you, if you’ve got any.

No offence, Sunset, but where are we supposed to start? With your new magic?

Technically, it’s not magic; it’s called a semblance, and it She stopped. You know what, never mind, let’s just call it magic. I did explain semblances by saying ‘they’re a lot like cutie marks except you can’t see them,’ so I’ve got no one to blame but myself for Twilight having jumped to the association with magic.

Should we talk about that? Or the fact that you absorbed someone’s hatred and then someone else’s love? Or how about the fact that you’ve been invited to join a conspiracy that maybe runs the world or something? Or that you’re fighting a war against someone who can’t be beaten? Couldn’t you have spaced all this out a little bit for our sakes? This is a lot to take in.

You think that you have it all dropped on you at once, try being the one it actually happened to.

There was a moment of pause on the other end of the journal.

How do you feel, Little Sunbeam?

Sunset hesitated. How did she feel? After last night, after today, after everything that had happened to her and everything that she had learned, how did she feel?

Better now than I was. Between Cinder’s hatred and Ruby’s love, I’ve kind of ended up back at an equilibrium for now. But I have to say, so far, this new power really sucks. Even when I learn to control it – and I will, count on that – I still don’t know what good it’s going to be. I can learn stuff about other people, I suppose, but only if I can get close enough to touch them and only at the cost of feeling the way that they feel. If Blake hadn’t

If Ruby hadn’t

If I had gone back to the dorm last night

How much did Princess Luna tell you about my nightmare last night?

Only that it was painful. Other than that, she kept your confidence, as she always does.

I thought I’d hurt them. Her hand shook a little as she made the admission. Sunset: That was my nightmare. I was hurting them the way that Cinder wants to hurt them.

Those feelings are not yours.

But the actions would have been mine if I had let those feelings control me. And that’s the point. I got past Cinder’s hate with the help of Blake and Ruby but what if, next time, I can’t get through it? What if I do something that isn’t me? What good are powers that make me do their bidding instead of the other way around?

Do you know that it will always be that way? How do you know that, once you learn to control the powers, you won’t also learn to control the side effects of those powers?

I don’t know for sure, but what if it isn’t like that?

This is not Equestrian magic, so I fear that Twilight and I can offer you only very limited advice in this regard. All I can tell you is that nobody can force you to use any part of your power, and if you dislike any part of your abilities, if you fear this gift that has been given to you, then you need not make use of it.

I do not pretend that this is the best advice, but it is all that I can offer you in this.

Sunset wrote back quickly. Don’t worry, Princess, I don’t expect you to solve all of my problems. And honestly, ‘don’t use my semblance if I don’t want to’ is far from being bad advice. Once I can control it, I won’t have to use it at all if I don’t want to, and with Pyrrha’s help, I’m sure I’ll get a handle on it pretty quickly.

Sunset paused and rubbed between her brows with her free hand. Princess Celestia, Twilight, do you think that people are born evil, or are they simply made evil by the world and times they live in?

You’re talking about this Cinder Fall, aren’t you?

You are not her, Sunset; you are not this monster that you now oppose.

But I could have been. Isn’t that why you threw me out? Isn’t that why you expelled me from the palace, because you could see that I was becoming a monster? If I had run into Salem and Cinder had run into Ruby and Pyrrha, then she’d be here, and I’d be the one on the run while I plotted to wreak great havoc and destruction upon all things.

No, you wouldn’t.

How can you be so sure?

Because Cinder did run into Pyrrha; you told me that when you explained all the memories you got from her.

Sunset knew what Twilight was referring to at once, but couldn’t help but feel stupid that she hadn’t made the connection that Twilight had apparently made so quickly and without even the lived experience of this place that Sunset had. Just because she’s the Princess of Friendship doesn’t mean that she has to be that much better than me at this stuff, does it? Cinder saw Pyrrha once at a party, but

And that only made her hate Pyrrha more, that’s what you said.

But I hated Pyrrha too, and for the same reasons.

And then you didn’t anymore. You were able to look past your own jealousy and get to know the real Pyrrha. Even then, you were able to start opening your heart to friendship. Cinder had that chance, when she met you in Mistral, when she came to Beacon. She could have gotten to know the real Pyrrha just like you did, but she preferred to stew in her own anger and hate the idea of Pyrrha that she’d built up in her head. That’s the difference between the two of you; more than things that Cinder’s done and the things that you’ve done. Because nobody is born evil, and we all have some darkness within us, but what makes the difference more than anything else is that we’re willing to change and accept that others can change. That’s what separates you and Cinder; that – the fact that you were able to welcome friendship into your life, even more than friendship itself – is what means that you’re not a monster, even if she is.

Sunset rested her elbow on the table and her cheek upon her propped-up hand. She toyed with the pen, twirling it between her fingers as it spun before her eyes. She didn't know…but if anyone would react well to what she was about to put down it would be Twilight and Celestia.

Twilight, you know how I feel about Adam.


Maybe it makes me a massive hypocrite – in fact, I'm pretty sure it does – but I can't hate Cinder the same way that I hate him. Even though there isn't that much difference between the two of them in terms of what they've done, and in fact, I could even see the logic in the argument that Cinder's worse than Adam. Maybe if things were different, then I'd actually make that argument.

Sunset stopped for a moment, not because she wanted a response from either Twilight or Celestia, but because she was thinking over her next words.

She couldn't have told this to anyone else, not to any of her Remnant friends. Pyrrha, Ruby, or Jaune probably wouldn't have understood; Blake probably would have been actively upset by it; only Twilight and Celestia, safely removed from all of this in Equestria and with no personal connection to anyone involved in any of this but her, would let her lay it out like this without judging her for it.

She hoped they wouldn't judge her for it anyway; she hoped that Celestia, at least, would be able to overlook the logical fallacies involved this once in order to tell her… in order to tell her what she wanted to hear at this moment.

Maybe it's just the fact that I know what Cinder went through and felt what she felt; maybe it's just the fact that I liked Cinder before I knew what she was, while I never liked Adam. I don't know; all I know is that I don't hate her the way that I hate him. I almost

Sunset hesitated again, her words teetering on the edge of falling into an abyss from which there would be no recall. Once she set this down, there could be no taking it back. It would remain as a statement of intent before the princesses, and even if she burned the journal immediately afterward, she wouldn't be able to burn the words from the princesses' minds.

I almost want to help her, even though that sounds stupid.

Stupid, Sunset Shimmer? And why in Equestria or Remnant would you think that? Has this world and its cruelty so corrupted you that the very quality of mercy seems foolish to you now?

The idea that Remnant had in some way corrupted Sunset Shimmer, when it – or at least its inhabitants – had rather proved themselves to be her salvation, caused Sunset to let out a little bark of laughter. No, Princess Celestia, it hasn't corrupted me. The opposite, more like. I suppose

Sunset hesitated, then crossed out the beginning of that sentence. You don't think it sounds stupid at all, do you?

I am afraid it worries me a little that you do. Although not as much as it gladdens me that you wish to help this Cinder Fall in spite of all that she is or has done.

In spite of it? But she's evil. She tried to kill the other Twilight, she hurt Rainbow Dash; she's working for Salem, and while I don't know exactly what she wants, I'm pretty sure it's nothing good. And yet I want to offer her a hand to help her up. Isn't that weak of me?

I prefer to say it shows compassion in you. And compassion should never be seen as a weakness to shamefully hide away from the world, still less from yourself.

I don't even know if Cinder would want my compassion.

That does not mean that it should not be offered. After Twilight and her friends used the Elements of Harmony on Luna, I offered her once again the hoof of friendship that she had refused a thousand years ago. I had no way of knowing that she would not refuse it a second time. But with my sister lying, nearly helpless, on the ground before me, I could do nothing else.

I had no way of knowing that she would accept my love, but I could not have lived with myself after if I had not offered it, whatever her response.

But how did you know that she deserved your mercy, just because you loved her?

No one deserves mercy, Sunset, and yet, everyone does. The quality of mercy is not strained, and it speaks more to the heart of she who offers it than she to whom it is offered. Forgiveness is not always easy, any more than understanding, but that does not mean that they should not be offered freely, no matter how difficult it might be to offer such or how we might feel about the person to whom we offer it.

Sunset frowned. Are we talking about Ozpin now?

I think that you’re being a little harsh in your judgement of him.

Sunset’s frown deepened as she thought about Professor Ozpin. He uses others as his weapons.

There was a pause, as there was no response from the other side of the book. Sunset waited, wondering if a response would be forthcoming or if she had written too harshly and too hastily; had Celestia decided to let it lie there, to reply with silence in order to best show how she felt about Sunset’s words?

She was about to write something else, something to let Celestia know that she hadn’t meant anything by it, when words in the slightly cramped script that Sunset recognised as Twilight’s telekinetic-writing appeared on the page.

If you could see the look on her face right now, you wouldn’t have written that. Or at least I hope you wouldn’t.

It’s quite alright, Twilight; I can speak for myself. You chide me well and cut me to the quick.

Sunset swallowed. Princess, you must know that was never my intent. I only

Spoke from the heart. There is no shame in that. But do not be too swift to judge Professor Ozpin, still yet condemn him. He merely does as do all who rule, or why do I sit here in the midst of this high-vaulted palace, sending even one who is dear as daughter to me forth to battle the darkness of the world in my stead?

Don’t talk like that; you’re nothing like him.

Really? In what way are we un-alike? In that I am older than he is by far? In that you have affection for me that you do not feel for him?

Affection? Is that all you call it, affection?

You know that I meant

Yes, I do, I’m sorry if that seemed like an overreaction. I just meant that

Sunset stopped, because she wasn’t really at all sure what she had just meant. She had overreacted, and now, she had to find some way to take it back. She hastily scribbled something down before Celestia or Twilight could write something themselves. She was mishandling this, she knew that, but… perhaps it was simply because she didn’t want to admit that she was wrong about this, but she wanted to make them understand, to see Ozpin as she saw him, to open their eyes.

Perhaps if I can do it for them, then I can do it for my friends here.

Princess, would you ever ask Twilight to do something that you thought was beyond her abilities?

I always have every confidence in Twilight and her ability to fulfil every challenge that I have set for her with the support of her friends.

With all due respect, that’s not what I asked. Would you ever set Twilight a task that you knew, for all your faith in her, that she could not accomplish?

No, of course not.

And it would grieve you if she fell in some endeavour you had set her.

How can you ask something like that?!

Twilight, please, it is a fair question. There was a moment of nothing written, and when Celestia’s writing resumed once again, Sunset could feel the weight of each word as Celestia set it down. Celestia: Yes, it would grieve me sorely to lose Twilight.

I cannot say the same of Professor Ozpin; he might set us a task beyond our abilities – considerable though those abilities are – if only because he had no one else to send. And I do not believe that he would grieve for us if he caused our deaths.

And how would you know if he did or not?

Sunset stared down at the question in a kind of disbelief. How could Celestia even ask something like that? Wasn’t it obvious? Because if he felt anything, then he’d show it.

Oh, Sunset; would that it were so.

I do not know your Professor Ozpin as you do, but I know what it is to rule. I know what it is to be elevated so far above those whom you rule that all meaningful connection to their hearts is lost, all understanding of their lives reduced to the abstract; I know what it is like to long to descend to their level and yet to be bound by chains of duty to your lonely sphere. I was fortunate that first you and then Twilight came into my life, touching my heart as – due to my age and my position – few others can. I know what it is like to make decisions touching the lives of thousands, tens of thousands, knowing that even the smallest mistake will bring great misery and maybe worse down upon them.

And I know what it is like to belong to others more than to yourself, to force your emotions down inside of you so that you may be, in the eyes of the world, ever the serene princess that they wish to see. The mask that Professor Ozpin wears in public may not please you, but I have no doubt that it is what he feels is expected of him by those around him.

Sunset stared down at the words written before her, words that were so controlled in script but so heartfelt in emotion. I didn’t realise.

I would be a poor princess if you did. It is a great burden that we bear, who make the great and momentous decisions. We forget our triumphs all too swiftly, while our mistakes stay with us forever. I doubt that Professor Ozpin regrets any error as much as I regret those which led to my sister’s madness – at least, I hope he does not – but I am sure that he regrets his own mistakes more greatly than he ever considers his successes. You think that poor Ruby’s mother died in his service?

I think it likely.

You may be assured that if it is so, then the death of Summer Rose will haunt Ozpin every day of his life, for all that he can never show that fact.

But she’s still dead. Even if I’m completely wrong about Professor Ozpin and he has an ocean of tears within that he can never shed, even if he loved Summer Rose like his own daughter, even if he loves us all as you loved me once and love me still, Summer Rose is still dead. As Pyrrha could die, as Ruby could die, as Jaune or Blake or any of them could die, and however much it pains him, they’ll still be dead.

Well, that’s where you come in, isn’t it?

Sunset blinked. What?

I can’t imagine what you’re signing yourself up for; a war without end? Against an enemy who can’t be beaten? I can’t conceive of what you’re letting yourself in for. But I can understand why you want to stay, and I respect that: you want to help your friends, protect them. If that means keeping them safe in situations where Professor Ozpin has sent you into danger, then isn’t that just what you were going to do anyway?

Sunset huffed, unable to deny that Twilight had a point there, but at the same time… at the same time, not really wanting to admit it. Well yes, but

Sunset trailed off, because there wasn’t really anything after the ‘but’ at all. There was just a ‘but’ and her feeling like a bit of an ass.

Would you really be okay with this if you were me? Even if you knew he wasn’t telling you everything?

I’m not Celestia; I don’t really have anything to do as a princess yet. I don’t rule people, I don’t give orders, I just… anyway. But I know what it’s like to have friends who I’d do anything for, and I know what it’s like to face danger, even if not as often as you do. All I can say is that if Equestria were threatened again, it wouldn’t matter whether Celestia asked me to step in or not; if there was something that I could to keep the world safe, then I’d do it, and I know that each and every one of my friends would say the same thing.

Sunset snorted and smiled at the same time. My Twilight said something similar, and my Rainbow Dash something not too far away. Sunset let out a long, slow sigh. I’m not sure if I can ever like him.

Celestia: All I can ask is that you try and understand.

Sunset nodded, for all that Celestia couldn’t see it. For you, Princess, I will make the attempt. Any advice for me in my new situation?

Don’t underestimate the magic of friendship. Although Salem may seem unbeatable, if you stick together and grow the bond that connects each of your hearts, then who knows what might happen?

And even if all you can do is delay this Salem’s progress, remember that you and your friends are here because of the efforts of those who came before you to delay her, and if you fight against evil with all the strength at your command, then the world will survive long enough for you to pass the baton on to those who will come after you. So long as there is always someone willing to take up the torch and keep the fire burning, then no matter how hard it tries, evil will never triumph.

Sunset couldn’t help but smile a little. I suppose that I should be satisfied if that is my epitaph. Doesn’t stop me wanting something grander, though. Sunset: Thank you, both of you. I needed this.

Whenever you need me, Sunset, here I am.

Here we are. Maybe, next time, try and pace the onslaught of revelations a little more?

Sunset shook her head. I’ll try my best. She closed the book and put it away in her satchel.

She was about to get up from her seat in the library when her scroll began to buzz.

Sunset got it out, opening the device to see that she had an incoming call from a number that she didn’t recognise.

Nevertheless, in spite of that – or perhaps a little because of it – she answered.

The face of Cinder Fall appeared on her screen.

Author's Note:

Rewrite Notes: The biggest change here is explicit paralleling of Celestia with Professor Ozpin.

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