• Member Since 17th Feb, 2022
  • offline last seen May 28th

Both Ends Of The Quill

Hysterical, ticklish bliss awaits anybody passing through here who wishes to experience such euphoria. Please, have a seat and your tickler will be with you shortly. Enjoy your stay! (he/him)

A Few Links

I'm most active on my Tumblr, where I post non-pony stories and stuff relating to my own characters, alongside whatever random, tickly thoughts come to mind!

I have a Wattpad where I post non-pony related stories! You can read more about them over there.

Ever heard of Bluesky? It's an alternative to Twitter because Twitter sucks. Follow that link to get to my profile!

Here's my Equestria Social, which is a social media platform specifically for bronies! It's a cool place but I'm mostly inactive on there now.

Oh and if you want: my Twitter, I guess, but I've largely dropped it in favour of literally anything else. Screw Twitter, screw Elon Musk.

Blog Posts

  • 42 weeks
    So proud of this new story!

    This one has been slowly being built since the beginning of the year, yes I'm that slow of a writer. This kind of thing comes to me in bursts, so while I may have only spend a few days writing this story, those days were spread out over months. Either way, the final version is out and I could not be happier! I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did writing it!

    0 comments · 96 views
  • 62 weeks
    Would you consider cover art needed for a story?

    Simple as that: do you think artwork is needed for a story to be clicked on? It's just that sometimes I struggle to get or find a picture that suits my stories but I also don't want to publish them without artwork if it hurts viewership. Wondering what some people's thoughts are on this.

    1 comments · 135 views
  • 66 weeks
    How long does it usually take you to write a story?

    I'm talking a normal length, lets say 2000 words just for the heck of it. For me, it all depends on the day, but I have to hit this perfect moment, it seems, where my brain will let the creativity and words fly. Anyone else relate or is it just me? It really gets in the way of all these story ideas I want so badly to get out into the world.

    That said, it's probably just my ADHD. *sigh*

    5 comments · 123 views

It's not weird, I promise!

Latest Stories

Welcome To My Page! (Please Read)


Hiya, welcome to my page!
I think my name speaks for itself: I love writing stories about tickling, hence Both Ends Of The Quill. Get it? Because one end tickles and the other writes? Get iiiiiit? ;3

I think my name speaks for itself: I love writing stories about ponies being tickled in various ways. They say laughter is the best medicine, so why not bring that joy to all of Equestria? Expect lots of laughing ponies and fluffy plots with a pinch of romance every now and then.

The reason I took up writing my own tickle fics is because I hope to fill a void that I have seen left unfilled for years.
Ever since I discovered a love for tickling early on in my life, both giving and receiving it, I fantasied about making my favourite characters laugh, and having it returned back to me. What I found, however, is that 90% of tickling content glorifies abuse, manipulation, torture, general non-consent, and other horrible things that I will never stand by. Even bringing it up makes me feel gross, and the excuse of it being fiction does not absolve it in my eyes. It genuinely traumatised me, and for years I felt like I was the only one who wanted to create and consume tickling content that was consensual. As an adult now, It's this experience that has caused me to distance myself from the people who create and consume that kind of content. Instead, I want my stories to be a safe space for people like myself, who love our ticklish shenanigans but want them to, you know, be consensual. It should go without saying, really.
I want to make it abundantly clear that I am anti tickle torture and do not support or tolerate non-consensual or sadistic fiction of any kind, both the creation and consumption of it.

With that said, I genuinely hope you enjoy your time here! If you like what I write, do check out my "Ticklish Favourites" folder. It contains work similar to mine that I think deserves attention.

Finally, at the end of the author's notes in each chapter of each story I write, you'll find a section for music I had going in the background while I wrote them. It's just the huge music nerd in me showing through, and just maybe you'll find something in one of those lists that you like. Happy listening!

Thank you to whoever has read this far! Have a brohoof, my friend. /)
- Both Ends Of The Quill

My Favorite Tickle Fics!

Cuddly Favourites

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"Sanity is a full time job in a world that is always changing." - Bad Religion, Sanity

"What else should I be? All apologies." - Nirvana, All Apologies

"I laughed when I got back home and I thought, there's no such thing as luck" - Owl City, Fiji Water

"I write to try and make things right" - Both Ends Of The Quill