• Published 19th Apr 2024
  • 300 Views, 66 Comments

MLP: Technology is Magic - Xarmar13

An empowered Sonic Rainboom travels across the stars and draws the attention of intergalactic powers both benevolent and malevolent.

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Life in Ponyville

Taking the mare’s advice, Nova decided to take that job at the apple orchard. She was going to need the local currency if she and Tosh were going to be staying on this world for an extended period of time.

Nova acquainted herself with the Apple family who seemed too numerous for their small household of six so there was no way they were going to be able to offer her shelter. There was the oldest generation, Granny Smith, a lime green earth pony mare who appeared to be in her autumn years, then there was the middle generation composed of Bright Macintosh and his wife, Buttercup, who also went by Pear Butter. The former had a pale olive goat and a bright amaranth mane and tail while the latter had a bright gamboge coat and a darker gamboge mane and tail. The youngest generation was composed of a colt and two fillies with the youngest of them being born a few days ago.

The colt looked scrawny but his father believed that he looked like the way his son did at his age so he was sure he would have the same build as him when he grew up. He was also a bit taller for his age which was why the colt was named Big Macintosh. The colt’s coat had a similar color to Bright Mac’s mane while his mane had a similar color to his mother.

The older filly was named Applejack. She had a coat that looked the same color as her mother’s mane and her mane was the same color as her father’s coat. She had recently received her cutie mark which looked like three apples lined up and wrapped around a conveyor belt. Nova had a strange feeling that the mark wasn’t a conveyor belt though. Her suspicions were reinforced when she learned that Applejack was a natural at driving a tractor.

The youngest filly had the same coat, mane and tail color as her father while her eyes had an eye color resembling her mother’s mane. She was named Apple Bloom. Even someone as hardened as Nova couldn’t resist the heart-melting cuteness of the newborn filly. She was wearing a large pink bow in her mane which was a present her parents gave her for her birthday.

While Nova was happy to see such a close family, which made her feel a little envious when she thought about it, she had her own problems to deal with. The large household only had so much room which meant that they didn’t have room for her. She went into town where she asked around for the location of the town hall. The friendly townsponies led her to the circular building in the middle of town.

Inside the town hall, Nova requested a meeting with the mayor to the aide who informed her that she was in her office. The operative went inside and spotted a mare with a pale amber coat with a graying pink mane and wearing a pair of half moon glasses. Nova spotted the name plate of Mayor Mare on her desk. Not a very original name, but maybe it’s just something the ponies of this planet do I guess. Nova thought.

“May I help you?” Mayor Mare asked, putting on a friendly smile.

“I’d like to ask about finding a place to rent,” Nova responded. “I’m afraid that I’m lacking in bits right now after losing my saddlebags to the Everfree Forest.”

“Oh! So you’re the one I heard about; the wanderer who came into town after losing her possessions. I can help you find a place to rent and we can hold off on any rent fees until you can start earning some bits. You are planning on staying in Ponyville for a while, aren’t you?”

Nova nodded, “I will be in town for the foreseeable future.”

Mayor Mare nodded in response as she looked through her cabinets until she pulled out the appropriate paperwork while muttering to herself. “Ah, here we are!” She then laid the papers on her desk before Nova before moving a quill and inkwell toward her. “This residence is owned by an earth pony and pegasus couple who are looking for somepony to look after the house while they are away.” Although given how often they are away from the place you would think they would just sell the house, she thought to herself. “Sign on the line and I will arrange a letter to the owners.”

The next few moments were probably the most awkward ones of Nova’s life since she had no experience whatsoever writing with her hoof and her signature agreed with that sentiment. What was worse was that the written language was unlike anything she had seen before. This was going to cause her and her comrades trouble later on if they didn’t learn the ponies’ written language.

Regardless of how embarrassing that matter was, she now had a place to rent. Though that also likely meant that she would have to share a house with Tosh and that was not going to be fun.

Speaking of fun, that night turned out to be an exciting one as Nova heard the sound of wolves howling from the direction of Sweet Apple Acres. Her instincts told her that she should look into it. It was a good thing that Sophia left her with her psi blade.

Heading to the farm, Nova didn’t see any wolves though when she checked the residents, she found that Bright Mac and Pear Butter were missing. Using her psionic implants, she released a wave of psychic energy to locate the missing couple. To her shock, her senses pointed them toward the Everfree Forest.

Rushing into the forest as quickly as she could, she soon found the pair under attack by a large creature made of many pieces of wood in the shape of a wolf. Nova was not amused by this literal representation of a timberwolf nor would she be later when she discovered that it was actually called that.

Thankfully for the couple Nova was able to reach them in time to deliver a slash at the beast’s muzzle with her energy blade, slicing it off. The timberwolf backed away and glared at its new prey. Nova slowly moved around the wolf to get it to turn away from the wounded couple which worked for a moment until it caught on to what she was doing. However, as it turned back to the others Nova was quick to capitalize on the timberwolf’s decision to go after the easier prey by rushing in and slicing off its right hind leg, leaving the beast off balance for a time.

Much to Nova’s frustration, the timberwolf reassembled itself to continue the fight. Even worse was that the beast decided to ignore her for later while it focused on the couple. The ghost had to be careful but she also had to be quick to save them.

Suddenly the beast yelped as a powerful invisible blast struck it and caused its body to fall apart. Nova had an idea how this happened so she wasted no time reaching the couple and placed Pear Butter on her back while she telepathically dominated Bright Mac to get him to follow her out of danger. She didn’t want the stallion to waste time asking questions right now.

As she was heading back to the farm, the timberwolf recovered from the stunning blast and began reassembling itself. However, a certain zebra spectre noticed what was likely the core of the beast. Before the timberwolf reassembled its protective wood around it, Tosh pulled out his rifle, thankful that Sophia gave him a model that was friendly for hooves, and fired a few rounds into the core, shattering it. As a result, the timberwolf collapsed again while being rendered as nothing more than a pile of wood in the forest.

Chuckling to himself, Tosh reengaged his cloaking device.

Bright Mac and Pear Butter were both admitted to Ponyville General Hospital to be treated for their wounds while Nova returned home to get some sleep.

The next day offered a new surprise, though unlike last night this was a pleasant one. After finishing her day with the Apple family and getting tired from doing extra work while Bright Mac and Pear Butter were in the hospital, she decided to take a walk around town to see what other things she could see or do. If she was going to be living on a peaceful pony planet for an undetermined amount of time, she might as well see what was available since her combat skills were not going to be useful at this time.

While she was wandering the market, Nova discovered a family with the parents being led around by one of their daughters. The father was a light gray unicorn with a brown mane and tail as well as a moustache which looked odd on a pony in Nova’s mind. His cutie mark was three American footballs. The mother had a fuschia coat and two tones of purple for her mane and tail. She wore earrings and a yellow scarf and her cutie mark was three cookies, two of which were bitten into. She was also wearing a harness holding a foal with a light gray coat and a mane that was both fuschia and purple colors and looked like it was curling. All of them were unicorns.

The parents were being led by a light gray filly with a deep purple mane tied into a ponytail and her tail had slight curls. Her cutie mark looked like three crystalline gears interlocking.

Nova overheard their conversation as she walked near them, “Rarity dear, I know you have chosen this path and all, but are you really sure you really want to do something so labor intensive?” the mother asked.

“Maybe she wants to build up a physique and join a hoofball team someday?” the father offered.

The mother glared at her husband, “Really dear, must you bring up hoofball at every opportunity? Your daughter wants to deal in oil and machinery as her chosen career path!”

“It could help her build her muscles.”

“Really Mama, Papa, I’ll be fine,” the older filly said. “I am aware that working with machines can be a filthy task at times, but it can also be rewarding if I am able to build something amazing and file a patent on it. In fact, one idea I had came to me in a dream recently. First I need to build a smelter and since that is quite expensive I need to try and find the parts I need and hope that I can find them at the best prices.”

“And where do you expect to build such a thing, young lady?” the mother asked warily. “Certainly not in our house I hope.”

“No Mama, I will keep the parts in storage until I am old enough to own my own workshop and build it there. I know you wouldn’t want the thing in the house.”

“So, what do you plan to do with a smelter?” the father asked.

“I’m not certain, but I have this feeling that I might be able to do something with gemstones, though the dream did include some things that didn’t make sense; like it was saying that I could create some sort of metal by smelting gemstones.”

Nova stopped listening to the conversation after that. Metal out of gemstones? It seemed crazy but if the gems carried similar properties to mineral crystals, the abundant resource of the Koprulu Sector that the Terrans used to construct their armor, vehicles and star vessels, then this might be a movement in the right direction for Sophia’s plan to uplift the ponies. Of course, this was provided that this Rarity filly was inspired to construct a primitive equivalent to a mineral refinery.

Nova decided to make a note of it and inform Sophia later.

Author's Note:

I have my reasons for these events in this chapter and now you know which of the mane 6 I altered and to what extent.

Applejack will still be harvesting apples and helping at the farm like canon, it's just that she will have some changes since her parents will still be in the picture. Plus her talent for vehicles will come in handy later on.

On the other hand, I have Rarity set up as a sort of spark for Sophia's technological revolution. While she still deals in gemstones like canon, it will be for a completely different reason. If you wonder why I chose Rarity of all the ponies of the mane 6, it is partially to do with the fact that minerals in Starcraft are crystals that somehow convert to metal in the game. It also has to do with the fact that a fashionista doesn't really have a place in the events to come and because I want to bring a certain fanmade character that has been in plenty of fics on this site into this story and her skills are just what is needed to make it happen.

I'll leave it to the readers to guess who that is.

PS: Who can guess which house Nova and Tosh are renting? The clue is in the mayor's comment.