• Published 4th Jun 2017
  • 14,688 Views, 13,300 Comments

Ofolrodi - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash traverses the perils of the Dark Side of the world to reach the Midnight Armory.

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Up Hill, Down Hill

"Ariel!" Logan barked, neck craning from where he perched in the center of the wagon. He squinted ahead at the dimly-lit summit of the mountain that they were scaling. "Any sign of the hole?!"

"Don't you mean the entrance?!" Ariel shouted back from where she scouted ahead.

"To Big Show, all holes are 'entrances,'" Flynn huffed, struggling to guide the craft.

"Just keep us farting forward and shut up, egghead," Logan grumbled.

"I haven't seen it yet!" Ariel exclaimed. She zig-zagged feverishly in the twilight, searching for the cave in question. "I'm looking everywhere!"

"Shit..." Flynn gnashed his teeth, sweating beneath a glowing horn. "What if we've got the wrong mountain?"

"Then we're butt-bucked seven ways to Sunday." Logan looked back at the writhing sea of trolls at the base of the mountain. "Still..." He shuddered. "Could be worse."

"Simply keep scaling the mountain, frriends!" Kepler exclaimed bombastically. With Wildcard's mute assistance, he pieced together six explosive charges and fitted them with lunar runes. "The Rrainbow One would not lead us astrray!" He shared ingredients with Wildcard and put the finishing touches on his tools. "We must do ourr parrt to prrovide us all with an escape!"

"Yeah, and then what?" Flynn huffed, glancing back with a forlorn expression. "That's the shitty part..."

"Come on! That's it!" Rainbow Dash hollered, dipping and ascending with greater and greater frequency. While the trollish attacks came faster and faster, she was finding an appropriate pattern for evading and distracting them. "We've got this, Sera! We've got this! Just a bit more—"

"Do not call me 'Sera!'" Seraphimus hissed, reaching down to slash a random creature's neck. She barreled through the ruby cloud and juked another claw-swipe. "I made a promise with Logan."

"Httt!" Rainbow narrowly dodged a pouncing troll, kicked off its back, and bounced off the head of another shrieking beast. "H-how come you get to call him 'Logan' but I don't get to call you 'Sera'?!"

"Because he didn't slay my Goddess in cold blood." Seraphimus grunted and kicked an incoming troll—knocking it back down into its companions.

"When are you going to get it through your feathery skull that I wasn't the one responsible for Verlaxion's passing?!" Rainbow had to fly under one leap or two and ascended rapidly to avoid multiple claw-strikes from the sea below. "I mean—heck—how could I have even murdered a Dragon Matriarch unless I had her assistance?"

"Your insistence on this 'Dragon' nonsense is yet another consequence of your blighted delusions."

"Oh for crying out—"


"!!!" Rainbow had to fly backwards to avoid the latest leap. The troll skimmed her front chest and belly before ultimately nipping off a hair or two from her tail as it fell. The pegasus hovered slightly higher, catching her wheezing breath.

"Rainbow..." Twilight Sparkle floated beside her. "...while I'm all for you helping Seraphimus see the light and all—"

"She won't friggin' believe you!" Pinkie Pie hollered.

"Yeah, sugarcube!" Applejack nodded. "Besides... she's too dag-blame'd angry at the moment to bother."

"That..." Rainbow noticed the sporadic corpses of trolls littering the ground below them. "...is something I'm certainly not complaining about right now.

"If you're done talking to your psychotic alter egos..." Seraphimus pointed towards Omega... then Alpha. "...we have a developing situation."

Rainbow's ears rang with more banshee shrieks. She looked towards opposite horizons and grimaced to see more and more pale specks rushing in from the canyons and fissures of the arid landscape. The stampeding bodies merged into brand new infantries that rushed in from all sides.

"You've gotta be kidding me..."

"Something has awoken them," Seraphimus stated matter-of-factly. She ascended until she was hovering safely alongside Rainbow Dash above the surmounting sea of enemies. "I suspect they were dormant all around this area until something you did awoke them."

"Me?!" Rainbow grimaced. "Why me?!"

Seraphimus stared at her. "You do have a putrid habit for destabilizing a continent, do you not?"

Rainbow frowned. "Look, if I hadn't taken the blame for what happened back in Frostknife, your precious prefectures would still be infighting while windigoes breathed down their necks!"

"As if any argument you can make at this point would have any bearing," Seraphimus droned.

Rainbow Dash opened her muzzle to retort—

"She's right, Rainbow!" Rarity exclaimed. She pointed down and towards Curveside. "Look!"

"Hmmm?" Rainbow spun. Her eyes widened. "Crud!"

Several of the trolls had given up on their elusive targets and were—instead—scrambling up the steep hillside at breakneck speed. Claws and shins scraped against pure rock as they rushed towards the brightly-glowing location of the Herald and their wagon.

"They'll overtake them in seconds!" Fluttershy stammered.

"Not if we can help it!" Rainbow Dash flapped her wings. "Come on! We gotta hold them off before—"

Fwoooooooooosh! Seraphimus glided past her, diving down at the backsides of the runners. "Verlaxion's wrath shall drown you before the Spring Havens!" Her exclamation was punctuated by the spray of blood and pained banshee shrieks.

Rainbow winced.

"Well, at least she's useful in a pinch!" Pinkie said.

"Yeah..." Rainbow shuddered, flying swiftly to distract the flanking lines of trolls. "Now if only she could pinch herself awake."

"Where is it...?" Ariel panted and panted. Sw-Sw-Swooosh! She zipped all around, hyperventilating as she struggled to find the break in the rock. "Where is it? Where is it?!"

A shrill whistle.

"???" Ariel spun and looked down the hill.

Wildcard was standing tall in the back of the wagon. Wincing in spite of his wounds, he waved at her then pointed slightly towards the right with Bard's staff.

Ariel spun to look.

The dim glow of the stars above illuminated the faint outline of a round, circular cave entrance. Craggy rock and loose pebbles christened the entrance.

"Guys! Uh..." Ariel shifted in mid-air. "...I... uh... found it!" She gulped. "Yeah!"

"Excelsiorr!" Kepler cried out. "And my charrges arre prreparred!"

"No time for celebration!" Logan leapt out of the moving wagon and slid to a stop. "Flynn! Cut it! I'll push the damn thing in!"

"Right!" Flynn hollered into the air: "Y'hnyrr L'fynym!"

The chaos metal dimmed slightly and the vehicle coasted to a stop.

"Hah!" Flynn grinned and hopped off on the side opposite to Logan. "I'm starting to get the hang of it!"

Kepler blinked. "You have memorrized the opposite commands?"

"Eh... I'm winging it..."

"Well, leg it this time!" Logan grunted, grabbing his side of the floating wagon and shoving forward. "We gotta get this thing deep inside!"

"To give Rainbow room to enter without fainting!" Flynn nodded, telekinetically pushing his half of the craft. "Got it!"

"Quick, Keps! Wildcard!" Logan motioned with his head. "Place that shit on the cave entrance and prepare to blow it!"

"Wait!" Ariel touched down, trembling. "How will Rainbow know we're ready to rush in and seal it off?"

Wildcard gestured something.

"A signal???" Flynn spun around and aimed his horn into the sky. "Got it covered!" Holding his breath, the stallion summoned a basic illumination spell that fired a bright beam of blue light high into the air.

"What about the monsters?" Ariel asked.

Logan's eyes reflected dozens upon hundreds of bodies skittering swiftly uphill, closing in. "They've seen all they want to." His jaw tightened. "It's all up to Rainbow now."

"Hnnngh!" Rainbow dropkicked two trolls and shoved a few more off. "Rnnngh!"

"It's no use, sugarcube!" Applejack exclaimed, pointing at the countless bodies rushing up past them. "They ain't no longer interested in y'all!"

"They're going after the wagon!" Rarity shouted. "We've got to—"

"Look!" Pinkie hollered, pointing up at a bright beam of light.

"It's a unicorn light!" Twilight exclaimed. "Flynn's sending us a signal!"

"The cave entrance!" Fluttershy gasped. "Rainbow, they must be there!"

"Yes! Absolutely!" Rarity grinned. "I can even see the entrance—!"

"Then we gotta cut this off at the head." Rainbow said.

"How, Rainbow?!" Twilight's voice cracked.

"Watch me!" Rainbow flew up high, reaching a hand to her hoof. "Sera! Move uphill!"

"Just a moment!" Seraphimus's beak clattered as she kicked and slashed at a few straggling trolls. "I'm about to flank their central charge—"

"That was not a request!" Rainbow yelled. Her pendant pulsed as she summoned the mother of all harmonic bursts. "Now move!"


Rainbow's pendant fired a steady stream of ruby energy. It sliced over the mountain-side in a crimson swath, briefly illuminating the lower hill in dim artificial daylight. Thousands of beady eyes blinked, momentarily blinded by the outburst.

Seraphimus jolted in surprise. She had to jerk sideways to avoid the blinding beam.

Rainbow's friends squinted and shaded their ghostly eyes.

The harmonic blast ripped through sporadic waves of hill-climbing trolls. They froze in mid lurch, turning to stone—some of them only half transforming, so that their fleshy limbs writhed under the weight of their petrified extremities.

When at last the beam had extinguished itself, Rainbow Dash let loose a wheezing breath. Her eyes flickered red-on-yellow, then back again.

She and her friends looked down to see that a curved line of troll statues lined the mountainside like a waterstain. The rest of the beasts' brethren struggled to scale past them.

"Wowie, Dashie!" Pinkie blinked. "That was neato—"

"Httt!" Not finished, Rainbow Dash flew up, flipped into a corkscrew dive, then buzzed the thin forest of statues with mere centimeters to spare. She flapped her wings at the peak of her downwards arc, producing a clap of thunderous air. POWWW!!!

Every single statue rolled backwards. Soon, a veritable avalanche of brittle troll-shaped rocks barreled down into the remaining army. It was the equivalent of tossing a hand-ful of pebbles into an ocean's surf, but it did manage to send bodies and skulls flying from the violent impact. For what it's worth, the insurmountable stamepede was delayed for a few seconds.

But it was a few seconds enough...

"Okay!" Rainbow hollered, doubling back and sailing uphill past Seraphimus. "Friggin' go!"

Seraphimus blinked, nodded, and flew swiftly after the petite pegasus. "Verily."

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