• Member Since 22nd Aug, 2011
  • offline last seen 18 minutes ago


Hello. I'm BillyColt. In real life, I'm a dweeby music student from California. Here, I write Pony fanfiction.http://billycolt.tumblr.com/


Upstart is excited. His mother has hired a unicorn for a party. It will be so delightful to see a unicorn performing magic. It's sure to be fun for the whole household!

Of course, it's just a little fun. She's not really a unicorn. After all, unicorns don't exist.

Chapters (1)

In a matriarchal society such as Equestria, sometimes the social position of a stallion can be difficult.

Big Macintosh has things going fairly well for himself. He does his share of the work at Sweet Apple Acres and helps to support his family along with his sister.

But Granny Smith has been talking lately. She thinks an eligible stallion such as himself should find a well-to-do mare and get married before he's too old. And now she's gotten an idea: why doesn't Applejack introduce him to her friends?

Chapters (5)

Six String thought being a pony would be pretty good. Though for some reason, he doesn't feel all that great.

Maybe he just needs some new friends.
Initially intended for a TCB event - sadly I took too long writing it.

Chapters (1)

Frederic Horseshoepin is an obscure background pony who appeared in one episode and was instantly overshadowed by the pony next to him. Usually he's reserved to het shippers who are sick of the Octavia/Vinyl pairing.

I think that they have a good point. He's pretty cool, and deserves more love. And in this shipping anthology, I make sure that he's gonna get a whole lot of love.

Includes "What I Did For Love," a possible sequel to "This Nearly Was Mine."

Chapters (5)

Pony magic works in funny ways. Unicorns all have magic they can control. Earth ponies and pegasi have innate magic that connects them to the earth and the sky. And then there are more unusual cases. Pinkie Pie's supernatural senses, for example. And then there's Braeburn, who seems to have a rather unusual effect on other stallions...

Chapters (6)

A long time ago, humans walked the earth. They're all gone now, either dead or turned to ponies by the many "Conversion Bureaus." Now it's the ponies that govern the world, led by their goddesses, Princess Luna and Princess Celestia. Very few remember or give much thought to the days of humanity.

But sometimes things don't die very easily. Sometimes things linger, even if it's just a memory or a legend. Sometimes when an egregious injustice has been left unchecked, even a pony can get very angry.

On the crew of the White Rose there are many such angry ponies, led by Firebrand. These are young students who have perceived an injustice and are determined to blow everything open with one blazing truth.

Based on "The Conversion Bureau."

Chapters (5)

Sir Colton Vines III owns one of the largest vineyards in Equestria, but for all the money he's made on agriculture, he's forgotten his love for the growing things of the earth. When he decides to clear away a public park to expand his vineyard, Daisy, a flower seller, stands up to him.

Chapters (1)

Stoic. Calm. Unflappable. And above all, Professional. These are attributes that the pianist Frederic Horseshoepin likes to pride himself on.

But sometimes it's difficult to stay professional. Frederic finds it difficult to maintain a veneer of stoicism when he has to deal with his own feelings. What can he do when he's in love with a mare that he cannot hope to have?

Chapters (6)

Hoofston is a normal town, for the most part. It has its shopkeepers, its eccentrics, its shut-ins, and its civil servants. It's quite dull, really. One day, a vagabond with a song in his heart (and not a lot in his head) comes to town, to see if he can't spark a little music into everypony's hearts.

Chapters (10)