• Member Since 11th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 15 minutes ago




For every villain was somepony's hero ...

My entrance in the Dialogue Only Contest.

Technically a prequel to my other fic, The Twilight Prince: Redux, and uses common worldbuilding, but should be readable as a stand alone one-shot.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 13 )

Not me. I'm sorry, Luna, some day they will know the truth; some day the world will mourn your death at the barbed tongue of your very sister, but until then I need the sovereignty or your Name

was or your name supposed to be - of your name?

that was a very interesting read by the way!

Aye, thank you for the catch.

dart157 #4 · May 3rd · · ·

Don’t have much to say besides this is an amazing fic. Loved Nightmare Moon’s internal monologues, and the interactions between the two. Absolutely phenomenal job.

Nightmare Moon approved.

Xalok #5 · May 3rd · · ·

Very interesting indeed.

To see some of how Celestia was before she started to cut into her own emotions, It explains why those who still knows of this time, dislike her so much, and that is without taking in how she becomes.

And It also explains why Celestia hates the Nightmare, for it's not just because of Luna, but do to the Nightmare being able to beat her.

Thank you, honestly, I've found the Nightmare to be a criminally underutilized character on this site.

I'm really glad that the contest allows internal dialogue, I don't think this story would have been half as effective without it.
Aye, I don't think I've ever seen a fic quite like this.

As I have said many times, Celestia is not a good pony. That said, the characters of this fic aren't exactly unbiased on the subject of Celestia; a supporter of Celestia would say very different things.

The Nightmare's forces not only beat Celestia, they humiliated her. We're talking about upwards of ten to one casualties against a much larger, more experienced and better equipped army.

I can agree with you on that.

Aye, and this makes it really clear, just how bad she can be.

Indeed, and it good to know for when she makes her return.

I liked it! Good luck in the contest!


Truthfully, Nightmare's return is the scene I am most looking forward to in The Twilight Prince.
Thank you, I think I have a chance, but even if I don't win anything, I have wanted to write this fic for a while, the contest just gave me the motivation to do so.

Xalok #10 · May 4th · · ·

Fully understand that. And after this I do agree, it will be great.

“Look into my eyes, my Nightsong. I promise you that once I have dealt with Celestia – when the City of Everfree, standing or not, is free of whatever fell plot her twisted mind has conjured – you will lead the Triumph. All of Equestria will know you were the architect behind their liberation from tyranny,” and then, at the climax of the march, I will finally take you as my husband, my love; to hell with your protestations of impropriety, I AM THE QUEEN.

I was shipping them before I even got to this part. That is so tragic.

Lovely mini story, poor moony. Going to be rough for her when she gets back.

In the whole series or just the first book?

Yeah, she was dealt a very rough hand in life. And her banishment was genuinely tragic.

And then she was the big, bad bogymare for an entire millennium as she went mad on the moon.
Probably the whole series, definitely the entire book.

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