• Member Since 24th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago

Wise Cracker

Just some guy, riding out his time.


Season's greetings and resolutions: Spring · 8:08pm April 11th

Okay, first 13 weeks of the year have passed. How're those resolutions holding up?

Drop the unhealthy habits affecting my sleep and thought patterns.

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A Proper and Overdue Introduction. · 6:39pm Jan 7th, 2018

Hello, everyone. I am Wise Cracker. Here's everything relevant about me.

Favourite pony: Derpy, no contest.

Favourite pony design: Babs Seed, followed closely by colt Troublehooves.

Favourite episode: May the Best Pet Win!

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Okay, thanks for stopping by to let me and everyone seeing this page know. Your input has been noted.

I mean whatever I mean I really don’t read stories that block both because if people don’t want input they clearly don’t want people to read them. IMO

Have a goof day

(Edited for tone)
Sounds about right, it's not a new development. This has been the case for my last three stories now, I have been following this new policy for a little under a year, if we're counting only from publications. I guess it's only become noticeable now that I'm publishing stuff again, but still... this isn't new, and wasn't unannounced. I mean, I distinctly recall announcing it as my new policy. Even did a blog about it more recently to explain some of the reasoning. I intend to follow through with it until I have enough data to form a conclusion, which means writing more, but pigs and flight, y'know...

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