• Published 18th Apr 2018
  • 16,306 Views, 250 Comments

Continue? - naturalbornderpy

Following her tragic death by yet another villain of the week, Twilight Sparkle finds herself facing something all alicorns eventually uncover. The continue screen.

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Game Over (Bonus Chapter)

Princess Celestia stood atop the windmill awkwardly, trying her best to find the right place to stand. It had been years since she’d had to resort to such a ghastly exercise (Widow’s Windmill, that particular windmill had grown to be called over time), but thankfully she knew this time would be the very last.

It had been over a decade since Twilight Sparkle first uncovered the Continuation Portal, and much had changed since. Celestia had stepped down as ruler of Equestria, leaving Twilight with the heavy mantle. Her protégé had even settled down in the years since, marrying Big Mac of all ponies and bringing to glorious life adorable foals Little Mac and Littlest Mac.

Finally balanced on a beam, Celestia took a breath and held it, letting the warm morning sun hit her face and chest. She could smell fresh grass on the lazy breeze as it passed. She then watched as the early risers in Ponyville awoke to start their busy days. This was not to be a sad goodbye, but a necessary one. For it was simple.

Celestia was tired. And more than anything she wanted a rest. Whatever “rest” came after not “continuing” in the Continuation Portal? Come whatever may, she would take it. Gladly.

Thousands of years of work could do that to a pony, even a pony as powerful as herself. And with the knowledge that Luna had agreed to at least another hundred years of watchful service helped make up her mind. Finally.

With a sigh and a faint hint of a smirk, Celestia breathed, “Goodbye, my little ponies.”

And one quick jump later…



The same white letters atop a perfectly black background. Celestia had grown to know them well over her lifetime—whether that meant she needed a helpful new skill during her many clashes with the villains of Equestria, or whether that meant a particular date hadn’t been going to plan and perhaps a bright new hat might change everything while she quickly visited the little mare’s room.

Celestia let the Continuation Portal continue.

Continuation Portal, or CP, as she normally shortened it to.

CONTINUE??” it asked again.

CONTINUE???” it asked for a third time.

She snickered a bit. Whatever happened next was going to be fascinating. Soon the countdown begun and she let it tick by without a word. One by one the numbers fell. Seeming to almost slow as they went.

5… 4… 3…

Celestia exhaled. She was nervous, yet it was a good kind of nervous.

3… 3… 3…

In the pitch-black dark, Celestia raised a brow. “CP? You’ve already counted that one. Two comes after three, remember?”

2… 2… 2…” The countdown slowed down even further.

“Everything okay, CP?” Celestia asked.

1… 1… 1…” Slower still.

And after a very long pause.


With all the warmth she could muster, Celestia smiled at the floating question marks. “It’s alright. I know what I’m doing. I’ve decided not to ‘continue’ this time, is all. But I’m ready. For whatever comes next.” Then she added with an assured nod, “Really. It’s alright, CP. I know what I’m doing.”

But it didn’t seem as if the Continuation Portal believed that, displaying no further messages. With another tired sigh, Celestia used her horn to flip the “YES” option below “CONTINUE???” to the “NO” option.

It was strange. She could almost feel a strong resistance as she made her selection.

And the moment she flicked her head forward to confirm her answer, did it hurriedly slide back to “YES”.

The standard series of events followed. The all white world. The glossy hovering screen. The classic “Choose your character!” shout.

But Celestia hadn’t wanted any of that.

Angrily, she stomped a hoof on the ground, making not a sound in the bizarre place. “Are you even listening to me? That is not what I selected!”

The first screen had always been the same: mare or stallion. Only now did a third box appear—one with a flashy “NEW!” logo overtop of it. Celestia didn’t even select it willingly. It was already selected for her.

“Filly Edition!” it happily read it sparkling letters. Below the title was an adorable foal that looked exactly like Celestia had when she was first born. Small crown and necklace included. “For a limited time only!” was the second bargain thrown in.

Closing her eyes for a moment, Celestia shook her head from side to side. “I understand you’re having a hard time understanding when someone doesn’t want to ‘continue’, CP, but this is not what I want. And not even the notion of being a filly again changes that.”

The filly Celestia disappeared and returned much the same. Only now with a small brown puppy.

Puppy Bonus unlocked!” the mysterious announcer said.

Celestia growled in her throat. “Stop this right now! Do your job, darn it!”

Eventually, the filly Celestia vanished and the screen was black again, although Celestia wasn’t a hundred percent sure if that was a good or bad thing. Until another picture of Celestia appeared on the screen—this one fully grown and graceful as usual.

“Now what?” Celestia barked. “No amount of new scarves or socks can make me continue, CP! I’ve made up my mind this time! Cease this immediately!”

Up on the screen, the shiniest, most ornate armor in existence slapped itself around the image of Celestia, giving her a mighty and robust look she hadn’t held in centuries. It even came with a sharpened, color-changing spear. Mighty Dragon Slayer Armor, it was called.

Celestia faked a laugh. “More customs? I’ll pass, thank you very much. I can’t even recall the last time I actually had to slay anything. Maybe a slice of cake or two during some luncheons at best.”

In the blink of an eye, the armor rearranged itself. Now bright pink with a colorful cupcake decal on its glimmering chest. Mighty Cake Slayer Armor, it renamed itself. The spear was now a giant fork.

Celestia pursed her lips. “Honestly, this needs to stop, CP. I highly doubt I could even afford such a garish thing.”

Curious, she glanced at her current Friendship Points: 2,367. She was right. She couldn’t even afford it. Even after the Continuation Portal took a full fifteen percent off the armor set.

Both parties said nothing for a while

Celestia asked, “Are we done here? Whatever you want to offer me next, I’m not—”

1000th visitor!” the voice announced randomly. “Collect your prize!

And just like that Celestia’s Friendship Points count shot up to 12,367. 10,000 more points than before.

Enough!” Celestia roared, shooting out a beam of pure energy towards the screen; it sparked, then blackened entirely, leaving Celestia with an uneasy feeling in her gut. Had she finally gone too far? The screen remained dark, until a single message popped up. If one could even call such a thing a real message.

:’( ” was all it read.

Steadying herself, Celestia took a step closer to the screen, lowering her voice to a gentle whisper. “I’m sorry if this wasn’t what you were expecting, CP, but I’ve made up my mind on this. I’ve given it a lifetime of thought, and this doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate everything you’ve done for me—regardless of some of your Friendship Point price increases—but I know what I’m doing. Honest. And don’t think that you won’t still have alicorns to help continue on their way. There will always be more of us that you can help ‘continue’ on their journey. So, I will say this for the very last time, I, Princess Celestia, choose not to continue. Please and thank you.”

The world returned to black and one last message appeared. The most ominous of them all. “GAME OVER”, alongside a faint splat sound for some reason.

And Princess Celestia knew no more.


Until the aroma of fresh coffee pulled at her.

Is this what lay beyond? Celestia thought numbly. Truly? Fresh coffee? Was this really the final resting place? Allowed to drink coffee and travel throughout Equestria as nothing more than a thought or an emotion? Drifting between time and space, allowed to check in on all her little ponies for the rest of their days and beyond?

Celestia thought she might just like something like that. To view the world as little more than a feeling or a cloud or a cloud made of feelings. One that had coffee, too. Unlimited coffee, hopefully. What a strange combination it would be. At least she’d be able to watch Twilight as she continued to grow and lead and spread the magic of friendship.

Then she felt the pain in her neck and the bit of drool leaking from her mouth.

“Huh?” she mumbled, pulling her head off her desk and noting the drool puddle below. She wiped at it with a hand. A hand and not a hoof. Four fingers, a thumb, and all. “Oh, no.”

Glancing around the room, Celestia found herself in an office, far smaller than the one she had back in Canterlot. Windows. Shutters. A desk covered in stains and scratches. And, yes, a single cup of coffee cooling near her desk lamp.

She studied her hand for a moment, then traced it back to her fully clothed torso and legs.

Humanoid. More human than human, it would seem.

Using her newfound fingers, she spun her name plaque around.

“Principal Celestia”, it read.

Celestia scanned her brain for the appropriate response.

Poo. No. Not nearly enough.

Darn. Come on now, Celestia.

Oh, crumbs. You’re alone in an office, remember?

Finally, Celestia settled on, “Shiiiiiii—

Until her office door opened and a blue haired woman rushed inside.

“Oh, good. You made it,” she said, as familiar as could be. “That portal was being quite the jerk, wasn’t it?”

Celestia blanched. “L-luna? You’re here, too? Does… does that mean?”

Luna nodded. “That I chose not to continue, too? Yes. Yes, it does. You thought you could just leave me behind with all your work? You knew full well I’d never get along without you.”

“But… but the windmill. I didn’t see you there.”

“There are more than one windmill in Equestria, Celestia. Like… four, last time I counted.” Luna paused, glanced at the closed door and hallway beyond. “Answer us a question, if you will, dear sister. Just what is a vice-principal and how much to they get paid?”

It took both sisters close to forty minutes to turn on and operate the computer, but eventually they uncovered just how much both principals and vice-principals made. Afterwards, they each selected their preferred curse word and spoke.

Shiiii—” Celestia began.

“Crumbs,” Luna said flatly. “Be a dear and open up a map, Tia. Time to see where the nearest windmill is.”

Author's Note:

Just some extra silliness because why not. Note: I have only watched the first Equestria Girls movie and nothing more. So, if I got something wrong, then oops.

Regardless, thanks a ton for the likes and faves! :twilightsmile: Blown away, honestly.

And I may or may not add to this sometime later. Like... silly one shot type stuff. One involving Chrysalis possibly. But don't quote me on that.

Comments ( 86 )


Malandy #2 · Apr 21st, 2018 · · 1 ·

That ending! HA!

Lol if CP is just a tedious way to go between worlds.

Like… four, last time I counted.

HA! 1000 yrs old, didn't catch up on windmills! Totally didn't get that 'til now! Nice!



“There are more than one windmills in Equestria,”

There is more than one windmill in Equestria,

ThE rIdE nEvEr EnDs!!!

*spooky scary skeletons plays*

You never quit MMORPGs.

You just get dragged into another one.

Curse you Ultima Online and Maple Story.

What ever/when ever, you make more of this, I look forward to the continued insanity.

An enjoyable read.

I never ends!:pinkiehappy:
Good job!

Kichi #8 · Apr 21st, 2018 · · 1 ·

It's sad that... Let's hope they got again the Continue portal... It could be fun

Always a windmill. Why always a windmill? I mean yeah, it IS funny, but it's just so random and inconvenient. Like, apparently there are only roughly four windmills in Equestria, so I feel like it would be easier to take a trip to Manehattan or something and go to one of the many tall buildings if they wanted to jump off of something.

Oh well, semantics. Excellent bonus chapter. :trollestia:

Good. You should never be able to escape the game.

You should watch the other EG stuff (movies and shorts.) In comparison, the first one is the worst.

Celestia! You have to stay determined! Don't give up...you are the hope of humans and ponies!

They miss s important point. If they kill themselves again there could be a even worse option to be reincarnated as. One that doesn't have windmills handy.


Thanks for the bonus chapter. The ending is hilarious.

But first Equestria Girls is worst Equestria Girls.

By like... a long mile. Like, second worst is still exponentially better.

Well, this was a bit amusing to read.

Also, did it actually have a total lives count that I overlooked? Or are they with Infinite? Can they enter the Konami Code?

A wonderful read! That damn Continuation Portal and its shenanigans :twilightblush:

Having read this now, the phrase "By Celestia's Beard" has taken on an entirely new meaning...


Don’t do it girls! Next time it’s G3

10,00 more points than before.

Should be "10,000".

This was cute and I enjoyed it.
So thanks for that.

With small (one could say "micro") transactions to boot. No wonder he was introduced as a villain.

Note: I have only watched the first Equestria Girls movie and nothing more.

But why? Most people say the second one is the best one.

I have... no words.:rainbowderp:

Oh look, its the return of the downvote bomber!

odd that someone went out of their way to downvote every comment, well almost every comment, missed one or two there bud! :ajsmug:
anyways, great chapter! if i could give it another thumbs up i would! alas i cant so have this comment instead :twilightsheepish:
also this video:

Lol just gonna have to try again

...LEVEL 2!!!

Or would it be Stage 2? I honestly get these mixed up sometimes.

On the EG movies, I recommend skipping straight to Friendship Games, and then on from there. :moustache:

So in other words Momonga got off easy?


High Score!
Alternate Campaign Unlocked!

A delightful addendum, though I will note that this option may not work well for Twilight. She's met her human analogue face to face, if briefly.

In any case, thank you for the continuation.

I was half expecting them to wake up in front of that "Roy" arcade game from Rick and Morty but styled with alicorns.

...I was half expecting a Wreck It Ralph reference somewhere. Also, would they go back to the Portal if they died there?

This was fun! A lot of fun. And that last line got me so good, I had to feature this on episode 219 of my podcast, Pony 411. The bonus chapter was also pretty great.

There is nothing not to like about this. Well done sir! +)

Heh, since you suggested Chrysalis, I'd actually say you might do Thorax's first time at it, and have him all panicky and stuff, and asking questions. Or even Ember, going to her father and demanding to know what the hell?

That is also a sound possibility

Silly Twilight...

I'm sorry but has a one single person come and down-voted every single comment on this story?

This is great, thank you

That poor Continuation Portal. It must be lonely.

:rainbowlaugh: i'd love to see what Cadence would do... Wonder how she'd get there, though...

8883985 Plot twist: it's the author!

8884290 That's kinda what I wanted to do with this extra part. Like... the Continuation Portal waits all day for visitors to arrive so it can show off all the new stuff it has or wants to sell. And I would think deep down it really wants every alicorn (or otherwise) to succeed. Or at least spend as many friendship points as possible. :trollestia:

8883476 Thanks for including this on your podcast! Glad you like it. :twilightsmile:

8881277 You'd think there'd be a limit on likes/dislikes over a single minute. He's gotta be close to 150 by this point. :applejackconfused:

8879569 Unlimited. I didn't want to add any DARK elements to this. Besides the multiple "windmill" related restarts.

8879507 But that's sort of like saying, "The first time you get food poisoning is the worst! The second time's loads better!" Honestly, I didn't even hate the first one. I just... want ponies. Not humans. (I'm sure I'll get around to them all eventually. I haven't even seen the movie yet, actually. :twilightoops:)

8879033 Someone once asked me if I'd like to play WOW with them. I said I liked my life just the way it is.

If it were a math equation, we could say P(x) = 5000 - 10000x-1, where x is the movie number and P(x) is the amount of food poisoning you get. In that circumstance, you could compare watching those movies to getting food poison. If anything I'd say all three of them were generally more enjoyable than the actual MLP Movie. All three as in every EQG movie except 1.

It's good to see your works again. Been waiting for your older stuff to update. Still funny as fuck, and I'd like seeing how the other oneshots go.

Maybe see Princess Twilight meets Principal Celestia, and VP Luna. And Cadance going to the portal (or Her and Flurry Heart, after the latter accidentally blows them up in a magical sneeze.)

Why a windmill? They literally live on top of a mountain

:’(” was all it read.

Aww, that's rather sweet, actually.

You know you must have done something well when the universe itself doesn't want to let you go.

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