• Member Since 14th Jun, 2014
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A Graduate of the Don Bluth School of Making the Protagonist Suffer.

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Cover Art Fund!

I'll be the first one to admit that I'm more drawn to stories on this site that have some sort of cover image; and I very much want to give my own stories those images too. However, I don't want to trawl DeviantArt for images that I think are cool and then yoink them; I am WELL aware of how time-intensive creating visual art is, and I want to support the people creating it through commissions.

BUT...I don't exactly make a lot of money posting horse stories on FimFic :/

So, I'd like to change that up! If you enjoy my writing, and would like to see more of these stories get cover images, then please consider dropping a bit or two in the Cover Art Fund I set up through Ko-fi!

Much appreciated in advance!


A Brief Hiatus · 11:37pm May 21st

Hey, all!

Well, as anyone who's following it can see, Blood and Honor has (finally) wrapped up! I hope everyone enjoyed it!

Sorry about falling off on the updates there at the end (fumbled the LAST F*ING CHAPTER >.<). Real LifeTM kicked in my door and made me it's bitch for a while there. It's also not quite done with me yet, I'm afraid...

Nothing super bad or anything like that; just other demands on (a LOT of) my time.

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Comments ( 10 )
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Happy holidays, and thanks for reading!

I have to follow you; you only write winning stories!

I really enjoyed it! Especially loved your use of organic world-building. No exposition, just having the characters use terms/references like they would naturally, and then bring the reader in on the specifics later through context clues. Brilliant!

Seems like such a well fleshed out world too. Really wish there was more coming, but it sounds like you're moving away to other projects. A shame, but I wish you luck all the same!

Thanks so much for favoriting Flurry in Time!:twilightsmile:

I hope you enjoy it

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