• Published 24th Mar 2024
  • 444 Views, 19 Comments

Who am I But a Distant memory - Alextary

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chapter 1: Loss is more than just death

Trixie could only look on in horror at what she just did.

Just earlier she was trying to practice a spell to create smoke clouds with her magic in Twilight’s library, what she didn’t count on was a beam of magic shooting out and zapping Spike who was innocently organizing. Sure it made a cloud of smoke appear alright but now Spike was unconscious on the floor, heavily breathing as well.

Oh Celestia, did I almost kill him? I-I couldn’t have. I’d never do such a thing. Oh, what are Twilight and Starlight gonna say?

She shook off her concerns and focused on what she could do to help Spike right now. She knew leaving him on the floor was not an option, so maybe letting him sleep in his bed would be more appropriate and help healing him… maybe.

Trixie then levitated Spike on her back and looked around to find the dragon’s room, luckily it wasn’t too far away and she immediately rested his head on a pillow so he would be comfortable.

Now what could she do? Maybe she could leave him like this? Twilight and Starlight wouldn’t suspect a thing if he was just laying in bed. He is a baby dragon.

No, what was she thinking? If her experiences with Starlight taught her anything was that keeping this hidden wouldn’t help at all. She needed to tell them what happened. She just hoped Starlight wouldn’t lash out.
“You did WHAT?!” Starlight asked incredulously as she and Twilight were confronting Trixie in the map room. Yeah, in all honesty Trixie expected such a reaction.

“I swear. I wasn’t aiming for him as a test subject.” Trixie spoke in her defense, “I was just trying to practice making smoke clouds with magic… y’know so I don’t waste my bits on smoke bombs all the time and then a beam of smoke blasts through my horn without my control and hit Spike which knocked him out! H-He’s in his room recovering, Trixie is- I mean I’m so sorry.”

“Ugh! Trixie! I told you to wait for me to finish helping Twilight with the schedule for the school before practicing that spell! I wasn’t gonna be gone for that long!” Starlight said angrily.

Twilight noticed the tension between the two friends and quickly intervened, “Alright, calm down Starlight. I’m upset with her too, but right now we should focus on Spike’s health.”

Starlight quickly calmed down at the alicorn’s words and took a breath, “Okay, I’m calm. Let’s just go check up on him.”

As the three mares headed towards Spike’s room, Trixie felt a looming dread, Twilight may have been being calm about this but she could tell that she was upset by what Trixie just pulled. Ultimately, Twilight would likely forgive her for this, but Trixie knew Starlight was pretty close with the dragon as well and she has already felt she was on thin ice with her after putting up with her annoying antics for so long, maybe this’ll be the day she finally snaps. She not only hurt Starlight but someone she cared about.

Soon they finally reached Spike’s room and once Twilight opened the door, she saw that Spike was beginning to wake up much to her relief.

Twilight walked in so Starlight and Trixie could get inside themselves and spoke with a calm smile, “He seems fine so far, you can come in.”

Starlight sighed, likely releasing a breath she didn’t know she was holding and Trixie could not blame her, she’d probably do the same thing if it was Starlight herself in that position.

Spike finally opened his eyes and began rubbing his head, probably due to a headache.

“Hey Spike, how are you feeling?” Twilight asked the dragon softly, clearly concerned about his condition.

“Well… my head definitely hurts and…” Spike began before gaining a look of confusion.

“Wait… do I know you?” Spike raised an eyebrow.

Trixie immediately gained a look of horror as Starlight did too, both fearing that the worst had happened.

But Twilight was nothing but persistent as she remained hopeful that this was a clever prank,“Spike, come on. This isn’t funny. You just got hit with a beam of magic. We want to know if you’re okay.” Twilight said patiently but stern.

“No, I’m being serious. I have no idea who I am or who you are or what I’m doing here. Wh-Why am I in a room with ponies? This is so confusing!” Spike spoke in confusion and fear, it was so genuine that even Twilight could understand what just happened.

Spike lost his memory.

Twilight just couldn’t handle the implications of this situation and began tearing up a storm, something that Spike was quick to notice.

“Why are you crying?” Spike asked, despite the fact he didn’t remember her, he absolutely hated to see the alicorn this upset.

“I-I need some time alone. You two watch over Spike.” Twilight told the two unicorns, Starlight nodded sympathetically, understanding the severity of what’s going on while Trixie was still reeling in what she just caused before Twilight walked off, most likely to cry some more.

“Why is she so upset?” Spike asked Starlight and Trixie who struggled to answer before Starlight came up with an excuse.

“She… she lost somepo- no, someone really close to her.” Starlight said sadly, “It was recent too, so she had to let out her emotions.”

“Oh… I’m sorry for her loss.” Spike said in concern, “Anything I can do?”

“You just stay here for now. For now we need to help you first and I think it’ll help if you don’t get overwhelmed with everything in the outside world.” Starlight smiled comfortingly at the dragon.

“That’s fair.” Spike nodded, he didn’t know who this pony was but he felt he could trust her word on that.

“Cool. Let’s get out of here Trixie.” Starlight told the stage magician sternly and Trixie silently followed but not before casting an apologetic look at Spike.

Once Starlight and Trixie left the room and headed further down the hallway, Starlight gave Trixie a furious glare which worried her as she knew Starlight was really nice but she had a temper, especially if her friends got hurt. This was one of those times.

“St-Starlight… please don’t be mad at me. I swear, I-I never meant for this to happen. Let’s not say or do anything we’ll regret.” Trixie begged as she backed away further from the unicorn.

To her surprise, Starlight just did nothing but let her eyes water but she kept her glare, “I wasn’t lying to Spike you know. Twilight DID lose someone, but it wasn’t by death.”

After that, Starlight walked off and Trixie let the words Starlight just said sink in, she was right. Spike losing his memory could easily qualify as losing Spike in a metaphorical sense because Spike without his memories really isn’t Spike anymore even if he is still alive.

The worst part is that it was all her fault.