• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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Equestrian Omni-hero - Blaze-saber

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Chapter 11: Bugs are Sick

A wrecking ball is seen being swung at an old abandoned building as a stallion on the controls lets out an amusing laugh. "Getting paid to smash things, I love my job!" He exclaimed with excitement as he swung the wrecking ball around and hit the building again.

Then coming out from the hole of the wreckage is a cloaked figure, which one of the construction stallions on the ground notices. “Look! Look!” He called while getting his partner to stop as they saw a clocked ragged up pony stallion with grey fur, black messy mane, ragged clothing and some bugs on him as he gave a scowling look.

“Get out of our home.” The stallion said with a low tone. "You aren't welcome here."

“Yeah, well, I hate to break it to you, pal but this building is condemned by order of Councilmare Star Shimmer.” The first construction worker said with chuckles.

“Yeah, so move it or lose it.” The second construction stallion said. “This place is coming down, whether you like it or not!” He exclaimed.

The stallion gave a hiss as he raised his hooves, and then multiple flying bugs came shooting out of his coat’s sleeves as the flies started buzzing. This made the second construction stallion run away in fear but his partner got caught in the swarm as he screamed and was lifted up to the stallion. “Uh, get these things off me!” He exclaimed as the stallion in the house gave a smirk.

“Well, if you think we’re bugging you now…” The stallion started with a smirk.

A couple of stallions were seen racing down the road with a wagon full of bags of money inside. "See, what I tell ya?!" The first stallion asked his partner. "Easy money!"

"Yeah, and they'll never catch us." His partner exclaimed as they were getting away with the money.

Far from behind the road, the Mane Six, Flash, Manny, and five of the Young Six, are following in their chariot while they search around before Rainbow turns and saw something in the corner. “There they are!” She exclaimed with a smile.

“Are you sure?” Flash asked.

“Oh, I am.” Rainbow said with a smirk as coming from the side were Helen, Ocellus in her upgrade armor, and Upgrade, who possess a scooter and upgrade it to go turbo as they sped past the others and chase after the robbers while avoiding the other chariots and creatures.

“Look out!” Ocellus called from the air.

“One side!” Helen exclaimed as she and Upgrade sped through the creatures, who moved aside.

“Coming through!” Upgrade called as the three sped closer to the robbers as Upgrade saw a ramp and revved up the upgraded scooter and spe over it as Helen and Ocellus giggled.

“You just love the stunts, huh, Helix?” Helen asked with a smile.

“What can I say, if we’re saving the day, might as well do it with style!” Upgrade exclaimed in excitement.

Ocellus then looked ahead as she saw the robbers past the street light before seeing a bus chariot ahead. “Look out!” She exclaimed as Upgrade and Helen saw this as Ocellus flew over, Helen went to the side, and Upgrade skidded under it as they continued on. “Hey! Stop!” She exclaimed to the robbers.

“Huh?” The rider robber looked behind and saw the three heroes behind them.

“Who are they!?” His partner questioned before Upgrade and Ocellus fired on the back of the wagon, causing some bits and money to fly out. “Our loot!” He exclaimed.

“Some pony just can’t hang on to their cash.” Upgrade quipped as the three heroes sped up and he made his wheels form spikes as he stabbed one of the robbers’ wheels while Ocellus blasted the other as the wagon crashed before Helen quickly tied the two robbers up with some rope as the three stood to the side as the robbers looked at them.

“No way!” The first robber exclaimed.

“You’re a bunch of freaks!” The second one was added before Upgrade revved up the wheel, creating some smoke as the two robbers coughed before the police started coming from the road.

“Okay, let’s get out of here.” Helen said as the three sped to a corner before Upgrade stopped at an ice cream truck.

“Hey, girls! Wait!” Upgrade called as the girls came back towards him. “How about we have a sweet break after the whole chase thing?” He suggested while gesturing to the ice cream truck.

"Oh no, I don't think this is a good idea." Ocellus mentioned as Upgrade walked up to the ice cream truck.

"Oh come, we just caught the bad guys and we totally deserve an award." Upgrade responded before he opened the back to show off a bunch of ice cream.

"Plus it's a very hot day and we could use a little cool-off time." Helen added.

"Well, maybe one ice cream won't hurt." Ocellus said with a shrug.

"Now we're talking." Upgrade said as the circle on his face turned into a smiley face emoji.

"We're telling ya…two of those things were driving on their own!” One of the Crooked stallions told the officers as they were being arrested.

“And the other one looks like a freak dinosaur with wheels on its feet!" The other stallion added as they were being taken away while the others watched from the side of the chariot.

“I could’ve helped them. But I’m not as fast as Helen or fly.” Manny said with his ‘hooves’ crossed.

“Hey, sometimes not every hero can join the party.” Pinkie said cheerfully. “There’s always a next one.”

“Yeah, that’s fair.” Manny said with a shrug.

“By the way, where are they?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yeah, usually Ocellus and Helen are here.” Flash added in wonder. “I’ve expected Helix to be out for a bit longer but not the two girls.” He stated.

“Well, it was a long chase and a hot day.” Rainbow said in thought. “Usually when that happens to me, I just find some play to cool off and have a cold drink or sweet.” She said with a smile.

“You mean like that Ice Cream wagon over there?” Sandbar asked while gesturing to the ice cream wagon in front of them and the scooter Helix possessed when he was Upgrade.

They soon walked up to the ice cream truck before opening the back to find the three of them inside shivering like leaves with ice cream in their grasps. "Are y'all alright?" Applejack asked before the three of them sneezed. "I'll take that as a no then."

After getting back to the chariot, the three of them lay in bed as they had thermometers in their mouths. Fluttershy then took out each thermometer from their mouths and gasped when she saw the temperature. "Oh my, 101°. Sorry, you three caught a summer cold." She told them sincerely.

“Oh drats.” Helen said as she sneezed. “Oh, I hate the cold. Especially when I get one.” She muttered.

“Maybe from now on you three think twice before having ice cream inside an ice cream wagon.” Smolder retorted before Helix looked like he was about to let out a big sneeze.

"Look out!" Rainbow shouted before she quickly grabbed one of Rarity's new blouses and gave it to him.

“No! Not my new blouse, Rainbow Dash!” Rarity shouted dramatically before Helix sneezed into the blouse.

“Hey, it was either that or get a sneeze attack by Helix?” Rainbow questioned as she tossed the blouse away. “Besides, we had enough experience with cold when Twilight was sick and her magic was having weird effects when it hit us.” She added.

“Except both Helix and Helen can't use magic." Applejack pointed out before Ocellus started sneezing a few times as she was shapeshifting uncontrollably into different creatures and other things. "Except for her…"

"This is the first cold… any changeling has ever gotten…" Ocellus groaned.

“Aren’t bugs supposed to be cold-blooded?” Gallus asked in confusion.

"I'm part bug, the other part is pony." She pointed out. "Plus we changelings usually stay indoors during the winter season so none of us caught a cold before."

"Ugh… can't you guys just lock us in some closets somewhere until we're better?" Helen asked before she coughed a few times.

"Don't worry, because you three will be rid of those colds in no time." Twilight assured them as she came in with a book. "Thankfully, Zecora gave me this book on remedies for any illness. We just need to gather some ingredients for a special elixir called 'San ju yen pien' and you three will be feeling better in no time."

"San ju-what?" Spike tried to repeat.

"It's a famous cold remedy down in Chiony on the other side of the world." Twilight explained. "And lucky for us, there's a town just up the street where we can buy the ingredients."

“Well, let’s go.” Helen said as she was about to speed off, but then she hit a wall and fell to the floor as she held her head. “That came out of nowhere.” She muttered.

“I think it would be best not to speed ahead, Helen. You can hardly balance your speed.” Manny suggested as he helped Helen up. “Let’s just walk to town.” He said.

“Fine.” Helen said as the group walked out of the chariot.

They soon arrived at Chiony Town as the crowd was celebrating some sort of Festival. Spike and Smolder were genuinely surprised as they saw some sort of costume dragon going down the street. “Talk about a dragon festival.” Smolder commented.

“Just goes to show how much creatures love us dragons.” Spike said with a smile. “Never thought I would see the day.”

“Same here.” Smolder said in agreement before the others came out of the medicine store.

"Well in Chiony, they sort of worship the dragons as some sort of guardian or something higher than Celestia herself." Twilight mentioned to the two as she levitated a few bottles of green liquid. “Well, they might not have fresh potikadon root, but the freeze-dried would do just fine.” She stated as the three six heroes coughed.

“Can we at least get a milkshake or something? My throat is killing me.” Helix said while rubbing his throat.

"Mine feels like it's on fire." Helen complained.

"Whoa, looks like when someone gets sick, they have a sick attitude and not in a good way." Gallus whispered to Silverstream.

"Don't worry you three, the stinkweed honey in the San ju yen pien mixing with a few drops of black water will coat your entire esophageal areas." Twilight informed as she passed them the jars. They opened the jar as each of them admitted a green mist before they caught a width of the awful smell inside. They cringed before quickly putting the lids back on the jars.

“And that's supposed to be a good thing?" Helen questioned with a brow.

“It was what Zecora says through her recipe.” Twilight said with a shrug. “Even the most extreme can be a remedy.”

“Though sometimes it can be a bit weird.” Applejack stated with a brow. “Zecora’s remedies have weird ingredients at times.”

"Remind me to never get sick.” Manny muttered to the others before a light blue unicorn mare pulled up a bullhorn and spoke through it.

“Mares and gentalcolts, I want to thank all of you for your support of my Downtown Redevelopment program.” The unicorn mare said through the speaker as a wasp landed on it as the crowd watched. “It’s truly a dream come true." Soon multiple swarms of wasps started buzzing and flying around as the crowd got scared. The unicorn mare then gasped when the Italian from the old apartment building flew up to her riding on some bugs with a glare on his face.

“Better make that a nightmare, councilmare.” The ragged stallion said as his eyes started glowing and more wasps appeared.

“Wasp!” Rarity exclaimed in fright as the crowd and themselves then got swarmed as the wasps surrounded the councilmare.

“You’re not tearing down our apartment building. We won’t let you!” The raged stallion said while shaking his hoof, that’s when the councilmare realized who it was.

“You’re the nut job who wouldn’t leave.” The mare said in shock.

“Nice to know we’ve made an impression.” The rag stallion said as his eyes glowed again and the wasps caught the councilmare and lifted her up to her.

“What are you doing?!” The mare asked in fear.

“Just bringing you home for dinner. You’re the main course.” The ragged stallion said with a smirk as the councilmare gasped in fear.

"He must be controlling all these wasps!” Twilight shouted as she put up a barrier to keep the wasps away from the others.

"Well then…" Helix spoke up after wiping the snot from his nose and activating the Omnitrix. "Looks like it's hero…ah…aaahhhh--" Just he could sneeze, he quickly slammed down the court and transformed into Goop, only he looked more mucus green than his usual color. "Chooo! Okay… that was unpleasant…" As he started to move, the slime that made up his body seemed to be dripping all over the place like his anti-gravity disc couldn't keep it together. When he tried to stop himself to face the stallion, he instead slipped and crashed into a booth as splatted all over the booth. "Wha…What just happened?" He questioned as he tried to pull himself together but only came in like a clump of snot.

"Yo, what's with Goop?" Manny questioned after seeing what was happening.

“Helix’s cold must be affecting Goop’s stability.” Twilight theorizes in worry. “With his muzzle all running, his anti-gravity field won't be able to keep a solid form."

“Well, that’s not fair!” Goop said as he tried to keep his form together. “A-AHCHOO!” He exclaimed as he sneezed on another booth. “Okay, this could be a problem.”

“Let me see if I could use the armor and…” Ocellus said as she picked up her cube armor, but then she sneezed and started changing forms until she was a Breezie as she gave a sigh. “Dang it.” She muttered with a squeak.

“Okay, my turn.” Helen said as she sped off.

“Helen, wait!” Flash called as Helen rushed off while trying to keep her balance, but then she slipped and crashed into a crate of fireworks as a large crate fell on top of her. Then one of the wasps cut a line, which made a lantern drop, and set a banner in front of the fireworks to light as it made its way to the fireworks while Helen struggled to break free.

“Help!” Helen cried as she saw the fire coming towards her as she gasped and saw a fuse lit up and make its way to the fireworks. But before the fireworks were about to go boom, Pinkie Pie quickly rushed over with a cart full of dumplings before she knocked it over and put out the fuse while also getting Helen soaking wet. "Thanks…"

"No problem, just hope you don't mind smelling like vegetable dumplings for a while." Pinkie mentioned with a smile.

"And the bug guy got away with the councilmare." Gallus mentioned as the two of them were nowhere in sight.

"Uh, guys?!" Goop called out as he was a puddle on the ground. “A little help here?!"

“Because this is embarrassing!” Ocellus cried before she sneezed again and transformed into many forms before she turned into Helix. “I hate being sick.” She muttered as the others looked at them in concern.

"Ouch…" Helen groaned as they rested on the beds in the chariot.

"And to think this cold couldn't get any worse." Helix complained as an ice pack was placed on Helen's head. "How are you both holding up?"

“Other than me shapeshifting every time I-I-I sneeze?” Ocellus asked as she shifted forms from a sneeze before turning to her own.

“And me can’t even run straight without falling to the floor? The only thing hurt is my pride.” Helen muttered as Twilight came up to them with three jars.

“Here you three, these will help.” Twilight said as the three accepted the jars, but once they smelled them, they cringed back in disgust.

“Aw yuck!” Helix exclaimed in disgust.

“This stuff stinks worse than the ingredients.” Ocellus said while keeping her snout away.

“Don’t worry, Zecora said it smells worse then it tastes.” Twilight said before giving a thoughtful look. “Or is that the other way around?” She asked herself before shaking her head. “It’s not just you three I’m worried about. Not only did your cold mess with your abilities, but you Helix, your bug has spread to all your other aliens as well. There’s no telling how it will affect them.” She stated in concern.

"So that means we transform, better make sure it's an alien then won't be affected as Goop was." Flash added as the three of them looked at the jars with the elixirs. Each of them then took a sip as they cringed at the taste of it. Ocellus nearly threw up before she quickly swallowed it.

"Don't worry, after ten or so doses from Zecora’s note, you'll get used to it." Twilight assured them.

“I don't know what's worse, the cold or the cure…" Helen muttered with a look.

“Hey, guys, check this out.” Manny said as he lifted up some newspapers and old articles. “Since Ocellus is out of commission, I took the liberty of checking her notes. And I found something that might match the creep that took the council mare.”

"Yeah, but how was he able to control all those bugs?” Fluttershy asked in concern.

"I found something about that too!" Silverstream called out as she held up an old newspaper article. It showed an elderly stallion with a young colt that almost looked like the stallion that took the councilmare. "Apparently the same guy who took her is the colt in this picture. His grandfather and he lived in an apartment building and his grandfather was a researcher on bugs. But when Bug Juice, the colt, came down with an illness, his grandfather used his research to cure him but he hasn't been seen since then."

“That’s when I found out a connection between that and the councilmare.” Manny said as he placed the notes down. “You see, I think Bug Juice is the same pony who kidnapped the councilmare, Star Shimmer. He said something about knocking down his apartment building. I did some searching on the construction of this town, the only apartment loft downtown for demolition I could find is at 8610 Chester Street.”

As the others were paying attention to both Manny and Silverstream, Helen quickly used her super speed to grab the three jars and hid them under a drawer. “What Twilight doesn't know, won't hurt us." She whispered to the others.

“I'm usually the one who pulls a stunt like that." Helix muttered.

In the old apartment, Star Shimmer laid on the ground as a bunch of black widow spiders crawled all over her body. "P-Please… don't hurt me…" She begged as Bug Juice walked up to her.

“Black widows. You shouldn’t make any sudden moves.” Bug Juice said lowly. “Our grandfather built this building and saved my life, while also gifting me this power. We grew up here. Just me and my little friends.” He said while gesturing to the run-down apartment before the bugs were crawling around. “They are the only ones who understand me after what I have become. And no one is evicting us, ever.”

Outside the apartment, the Chariot is parked right in front of it. “Well, it’s a nice place to visit, but I wouldn’t live here if it was the last building on Equestria.” Rarity said in disgust.

"Let's find Star Shimmer and hopefully won't run into any bugs along the way." Twilight told the others as they left the Chariot and walked into the building. They walked down the rundown hallway while taking careful steps and seeing some bugs crawling before the group went into a different room while Helix continued down the hallway. Twilight and the others noticed a few lab equipment in the room they were in so some research on a few bugs.

"Ya think this is where Bug Juice's grandpa worked?" Applejack asked the others as Rarity noticed a huge bug nest at the side as she shrieked back in disgust.

“I think we are more closer than we think.” Rarity said in disgust.

Twilight inspects some of the equipment while giving a thoughtful look. “Seems like his grandfather been doing some research on bugs and been experimenting on their biologies.” She said to them.

"So you think that's how Bug Juice got his powers?" Flash questioned before he noticed a certain pony wasn't in the room with them. "Where'd Helix go?" He asked before they saw a big shadowy figure in front of them as Rarity screamed.

“Mega bug!” She screamed before coming out of the shadows was only Fourarms, who looked a bit pale to the skin, as he had his fingers up to look like antennas as the others gave dull looks.

“Aha ha, real funny, Watch.” Smolder said sarcastically.

"Heh, I thought so." Fourarms responded. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself."


"That was Star Shimmer and it sounded like it was above us!" Sandbar exclaimed when they heard her cry.

“We're on it!” Fourarms called as he and Manny quickly grabbed the non-flying members of the group, but once they were under Fourarms’ armpits, they saw green puffs as they cringed away and covered their noses. Rarity took out her perfume and sprayed his armpit as he smelled them himself.

“Dude, that’s just wrong.” Manny said in disgust. "You totally reek."

"It's his hives." Twilight spoke up. "His cold must have turned them into pusfield pockets of--"

"Pure disgustingness." Rarity finished in disgust.

“I can’t help it. I’m sick.” Fourarms said in defense.

“You’re telling us.” Ocellus muttered before Manny and Fourarms jumped up while those with wings flew up to the second floor and saw Star Shimmer curled up with black widows all over her as Flash was about to rush up to her.

“Stop. Black widows.” Star Shimmer whispered to them about her current state while keeping still.

"If we tried to remove any of them, they'd react and bite her." Twilight told the others.

"How can we help her without getting her bit?" Silverstream asked before Fourarms was inhaling like he was about to sneeze.

"Hit the deck!" Rainbow called out just as they quickly ducked down when he sneezed and his snot, disgustingly shot out of his mouth, sprayed all over Star while also taking out the black widows on our body. "Huh, that's one way of doing it."

“Uh, thanks.” Star told him, a bit disgusted about having snot all over her, but relieved that the spiders were off her.

“Don’t mention it.” Fourarms said with a sheepish look.

"You all are trespassing in our home." They heard Bug Juice called out before they looked up to see him on the support beams. His eyes glowed green as some bugs swarmed together and knocked Fourarms to a wall and Bug Juice jumped to another support beam. “We will rule ponykind.”

"Not on our watch you won't!" Rainbow exclaimed before the bugs quickly pinned her to the floor.

Then underneath Applejack, some termites were eating the floorboards. “Termites!” She called as she fell before grabbing onto the ledge as Star and Fluttershy helped her up.

"There's too many bugs here!" Gallus exclaimed before he and his friends jumped out of the way at the bugs coming towards them.

Fourarms then got up. “You wanted to be King? Get ready to be crowned!” He exclaimed as he charged towards Bug Juice, but said stallion’s eyes glowed again as ants started crawling on both him and Manny as they screamed.

“Aah! Ants in my pants! Ow!” They both exclaimed while scratching their pants and bodies and doing a silly dance as they crashed into some walls and moved like crazy while taking out some support beams.

“You’re destroying our home!” Bug Juice called, realizing his mistake as Fourarms and Manny knocked the last of the beam and the building started coming down. “NOO!!” He screamed as the bugs then swarmed around him.

"Hey, you're the one who put ants in their pants!" Rainbow called out.

“This whole place is coming down!” Spike exclaimed.

“We have to get out of here!” Star yelled.

"Too late!" Yona cried out as the ceiling was coming down on them. Soon the whole building collapsed as it was reduced to nothing but rubble. Manny and Fourarms lifted some of the rubbles before Fourarms leaned back and fall to the floor as he groaned before the Omnitrix timed out before the others got up.

“Uh, it’s a good thing I can’t feel my head.” Helix muttered while rubbing his head.

"Lucky you…" Manny muttered before they saw Bug Juice climbing out of the debris and a pile of dead bugs.

Bug Juice looked around and picked up some of the dead bugs in horror. “No, no, no!” He cried before he glared at the group. “You will all be sorry. All of you!! We will exterminate the entire city!!” He declared as he large swarm came to him as he took off.

“This has been a really weird day.” Star commented while rubbing her head.

“Welcome to our world.” Smolder said with an amusing smirk.

"At least your hives are gone, Helix." Helen whispered to him as he didn't stink anymore.

"Where did that other smelly Fourarm creature go?" She asked while looking around. "I wanted to thank all of you for your help."

“We’ll let our friend know.” Manny said with a smile while rubbing his head.

“Can you find your way back home?” Flash asked Star as she nodded and walked off.

“So, where did you think bug-brain crawled off to?” Helix asked in wonder as Twilight thought of something before turning to a factory.

“Only one way to exterminate a whole city.” She said with a frown.

On the road, the Chariot drove at high speed while Ocellus, Helen, and Helix were shivering. “Can you turn up the heat, Twilight, it’s freezing in here.” Ocellus said while shivering.

"It's already on full blast, but you both are shivering like you're in a blizzard." She told them before looking back at Fluttershy. "Fluttershy, do you think you can give them more of the cold remedy?!"

"No!" Helen shouted before she put on a sheepish smile. "I…I mean, we already drink it all.”

Yeah! All gone.” Ocellus said with a sheepish smile as well.

“We’re sure it’s gonna start working any minute now.” Helix said with a sheepish look.

“Wow, listen to this.” Silverstream said as she gestured to some notes. “Ants can lift then times their own body weights, grasshoppers can leap 100 times their length, and cockroaches can hold their breath for over an hour.” She said.

“We don’t need their resumes.” Rainbow said with a brow.

“Yeah, need know how to squash bugs.” Yona added in agreement.

"That's what we're trying to do." Twilight explained. "Bug Juice's grandfather did research on these bugs and his research could help us stop him. And since we can't afford another Ice Age or a tank full of pesticide, it looks like we're going to need a bug barbecue to take them out is the only option."

"And I believe I know just the chef for the job." He looked mentioned as he looked at the Omnitrix with a smirk.

"How much do you want to bet that his cold will affect this cook?" Gallus asked Manny.

“Like say, 100% after what we saw.” Manny said with a concerned look.

They made it to the factory as they walked down the hallway, with the lights out as the alarms went off, flashing red. “What’s going on?” Ocellus asked.

"Oh I don't know, maybe a red flashing light inside a place like this means a big rave is going on!" Helen shouted sarcastically.

Core temperature rising. Aprroaching critical.” A computer said.

“He must be fooling around with the reactor’s controls.” Twilight realized. “Let’s go!” She called as they entered the control room.

Core temperature critical. Meltdown imminent.” The computer said as they saw the controls in the room were destroyed.

"He smashed the controls, we can't stop it!" Flash exclaimed.

"Maybe not, there might be another way to shut it down manually!" Twilight mentioned as she went over to the window and saw the core. "There's an emergency override system just outside the core!"

"Great, just as long as we don't run into any complications." Rarity mentioned before she flinched when she saw a cockroach on a desk. Then coming out from the entrance is Bug Juice with many bugs behind him.

“Came for a front-row seat?” He asked sarcastically. "It's going to be very bright."

“You can’t do this, Bug Juice! If this place goes boom, you’ll go as well!” Pinkie pointed out.

Bug Juice just gave a smirk. “We don’t think so.” He said as some cockroaches completely covered him up as he also increased in size. “When the reactor goes supercritical, we’ll be snug as bugs in a rug.”

“Uh, what?” Spike asked in confusion. “What does he mean by that?”

“Of course!” Twilight said in realization. “Scientists think cockroaches are the only things that would survive the blast.” She noted.

“So the pony’s gonna wear a bug suit to protect himself from the meltdown?” Smolder asked with a weird look. “That’s gross.”

"Well, let's see how tough he is against a walking torch!" Helix declared as he activated the Omnitrix and programmed a certain alien. Once the core popped up, he slammed it down and transformed into Heatblast before he walked forward and Helen noticed something off about him.

"Uh Helix, are you sure that your cold won't be in the way of this?" She asked as they noticed the lava rocks that covered his body looked frosted while the flames were ice blue.

"There's no time to be thinking about that right now, you guys shut down the reactor!" He told them as a bit of a frost breath came out every time he talked. "I'll handle the bug guy over there!"

“We can’t just let you go alone.” Ocellus said as Bug Juice stepped forward.

“Just go!” Heatblast called as he charged at Bug Juice, but he was whacked away as the others rushed off.

“You can’t escape us.” Bug Juice said as he send some wasps after the others as Heatblast stood up.

"Hey pal, let's see how that bug suit of yours handles this!" He exclaimed as he tried to throw a fireball at Bug Juice before he let out a sneeze. He then looked at him with a shocked look as there wasn't even a scorch mark on him. "What gives?! You should be toasted by now!" He thought for a moment before he realized something. "My cold, it froze my flames!" He exclaimed as Bug Juice then did another punch.

The others are running down the hallways before they hear a buzzing sound. “Oh. Uh, guys?” Fluttershy spoke up. “Remember the old expression, ‘Mean as a hornet’?” She asked nervously as they turned and saw the hornets coming after them.

“Oh, I hate bugs! I hate ‘em!” Gallus exclaimed in annoyance.

Meltdown in five minutes.

“We’re running out of time!” Silverstream called as they stopped at the end of the hallway as they saw the hornets coming towards them. “And we’re about to get stung!”

Ocellus and Helen turned to a fire hose behind them as they nodded as Helen turned the vail and Ocellus held the hose as they sprayed at the hornets as they fell to the ground. “Nice thinking, you two.” Flash complimented.

“We may be sick…” Ocellus started before she sneezed and shifted forms again.

“But we can still be heroes in other ways.” Helen finished with a smile after a little cough.

Back with Heatblast, he was thrown across the room like a rag doll as he smashed against the console. Bug Juice walked up to him just as he was getting up. "Look man, can we talk about this?" He asked him as he lifted his hand up and a beam of ice blue shot out from his palm which hit Bug Juice and froze his arm. "Whoa…that's new."

The group then enter the core room, which is super hot due to the meltdown. “Core temperature critical. Meltdown in one minute.” The computer informed as the bugs came up behind them.

“What? No evacuation timer for more time?” Rainbow questioned in annoyance.

Back in the control room. Heatblast used his newfound ice powers to freeze Bug Juice’s arm, which broke into pieces but it reformed. He charged at Heatblast and tackled him through the viewing window as they were now falling down to the core floor. "We can't keep this up much longer!" Manny called out as Twilight was trying to shut down the core while the others were trying to keep the bugs away.

Just as the bugs were getting close to the group, Heatblast quickly shot a blast of ice that froze all the bugs as he created an ice tower to slide down on before landing safely in front of the group. "Someone calls for a hero?" He asked with confidence.

"Okay, so you're cold not only turned Goop into a leaking slime ball, Fourarms into a walking stink factory, but also turned Heatblast into a walking ice maker?!" Smolder questioned with a brow. "And it seemed to be useful this time."

"I know right." Heatblast replied.

“Looks like for some aliens, getting a cold isn’t just an expression.” Pinkie joked as Twilight kept looking at the controls.

“I can’t override the meltdown! All the manual controls have overheated!” Twilight called in worry as Bug Juice charged at them.

“Helix, look out!” Flash called as Heatblast charged up an ice ball and fired at Bug Juice, freezing him and his bugs solid.

"An insect on ice? Now that's cold." Manny joked before they saw the reactor core glowing bright.

Core meltdown in ten…” The computer then counted down.

“Stand clear! I’ve got an idea!” Heatblast called as he then started using his ice powers to freeze the core.

Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two…” The countdown started before the core is completely frozen. “Core temperature falling. Returning to below-critical limits.

“Alright!” Smolder cheered.

“Way to go, Helix!” Helen cheered before she sneezed again.

“Yeah. Thanks. He-heh.” Heatblast said as he got into his knees. “Now, can we please get some hot chocolate or something?”

“I wouldn’t mind having some too.” Ocellus said before she sneezed again, this time into a yak version of herself. “Oh, I hate the cold.”

Then a bit later, the group are leaving the factory while the Chariot drove at the side of the cliff. “Bad guy’s on ice, the reactor’s chillin’, and I think, ah, that steam knocked out the last of our cold.” Helix said as he, Helen, and Ocellus are now feeling better and their cold is now gone as they are relaxing on a chair together.

“What a relief that’s now over.” Helen said with a smile.

“I am never getting sick again.” Ocellus commented with a small smile.

"At least we know how a cold can affect an alien in different ways." Twilight mentioned.

"I for one am glad we don't have to deal with any more bugs." Rarity spoke up as Smolder was getting milk from the fridge before she noticed a cockroach on the floor.

“Sorry little guy. But this is going to hurt you a lot more than it’s gonna hurt me.” Smolder said with a smirk as she was about to step on the roach, but then more bugs came up behind her as she screamed. “Company! Lots of company!” She called as the others noticed and quickly got up and Twilight stopped the Chariot as the door opened and Bug Juice, who is free from the ice, walked in as he glared at them.

“We didn’t appreciate that could shoulder you gave us in the power plant.” Bug Juice told them with a glare as Flash tried to pounce him from behind. However he was quick as Bug Juice grabbed Flash by the throat while the others tried to fend off the bugs.

“I thought you put that bug stallion on ice?!” Gallus exclaimed.

“He must’ve thawed out!” Helix said as he tried to activate the Omnitrix, but it was still in recharge mode. “Oh, man! We’re on our own. Any ideas how to get rid of ‘em?” He asked.

“Not unless Pinkie got a six-foot candy to tempt them with.” Silverstream said nervously while getting the bugs off her.

“No. But I got the next best thing.” Helen said as she sped towards the back of the Chariot, just when Bug Juice was about to hit Flash and the others, Helen brought out three jars of the cold remedy. “Come and get it!” She called as the three jars of remedy’s scents caught the bugs attention as they flew towards them, which also got the bugs off Bug Juice.

"What…what's happening?!" He questioned with confusion before he tried to control the bugs again. "Stop!" Bugs would not listen as Helen through the jars out the window and the bugs followed them off of the cliff and into the water. Bug Juice then looked at the group with nervous chuckles. “Uh, can we like call it a draw?” He asked as they all glared at him.

He was then kicked out of the Chariot and landed on the road. “Now, it’s a draw.” Applejack said.

“You were starting to really bug us.” Manny said with a look.

“I’ll write a letter to the authorities. Be back in a sec.” Spike said as he went to get his quill and paper.

Just then, Manny and Smolder then sneezed, which got their attention. “Oh drats.” Manny muttered.

“You gotta be kidding me.” Smolder said as she and Manny’s noses are stuffed.

"Wow, guess things really did work out for the better." Helix joked before the two of them let out another sneeze.

"Don't worry, I'm sure there's a couple of jars full of redemy around here." Helen assured the two as the rest of them let out a laugh.

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