• Published 11th Apr 2018
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If Wishes were Ponies . . . . - tkepner

Harry Potter, after a beating by Dudley and friends — with the help of a real gang member — wishes he had somewhere safe to go, and starts crawling home. He ends up in Equestria. The CMC find him. A year later, an owl brings his Hogwarts’ letter!

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61 — A Hunting We Shall Go . . .

Castor hurried into Sir Walker’s office, nodding to James Wootton at his desk as he passed him.

The head of MI5 was looking at documents on his desk as Caster came to a halt, the door closing behind him. “Sir,” he started without preamble, “Princess Twilight has cancelled all appointments and meetings for the day. She called me at six-thirty and said something important has come up. She wasn’t sure if she would be able to keep the appointments for tomorrow, either. She said that due to circumstances, she was unable to explain further.

“This is unlike her, and I thought you should know.”

Sir Walker sighed and looked at his desktop. He picked up a photo and silently handed it to Castor.

It was long-shot surveillance photo. It showed the Main Six, as he and the others had started calling them, crossing the street in front of Eleven Magnolia Road. From the shadow-lengths, it was early morning not too long before she had rung him up. With them were six men he immediately categorized as guards from the way they boxed the others in their formation. That and the long swords they clearly had sheathed over their backs. This was the first sign he had seen of the Equestrians carrying weapons on this side of the portal.

Also in the picture was Ambassador Blueblood. The other two he didn’t recognize, but were very distinctive. The woman was tall, literally head and shoulders over the others, with dark flowing hair. The man was as tall as Twilight, but with long, multi-hued blue hair. They, too, had swords sheathed on their backs, as did Twilight. The woman had a broad smile and seemed excited. The others looked grim.

Considering they were ponies on the other side, the placement of the swords seemed logical.

He shook his head. “I don’t recognize any of the new ponies.” He stared at it a moment longer. “But the woman is clearly one of the Princesses, based on her crown. Princess Celestia has light coloured hair, so unless she used a dye or something else I would guess that this is Princess Luna.”

Sir Walker nodded. “That was taken at six-fifteen this morning. They haven’t emerged from the house. The front curtains are open and they were seen going into one of their trunks shortly before seven.

“Something is up. We’ve alerted the military and have a Lynx helicopter squadron with engines running and combat crews on the flight-line. Two other squadrons are on alert. Maximum ETA is three minutes for a strike, or five for a landing. We also put three Harriers on station ten kilometres out with an ETA of 45-seconds.”

He looked up at Castor and held out his hand for the photo. “Ambassador Blueblood is in his office. Perhaps you could ask him if this,” he tapped the photo with a finger, “is something we should be worried about.”

۸- ̰ -۸

They were all gathered around him in the darkened room that was the Chamber of Secrets. The only signs they were not in the Chamber itself were the statue-like versions of himself and Fawkes off to one side of them and the complete lack of any sounds or movements.

“And here we are,” Dumbledore said.

They stood in a small group around the memory Headmaster, the Phoenix still on his arm, but in the process of taking off. The Headmaster had his wand in his other hand and the tip was just starting to glow. Neither the bird nor the Headmaster were moving. “As you can see there is some light in the Chamber,” Dumbledore said, “But I felt more would be required.” He looked around at them. “To make the memory go onward, simply say ‘forward.’ To stop it, say ‘stop.’ To go back, say ‘reverse.’” The memory around them followed his instructions, coming to a stop when it couldn’t go any further backwards. “When you are ready to leave, say ‘exit.’” His empty office appeared around him. He ducked his head down into the pensieve again. “Nothing in here can harm you, nor can you affect anything,” he continued explaining to the Atlanteans.

“What. A. Dump,” he heard Miss Dash say.

“Dash!” came the quick reprimand from Princess Sparkle, looking scandalized.

“Well, it is,” protested the rainbow-haired witch. “It looks like it hasn’t been cleaned in, like, a thousand years!” She made a disgusted face as she lifted one foot up.

Dumbledore looked at her and wondered if she was making a joke or being serious. It was difficult to tell.

Pinkie Pie, in the meantime, was making a game of walking through the memory Headmaster and trying to make him move. The others were examining the room.

He shook his head at Miss Pie’s strange antics. Most wizards and witches were too afraid, at first, to try to physically interact with the people in a memory. “This is the main Chamber, the snake is behind a door in the statue’s mouth.” He pointed it out. “This way, you may familiarize yourselves with the Chamber’s layout so you aren’t caught unawares when we go in there. I will go now to inform the Professors, and then the students, of today’s ‘holiday.’” He smiled at them as he said, “Exit.”

Almost as soon as he was out, the one called Rainbow Dash joined him. “That’s kinda freaky, ya know?”

“Don’t you wish to examine the Chamber?”

“Nah, not just yet. We’ll take turns, keep one of us out in case something comes up and you need us out of that thing early.”

He nodded. A sensible plan. “Then I will see you in about an hour and a half.” He used his wand to lift the sack of coins, turned, and left his office. The house-elves had told the staff to meet him at the staff-room. He had just enough time to reach it before the professors would begin to show up. He leisurely walked down the corridor — no staff-meeting ever started on time, after all. “Skiffy,” he said.

“Skiffy is here, Master Dumbles,” came the quick response.

He gave the house-elf his instructions, and the coins.


The tapping of Dumbledore’s knife against the golden goblet at his place setting half-way through breakfast drew Harry’s, and everyone else’s, attention to the standing Headmaster. “Good morning to you all, I hope you’re enjoying this morning’s repast.” He beamed broadly at them.

Harry couldn’t help but notice that the expressions on the Professors at the Head Table were decidedly mixed. Many looked excited, several looked scared. Professor Quirrell somehow managed to alternate between scared, disappointed, and angry.

“I have an important announcement to make. Thanks to the activities of some students,” he did not look at the Gryffindor First Years, but nearly everyone else in the room did, “I believe we have discovered the entrance to Salazar Slytherin’s fabled Chamber of Secrets.”

The hall erupted into excited chatter among the half- and pure-blood students, except the Slytherins, who all just gasped and stared. There was more than a little speculation that the “princess” from yesterday had been involved. The timing was just too good to be a coincidence.

Harry, Hermione, Myrtle, and the fillies just grinned at their friends’ astonished and or puzzled expressions. And high-fived each other. This did not go unnoticed among the other students.

Dumbledore tapped the goblet again to get their attention.

“If this is true, then this is a most momentous moment in Hogwarts’ history, the opening of a chamber untouched since the Founders era.”

Professor Quirrell scowled heavily at that statement.

“And, yes, when we have finished thoroughly exploring the Chamber, we will conduct tours of it for all students.”

Professor Quirrell’s scowl grew darker.

This time the excited chatter was more difficult to bring under control. Harry thought the poor goblet might break before order could be restored.

“However, all the rumours regarding the Chamber say that there is a monster hidden there. If that is so, then to explore the Chamber might awaken the beast and possibly endanger us all.”

Professor Quirrell seemed to be almost pleased at the thought.

There was an excited low chatter among the students at the thought of danger just below their feet.

“It has been suggested that we wait to explore the Chamber until summer.”

There was a disappointed sigh and many exclamations of “oh, no!”

Professor Quirrell returned to scowling

“Alas,” he continued, “doing so leaves the possibility that the beast, if it is there, could awaken at any moment and attack the students, as it has reportedly done in the past.”

This time the Hall was quiet. He smiled confidently at his audience. Most did not know of the events that took place forty-eight years ago. They only knew that Myrtle had died back then in a mysterious accident.

“Rather than wait and hope the beast, if it is there, stays asleep, I and several professors will explore the Chamber today. Naturally, we can’t have you, the students, in the castle while we do this. It would be far too dangerous for all concerned.”

They listened in rapt attention, with many worried glances between the more timid students and a low murmur spread across the Hall.

“Thus it is, you will be delighted to hear, that I am cancelling classes today and declaring it a Hogsmeade holiday for the entire student body.”

This time the Hall erupted into cheers. Rather than tapping the goblet, the Headmaster had to set off a mild cannon blast from his wand to attract their attention.

“I understand that this has caught you all unprepared, and that exploring Hogsmeade without funds would be a disappointment to many, especially our younger students who hadn’t anticipated being allowed to visit Hogsmeade until their third year.”

He smiled at them, eyes twinkling.

“If you will all look under your plates, you will find a sickle.” He had to stop as the outcry at finding an entire sickle sitting under their plates again took over the Hall.

After another cannon blast, he continued, “You may spend this in any manner you desire, you do not have to repay it. In addition, the Hogsmeade eating establishments have been instructed to supply a reasonable lunch to each of you, at no cost. You just have to sign your name on the receipt and Hogwarts will pay for it. If you are in doubt about something you want to order, any of the professors or prefects will be able to assist you.”

The room burst into excited chatter once more.

Professor Quirrell still scowled at the room in general.

Dumbledore tapped the goblet again. As the room still, he gave the students a stern look.

“Do not take advantage of our largesse, this is not an excuse to order extravagant meals. We will review the receipts and anything deemed excessive will be billed to your parents, with the explanation that you deliberately disobeyed instructions. Detentions will be assigned, as well.”

He smiled. “However, you may provide your own funds, or you may use however much of your sickle you desire, to pay any additional charges for items the servers indicate would be over the limit. Or to supplement your order with additional items.”

This was met with silence.

“Breakfast will conclude in fifteen minutes. Prefects and Professors will escort all of you back to your dorms to change into appropriate clothes, and thence to Hogsmeade. Attendance will be taken by the Prefects at the Hogwarts’ gates to make sure no students remain in the school.” This time he was staring at the Weasley twins, who were trying to look innocent. “Anyone in the school after that time will receive a month in detention.” He paused. “With Professor Snape.”

Harry was sure, from their expressions, that most of the students would obey his injunction. The twins, however, still looked like they were plotting how to escape notice. And Professor Snape was giving the students at Slytherin Table a stern look. Any detentions involving them would be especially harsh, seemed to be his message.

The Headmaster sat back down and the Hall erupted into an excited babble, yet again, but at a much higher volume. Most ignored the food remaining on the tables in favour of plotting exactly how they were going to spend their day. Ron, however, while clutching his sickle in one hand, was endeavouring to eat as much as he could in the little time remaining for breakfast.

Myrtle appeared to be matching him bite for bite, but managed not to look like she was imitating a starving pig.

۸- ̫ -۸

“Thank you for seeing me on such short notice, Ambassador,” Castor said as he was escorted into the man’s . . . pony’s? . . . office. Man, because he wasn’t a pony right now.

Blueblood nodded at him with a faint sneer. “It isn’t a problem. My schedule is rather open at the moment. That will change as word gets around, I’m sure.” He didn’t offer Castor a seat. “What seems to be your problem?” he said condescendingly.

“As you know, Princess Sparkle cancelled all her appointments today, a bit suddenly. I was hoping you could tell me if something was wrong. She isn’t sick, is she?”

The prince just stared at him, blinking.

Into the silence, Castor said, “I also heard a rumour that one of your princesses, Princess Luna, might have come through the portal this morning with her.” He raised an eyebrow inquisitively.

The ambassador continued to stare at him with a blank expression. Finally he leaned forward, putting his arms and hands on the desktop, and laced his fingers together.

“You should be very careful about listening to rumours, Mr. Searle. Frequently, they are made up, with no basis in fact.”

Castor smiled, “Hence my coming to you. I’m not a diplomat to dance around the questions that need asking.”

The Prince, Castor thought, had a very good poker face.

“Princess Sparkle is in fine health. Something came up which I cannot speak to you about. It shouldn’t take long to resolve.” He leaned back in his chair.

Castor stood and thought a moment. What would require the Princess, possibly one of their rulers, and an armed escort, that didn’t directly involve the British government?

“Would this have anything to do with the hidden wizards that the Prime Minister mentioned when we met Princess Celestia?”

They again engaged in staring at each other.

After another moment, Ambassador Blueblood said, “I really don’t know what you are suggesting. I can assure you, your government need not concern itself with what Princess Twilight Sparkle may or may not be doing today. Nor with whom. Simply put, something came up that required her presence. Nothing more, nothing less.” He leaned forward again. “In fact, some might consider your government becoming involved to be meddling in an affair in which you have no standing. Some people might even take offense at such actions.”

The staring contest started again.

Blueblood leaned back, “As Lady Applejack might say, don’t upset the applecart.”

Castor slowly nodded. “I thank you for taking the time to explain this to me, Ambassador.”

“It was my pleasure,” Blueblood said crisply. “Feel free to come back and ask questions anytime.”

It was as obvious a dismissal as you could get. Castor bowed, “Until we meet again, Ambassador. I hope you have a pleasant day.”

The first real smile came up on Blueblood’s face. “Oh, I shall, I shall indeed.”

As Castor turned to leave, he noticed a Monopoly game-board on a side table by the window. There was already one house on a property, and places set for two players. As he closed the hallway door, exiting the waiting-room/secretary’s office, he could see into the Ambassador’s office through its open door. He saw the Ambassador sitting at the side-table as his secretary took the seat opposite him.

Castor set off to his office to see about an appointment with the Prime Minister. It seemed prudent to voice his suspicions on what the Equestrians were up to. And to prepare an official report while he waited.


Forewarned, Harry and the girls had prepared themselves for the day. Hermione, of course, had stuffed nearly all her course books with plenty of paper, quills, and ink into her rucksack. If the opportunity to study came up, she intended to seize it with both hands. Harry and Scootaloo had merely pocketed their shrunken trunks in case they, or the other two fillies, needed anything.

The group relaxed in the common room as the rest of the Gryffindors rushed around in a minor panic. If they forgot anything, they wouldn’t be able to come back and get it part-way through the day.

Percy waited with them, and corralled the twins when they first came down.

“Professor McGonagall,” he said, “has insisted that I, and the two of you, escort the Gryffindor First Years during the day. If you try to sneak off by yourselves, she said, you’ll each serve a week’s detention alternating with Professor Snape and Mr. Filch. That is, on one day, you get Professor Snape,” he pointed at one twin, “while you get Mr. Filch,” he pointed at the other. “And you switch them the next day.” He gave them a smirk, “And if you try to pretend to be the other, she’ll hex one of you orange and the other bright-blue for the rest of the year.” He then grinned “Plus, if you do get in trouble, anyway, the First Years will be right beside you.”

“That’s unfair,” one twin said.

“That’s playing dirty,” said the other.

“Very effective, though.”

“Yes, indeed it is.”

Percy nodded. “Yes, it is.” He stared at them intently. “She especially doesn’t want you sneaking back into the castle. She said, ‘a distraction while we are dealing with Slytherin’s Monster could kill innumerable people. And the twins are a distraction!’”

Harry spoke up, alarmed at the prospect of detentions, “But I bet no one knows Hogsmeade as well as you two, right?”

“Yeah,” said Sweetie Belle, “You can show us all the neat places that the other students don’t know about, or avoid.”

“And we have Professor McGonagall’s permission to do it as long as we don’t cause trouble!” concluded Scootaloo.

The twins looked intrigued by Scootaloo’s comment. She was right, after all. McGonagall had only said don’t cause trouble. That left the field wide open for other activities that they hadn’t considered. They grinned widely at each other and began chortling.

Percy lost his confident look and began to look worried. After a month of getting to know the twins, Harry knew he had every reason to be worried.

There was also the complication that, as third years, they shouldn’t know anything about Hogsmeade that their brothers hadn’t told them. They shouldn’t have any personal experience. Yet . . . they seemed to think that they knew more than anyone else.

The twins turned as one, and dashed back up the stairs.

In short order — they were on a schedule — the Gryffindors were assembled in their dorm’s Common Room. A quick check showed that all members were present.

Professor McGonagall had arrived by that time, with Professor Vector, the Arithmancy professor, and she had a few words for them. McGonagall gave them all a severe look and said, “This is an unusual circumstance. Professor Vector will be in charge as I will be assisting the Headmaster. I expect you all to be on your best behaviour.”

She stopped to stare at the Weasley twins and Lee Jordan. “Your best behaviour.”

She looked across the rest of the students. “The Hogsmeade residents and storekeepers are not prepared for this impromptu holiday the Headmaster has declared, nor that it will involve the entire student population. Be patient. Be polite. I expect the older students to keep an eye on the younger ones, and to help them if they ask for, or appear to need, help. If you start trouble, there will be detentions and loss of Hogsmeade privileges later this year.

“For the First and Second Year students, this means a loss of Hogsmeade privileges when you reach your Third Year.” She gave them another hard look, and nodded, her expression relaxing a tiny bit. “However, that does not mean you cannot have fun, just don’t get into trouble doing it. Listen to the Professors and Prefects in the village, and you should be just fine. And don’t spend all your knuts at the first shop you visit!”

They were marched out of the castle in a column of fours, with the Prefects as escorts on the sides and back to prevent any stragglers from escaping. Professors McGonagall and Flitwick watched as they left the castle.

They arrived at the Hogwarts’ Gates in time to see the last of the Ravenclaws, supervised by Professor Quirrell because Professor Flitwick was remaining behind, pass through the gates with the Hufflepuffs queued up for their turn. Slytherin was behind the Gryffindors, laughing at their formation, and strolling leisurely, with Professor Sinistra as their supervisor for the day. The Slytherins’ Prefects had given them the warning from their Head of House, and none dared draw his ire this early in the year, especially as he was still upset over Friday’s incident with the Gryffindors. To say he was especially excessive in his punishments was an understatement.

The older Slytherins were keeping a close watch on the First through Third years, however. The younger ones tended not to believe that punishments would be handed out easily. They were wrong. It would be up to the older years to keep them under control. Or their Head of House would have words with them.

Still, after the stern talking-to’s given them, neither the Gryffindors nor the Slytherins wanted to test their Heads of Houses’ patience. At least not today.

Most of the school stopped outside the gates and watched as they closed. It was very odd for the older students to see Mr. Filch on this side of the wall instead of scowling at them from the inside as he usually did. He even was carrying his cat, Mrs. Norris.

No sooner did the gates close than there was a brief flash of light.

Harry was not surprised that he could see a shield now encompassed the entire school. No one would be leaving or entering.

Hagrid gave them a wave, then turned and headed for his hut.

The crowd milled around and slowly started to make their way into Hogsmeade.


The Headmaster smiled after he finished casting the Homenum Revelio charm. He looked over at his guests, who were watching him. “There, the only people left in the castle are ourselves and the professors, who should be here shortly.” He waved his wand again, and said, “Monstra domum revelio . . . and the house-elves have also evacuated.”

Twilight looked at him curiously. “You have house-elves here? Those are the bipedal creatures you hold in slavery?”

The Headmaster looked at her sharply, as the others watched in surprise. They hadn’t heard of house-elves previously. The princess was frowning heavily, as were most of the rest. Rainbow Dash appeared especially agitated.

He shook his head. “Not slaves, although some wizards treat them as such.” He sighed. “House-elves are powerful magical creatures who enjoy work for the sake of work. However, they require a source for their magic. The only way they can get that magic is by bonding themselves to a wizard, or a magical place such as Hogwarts which has many wizards living there. If they are deprived of that magical source, they wither away and die, much as a plant dies if you don’t provide it with enough water.” He shook his head sadly.

“It is more of a symbiosis between the wizards and the house-elves. Wizards don’t actually provide the magic, they are merely a conduit for the magic that house-elves need. By accepting a bond with a house-elf, the wizard provides the house-elf with access to the magic they need to survive. By accepting the bond, the house-elves provide their labour to do things for the wizard, work, in exchange for the magic. The house-elves get the magic they need, and work to keep them happy. The wizard profits from the labour provided by the house-elves.”

He stopped and sighed dramatically, “House-elves become extremely attached to their bonders, their masters, and nothing is worse to them than having their bonder discard their services, to cast them out. Not only does this doom them to a gradual and painful death, they see it as a complete failure on their part. They believe that they are no longer worthy of having a master. They believe that no one will ever want them as a house-elf, and they fall into despair. They are more distraught over the loss of their master than the prospect of dying.” He again shook his head sadly. It was really such a waste when things like that happened.

“Some wizards take advantage of that attitude and treat their house-elves quite severely, knowing the creatures won’t resist for fear of being cast out.”

He looked at the princesses serenely, “Hogwarts takes in any house-elves who find themselves without a master, either because their service was terminated or their master died without any near relatives to take over. They bond to Hogwarts itself. The castle has more than enough magic for them to live and grow, with the staff and students as a whole providing the access to the magic they need, as well as plenty of work to keep them happy. You’ll find no house-elves who are mistreated here!” he ended severely.

The princesses exchanged frowning looks, but nodded.

“If you like, after we deal with the basilisk, I can call several of them for you to speak with, to alleviate your worries about their treatment.”

Still clearly unhappy, that, at least, got several of the Atlanteans to nod in agreement.


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