• Member Since 25th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen 43 minutes ago

Pinkies Imagination

Reloading the Story Canon.


This story is a sequel to A Shadow’s Grave

CJ is knocked out and dragged from his home where he is forced to make a decision he does not want to make. With his new found strength, he is about to realize just how important his decision really is, and if he makes the right choice.

Threequel to A Shadow's Grave.

For each person who decides to leave a downvote, I would love to know why in the comments as feedback.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 85 )

That moment you release a story, and say it is a sequel at the beginning and not to read it unless you read the last one. Then you get instant dislikes, ask why and they gave you them, and they say something like "I just started reading it from here and you already expect us to know the main charecter"

Me: download.ultradownloads.com.br/wallpaper/276253_Papel-de-Parede-Meme-Jackie-Chan_1280x1024.jpg

Why is it that every time a person puts out a story they claim that people automatically downvote it without reading it. Have you never considered the fact that possibly we have and simply don't like the premise without having to have read the other stories connected to it? I'll admit that all I had to do was read the summary and I knew I'd hate it. But to be fair I never downvote a story without reading it first. That's only being fair.

Fact is you've got a potential Gary Stu on your hands and that's where some, if not most, of the downvotes will come from. I mean he's got, "his own incredible power, in which he may do what he pleases.". You seriously want people to accept this?

So yeah, downvoted for this guy having super awesome but not defined power that will come in handy later on in the story but only after a series of accidents forces him to take great responsibility for what he has before losing said power and possibly his life once the reason for getting his power has been defeated. Seen it a hundred times before and it wasn't good the first time around.

3067776 .... what...?

I said the auto down votes because When I put the story up, within 37 seconds, (Maybe a bit more or less, not more than 45) It got 2 downvotes immediately. Also, his "power" I speak of. Yeah he will be strong and he can do what HE wants. But I never said he wasn't as mortal as a normal person. And the story isn't about him being the unkillable unstoppable beast. It's about someone who has to fight for other peoples sake. It's just saying that at a point, he will have so much power, he may lose his own mind.

I wanted feedback... not you telling me that I was wrong with the auto downvote. Because in about 40 seconds flat of publishing is kinda fast. Don't you think?

3067776 Also your last paragraph... yeah... that is not the directing the story is leading... sorry to disappoint.

3067776 Lastly... I "claimed" That people auto downvoted it without reading it because I actually had them TELL ME that they began reading this and began not liking it because it made no sense on how they should already know who the characters are, even though I clearly stated it was because this is a third story of a SERIES


I said the auto down votes because When I put the story up, within 37 seconds, (Maybe a bit more or less, not more than 45) It got 2 downvotes immediately.

You maybe want to point me to the part where you specifically said that and not just "Also... for those people who just dislike it without actually reading it, can you please leave a comment on why you did so I can have some feedback...?"

Also, his "power" I speak of. Yeah he will be strong and he can do what HE wants. But I never said he wasn't as mortal as a normal person. And the story isn't about him being the unkillable unstoppable beast.

And? How is that not being a Gary Stu? He's got special awesome power that allows him to do what he wants. The fact that he's not omnipotent or immortal doesn't matter because they don't necessarily have anything to do with his Stuness.

I wanted feedback

And you got it, but all I hear from you is complaining about it which leads me to believe you don't want feedback so much as "tell me how wonderful my story is and let me know a tiny flaw to somehow balance it out". That's not feedback, that's kissing your ass which I won't do.

... not you telling me that I was wrong with the auto downvote. Because in about 40 seconds flat of publishing is kinda fast. Don't you think?

Again, point me in the direction where you specified this. Also I'll tell you where those two downvotes probably came from, people that have most likely read your previous stories and didn't like them, commented on them and you pull the same crap that you just did. Often times it's not necessarily the story that garners the downvotes so much as the author.

Keep that in mind.

3067833 Again... about the "power" If you had read the second story, you would know it had to do with Discord, and is only temporary. But the downside is there may be a backfire to having his power when they made the deal (aka he will lose his mind) not that he is some guy who just showed up with amazing power.

And I did not say in the desc that it was in 40 seconds. Read what I said again.

I said the auto down votes because When I put the story up, within 37 seconds, (Maybe a bit more or less, not more than 45) It got 2 downvotes immediately.

I said the auto down votes because When I put the story up


I was explaining WHY I had asked about the auto votes. Not saying that what I am about to say was in the description.

Three responses? Wow, I must have really pissed you off with what I said to get that.

And you could have intended to go in that direction but now have decided against it because it would prove me right. Not that any of it matters though because I'm not really interested in continuing to read this. I mean guys with special awesome power that lets him do whatever he wants doesn't make for compelling story telling. It's a cop out, plain and simple and to me shows that the author has effectively given up trying.

See above. And I don't care.


And I did not say in the desc that it was in 40 seconds. Read what I said again.

I said the auto down votes because When I put the story up, within 37 seconds, (Maybe a bit more or less, not more than 45) It got 2 downvotes immediately.

Liar. You said that after the fact.

Read your description again: Also... for those people who just dislike it without actually reading it, can you please leave a comment on why you did so I can have some feedback...?

There's nothing there about this 40 or 37 seconds or whatever amount of time.

Then here's your next comment on it: 3067612

hat moment you release a story, and say it is a sequel at the beginning and not to read it unless you read the last one. Then you get instant dislikes, ask why and they gave you them, and they say something like "I just started reading it from here and you already expect us to know the main charecter"

Again, no mention of the time frame.

However once I commented on this you respond with:

I said the auto down votes because When I put the story up, within 37 seconds, (Maybe a bit more or less, not more than 45) It got 2 downvotes immediately.

This is after the fact so bringing it up now as if this is what you meant at the beginning is just stupid. You didn't say that and the longer you insist that you did the more of a hypocrite you appear to be. Just let it go. You made a mistake, I called you on it, accept it and move on.

Again... about the "power" If you had read the second story, you would know it had to do with Discord, and is only temporary. But the downside is there may be a backfire to having his power when they made the deal (aka he will lose his mind) not that he is some guy who just showed up with amazing power.

Still don't care. Special awesome power is a deal breaker for a story as far as I'm concerned.

Now do you want to continue this or accept that you made a mistake and I'll be on my way?

Y SO SHORT! :raritycry:

Oh we'll :twilightsmile:

I've liked the rest of the series from the shadows,And ill stick by it until its absolute shit....Then go upwind of it an watch it from afar, Anyways Wish ya luck and keep up the good work.

3067904 Hey, man, stop being an ass, you've made your point with the first comment, stop. You don't have to reply to everything. Also cut the guy some freaking slack, he's having a shit time at the moment so, screw off.

Don't forget me being drunk on the roof!!!

Hey, for about how long I waited for this, I should be getting laid while I'm at it.
Or, you know, a part in the story is fine too. Since you took Shy, RD is tied for best pony with me. (Small chance, and little hope but I gotta try.)


Since you took Shy, RD is tied for best pony with me

What do you mean?

3067904 Look at this guy on his high horse -_-

Rainbow Dash and Futtershy are my favorite ponies

I've said it before and I'll say it again. FIMfiction is not kind to tablet commentors

3068969 Ah, is that why you like this story so much?

That, and the fact that I generally like how the story is written, the MC's personality, your writting style, and so forth. I wouldn't stick with any story if it sucked.

YAY :pinkiehappy: it's been a while sense I read more of this series. Great chapter and YAY IT CONTINUES!:pinkiehappy:
Ok I'm done:twilightsmile:


Hey, man, stop being an ass, you've made your point with the first comment, stop. You don't have to reply to everything. Also cut the guy some freaking slack, he's having a shit time at the moment so, screw off.

No, I do have to reply to everything. Actually that's not true, I like replying to everything including this. Point is he made an error, I called him out on it and instead of admitting to it he tried to take things further. All he had to do was say he misspoke or admit he didn't originally say what it was he claimed to have said and that would have been the end, But no, he's got nobody else to blame but himself.

And how's him having a "shit time" my fault or any of my concern? None of that should really enter into this and you only put that in there in an attempt to guilt me into not responding. Point is, I don't care. We all have problems, he's not any more special than anybody else.

How is anything that I wrote there arrogant or superior? Or do you simply not understand what the term "high horse" actually means? I'd wager it's the latter considering that I'm on a little horse hence the screen name.

luner and solar republic right. I f it is fuck yea.:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile: Oh and I like this guy he's awesome.

3071763 you just proved my point smartass

3071763 By shit time I mean he is recovering from a sickness that nearly took his life. He was recently released from the hospital, so show some basic fucking decency and leave him alone. I think almost dying, and having to go on all sorts of treatment is enough without having to deal with assholes like you.

3072126 eeyup.:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile: I loved your last 2 story's too.

3073609 save your breath, he doesn't seem to be changing anytime soon....

3074612 I know, I feel like I should at least try to stick up for the guy (Pinkies Imagination) in this situation. I know its probably useless but, oh well.


Take my Internet and write another chapter!

The balance is between his own and discordant powers isn't it

3102059 Well, maybe a little, if you look into what I wrote in my last story, I told you how Luna and Celestia are now split, then the two symbols in the cover for this one. Basically the balance of power has been blown out of balance, and will not end well.

I :heart: YOUR STORY :rainbowkiss: :twilightsheepish::fluttershysad::applejackconfused::derpytongue2::trollestia::eeyup: PLEASE OH PLEASE UPDATE SOON:pinkiehappy: I'M WAITING

Im gonna give your story a shot, back to the beginning!

Oh and those auto down votes are most likely because it's HiE, you know how some people.

3184771 Rly? why? What was so bad about HiE? I liked it, and thought, why not do some writing. I didn't know it was hated on.... :rainbowderp:

3185149 ya it gets a lot of hate for no reason, mostly from those filthy TCB people.

3185178 the conversion bureau. Genocide manics. People who'd give up their humanity to be ponies... i dislike them.

3185204 don't mind my ramblings, i just don't like those who hate their existence for no reason.

oh my gosh this story is amazing and i cant wait for the next chapter i bet it will be great :pinkiehappy:

3067624 dude best series ever. i srsly think it rivals the dungeons & dragons one ive read for the first time man ( ok not really cause that dude put so much words in it and it had rarely any grammar & spelling errors but you are favorite by this guy!) as a fimfic :twilightsmile: so keep it up ! by the way dont DIE! :fluttercry: ok?

3910693 yeah thanks that means a lot. If you have read my newest story you would see that the quality of my writing is much better and i nearly never have spelling to grammar mistakes. So when i update this it should be much much better

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