• Member Since 12th Apr, 2022
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Hug your nearest alicorn.


This is an anthology of silly, cute, unrelated short stories about Anon, Chrysalis, and their friends and family. It takes place after Bed Bug, Lovesickness, Run Without Debugging, and Gamophobia, but reading them is not required to understand or enjoy this story.

Being married to the ex-queen of the changelings, Chrysalis, is an interesting experience. Having five little bug children running around doesn't make matters any easier. That said, one thing is certain...

There's more than enough love to go around.

Rating for occasional no-no words and sex jokes/innuendo.

Now featuring art of the bug children!

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 52 )

Wholesome family times.

Kinda craving bagels myself now.

Interesting story and I'm really digging that it's a family fic.

“Neither of you are getting breakfast.” He glances at the floor, where Canthus sheepishly looks away. “Same goes for you, Cant.”

Coming from a parent I don't agree with this, but that's just my opinion.

Also, screw what other ponies say. She’s hot, dammit!

She's not wrong.

“I’m making omelets. Sit tight.”


She's a changeling. Her appearance is whatever you want it to be.

Much like "Sunshine and Tia."

Got some nerve mentioning this story after not updating it for a month 😒😒😒

That sounds like a challenge. :raritywink:

“No. But you shouldn’t be looking at how I ran the hive as an example of how to act. If anything, I was a perfect example of how to do everything wrong.”

Oh, I love this line from Chrysalis as it shows how much growth she has done in her time as a fallen queen.

“And there’s nothing wrong with that,” Chrysalis whispers as she places a hoof on her daughter’s shoulder.

I love this from Chrysalis.

Comment posted by Jymbroni deleted March 26th

“You’re flapping too hard!”

Now that's an opening statement.


Tarsus and Canthus suddenly start paying attention. Gena and Terga pog.

I sat in bed for a solid 10 minutes trying to figure out exactly what word you might have mispelled to get pog.

Then I realized...

I'm feeling old.

I'm very interested in seeing Chrysalis's reaction to the event of this particular chapter.

A parent-teacher conference between her and Ocellus should prove to be interesting.

We've all had a teacher that we thought hated us.

Oooh i'm loving this, we really needed some bug wait not bug, Feature! family slice of life:trollestia:

Thank you very much!

Mmm it would be interesting to see how Chrysalis interacts with the staff at the school, because one would assume that she has been there since her husband substituted there frequently and her kids go there.

That was sweet

Mmm, I feel like this was suppose to be a big emotional moment, but it kind of felt flat for me. Yeah, I totally get that Chrysalis would be getting nightmares of all the terror she had caused through the centuries that she had been alive. However, there was no build up or inclination that she was suffering from this so it felt like it came out of nowhere. But, you're a vastly more successful writer than I will ever be so it's just my opinion at the end of the day.

I wasn't really intending for it to be a big emotional moment. The reason it's told from Gena's perspective is to make it feel just as sudden and jarring to the audience as it does to her. Mainly, Chrysalis's actions are meant to establish two things. First, that she's grown a lot since the show (since I don't expect everyone to have read this story's four prequels), which sort of builds upon why she's been acting less harsh thus far. Second, that she really does deeply care about her family (including Gena, who has the rockiest relationship with her).

Basically, I didn't mean for it to be a "reveal" so much as I meant for it to establish character traits in the first place. What's going on in Chrysalis's head, the type of character Gena (who has kept mostly quiet until now) is, how she functions, what her relationship is like with her parents, that sort of thing.

I hope this clarifies a bit. :twilightblush:

God so many cavaties

I actually had my suspicions about whom Gena was really tailing by the time they headed off into the park at the latest, so that particular “reveal” actually didn’t feel especially jarring since I’d kind of already expected it. Their reason for doing so, on the other hand, that still came as a mild surprise -- it makes perfect sense in hindsight and is absolutely in character for these two, I just hadn’t thought of that possibility yet. So, no need to worry about getting perhaps too predictable, and I’ve liked every single chapter thus far. :raritywink:

Man these stories since the first Chrysalis and Anon story have always felt so organic and heartfelt. I don't know how you keep doing it, but please don't stop. :pinkiesad2:

Wait did he beat Chrissy in a fight? :pinkiegasp: granted he did win by turning her into his wife.

D'awwww, that's adorable.

Hmm, it's been a while since I've read the previous stories, do reformed changelings in this universe still require love?

Yeah, default Chryssie is hot, ponies just have no taste.

Nobody said she had to give up being manipulative, and Anon is the perfect target.


Wings, how do they work.

Damn, Ocellus is hiding her dastardly intentions well.

Anon is umm, a very interesting parent and it felt like Chrysalis dropped out of nowhere during the sparing session. But a good lesson overall.

Chrysalis and their other children were already there as the scene opened, just playing audience. So not quite as out of nowhere as, as a shapeshifter anyway, she could have been. :pinkiesmile:

And after Gamophobia I’m not really so surprised to learn that this Anon was already a bit of a scrapper from childhood. Getting back out of S.M.I.L.E. headquarters wasn’t purely a matter of others dragging his sorry human ass out of there either, after all.

I'm just giving first impression reactions. I enjoy the story, that's why I'm leaving comments. Plus, Anon is married to Chrysalis so that's not surprising.

Hoxxes mentioned!!!!
Rock and Stone


Now I want to know Anon's reaction/thoughts.

“What’s so special about this movie?”

“It’s a spinoff of Legend of the Intergalactic Champions! It explains what happened to Captain Stargate when he was separated from the rest of the crew during their journey to Hoxxes IV!”

Faintly, in the distance...
"Did I hear a Rock and Stone?!"

Movie is Magic 😄

“It’s a spinoff of Legend of the Intergalactic Champions! It explains what happened to Captain Stargate when he was separated from the rest of the crew during their journey to Hoxxes IV!"


Really loving this fic so far. Smol boog shenanigans are always great.

Nice family outing and our Chrysalis in particular in the proverbial nutshell. :raritywink:

The image of Chrysalis clothes shopping with her kids had me laughing. :rainbowlaugh:

Is that even legal?

I wounder if Anon and Chrysalis could actualy sue the people who made the film cuz they did use Chrysails likeness without her permission. They deadass could have a vaild case. That would be hella funny.

Kids will be kids!

Oh thank goodness he didn't push harder and demonstrate tasting practices on the bagels. 🙃
The kids weren't around though so that makes it okay, right? 😏

Silly Chrissy, it's not that you did everything wrong, just that certain motivators were applied in less efficient ways.

Mission failed! Better luck next time, do it right!

Always important to learn your elders are not infallible. But it is also good to remember your children are also part of your support even as you are theirs.

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