• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2020
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago


A pony of mystery in the darkness. Or I forgot to take the lens cap off. (They/them is fine.)


The Equestrian Postal Service used to be MUCH more dangerous.

"Now that we've invented paper," Princess Celestia tried to explain to her sister Luna, "we can send a message to another pony without the necessity to write the message on a THIRD pony, let alone ordering that third pony, upon pain of death, to seek out the recipient and display their flank."

(cover image source: I cropped and edited part of an official MLP comic to make a better cover image for this story.)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 20 )
Comment posted by Mockingbirb deleted April 17th

Utter, delightful madness. Love to see the noble couriers of Equestria at work. And to think, nowadays they have almost 20% fewer fatalities! Thank you for this.

I kind of hate when I accidentally post a blank comment, and then without much more thinking I delete it.

Going postal over plain post?

Very fun story; glad to have read it!

Haven't read it yet, but I just want to say based on the description along . . . my grandpa worked for the USPS back in the 30s. His job was to carry the mail sacks from the train to the post office.

He was issued a gun to defend the mail.

Not wind, not snow, not rain, not sleet, not hail, and sure as hell not a mugging would stop him from his duty.


And don't forget the Glom of Nit or Mrs. Cake

Amusing, silly, and explains a lot about Luna's interest in the Post Office!

"Duchess!" the delivery mare shouted. "Come up here and accept your official letter from the Diarchy, or...I shall be forced to levy additional forwarding charges!"

Not the additional forwarding charges! :pinkiegasp:

The title references Stevie Wonder's hit "Signed, Sealed, Delivered (I'm Yours)"

"I find that...a bit hard to believe," Twilight Sparkle said.

A lot of people would agree with that statement.

This honestly feels exactly like how ponies would have done it before it occurred to them that it would be easier to write messages on paper.

Fun fact! You can apparently still mail bees and chicks (legally) through USPS. You used to be able to mail children to their grandparents, too (as long as you provided enough postage) but USPS doesn't allow that any more (it was banned in 1915).

Are you actually serious on the mailing children thing?
i mean, I definitely remember a book or too that included that, but if you're serious, I hope it didn't actually involve boxes.

That fic had a very specific plot it tried to get across, and it did it well. Nice bit o'randomness you got there, Mockingbirb.

Yeah, totally serious. It happened a few times, enough times that it got banned. 1913-1915, the glory years of mailing your kids.

This was as silly and delightfully entertaining as I had hoped. Stories involving Derpy and/or Luna are often comedy gold, and this one was right on both counts!

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