• Published 2nd Aug 2013
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The Bridge: A Godzilla-MLP Crossover - Tarbtano

A devastating battle in the Kaiju universe transports a small group of them, heroric, villainous, and otherwise to Equestria. New bodies, new world, new society. But what happens when something even Kaiju are afraid of follows them?

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Omake: Gojira tai Chibi-Tsuki - Furīkī Furaidē Part 2

A thousand years ago, a rampage born out of jealousy and unfounded pain didn’t end when Princess Celestia was forced to banish her sister to the moon itself. Very much conscious during her exile, Nightmare Moon found herself in the company of the celestial body’s inhabitants. The Nyx, once stewards of benign magic bound to dreams they helped foster, were corrupted and tainted. Now the nightmare forces, they aided their queen in sowing the seeds of doubt, strife, and malice across Equestria. While Princess Celestia and later on her schools of magic were able to fend them off once again, both in the dream realm and in the physical when they’d invaded, not all the attacks were on the Equestrian continent. One of the former Nyx leadership, Metallia, retained some independence after being corrupted. Breaking off from the collective, she turned her gaze to the other side of the planet away from direct opposition.

A wedding of type unknown beforehand was underway, a loving union between the kirin royal heir and a unicorn mare. Prince Endymion, eldest son of the local emperor, and Lady Serenity, a descendant of Duke Silver. Decades earlier, before the founding of Equestria, some unicorn sought refuge from the Windigo’s wrath and Princess Platinum’s younger brother, Duke Silver, lead an expedition across the ocean. After a harrowing journey, they came upon the archipelago empire of Neighpon. They were accepted as new subjects, but kept at an arm’s breadth. This wedding was to change that, both to secure loyalty of the ponies as well as the fact the prince and lady had hit it off splendidly.

Unfortunately, Serenity wasn’t the only one with an eye on the prince. And a spiteful, hurt, heartbroken sage named Beryl was the perfect target for Metallia to whisper dark secrets and temptations into. Soon enough, Metallia and Beryl effectively fused to become one. Luna and Rarity weren’t the only “Nightmares” to ever exist, and it took a mass pooling of energy by the empire to try and counter ‘Queen Beryl’. It took the unity between the ponies and kirin to unknowingly invoke a Goddess to lend a hoof where she could.

The Silver Crystal, a repository of collected magic for the love- and friendship-born unity in the new empire. Empowering the new couple and four of Serenity’s maiden guardians, they drew power from the four closest planets, the good magic left in the moon, and the plant life that sealed the union of unicorn and kirin. They became the first five celestial senshi guardians and rose knight. Harmony always did like greatness fitting with sixes.

Beryl was beaten back, but not purified or destroyed. Imprisoned in the dark Negaverse as she was so long as the Silver Crystal was kept on Neighpon's side of the seal, she was not inactive. Time and time again the would-be wedding crasher would enact all manner of heinous schemes to seize the Silver Crystal or the Neighponese empire. Corrupting yokai and kirin into malefic youma, creating golems of four generals from the Emperor’s old court to serve her, and trying to just kill the senshi outright. Due to her indirect methods of attacking, for Metalia was privy to warn Beryl of what had happened to the dark magic abusers in Equestria, Beryl was never directly stopped for good despite strong efforts. And devoid of aging, the witch seemed poised to just outlast her foes. But in a timely display, the Silver Crystal got creative.

Just as the setting of one celestial meant it would rise again, the waning lifespan of one senshi or guardian meant the rise of another. And so, the cycle would continue. Kirin and unicorn, but later new immigrants of gryphon, pegasus, earth pony, mermare, and more might be chosen as a successor to an aging senshi and guardian to continue to fend off the aggressing youma or other terrors loosed by Beryl.

In the modern day, over thirty generations of guardians had protected Neighpon. Eleven years before the kaiju came to the realm, a rarity was born. A prodigy child, born of a valiant, if klutzy, Lunar Guardian, and her Rose Knight teammate. Chosen as the heir to her mother’s mantle, the future Senshi showed great promise both from her family lineage and from her tutelage under a powerful hero king.

And she was internally screaming while sneaking through her own school library.


A large, dark-hued kirin swayed her hooves back and forth across a mineralized ball consisting of a smooth, glassy exterior along with a swirling dark mist within responding to her movements. Frozen in age from centuries ago, she still looked like she was in her prime but bore an unnaturally dark coat that bordered on inky black with a purple tint. Her mane was large and wavy, deep crimson in color while constantly moving as if it were underwater. Bearing a V-shaped crown before her large antler, her other attire consisted of three large teardrop-shaped pieces; two earrings and one atop her crown. The mutations and alterations brought about by dark magic abuse showed themselves in her pointed, elongated hooves; which bordered on claw-like. Seated alone on a throne, Queen Beryl’s eyes narrowed at the visions and information she was getting through the crystal ball’s mists.

Clicking of hooves on cold floor tiles heralded a second kirin, a far more normal-looking individual, entering the dark chamber. With his mane hung long in a ponytail and tassels hanging before his heads whilst lacking some more robust features one would expect of bucks from his species, one could easily mistake him for a doe. The real Zoisite was an honorable buck, promising commander and general in his later years who’d likely have married the first Mars Guardian had Beryl not cut him down in her initial onslaught. This was a golem forged from his namesake gemstone, a corrupted echo bearing all of his experience and appearance without a shred of his honor or kindness.

It knelt before the throne, “You called, my Queen?”

“Tell me Zoisite, what glorious display of failure did you plan to enact this month? Perhaps another youma in a populated area to drain that one doe again?

Zoisite flinched but kept his head low, “I was actually considering amassing a large group of Gashadokuro and teleporting the giant skeleton monsters within view of a town to draw attention and then-”

“Send in another youma into the populated area whilst the senshi are distracted, no doubt to end up draining that doe who is around the lunar guardian often?”

Zoisite’s silence gave her all the answer she needed, causing Queen Beryl to groan and roll her eyes. Hoping to salvage some pride, her general raised a hoof, “To be fair my queen, if the youma ended up finding that Naru doe again, she has an uncannily high magical energy potential without the training to use it. She’s made a promising target before for collecting energy from, as well as her uncanny ability to end up wherever the attack was and brings the benefit of drawing out the lunar senshi each time. This time we might finally-”

Beryl didn’t argue necessarily, just cut him off by firing a large beam of dark magic from her crown and sliced the ground before him apart. Wreathed in the smoke from the burnt floor, Beryl’s expression was more annoyed than anything else, “And what happens each time that occurs? The monsters rampage for awhile, collect fear and distress for energy and then the senshi beat them down. They then just purify the youma back into a yokai or destroy it outright. Is this all you are capable of General? The last five months with your plans have become formulaic at best. The energy we collect back from the attacks is only ever enough to cover the effort of starting the process to begin with, making the whole endeavor a meaningless loop.”

Zoisite’s heart rate, if he still had one, thankfully was spared spiking when she continued, “Fortunately, a curious observation has spared the need for such incompetence. Are you familiar with the method of transference between guardian and successor?”

The golem nodded, having been filled in on the details by his creator. A set of crystals emerged from the floor, each a simple rhombus shape roughly the size of an eyeball, and levitated in the air between them, colored blue, red, yellow, green, and navy; each with a clear colored gem accompanying them. Several of the clear colored gems had the barest hint of color within them.

“These gems are a representation of what I have sensed,” Beryl noted as she ran a hoof through the air behind the gems and caused them to slowly rotate, “-the colored gems indicate the current guardian and the clear is their successor. The future rose knight hasn’t apparently been born yet and thus I didn’t bother. But as one can see, the guardians have barely lost any of their magical gifts as of yet.”

Zoisite’s eyes trained upon the navy crystal however and his brow furrowed, “But what of that one? It looks different, my queen.”

“The lunar guardian’s power,” Beryl hissed. Out of any of the senshi, she always loathed that wretch Serenity’s legacy the most, “-is fading, rapidly.”

“Is she...dying?” Zoisite muttered almost hopefully.

“Regrettably, not so. I know not where she is but her lifeforce is still fit… For now, but I can fix that.”

“Well then,” Zoisite quipped as he eyed the gem representing the lunar guardian’s successor, which was far more filled with color than the others of its kind, “Still a curious development indeed though.”

Eyeballing it, he’d wager the transfer of power to the upcoming successors to the roles of Mercurian, Martian, Jupiterian, and Venusian Guardians only acquired a measly fraction of their future power; one or two percent at most. The current set were approaching their middle thirties with their successors, a random like-minded individual across Neighpon, being two decades younger. Just old enough the current group could detect and find their would-be heirs and confirm if they wish to inherit the mantle or not, canceling the transfer if necessary. The gradual nature of the power transfer ensured the acting protectors were always in their prime and had a worthy successor they could spend some years training. All the while the identity of the successor was unknown to all but their predecessor.

It meant even if a senshi fell in battle, the power never went away and the silver crystal was never without protectors. A cunning method of keeping Neighpon well-protected. Or rather an annoying, colossal pain in the flank for Beryl over the centuries.

But again, the process was supposed to be gradual. Looking extremely closely, Zoisite could see the trickle of power on the lunar senshi was fast enough to be noticed. Within some hours or so, it might be slanted in favor of the successor, she’d already be at around thirty percent power.

“The process has certainly accelerated for this one.”

“I sensed this disturbance an hour ago and it has presented me with quite the opportunity. With the power in such a flux, there are suddenly less…” Beryl’s lips curled back to flash a fanged maw, “-restrictions than usual. I’ve attempted to snuff out these brats before they have the chance to be trained, but typically I can’t pinpoint their location until they reach fifteen percent of their potential. At that point their magical bond to the Silver Crystal has had enough time to prohibit my ability to enact a hex directly upon them.”

Zoisite tilted his head, “And you plan to do so in this case? If I may ask, what is on the itinerary? With the Lunar Guardian weakened, it might be a prime time to act as the Senshi’s leader is out of prime condition.”

“Correct you are General, this suddenness of power gain means not enough time has elapsed for them to be protected from my grasp. I plan to teleport them to a secure location, your citidel.”

Zoisite’s eyes almost burst out of his skull, “My what?! How would that solve anything other than expose one of our secret holds outside of this chamber? Even if she’s not fully powered she could wreak havoc upon the facility! And the exposure! A portal back to Neighpon could open up and we'd risk invasio-”

A massiv beam of purple and red magic slashed through the floor in front of Zoisite, digging into the solid rock and blinding sight. It carried on for several seconds before abruptly cutting out. Queen Beryl retained an almost bored expression as her antler glowed.

“Hold your tongue general, unless you believe I am so incompetent as to have not considered that!” Beryl snapped with the very ground and air around her shaking with power radiating from her glowing horn and waving mane. The floor in multiple places cracked as the air seemed to freeze in place for a moment in a bedlam of dark magic power.

"Remember the last time a team of Guardians invaded here they retreated soon after. I've killed Guardians before myself."

The rumbling continued for a time before settling back out. Beryl looking upon her cowed general, who had shrank back a full meter as well as bowed his head. The queen’s wrath cooled. She wasn’t so petty as to destroy a minion for an infraction as minor as speaking out of turn or out of confusion. She didn’t persist for centuries by being a fool. Besides, Zoisite was her golem, she could control him entirely if she wished. Nephrite, her first restoration, spent half an hour kicking his own flank at her bidding when he rebelled against an order. Too much of the old personality with that one, but it was beaten out.

“The problem has thus been the powers of the Silver Crystal and my own have equaled one another in a ceaseless stalemate. Any gains one side experienced would only be temporary. I’ve killed more than a few senshi over the centuries but only when I could get them to come here as I cannot leave this realm, my prison. By slaying them was no solution,” Beryl noted in a dispassionate tone one would expect of someone who just disposed of a weed, an apt comparison from her perspective, “My folly was trying to either dispatch them directly or work around them and target the populace to spread fear and terror to gather energy for amassing more power. Both have their flaws. Kill one senshi and the other four will will hold together, train the successor, and I find myself back at square one…”

Zoisite held his tongue at urge to bring up the fact there were six senshi in total. In his studies regarding the dark Queen’s past actions, he found Beryl almost never let their forces target the Earth Guardians in the past, instead attempting to just mind control or kidnap them. He speculated it was on account of them being successors to her oldest desire, with similar personalities or appearances, but wasn’t sure. On some level, Beryl’s black heart was motivated by it being broken and twisted by the action.

“Instead, to seize what is mine and tilt the balance, I will move a piece on the board to my favor,” Beryl noted with a click of her hooves upon the steps she descended, her crystal ball hovering beside her, “and gain a senshi guardian loyal to myself.”

Zoisite perked up, feeling it safe to rise as he watched his dark queen open up a portal gateway before herself. The Negavese as expansive, equal in size to Neighpon due to its original prupose as their magical prison, which meant certain areas within the dark and nightmarish realm correlated to areas across Neighpon. Looking through the portal an glimpsing one of his laboratries and workrooms beyond it in his citidel within the Negaverse, the only light within came from the various glowing potions and crystals lining some shelves. One such shelf Zoisite found them approaching contained another project of his. The specific aerenth, dark magic crystal, he’d been given by Beryl already had a variety of uses from collecting fear and some forms of magic as energy as well as creating youma monsters from yokai or susceptible mortals. But whereas one crystal had been extremely useful for such purposes, the whole rack of twenty duplicates he’d been working on would surely cause more havoc.

Passing by the vats of potions and crystalized dark magic stores he’d been using to smelt the specific brand of replicate aerenths, Zoisite held back some measure of fear when Beryl magically gripped the entire first batch and picked them up.

“M-My queen, these aerenths are experimental and highly unstable!”

Beryl held up the objects arguably more explosive than nitroglycerin with a smirk, “Paltry as they might be to the original I granted you, your work has proven some measure of success. Have pride in that, my General. Tell me, what did you plan to use these for?”

Zoisite swallowed and nodded, “Possibly a mass spawning. Using one batch to infect a horde of hosts to create a small army of youma after planting the other batch beneath the streets of a city to absorb the fear and magic released by the response.”

“Hmmm, not an ill conceived notion General, take some pride in that,” Beryl hummed to a slightly calmed Zoisite, “However, while the energy gain would no doubt be substantial, the sheer number of aerenths means they’d undoubtably be detected and traced after the fact, surely leading the Senshi here and spoiling the operation. I however, have another plan for the fruit of your efforts.”

The aerenths glowed as more of Queen Beryl’s dark magic was poured into them, some starting to crack and chip from an overload that spilled over into the next. Now Zoisite felt himself going pale even as Beryl smirked.

“M-May I ask, what has this to do with your plans to gain your own senshi, Queen Beryl?” Zoisite muttered, “Do you plan to use the crystals to control or corrupt one of them? Perhaps one of the young successors if we can pinpoint them?... Should I gather foal care supplies for the brat, assuming my creations work properly?”

“Come now General, widen your horizons and calm your mind,” said the dark kirin with high explosives centimeters from her face, “Mind control is temporary, those who are bold enough to turn on their comrades could turn on us as well, and even a child soldier raised to be loyal still has autonomy enough to rebel. I’ve tried all three in the past, the latter being the singular time I managed to stumble across one of those brats before her predecessor did.”

Beryl paused, frowning in a way that seemed to imply both rage and bitter disappointment, the latter in such a way that caused Zoisite to perk up slightly as Queen Beryl’s lips downturned slightly despite her twitching brow. She almost looked saddened, maybe even hurt, but quickly spite overtook it and the spell was cast.

The cracking, glowing aerenths shifted in the air, being forced together into occupying the same spaces. They shattered and the explosion of magic would have roared out had Beryl not contained it in a heavily reinforced bubble spell.

“I require a tool, a living weapon, taken from the best materials,” Beryl hissed as she swayed her hooves across her crystal ball and manipulated the contained bubble of magic and aerenths remotely through a pair of invisible magic arms at began to sculpt something out of the raw magic and matter.

A large crystal erupted from the floor, Zoisite glimping the body of a dead unicorn clad in the armor of the Lunar Guardian housed within it. In tandem with Beryl's will, it was deconstructed into wisps of energy and mixed in with the aerenths.

Like a modeler with clay, Beryl began to slowly make a shape.


Three Centuries Ago

Queen Beryl, keeping the unicorn senshi pinned underhoof and twisting her head to the side and snapping the mare's neck. The Lunar Guardian, the 37th as she was keeping count, flopped back onto the floors of the Negaverse's dark kingdom, dead. Queen Beryl stood over her body stoically, contemplating all that led to this.

Her name was Golden Glow, a valiant leader of her group whom had the wisdom and skill to trouble the dark Queen. Beryl, still unable to leave the Negaverse so long as the Silver Crystal was outside of it and beyond her grasp at her jailer, had managed to find a workaround. It took a century to gather the proper materials to create a focusing crystal. As soon as she was bathed in the red magic, she could concoct a dark magic echo of herself to send through the portal. She had launched her attack right after a group of mostly rookie Guardians had already worn themselves down fighting her youma monsters.

She very nearly killed them all by fighting through the puppet, able to expand most of her vast physical prowess and some magic ball being able to effortlessly phase through all of their attacks. It would have worked and she very nearly got the crystal, until Golden Glow wised up to her plans. She flung herself through the portal and had caught Beryl off guard long enough that her compatriot, using the crystal, was able to coordinate with her and destroyed the focusing crystal.

But Golden Glow never got out in time before the portal closed. Queen Beryl stood over her body, the unicorn's blue fur in beautiful golden mane marred with bruises and cuts. But even in death she seemed to be smiling.

The realization made Beryl simultaneously sick and furious. The only veteran Guardian had sacrificed herself, knowing she would leave the moment she rushed through the portal past the puppet to attack her directly. Beryl wanted to stomp and smash her body to pieces, transmute it into glass and shatter it. Not only would it take an exorbitant amount of time to make another crystal like that, but by the time she did the other guardians would be seasoned veterans instead of teenagers, and they would know the limitations of the echo puppet.

Victory in both their extinction and the acquisition of the crystal snatched away by what was now a dead body...

Queen Beryl stared at it for what felt like hours before scoffing, raising her hoof to manipulate the ground and rock into encasing her in a massive crystal that would perfectly preserve the body and its latent fragments of magic. Whether it was some sign of respect to a bold opponent or some dark need to see that body whenever she wished, even the dark Queen did not know for sure.

Centuries later, she found a use...


“She is done,” Beryl chuckled as she admired her handiwork after an hour of crafting.

Inside a swirling dark mist was a distinguishable outline that became more and more clear as the dark magic was absorbed into the body. Floating limply in midair as if underwater or weighless was a kirin doe. She was a large one for her species, though not as massive as Beryl or the current Jupiter Senshi; sporting a lean but tall frame. Her mane, tail tuft, and collar all sported a golden color that contrasted with the sky blue that composed the chiefest parts of her body color; with her scales, horn, and hooves all being a noticeably darker blue. Uniquely, she bore a set of three additional dark blue stripes on her flanks and a dark mask around her eyes of a matching color. Molded from the mists her attire was only composed of golden bands around her upper forelimbs and a white, boomerang-shaped tiara or crown upon her head that had feathered tufts on the side to make it almost resemble moth antennae.

The kirin was unresponsive, likely still comatose as Zoisite surveyed her with an impressed nod.

“Been awhile since you made another facsimile golem, quite the craft my Queen. Still looks just as life like.”

Beryl smirked and nodded slightly, “I had suspicions that the old changeling manuscript would come into play when I found it decades ago. It detailed the makings of such from tree trunks. It’s the same method I used to recreate you, though without any relic or ties to the original for the emulation.”

Zoisite cringed slightly at the wording there, the golem not fond of being reminded of his reality. Still, it didn’t phase him all that much. After all, the actual General Zoisite died ten centuries ago so there was no existential crisis to be had. Just a minor degree of pride at stake knowing he was made out of an oak tree and the original general’s armor and bones. Still, as he got his mind back on track, there was one detail he couldn’t miss.

“She's a new one though, the body you used was a unicorn,” he noted while tapping at his chin while studying the newcomer’s face, glancing back to where the dead body of Golden Glow had been, “Hmm, and forgive partially faulty study or memory, but I don’t recall seeing her name in the history books.”

“That’s because she is something new, though based off an older model,” Beryl plainly said as she ran a hoof across the floating doe’s mane, touching the golden locks, “I took some basis and the remnant magic from a fallen Lunar Senshi.”

“The 37th?”

"Golden Glow," Queen Beryl quickly corrected, flickering of past respect spurring a knee-jerk snap.

Zoisite raised an eyebrow, thinking he knew the answer, “Why that one in particular?”

Queen Beryl showed little emotion outside a slight smile forming on dark lips, “I killed her right where you stand three centuries ago. Golden Glow was...”

Beryl's features became indiscribable for a moment before nodding contently, "Bold. Skilled. Powerful. Easily one of the greatest, though she foolishly sacrificed herself for a pack of rookies."

Not letting herself be distracted by nostalgia, Beryl drew up the crystals she’d been using to monitor the transfer of the Lunar Senshi’s powers and brought them together. Amidst sparks of power and crackling energy, they were forced together and levitated towards the kirin doe’s tiara. Placed upon a slot that opened up to accept it, Beryl stepped back and watched the fireworks. Dark magic crackled and coursed across the kirin doe’s body. High above the clouds parted and a single line of moonbeams pierced into the chamber, sweeping across the floor to highlight the kirin golem and bathe her in silvery light.

“The fallen senshi was how I was able to track the transfer of power all these years, and by now I’ve dispatched one of each since you and the others managed to kill the 49th Venus Guardian,” Beryl’s smirk grew as she reveled in the growing power within her creation, “The power of the Silver Crystal seeks those like its former host of the proper age to inherit. Usually this isn’t any more complex than the retiring guardian finding out some brat is poised to succeed them. But now that something tied to tracing the powers of the Lunar Guardian is fused to the body of a young doe in her prime modeled off a previous bearer…”

Zoisite’s eyes widened as he finally realized what was going on, “You’re really making your own Senshi.”

“Of sorts. With the power in chaotic flux, it’ll seek the closest match it can; granting this opportunity. It'll go back to familarity, to these youma constructed from the echo of fallen Guardians past.”

Queen Beryl purred and stomped a hoof to the ground, producing a sharp clack. On instant the artificial doe sprang into motion, whipping her head up as she floated in place while twisting around to get her feet beneath her. She landed gracefully and rose up in a very uncanny way, almost seeming to fidget and twitch like an insect. Zoisite raised an eyebrow and peered a bit closer, something he soon regretted when Beryl’s latest creation’s eyes shot over in his direction. The eyes were pure black, devoid of detail entirely except for the gleam of light on several spots, revealing them to be compound in the manner of a moth or dragonfly. She spoke no words, only hissing and bearing a mouthful of fangs. If she might have been taken for a stunner before, she was downright horrifying now with curled-back lips that went too far back, overly pointed ears, gleaming eyes, and a very thin, long tongue wet with drool.

She lunged at him, and though he blocked her tackle the force behind her impact was far more than one would expect for her lean frame. Sent skidding back, Zoisite quickly reacted and crossed his forelimbs and threw them back out; creating a wave of ice shards that flew forward. The monstrous doe cackled and sprang off the ground, a pair of insectoid wings that had previously been out of view flipping out to the sides and allowing her to take to the air. Hissing with a wide grin, she punched at the ground despite her elevation. Zoisite quickly found out why she was letting her blows whiff in the air when green tendrils shot out of her limbs and impacted the ground with their sharpened tips like a barrage of spears.

Zoisite kicked off the ground, the Black Moon Clan General nimbly dodging the onslaught. His mind was in a state of sheer confusion, half wondering what Beryl had been thinking. He didn’t notice the voracious attacks his opponent was lashing out with were not randomized and berserk. She’d been walking him back, backing him up into the corner of a room while dodging the hurled ice barrages he was launching at her. Zoisite finally realized what she had been doing when his back bumped into a window. Briefly glancing backwards to confirm it, time seemed to slow as he looked forward. Both of the doe’s limbs were outstretched, about a dozen tendrils whipping out in arcs that would swing into him coming from his left and right to close off his escape. He took the only escape route available to him, kicking back with a hindlimb’s hoof whilst throwing his entire body weight into the window that it shattered. Zoisite threw himself out the window and disappeared from sight just as the tendrils impaled where he had been standing.

The doe monster silently retracted her tendrils and landed in the busted window, looking out to see where he had fallen. She found only tiny snowflakes that looked like flower petals waving in the wind. She took one and examined it. Her hardened, predatory face relaxed. She tilted her head in a universally inquisitive motion, holding the cold flake in her hoof and marveling at how it melted. Her mouth fell agape and she actually smiled. She was so entranced by the simple appearance of a water droplet that she didn’t notice a burst of snowflakes appearing in the air behind her at first. When she did her eyes were still wide with excitement that lasted just long enough for Zoisite, who’d teleported into place from falling and had reappeared above his foe in a puff of snow, to get in close. He let out a sharp kiai, twisting around and landing a solid roundhouse kick into her midsection that sent her flying across the room.

Zoisite landed in a drift of falling snow and emerging ice, snapping to readiness with a distant hope she would stay down after being sent hurtling into a pillar. But after a moment of debris and dust falling on her head, the doe dashed his hopes by immediately getting back up with a vicious, rabid expression that completely contrasted with her calm demeanor in the snow not five seconds earlier. Zoisite tensed, his original counterpart’s military training and readiness keeping his nerves steeled at his opponent while the beastial doe looked like she was about to pounce and go for his eyes.

She just might have done just that had Queen Beryl not snapped in her tone.


If Zoisite and the new creation were akin in one way, it was that they would instantly yield to their superior and creator. Queen Beryl smiled contently as she strode forward.

“A marvelous test, even without a fraction of the Lunar Guardian’s powers she’s quite formidable.”

“I’ll say,” Zoisite grumbled, only letting himself become relaxed when he looked at the doe and saw she was calm, collected, and alert whilst looking to Beryl like an obedient attack dog. Which, now that he thought about it, she basically was. He didn’t let his mind dwell upon the fact that this meant Beryl had silently sicced her upon him as a field test, “Little warning would be appreciated my Queen… I could’ve damaged your new project.”

“Quite,” Beryl noted nonchalantly, “Just as the other way around could’ve occurred. I have no intention of allowing a brawl in this chamber, let alone between two such unique creations. It would be a loss if either of you were mortally injured. However, for this project we could only test with the best. Take pride in that General. If anything this proves her potency. If the power of the Crystal can turn a normal mortal into a super being, supplying it to something already extremely powerful can prove devastating.”

Zoisite shrugged and nodded, saluting and bowing his head slightly, “Thank you my Queen. So what’s Little Miss Rabies’ name?”

Beryl walked over to her new golem, drawing a hoof across her cheek and jaw to further inspect her. Contrary to how she instantly attacked Zoisite, the doe was remarkably calm and almost had a pleased look on her face as she gazed upon her queen.

“If your comment is regarding her behavior, it’s because I didn’t bother to give her higher cognitive functions just yet. Those will come shortly by the time she starts absorbing any of the Lunar Senshi’s powers. A few hours at most. I merely allowed her to awaken early to see what her instincts were to the test.”

“And the results?”

Beryl smirked, “Splendid. At her core she is a weapon of doom to her enemies. A Destruction and Death Mistress…”

“Destruction and Doom Mistress,” Zoisite noted coyly as he got a better look at her and gave her a once over.

He flinched momentarily when she gazed upon him, but tightened nerves soon gave way to surreal bizarreness when he noticed how neutral her expression was now. Slight tilt of the head and blinking her blank, black eyes with flicks of her antennae. Seeing her not lunging to try and rip his body apart was the weird thing.

“Bit of a mouthful, if I may say so.”

“Hmm, you may correct,” Beryl lamented dryly with a roll of her eyes, “I intend to make more with time, at which point names will be required to tell them apart, for now though classification is all we need for our future Lunar maiden.”

Zoisite paused for a moment and thought of wording previously used, “... In the interest of brevity, may I suggest DD Girl?”

The doe’s tail wagged slightly with perked ears. She eagerly awaited her orders and Beryl couldn’t be more pleased.


Godzilla Junior had confronted many challenges over the years. Growing up to both fill his father’s metaphorical throne and the title that came with it while carving his own path, struggling on what to do when vast power was thrust upon him with little guidance outside of his sensei, fighting a near nonstop conflict for two decades, and then the trials and tribulations involving his inner fears and rage towards his brother he had to let go of while in the middle of a Nightmare possession. But this was something else entirely that was leaving him thoroughly flummoxed and the one thing he knew for sure was he could blame Chibi for it.

“Is that a tattoo?!”

One of his ‘classmates’, a glasses wearing colt with a lightning bolt shaped scar on his forehead, quipped as he leaned in closer and tilted his head, eyes transfixed on Junior’s face just below his horn and between his eyes.

“Wouldn’t be a tattoo, it’s clearly on top of his skin,” another, a brown maned filly grunted as she pushed her friend aside to get a better look, “Obviously cosmetic, what is it?”

“And where can I get one?” a third cohort, a red haired colt with a wide grin, belted as he pushed ahead, “Looks just like King Godzilla’s but green instead of grey!”

“Say, it does doesn’t it?”

“Not surprised, lot of merch with him as of late.”

“Yeah aren’t they making a movie of that fight with the big gold dragon?”

“Heard Sapphire Shores has a new single for it, not sure what a love pop has to do with monster fights.”

“Eh, they probably played it fast and loose and shoe horned in a romance plot.”

“Hey I can handle that, I missed the gyaos incident so I wanna see him in some action!”

“Well we can all go the opening weekend!... Hey, is he okay? Hey, hello? You okay?”

Junior however was less concerned with the attention he was getting, be it the stares and the filly waving a hoof in front of his face and more the slight scent he was picking up from the hall now that a draft had blown in. He smelled fish and his eyes widened, knowing what that meant.

-Kuso yarō! Them again?! Ah Daiei, act natural Junior act natural. If you stick out they’ll find you and you’re practically travel size in this state!-

Snapping to, Godzilla Junior a.k.a Minya forced a grin and bowed far too quickly before rising up, “Nakama no kodomo-tachi, Ogenkidesuka?” (How are you, fellow children?)

The blank and then promptly confused stares he got said it all. It took a good ten seconds before ‘Minya’ realized he just defaulted to the wrong language in his haze to grasp at speech. His last experience with a lot of school children while being a child himself was the psychic kids at the institute, and back there everyone was speaking Japanese. Well, technically he couldn’t speak it but he did understand it.

“Blimey,” the red maned colt mumbled, “What did he just say?”

“I-I think that was Neighponese, I remember one of the students speaking it,” the filly’s eyes widened, “Oh, that’s King Godzilla’s native tongue!”

“Whoa seriously?! Awesome!” the scarred colt yipped, “What did you say, new guy? You can understand us right?”

Minya was still in ‘deer-in-a-headlights’ mode from sheer confusion. Just desperate to stick to the group and make himself less obvious to the sea witches roaming about, he blurted out an answer without thinking too hard about it.


Thinking he said “Hi!”, the redhead nodded with an impressed look, “Huh, pretty long winded for a greeting; but hey, if it’s the lingo of a thirty story fire-spewing-”

“Plasma spewing,” the filly interjected.

“-dinosaur, I ain’t arguing!”

“Hairy, Weasel, Manger, stop hounding Minya,” The staffer named Spell Check, a gray unicorn stallion with a simple black mane in, surprisingly, a dark magenta hoddie chuckled as he drew closer, “You’re clearly upsetting him.”

Minya didn’t pay attention to the apologies or slightly remorseful faces on the youngsters nor the worry on the instructor. Instead he was focused on the vague outline of two mares moving past a window pausing and doubly back. The mermares, Nixie and Odina had heard the commotion and were no doubt honestly curious about the cause. And despite the fact he was in the body of someone less than a fifth his normal height and dozens of times less massive with a completely different color scheme, there was one thing with him that was true as always. Chasing down an Anteverse kaiju heading for a city or seeing two mermares closing in while he was vulnerable, Godzilla Junior was always paranoid.

So he dove in amongst the trio, wrapped his hooves around their shoulders and shook his head at the teacher.

“No no no no!” his speech pattern was, in the unconscious desire to emulate the young pony he knew best, started to sound like Chibi Moon’s rapid-fire lingo, “NoProblemAtAll! TheyWereJustVeryCuriousAndEager, JustLikeIAmCuriousAndEager! ToBeHere! InThisSchool! RightNow! AsAStudent!”

The instructor rolled his eyes and chuckled, “Well then, I see someone is eager and that’s good. Though remember, you’re not officially a student yet. That’s what the written and practical exams are for. So should problems occur, don’t lose that eagerness, you can always retake it… Hm, you were the entry from Neighpon, yes?”


“Well I can tell from the rapidfire speech you’re nervous. I’ve been at this for decades so I can notice things.”

Minya paused but the smile on the teacher, and more importantly how they stepped forward and unknowingly blocked the window from any outside viewers, helped keep the nerves from firing off.

“Have you been in an institution before or were you homeschooled?”

“NoNo, BeenInAnInstituteBefore.”

“Oh? And what was your old school like?”

In truth Kyoto Institute of Biotechnics wasn’t exactly a school for him, more for the psychic and mutant children in the hybrid research wing, but it wasn’t technically lying.

“Big! IWas-”

“Touch slower please.”

The red haired colt shrugged and rubbed the back of his head, “Can’t bloody well make out what you’re saying regardless of what language you’re speaking at it. You talk fast.”

Minya continued talking regardless, though he was starting to replay his own voice in his head and realizing he was sounding an awful lot like-

“Are you related to Mariner Chibi Moon by any hoof?” Spell Check noted with a tilted head.


His recollection of when Senior first tried to claim him didn’t summon memories of a 30 story dinosaur tearing open a building in the now paling teacher, but instead remembrance of a certain entrance exam involving a little pink filly blasting the roof open.

“-butIWasUsuallyKeptBehindAFence ALot! and I onceScaredTheGeneral, WhenISnuckIntoHisOfficeAnd-,” this time he was physical shushed by the teacher magically pushing his mouth closed.

“I-I see... Definitely a relative,” the instructor grunted while adjusting her glasses.

Unaware of the dread, Minya raised his head up and collected energy. His mane briefly sparked blue light and flighters of embers came from his gullet. Or at least he tried to. It all suddenly hit him like a blow to the head. The energy build up for atomic breath, even as just bubbles, faded away entirely and became something else. His horn crackled with an unusual power he felt coursing into him, completely unrelated to anything he had ever done before. It even felt different than the small sputtering of when he managed tiny bit of magic, though it was closer in relation to that than anything else. The magic was white colored with a small bit of pink, building up into a spherical ball of energy at his horn tip that seemed to form a crescent of sorts. Minya was just as flabbergasted as his classmates were when all seem to build up more more until he forced his consciousness and focused elsewhere.

The energy build up died away and all that came from is horn was a large column of smoke. His classmates were far more impressed than he was shocked.

The red head and scarred colts, Weasel and Hairy, were on Minya in an instant, “Oh oh! I heard of her! Hey, think you can teach me that spell your cousin knows?!”

“Yeah! Come on! If we all pull it off for the entrance exam, we’re shoo-ins!”

“You two tossers would never be able to pull it off!” the filly, Manger, groaned as she pulled her friends back and away from Minya, before promptly taking their place next to him, “I on the other hoof am a fast study…”

Her smirk was unsettling enough to distract him from the unusual power surge. Something told Minya this group and Chibi would get along very, very well if they became classmates. It seems the Equestrian perchent for destruction directly scaled inversely with age. He was also aware young unicorns often had magic surges far above what one would expect from one their age that tended to make them and their magic act erratic. Was that what was going on with him? Was that why all these young unicorns seemed a little bit crazy?

The instructor look like she seemed to agree, having been prepared to launch a containment spell the moment Minya started using a lot of magic.

After managing to get the class back in order and the paleness off her face, the instructor passed around the written exams for the seated filly and colts. Firmly placed in the back of the room, partially because he could stay out of the line of sight to the windows and partially because he was starting to suspect he freaked out the instructor.

-Right... right. I can do this. Awkward start, but this could actually help me. After all, Equestria sees ‘King Godzilla’ as a powerful, reserved, reclusive warrior king and the Mermares according to Princess Luna see me as that and… good stock.-

He shuddered both from the subject matter and from how he knew Luna would react to that. Some things were better left unspoken to a temperamental alicorn.

-Neither would ever suspect him of being like me… Come to think of it, neither would I.-

Ever since the age switch he’d been feeling slightly off. More hyperactive, eager, awkward, and… “Chibi-like” for lack of better terms. He didn’t know for sure if that’s because he was emulating the only young equestrian he knew very well to try to get a grasp on how they acted for cover; or if it was some side-effect of the spell. One thing that was fairly well for certain was that he was going to make Chibi run laps. For hours. For a week. Without coffee. Part of him idly wondered what her parents were like to keep her under control when she was even younger than when he knew her.

Still, the situation could be worse. Hadn’t entirely gone to Daiei just yet and he was somewhat courting an individual who had literally seen most of this ancient history and was one of the most powerful magic users on the planet. He just had to pass this portion and then intentionally botch the practical magic entrance exam for this to work out.

Maybe blending in wouldn’t be so hard after all?

He promptly retracted his answer when he saw the test before him, praying he remembered everything Luna, Blade Dancer, Captain Frost, and Celestia had told him over the past weeks. With a lot of guesswork.

Running laps for a month. She’d be running laps for a month and no one would know.


Mariner Chibi Moon a.k.a Black Moon was running down the halls as sneakily as she could so no one would know. Internally she had stopped screaming for the last hour, privy to how many ways this could go wrong. And it wasn’t just getting busted by the teachers or having someone recognize her through the ruse that had her worried, but also the tingling sensation she kept getting from her flank and horn. When she first felt the tiniest spark of her mother’s power transfer into her on her ninth birthday, she paid attention to recognize the feeling. The very gradual shift of the Lunar Senshi’s power trickling into her, growing slightly more every year but still a very insignificant amount as she had absorbed but a fraction of her mother’s gift. It wouldn’t be until she was closer to being of age that the transfer rate would really kick up. And she could feel where she was now.

She felt great! She felt like she could take on five yokai at once and then put up with Sensei Godzilla’s running laps for the rest of the night! And that was the problem.

She snuck up to the library back door and looked at the knob. Glancing about to ensure no one was looking, she cringed and tried to grip it with her magic, muttering to herself to try and keep everything under control and remember her Sensei’s lessons. Unfortunately learning how to control things when you are a tiny little filly with a little extra power didn’t transfer on a one-to-one basis when you suddenly found herself a fully grown mare with a lot of extra power. Just gripping the knob dented the metal in, warped the lock, and she practically tore the locking mechanism out just to open the door.

Or at least she thought she avoided that until she found out otherwise and accidentally conked herself in the nose with the ripped-off knob.

And, evidently, controlling one’s anger was a touch more difficult when they had to go through a decade and a half of puberty in the span of a few hours. She shook and swore under her breath, a crackling sensation humming in the back of her ear. For a moment, a flicker of eerie, purple flames appeared along the edges of her mane. They didn’t burn her, for they were part of her body themselves, but it did singe the wallpaper precariously close to the fire alarm.

“Hm?” Black Moon glanced at the singes, noticing both the fire and the fact the embers were starting to wisp upwards towards a smoke detector. Black Moon’s eyes widened and became bursting with burning light.


She tried to put it out the only way she knew how. By ramming her hoof into the embers to smother them. The only problem was that her hoof was on fire when she did it. Swearing, she turned and tried to rub out the now spreading flames with her free forehoof, only noticing its own embers when it was far too late. She’d just wiped a whole limb that was virtually nothing but fire onto the paper wall.

Black Moon’s mane was half-on fire with purple flames and her body was flickering in and out from turning dark. There were side-effects to having a lot of kirin ancestry. Being a nirik was genetic too.

And now half the library wall was on fire.


Minya was accustomed to pain. Megaguirus stabbing him in the gut, Destroyah’s idea of a hickey as a teenager, getting sliced into by hundreds of gyaos, maser tank fire and the actual tank to the face, and his first introduction to Princess Luna that entailed fifteen broken walls, just as many broken ribs, and a good up close view of what her mule kick looked like. He however was not used to having it inside his head like it was after that last test. The colt groaned, leaning back in his seat and rubbing at his temple to try and coax the pain out. The other students had stepped out as the instructor went to grade the tests, but he’d remained behind to let the pain pass.

He had been writing for a good half hour about the merits of Princess Celestia’s constitutional monarchy into diarchy rule with his teeth holding the pencil, which earned some odd looks from the other, magic using students and the teacher; though he was able to write it off as something from Nippon, or rather Neighpon. Just like the loud swearing he just heard for the first time in twenty years, where last time it was when he surprised Mr. Aoki by walking up behind him when Junior had let himself out of his enclosure and walked into the cafeteria to eat with his mother. Azusa made a point to eat her lunch at his nest from then on out.

Now he was picking it up outside his window. He gazed down to see a sight that left his dumbstruck. His pupil, in her grown up body, half on fire and not seeming to notice as she frantically kicked dirt onto the visibly smoking and crackling outside wall to the library.

Black Moon had just hefted a chunk of dirt about the size of herself over her head and was about to launch it when she felt a pair of eyes upon her. She gazed up to see her sensei, in his adorably shrunk little body, utterly dumbstruck and pressed up against the window with his mouth hanging open. His eyes rapidly switched between her, the fire on the wall, and the fire on her. Black Moon’s ears flopped down and she lowered her head sheepishly.

“Is something the matter Minya?”

The instructor, Spell Check, asked, stepping into the room after delivering the tests to the score center. A concerned look crossed her face as she started to pace closer. Minya’s face went from green to pale white, something she noticed.

“Oh? You don’t need to be skittish about the test, young one,” she smiled a bit awkwardly, “You passed with flying colors! Best in the class actually-”

She was still approaching and would surely see the smoke unless something distracted her. So Minya acted.

“Watashi wa kibarashidesu!” (“Now I am become distraction!”)

He roared and bolted across the room to launch himself through the partially opened window on the other side, breaking it as he did and rushing off into the halls loudly shouting in Japanese.

Bewildered and concerned as to what just happened, the teacher pursued frantically. Black Moon felt a swell of gratitude and pride in her breast, as she heard the sounds of rumbles, possibly breaking articles, shouting in Neighponese, and noises she’d swear a donkey would make alongside the shouts of the teacher. Best. Sensei. Ever. She was half tempted to rush over and help him, but as she once wrote to her parents:

‘Godzilla-sensei says I need to learn to fight my own battles, you know’

So she had to trust that he could fight his. She snapped to attention at the not-so-subtle crackling of the flames around her, noticing the grass was aflame now and got about frantically putting that out too.

About fifteen minutes later that included, but was not limited to lobbing another two hundred kilograms of dirt onto the flames to thoroughly smother them, disabling every fire alarm she could see just in case, teleporting herself across several rooms to dodge library staff, once having to teleport herself into a book aisle to continue to avoid detection, passing a colt with a book who spotted her and helping him with a homework question as payment for keeping quiet about her, and combat crawling her way past the final librarian’s desk, Black Moon finally found what she was looking for.




To many outside observers they would have seen a thick column of mist forming a fog bank on the outskirts of the Neighponese town, and wisely moved away because of myths about monsters or illusions appearing in the fog. To the few in on a certain secret however, especially the dim green and even dimmer white lights shooting out of the middle of the fog, they saw the invitation and summons a magical distress call had previously prepared them for.

Inside a hollow pocket within the fog, a tall but thinly-built gray earth pony stallion wearing a tuxedo ensemble, top hat, and domino mask was holding his compatriot close and letting his wife lean on him. His partner was an extremely pale unicorn mare sporting a colorful set of pink and blue armor and an iconic pair of giant blonde twintails in her mane. However the color in her hair and her magical armor seemed to be a bit duller than it usually was.

Ensemble Shroud, the Earthly Guardian, looked upon his Lunar Guardian comrade and spouse with a worried expression, “How’re you feeling? You seemed really woozy after beaning yourself in the head like that with your tiara.”

Mariner Serena Moon, the senior, groaned in a very unladylike manner while propping her head up against her husband’s collar, “Felt worse even before… Oooooooye, Ensembleeee you’re the earthly guardian, can you please tell the ground to stop spinning?”

“Unfortunately I don’t think that would make any difference,” he frowned in response to his beloved’s pained migraine whines, “You seem weak.”

“Haven’t been this tired since I had Chibi,” she whimpered with flopped ears.

Ensemble took one look at her shaking legs to realize how much strain she was under just trying to keep up appearances by standing up, and acted. Turning about and dipping his head down he flipped her up and slung her across his back. In their youth he’d probably say that ‘Meatball Head’ needed to stop whining when he carried her after she made some snippy remark that she could, truthfully to be fair, handle herself.

Just for old times’ sake she was tempted, but resigned to ignoring how silly she looked and just nuzzling her husband’s cheek weakly.

Thankfully they didn’t have to wait long for company to show up while standing in the back streets. A distinctive ‘splish splash’ sounded off from the river under the bridge they were standing on. Ensemble turned about to face it just as a dim aqua blue glow joined his and his wife’s green and white hues given off by their chests. Another bearer of the Silver Crystal’s power shot out of the river on beating flippers in a manner not unlike a dolphin, her glow spreading over her entire body mid-jump as she spun head over tail. By the time she nimbly landed a meter away from couple, the mermare Mercurian Guardian had shifted into her terrestrial form as a blue, short-maned kirin doe.

“Came as soon as I felt the summon!” Raine Ami Mercury spouted rapidly as she power walked up to them, fishing out a medical kit she’d been holding under her flipper along with her visor.

Serena Moon resisted any urge to yip from the cold, wet hooves taking her forelimb to check her pulse or the bright light being shined in her eyes to look at her pupils; only meekly able to kick her back legs back and forth slightly in protest.

“When did this happen?” she piped with a frown, ignoring Serena’s squirms from her cold hooves pulling back the Lunar Guardian’s armored skirt to check her cutiemark, “Part of her lunar symbol looks like it’s waning!”

“About half an hour ago, I started feeling something weird when we were both out on patrol. I was closer so that is why I detected it first and put out the summon,” Ensemble noted while cringing as his wife’s inarticulate, weak mumbles in protest over her check up.

“The Silver Crystal gave each of us a lot of power, more than most would have.”

“For about a decade and a half now,” he muttered, “so much so we’ve gotten used to it. Is the power loss why she’s like this?”

“Likely,” Raine nooded, “I mean we’re getting to the age that our successors would be alive and the transfer process would start happening in increments for at least some of, if not all of us in the next few years. But that’s just it, it’s supposed to be in increments!”

“And Serena looks like she’s going through all at once… Which means Chibi…”

Ensemble stiffened at the thought. The fact Chibi was set to inherit her mother’s powers was both a blessing and a curse. Blessing in the fact she would have two parents who knew what she was going through and to weigh in on her safety, and even stop the process if they had to so someone else could take the role. It also helped they became aware of the situation very early and could prepare more than most generations of guardians could. The downside was that if something was wrong with his wife, something was wrong with her successor who happened to also be his daughter. A daughter who was off in a distant country where they couldn’t see her or see what was going on with her.

As grounded as she was going to be if she had something to do with this like Serena speculated, it was a sort of fear he never got used to.

-Count our blessings Pyre didn’t-

“What’s what about Chibi?” a strong tone pierced through the fog.

Both Ensemble and Serena paled, -Uh oh.-

A red glow jogged forward through the misty shroud and into the clear airspace, revealing itself to be coming from a dark maned, deep red kirin mare with a wary expression on her face.

Raine, ever the professional and yet somehow so oblivious, didn’t notice the oncoming potential firestorm as she continued her check up on Serena, who was facing away from the newcomer.

“Something’s going on with Serena’s powers, they’re rapidly going haywire and we think it’s also messy on Chibi’s end.”

One could practically swear they heard glass breaking inside the red kirin’s head. She was Pyre Raye Mars, current Martian Guardian, and Mariner Chibi Moon’s extremely… dependable godmother. And she was seeing as much red as she had on her.

Before Ensemble could jolt away, Pyre sprinted at him so fast that she nearly left flames in her wake. Whirling around him, she accidentally hip checked Raine out of the way as she launched herself at Serena. Vitriolic best friends they were in highschool and nothing had changed at all. If anything Pyre used their lifelong friendship as an excuse to wail on her dolt of a best friend even more.

“WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY GODDAUGHTER?!” She roared, shaking the Lunar Guardian back and forth.


Serena’s eyes were spinning and, slung over her husband’s back, she was powerless to escape and could only flail her back legs into the air while waving her forelimbs. Thankfully relief came when the ground shook a little from approaching footsteps and a bonafide giantess picked the scrappy kirin into the air. The newcomer, another Senshi, was clad in a green armored skirt that was accented in pinks, emulating her fur and scale patterns respectively. The kirin towered over her compatriots, easily a full head and a half taller then even Ensemble Shroud, Yet her features were soft and calm; or in this case a little bit embarrassed given she had to separate Pyre and Serena like they wear a pair of squabbling children and not a grown doe and mare respectively. Holding a pouting Pyre under her arm, the lightning based Jupiterian Guardian, Stormy Jupiter deadpanned.

“That’s enough of that,” she muttered before covering Pyre’s mouth with her tail, “Can’t you see she’s in a bad enough state without you trying to burn her to a crisp?”

The still-nirik’d Pyre snapped her head around and snarled at her giantess of a teammate. “Stormy, she. Hurt. My. Baby!”

Stormy’s facial expression was unchanged… As a rather large thunderbolt struck the ground behind her. Serena and Pyre both froze and canceled out most of the water and fireworks respectively given that in the flash of the lightning it was impossible to tell which one of them Stormy, who was equally as protective of Chibi as Pyre, was livid at. All they knew was there was a giant doe who now was currently sparking looking at the both of them.

“Let’s sort out the details of that now shall we?” Stormy monotoned.

It was fortunate that the click-clack-clop of hooves rushing up to them caught everyone else’s attention, and orange-white light rushing through the mist up to greet them.

“Sorry I’m late!”

Ensemble shrugged nonchalantly, “We’re kind of used to it with you.”

“Oh bite me, rose-boy,” the tone came in a giggle to show there was no ill intent as an orange unicorn mare with a Neighponese styled curved horn trotted up to the rather surreal sight of Stormy sparking, Pyre still partially on fire, Serena looking like she was about to become a ghost, Ensemble cordially nodding to her, and Raine face-deep in her medical equipment surveying Serena. Seemed like it was Tuesday already.

Dawn Mina Venus, life of the party and first of the current generation of guardians to be chosen, flipped her long blonde mane backwards; a dim reflective sheen evident on her fur and hair that belied her status as the Venusian Guardian of metal. She might have looked a little bit dainty as an average mare with a slim build, but the telltale way her hooves sunk fairly deep into the dirt ground and the way her footfalls audibly clicked against the stone indicated Dawn was a lot heavier than she looked.

The extra durability might have come in handy given the precious cargo she was carrying in her mane that visibly showed through the metallic hairs.

"I got delayed picking it up from the safe zone," she noted whilst pulling it free.

To any other observers they would have been in awe of what shone against the cloaking fog. It was a beautiful crystalline structure about the size of a large softball. Somehow it looked both like it was composed of metal and glass at the same time, being reflective and transparent with an inner white light all at once. What had been once ferried to Neighpon by the unicorn expedition during the times before the founding of Equestria, held as a family heirloom by a wayward Prince Silver whom offered it up to the Neighponese Emperor as a sign of fealty, eventually became the wedding gift to be granted to their descendents when a crown kirin prince loved a unicorn fiancé. But through the machinations of Beryl, the union was almost not to be until Harmony secretly stepped in. The prince, the fiancé noblemare, and their closest entourage of friends intended to sacrifice themselves to protect their country, but were instead blessed by the goddess into becoming the first guardians. And every generation since, the Silver Crystal had granted its blessings upon every iteration of the guardians, both granting their abilities as well as choosing their successors.

It was an extremely rare occasion, on account of how much Beryl demanded the power, that they would risk taking it out into the open. But desperate times called for desperate measures.

Pyre, finally canceling out all her flames, frowned and looked at the crystal with an uneasy wariness that soon cast itself to their surroundings, "You sure we can't try to do this somewhere more protected?"

Dawn shook her head, "Serena is in no condition to travel and all of us need to be present. We already purified any yokai that Beryl turned into yoma monsters in this area weeks ago and we are all together. Short of a fortress this is just about as good as it's going to get."

Pyre reactivated a small jet of flame on her tail just to be sure as Stormy put her down, instantly going on the defensive of both her vitriolic best friend and the crystal, "Yes but I still don't like it. Serena is in a bad way and if Beryl knows we brought the crystal out, she will definitely be up to something."

Serena cracked a weak smile at how the kirin that had both been the maid of honor and the officiator of her wedding stepped up to her protection despite her actions not a minute prior, "Aw, you do care!"

"Of course I do, meatball head!" Pyre snipped while snorting, "If Beryl takes you out while you’re down, how can I do it myself if we find out you hurt Chibi?!"

As much as she snarked, there was a modicum of honest concern that belied more care than what was evident.

"Speaking of," Raine noted as she tapped at her earpiece to flip out her visor and look over their group with the crystal in proximity now, "I can definitely see something is up. All of us have some of the Silver Crystal's energy, an equal share-"

She grimaced at what she saw. Sure enough the lot of them were more or less burning with the same aura of energy, mostly only different in color which matched up to their elemental affinity. Blue for her, red for Pyre, green for Stormy, gold for Dawn, bronze for Ensemble; and white for Serena. The first five of that group had small, almost a miniscule trickles and wisps of energy coming off them heading out to parts unknown without following them, indicating that their successor had been chosen, but the power transfer really hadn't started yet outside of tiny snippets. Serena on the other hand was increasingly getting dim and the stream coming out of her was more like a torrent or a river that trickle or drip. Perplexingly the stream also seemed to split at one point, but Raine was much more focused on the rate. It was departing so fast that Raine didn't want to think about what might happen when it reached zero.

Typically that only happened when the retired Guardian reached extremely old age, sometimes carrying small traces or fragments of their blessing right up until their-....

She paled.

"We need to get Chibi here, stat," the mermare shook, "There's a very significant energy flow coming out of Serena heading eastward towards Equestria. If we use the gathering spell through the Silver Crystal, we can summon her here and maybe find a way to stop or cut off the flow with the crystal until we figure out what's going on."

It was about at this time Serena, whom often had some sort of humorous complaint or snark at the ready, paled even more. She looked to her husband with clear distress in her eyes, quivering and with more than just the painful weakness coming from her rapid power loss.

"G-Get to it," she whimpered while trying to pull herself off of Ensemble's back on shaking limbs, "Hurry!"

Every Guardian present instantly snapped to action when Serena almost fell over, Ensemble holding onto one of her legs and stiffening up as Raine, Dawn, and Pyre grabbed onto her whilst Stormy quickly moved behind them with speed contrary to her size to help support Serena between herself and Ensemble. Large frowns crossed all of their faces when they realized just how cold Serena felt, the clamminess in her fur, and how much her muscles were uncontrollably spasming. She looked and felt ill and it was only getting worse.

Pyre paled and gulped, "Stormy, Ensemble, Raine, Dawn, quickly. Form up with me and we'll get the spell. Serena, lay down-"

Serena reached up and grabbed onto Pyre's collar, sucking in her breath to hold back some pain, "It takes all of us for a summon this far away."

"But you're-"

"A mother," Serena whimpered. All eyes looked to her, then to her husband, and that was all that was needed to be said.

The Silver Crystal flared to life when a shaking set of hooves held it aloft, five sets of hooves placed around the Lunar Guardian’s to help hold her up.


Minya started wincing and holding his arm after sprinting across the school to get away from the flabbergasted teacher. After the endorphins and adrenaline spiraled down he soon realized why when a warm wetness started trickling down his arm. There was a shard of glass stuck near his shoulder. Biting back the pain he leaned over and gently bit it to pull it out. Luckily it wasn’t in deep but the fact it was in all shot up a big red flag.

He might be less durable as a pony than he was as a full-blown kaiju, but he was still far away a lot tougher than he might seem to be. Between extremely dense muscles and a tough hide, he was all but invulnerable to average pony-level weapons used by any but the elite. Unless you were the strongest of earth ponies, fastest of pegasi, most potent of unicorn magic casters, or an experienced alicorn, one would have a lot of difficulty meaningfully damaging him; at least one on one. Some tests conducted with Captain Frost showed his hide capable of bending bronze daggers and splintering hardwoods without much of a scratch.

And yet, propelled only by the force and momentum that a charging colt could generate, this glass shard managed to cut into him without shattering. He grimaced but not from pain. The sensation was back again, like what he had experienced before when trying to use atomic breath. The magic build up hit him again like he was being electrocuted. But instead of convulsing, his body stiffened and drew it in like a draft through an opened door. The cut sealed over and healed but not by normal regeneration, instead trickles of white light seeped over the wound and closed it.

The brief weakness he felt was gone again, but this strength didn’t feel normal.

It was fortunate he found Black Moon then and there.

“We have a problem!” he yelped while sprinting up to the mare as she sprinted out of the library. But something caught his eye.

Thankfully the elation on her face spoke of success especially given she was holding a book, “And I got a solution-”

“Your horn!” he croaked while pointing.

Now standing closer to him however, Black Moon noticed something else amiss as well. She tilted her head and pointed with her hoof at him.

"No, your horn!"

They both paused and looked over at a nearby window to check their reflection. It was like looking in a funhouse mirror and both of them bobbed their heads slightly to ensure it wasn't just the effect of a distortion. But it was obvious. Atop Minya's head was a horn which, while mostly straight, was starting to curve at the tip; but this time backwards like a scimitar rather than bending forwards like it normally did. And on top of Black Moon's crown was a horn completely unlike any from Neighpon or Equestria. It was still curved but a distinctive kink had formed midway up its length.

Minya rapidly shook his head, hoping against hope they had a solution for this craziness, "E-Enough of that, please tell me you got counterspell!?"

"YES!" Black Moon yelped as she drew out the book, which was written in kanji, "Foreign section! I recognize the name of one of the authors, Golden Glow, she was the 37th Lunar Guardian. I flipped through it and realized she left a few of the messages in the box and what do you know-"

She flipped to a certain page showing two kirin with arrows pointing between them to form a circle. Instantly Minya understood the meaning.

"The spell! Chibi That's the spell that you used on us!"

"Written here metaphorically to give two creatures a better understanding of each other, but the concepts will work literally for the other spell left behind since it was based off her work! Especially since I'm the Lunar Guardian heiress!" Black Moon grinned with a bounce in her tail.

Only Minya found himself tilting his head slightly when he saw her grin. Something was different with her mouth but he couldn't quite put his finger... hoof on it. He shook his head to throw the pestering thought away and clapped his hooves.

"Then get to work, I miss the other 90% of my body. And I say this as the fellow who’s fought everything from aliens cyborgs to angry unicorns, this is getting too weird even for me!"

"Let's hope it doesn't get any weirder!" Black Moon decreed as she put the book down. They could worry about the semantics of their plans afterwards, this was getting way too far out of hoof to be allowed to continue. She practically felt like she was burning up even after getting the fire out!

She had just started trying to muster up her magic, following all the exercises and steps her mother taught her since her christening as the Lunar Guardian heiress. She closed her eyes and tried to focus. Focus on the brilliant lights all around her that came from both the moon and the source of the moons rays, the Sun. Light gave definition, light gave observation, light gave visual to the material. Light was her element and she... could barely feel it at all when she heard a colt yelling.


Queen Beryl purred, feeling the summoning spell cast by the Guardians reaching across the continent and ocean. Waving her hooves across her crystal ball, the dark kirin witch let out a roar of laughter at how easy this was. There was good reason the summoning spell was never used on targets so far away. The longer the distance, the more power put into it and more obvious it became over its lengthened span.

Her magic reached out of her dark realm like the talons of some malefic eagle and grabbed, choked the summoning stream and redirected it. Still tied to a localized place in Neighpon far from her palace, still closer to the guardians than she would've liked, but in a secluded enough spot that it wouldn't matter. The summoning, the casters of oblivious to her sabotage, took hold of the powers of the Lunar Guardian and directed them directly to where Zoisite and his coined, "DD Girl" was located and waiting.

She would be preparing something else just in case, toying with the spare aerenths Zoisite had prepared to create youma.


Black Moon's eyes snapped back open to see a swirling matrix form up beside the both of them, Minya already getting pulled inside due to his smaller stature and weight. He flailed to keep a hold of the ground but had come loose. Without thinking, Black Moon leapt forward to grab him, using her momentum from her flying tackle to try and pull them aside while twisting in the air to put herself between her shrunken sensei and the portal. But as soon as she grabbed on to Minya, she felt yanked backwards just from holding him. There was a pull on her too, but the tug on Minya was so much stronger she felt like a fish getting reeled in on a line. Reeled into the portal.

Space warped and like she was rushing through a river head first, thousands of kilometers were crossed in seconds. She glimpsed the shore, the ocean's expanse, and then another familiar shore set on a chain of islands along the eastern coast of the far continent. Her homelands, but they were most certainly not going to her home...

She could feel them for the faintest moment, her parents and her godmothers, and then she was violently ripped away due to still clutching her shrunken teacher close to her. Something pulled them aside elsewhere. The Lunar Heiress glimpsed a city before being pulled into another portal the summoning stream had been forcefully connected to; and then it all went dark for several long moments.

Black Moon skid across the ground up a cobblestone floor. The world was spinning and she felt like she had just rammed her head through several walls. It took a lot of time for her vision to clarify enough to be distinctive. While she briefly glimpsed an open portal to a city, the dark realm before her clearly being something that otherwise would not fit inside of a building. She knew it not from experience, but by stories. A desolate landscape that seemed simultaneously dreamlike and nightmarish at the same time, ranging from frozen expanses to a dark forest that led to a castle, a bloody red moon hovering above with all else cast in shadow; this was Beryl's sanctum, tied to the city through a portal. A portal to such a place, the biggest thing her parents ever warned her about, being the exact thing she and her companion were dragged through.

Some guardians in the past had attempted to storm Beryl's sanctum, either in a bold gambit to destroy this evil once and for all, in a misplaced attempt to appeal to the better nature of a righteous sage whom effectively died a millennia ago; or in a desperate measure of defense. She remembered full well the story her mother told her of the 37th Luna Guardian. A legendary mare with fur blue as the ocean and hair that gleamed like gold. She was often considered one of the greatest.

Beryl had managed to find a way to personally exit her sanctum and launch an attack. The guardian had valiantly tackled her back into the portal and destroyed the means of allowing the dark queen exit. The other guardians’ last glimpse of their leader was seeing Beryl snap her neck.

Her parents were always very clear that if she ever saw a portal to this dark, this negaverse, she was to flee as fast as she could. It wasn't abnormal for Beryl, should she find an heir who wasn't trained or powerful yet, to try and send a youma through and cut their career short... Every little story she heard as a young girl screamed at her to run back through the portal.

But when she saw a very confused, clearly in pain and crying out colt, Minya, getting wrenched out of her grasp by some unseen force that pulled him towards the castle, she ran after him.

Author's Note:

Proofed by Lance-Omikron and Faith-Wolff!
Art by Faith-Wolff!

Surprise! I actually meant to post this last summer but one thing led to another and it just kept getting delayed. It along with the next actual story chapter were both almost done anyways so I figured I would polish this one off real quick and then get back to the main story, then do the finale to this next month or so.

So no, you're not waiting another year for part three. Really sorry about.

My Little Pony by Hasbro
Sailor Moon by Toei
Godzilla by Toho
Spell Check by Lance-Omikron

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