• Member Since 26th Jul, 2017
  • offline last seen Monday

Charles Farrow

I’ve always wanted to tell stories, I’ve always struggled to do so. I wish and hope that I will be able to one day.


Progress, close to next chapter · 12:51am January 13th

Wrote 800 more words on Crystal Reincarnation today :rainbowdetermined2:
On top of that I also went through what I've already written, fixing spelling errors and making sure that it was coherent and consistent with the prior chapters. It's probably still not gonna be a masterpiece of any sort but I'm beginning to like it, so I think you might as well, I hope.:twilightsheepish:

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Progress · 6:01pm January 9th

I wrote about 1200 words today on the next chapter of crystal reincarnation, so hopefully given a little more time to finish up my exams, I should have that out within the next few weeks :twilightsmile:

Come hell or high waters, I hope that you'll like it. Be merciful to me though folks, It's been a minute since I was actively writing, and I'm honestly a fair bit rusty. Still, I'm sure you'd rather a somewhat rusty update than no updates at all, so I'll keep at it. Wish me luck friends.


The second step · 7:19pm January 4th

For the first time in my history on the site I have released a second chapter of the story I'm working on within a week of the first.
Considering my prior track record of having a two-year lapse between chapters, I'm really rather proud of that.
I will say, I'm having some doubts as to the quality of what I'm writing, but I'm putting my heart into it and I'll try my very best to not let my own high expectations stop me from writing at all.

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The First Step · 10:06pm Dec 30th, 2023

It is with a measure of pride and joy that I take my first step towards progress today.
Having taken my medicine and sat down with an old story I've always wanted to explore and put to paper, I've released my first new story in years!
And like I said, hopefully it'll only be the first step, I've been revisiting my old stories, including Crystal Reincarnation, and have begun to work on them again. :twilightsmile:

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Understanding my limits, and an explanation for those that'd like to know · 9:15pm Dec 29th, 2023

Unsure if anyone really reads these things, but I'll write one just for the sake of it. If nothing else it might help me look back on things in the future, hopefully wiser.

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Fuck it · 3:10pm Oct 3rd, 2019

I'm sorry master... but I'll have to go all out, just this once.

I'll just release all of my old, new and somewhat trashy stories. Then you guys can decide if you like them.
I've had like 10 unwritten stories just staring at me for over a year now.
It's time to put an end to the madness.

By becoming one with the madness!


I'mma give it another go lads · 9:31pm Sep 24th, 2019

Just published what amounts to my second story on this site. It ain't much, but it's honest work, which I haven't done much of as of yet.
So go check it out if you so dare. It's pretty alright.

I'm gonna try to release more stuff, but without thinking as much of the quality, so hit me with your critique and I'll attempt to improve lads.

A very nice day to you all

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Crystal Reincarnation - chapter 2 (progress). · 1:39pm Apr 9th, 2018

I've been having a bit of a problem deciding on whether I wanted to write Darrach's perspective in the story from a first person perspective, like in the first part of the first chapter, or whether I wanted to write it like I did in the second part of the first chapter.:unsuresweetie:

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First story, yo! · 9:15pm Jan 23rd, 2018

I've just submitted my first story on this site.
I've been fumbling about, trying to think up a story for a long time now, and whilst I've come up with some decent ideas, I haven't actually written anything yet.

So this story will not be one of the ones I've thought through a great deal, it's actually based on an idea that's almost become a cliche at this point. But nevertheless, it's gonna be my first attempt at, actual, writing.

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Golly gosh, hecking heck · 8:33am Nov 29th, 2017

I've got like six stories i'm "trying" to write on and they're all either too short or too shabby to release.
Writing is hard guys, wtf, how do you do it so regularly.