• Member Since 5th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen May 15th

Storm butt

I am an aspiring writer, romance enthusiast, and a horrible over emotional mess. If you're here I hope you like homosexual stallions. If you enjoy my work and want to support me I have a Ko-Fi!


Just before Noteworthy's first opening act for Sapphire Shores on a big stage in Canterlot; he begins to experience stage fright like he's never before felt. His boyfriend, Royal Pin, attempts to calm him down and remind him of his dreams.

[This story was a Commission for Anonymous]

Chapters (1)

Everything starts somewhere. Under the bark of a great tree you'll find where a sapling once began. The same can be said for all forms of life that to find out who they truly are, or where they began, you have to start at the roots. Deep in the soil they grow, and eventually blossom.

Caramel and Big Macintosh have been dating for a while. Two years to be exact. They've fallen into a routine of dates, romance, and finding time just to be with one another. Settling down might be seen as a negative to some, but it's comfortable for the two of them. The Apple Family reunion approaches quickly, set to take place for the first time in Appleloosa. Mac debates the question if he's ready to introduce Caramel to his extended family, and to take their relationship to a more serious level. During this, Caramel struggles to deal with an appearance of a letter on his doorstep. It's a letter that reminded him of the roots he abandoned, but never forgot.

Chapters (17)

Fancy Pants hasn't made a single design in weeks now. Three weeks, to be exact. Long enough for magazines to stop showcasing his work. Long enough for the strain and worry to begin settling into his nerves. Long enough for the fear of irrelevance to begin to strike.

Chapters (1)

After a little private showing of Big Macintosh and the rest of The Ponytones, Troy the gryphon stops him outside to ask him if he'll help him sing lower pitch. While attempting to help, Troy simply becomes more flustered and admits that the director of his Bridleway show constantly reinstates that his tone is too high for his appearance. Big Macintosh relates, having always been too big for his age so to speak. The two have a conversation about it.

A gift for TheVClaw for his birthday. <3

Edited by Vivid Syntax.

Chapters (1)

On the anniversary of his father's sudden death eight years prior, Prince Blueblood remains locked up in his bedroom. Dozens if not hundreds of ponies gather outside the castle to pay their respects, yet none know the true stallion of who they grieve for. Upon a visit from his lover, Fancy Pants, Prince Blueblood feels the true guilt begin to form of truly not loving the stallion who had made his childhood so horrid. The question comes; is it truly worth loving somepony who treated you so horribly?

Chapters (1)

Apple Bloom gets out of school for the day only to be disappointed by the fact that Big Macintosh's boyfriend, Caramel, is yet again not with her brother to pick her up. Three days prior, an incident occurred at that same schoolhouse that led to Caramel shutting himself in his home. While trying to understand why, Big Macintosh finds it best to explain to Apple Bloom that some ponies are simply against the idea of the two dating. Some ponies, such as Caramel, find it hard to simply shake off the words of others. Regardless, she tries her best to understand.

Chapters (1)

Spike, while browsing his selection of naughty magazines, accidentally coughs and breathes flames. The magazine gets sent to Princess Celestia. Panic ensues.

Chapters (1)

Spike is developing feelings for a certain unicorn who has white fur, blue eyes, and is involved in the fashion industry. That's right, it's Fancy Pants! He's just so nice and kind and... Handsome... It's been complicated, to say the least. Spike has never quite felt like this before, and the struggle to deal with these emotions is getting more difficult as time goes on. On a whim, he decides to have a heart to heart with Fancy Pants and try to get some answers.

Chapters (1)

It's Hearts and Hooves Day, and Big Macintosh has been forced into a rather fancy getup that... truth be told doesn't fit him in the slightest. While waiting for his lover, Caramel, to come to the bar they're having dinner at, he runs into Troy and Canvas, Ponyville's seemingly most popular couple. They have a small talk regarding Mac's feelings on just how genuine the holiday feels, and more importantly how it doesn't feel like him and Caramel.

Bit of a crossover and a surprise for TheVClaw this valentines day.

Cover art a commission from a friend awhile back (VividSyntax) by BNG.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Blossoming Roses

It's been nearly a year since Prince Blueblood and Fancy Pants were properly introduced at the Grand Galloping Gala, and to say it's been a big year for both is an understatement. It was no joke just what kind of field day the media got from their ever growing interest surrounding Prince Blueblood's newly arisen homosexuality, and boy-toy is the by far one of the most affectionate terms he's been called lately. At the very least Fancy Pants is supportive and kind, as usual. However it's evident that something has been bothering him lately, and even Blueblood has been having trouble deducing why.

Chapters (3)