• Published 12th Apr 2016
  • 22,487 Views, 13,305 Comments

Three More Things! - Tatsurou

Uncle Chan tries to balance running an antique shop, fighting demons, and being a Chi Wizard with being a loving Uncle to his nephew, his somewhat removed niece...and three little ponies who drive him straight up the wall.

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The More You Know

As the enhanced group settled down in the meeting room, Anderson was the first to speak up. "So who are we huntin'?" he demanded of Jackie.

"What does it matter?" Alucard asked playfully. "We just go out there, make a ruckus, and they'll come to us."

"Do secret societies that live in shadows normally go out of their way to engage in dramatic confrontations?" Jade asked curiously. "That doesn't sound right."

"Not until they're enacting their big plan, anyway," Hsien Ko pointed out idly.

"Secret Society, eh?" Anderson asked curiously. "I've fought a few o' those. What can ye tell me about 'em? Maybe we can narrow it down."

"Well, we believe they use bloodline magic focused in rings," Sweetie Belle offered helpfully.

"Well, that narrows it down ta human societies," Anderson admitted as he pulled out a small book and began flipping through the pages. "Ring have a symbol on it?"

"Yeah, but we didn't get a good look," Jade admitted ruefully. "It was a quick meet up."

"As a symbol, it wasn't inherently magical, though," Hsi pointed out. "I was able to tell that much in a quick glance."

"Narrows it down a bit more," Anderson allowed as he flipped through more pages.

"What's that book, anyway?" Jackie asked curiously.

"Everythin' ah know about everyone ah've ever run afoul of that isn't six feet under," Anderson explained with a wide grin. "It's a lot bigger'n it looks, since ah ain't culled it in a while." He turned back to the group at large. "Were their clothes uniform? Anything odd about how they spoke?"

"They wore grey cloaks with blue cowls," Scootaloo spoke up quickly. "They also wore a larger version of the ring symbol on a pendant around their necks. I probably couldn't draw it, but I'll know the symbol if I see it again." When that got her surprised looks, she shrugged. "I was flying at the time. I take in a lot of details like that." Jade and the other fillies nodded in understanding, having long been aware of that peculiarity.

"Not sure if it's a peculiarity of speech that's consistent, since they only said two sentences before we started running," Viper offered helpfully. "When Jackie accidentally opened the door to their little meeting spot, one of them said..." She cleared her throat before mimicking the voice of the robed figure they'd seen. "He hath found the secret switch! He knoweth too much!"

"Jesus Christ, not the Magisters again!" Alucard complained loudly.

"Magisters?" Jackie asked in confusion.

"This symbol?" Anderson asked Scootaloo, showing her a picture that looked a bit like a stylized tree marking with a missing portion in the upper right.

(Image Here)

"Yeah, that's it!" Scootaloo declared excitedly. "That's exactly it!"

"Aye, that's the Brotherhood o' Magisters, alright," Anderson grumbled irritably. "Bunch a magic supremacist nutjobs, the lot o' them."

"What can you tell us about them?" Jackie asked curiously.

"The Brotherhood of Magisters was a cabal of powerful human mages back in the time before the development of technology," Hsien Ko explained readily, having pulled a book from her sleeve and reading from the text contained therein. "They ruled over large portions of the world, managed human magic and the interactions between humans and non-humans, and more or less ran things unchecked aside from reporting to the Jade Council. This lasted until technology - which functioned independent of magical energy but could be made to utilize it - started to develop. The Magisters saw it as a threat to their power and rule, and sought to stamp it out, but it persisted. Eventually, it reached the point where the Brotherhood of Science - a group dedicated to protecting Inventors and their Inventions from the machinations of the Magisters - had grown strong enough to directly defy the Brotherhood of Magisters...and that's when the Jade Council was called in to rule on the issue."

"Ya see, the Jade Council's happy ta leave mortal affairs ta mortals, only gettin' involved if a conflict's gonna threaten the planet...or the Council directly," Anderson explained calmly. "Nobody knows exactly why they do things that way, though some o' the fanatic higher ups in Iscariot believed it was cause the aspect of The Creator that we know as God ordered them ta do things that way...and Lucifer ain't commented on that one way or another. But the Brotherhood o' Science and the Magisters duking it out, that coulda torn the planet apart."

"The Jade Council said magic and science both was to be allowed to develop freely, with no more of that rival interference," Alucard continued the story. "The Scientists and Inventors were fine with that, since all they wanted to do was keep building and discovering and they'd only banded together to fight back. The Magisters, on the other hand, got all pissy about their powerbase being taken away and refused to abide by the declaration. Then the Big Three told them they could either recant that or regret it." He grinned widely. "When they refused to recant, Louie sicced me on them."

"I remember that," Hsi Wu mused in interest. "After that, the Jade Council declared the Brotherhood of Magisters terrorists against the Will of the Council and ordered them disbanded or wiped out, and then they vanished."

Jackie and the fillies slowly let this all sink in, taking in the differences between the history they remembered with the history of the new world. Jade, having received both sides through the Chosen One Repository - as she thought of the vast memories of her previous lives she could draw on by association - responded almost immediately. "So they're anti-technology, and the sort to use violence to get their way?" she clarified. "And they see the whole rest of the world as their enemy, including the Jade Council?"

"Aye," Anderson confirmed dryly. "That they are."

"In that case, we should look for an old, decrepit, seemingly abandoned castle somewhere outside London," she concluded. "Their Olde English wasn't entirely accurate, closer to dramatizations of Olde English used by actors in Shakespearean plays, so they're going to want a flashy, dramatic confrontation when they start their actions. They probably think Stonehenge is a magical super weapon, and tonight's a Lunar Eclipse. That'd be the perfect time to start destroying government and science centers if Stonehenge is a magical super weapon...and they'll probably start with London to destabilize the local magical networks so no one can teleport in to stop them until they're finished."

"In that case," Alucard declared with a wide grin, "I think it's time we went for a walk. And I know just the place..."

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