The Coziest of Diamonds

by Betty_Starlight

First published

Adult Diamond Tiara prefers to live in her new estate on the edge of town. This leads to a peculiar otherworldly encounter.

Oh, golly! My name is Cozy Glow! I've been living in another dimension! Yeah, they froze me in stone when I was a filly, but that wasn't the end of my story. In the other dimension, nopony had ever heard of me! I was free! But there was just one problem... The whole time, I felt this nagging sensation that I wasn't me! That it wasn't real or authentic and no matter what I did or who I spoke to, these feelings would just not go away...

Still, I kept on living my life there. I used my natural talent for manipulating ponies to provide me with the amenities of life, but those feelings would just not go away! Until one day, I was walking down the street in the other Ponyville, when I saw something... A window... I saw another world behind that window...

Suddenly, I knew where to go!

Chapter 1: On The Edge

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I widen my eyes to the curly maned mare staring at me from my lighted porch, “Uh, I think I know who you are, but I don’t think it could be real?”

She smiles while staring at me with her brown eyes, underneath her neatly arranged bluish-white curly locks, “Oh, golly! And why’s that?”

I widen my eyes, “Well, for one thing, you’re not really here! You’re frozen in the courtyard at The School of Friendship! You were frozen as a filly! It’s not possible!”I shake my head, “No! It’s just not possible! You were frozen twenty years ago!”

She nods, “You know, it might not actually be me who’s there, right?” and her eyes widen as she leans towards me with a mischievous smile on her face. “I escaped!”

“B-but! If it wasn’t you! Then who was it? Who’s frozen at the School of Friendship with Tirek and Chrysalis, and furthermore, of all the places in Equestria you could’ve visited, why did you choose here? Nothing about this makes sense!”I say while keeping my eyes peeled at the other mare with a frown on my muzzle.

She chuckles, “I don’t think you realize just how convenient your mansion is for me?”

I peel my eyes to her as my frown lowers slightly, “Do tell?”

She sighs and nods, “Well, you’re located right at the edge of town, first off, which means that I can slip in and out fairly easily, and undetected!”

I frown again, “Okay!”

She nods, “Well, there’s that, and you’re here!”

My eyes widen again, “Wait, what? Why would you be interested in me?”

She eyes me carefully, “Oh, it’s just because of who you are Diamond… You know, you’re probably the only pony in town who might be able to convince them to give me another shot, right?”her eyes go skyward, “Well, outside of asking one of the Mane Six, and they’re freaking impossible to contact, by now, no doubt!” before glaring back at me…” Basically, you’re the best shot I got from this vantage point!”

I stare at the pink mare, horrified, “And just why should I help you?”

She stares at me directly in the eyes and says, “Because you care, and genuinely want to make Equestria a better place,” before smiling!” and golly gee, I’m just so ready to be good again and to definitely not be evil or do bad things! Yes!” and nods…

I stare at her… “Cozy, have you been drinking?”

She frowns and states matter-of-factly, “I may have smoked a joint on my way up here?”before staring forward blankly.” That could’ve happened? Yes!”

I’ll confess that this amuses me, and so I chuckle a bit before saying, “You know what? Forget it! Just get in here Cozy! I got after dinner coffee!” before lowering my frown. “ You’re no doubt thirsty, yes?”

She stares at me with enormous brown eyes, “Oh, golly yes, Miss Diamond Tiara! I sure am!”

I shake my head at this…


I stare at the pink mare, as the cannabinoids move in my head, and she steps to the left to let me in, while widening her eyes, “Come on in Cozy! Tell me, just how did you escape petrification, anyway?”

I smile as I stare at her and trot in slowly, “Well, apparently, you can escape the stone to another dimension!”

She frowns, “Just what are you talking about, Cozy? Uh, I’ll go get some coffee! Hold that thought!” she says before turning around to trot further into the house, and I trot in slowly to see a spacious living area with a lush purple couch on the other side in front of a large off-white porcelain coffee table.

The pink mare marches to the other end of the room while I slowly trot in…

I’m not really sure where to sit? I feel like an invader in this room or like I shouldn’t be here…

Diamond soon returns while balancing a silver tray on her snout as she sees me with her blue eyes and says, “Oh, just sit down wherever Cozy! I got coffee, cream, and sugar, right here!” before carefully trotting to the table and gently setting the tray down there…

I gulp and say, “O-okay, Diamond!” before carefully trotting to the couch and gently placing my flanks on the end near the hoof-rest where I rest my left forehoof…

She trots over to the plush couch and sits on one end, before staring blankly at the serving tray with those blue eyes of hers, “Uh…” and then, looks over to me before using her hoof to add sugar and cream to her cup, before gently picking up a silver spoon and stirring it, while the tray sits on the table… “What were you saying about another dimension?”

I widen my eyes as they’re peeled at her and say, “Well, it’s another dimension! It’s a lot like Equestria, only weirder…

She stares at me intently and frowns hard, “W-what do you mean, weirder?”

I sigh. “Well, nopony there has heard of me… It’s almost like, a dimension that forgot me? It was so weird!” You know, it’s hard to find the words to describe living death? *

“What?” She says with her mouth ajar…

“Um, I don’t want to talk about this anymore… Uh, look! I did find a portal back here… “I honestly say before continuing, “It’s a window that leads to the correct Equestria… “before my eyes go up, “ It’s uh, hard to explain? I don’t really know how it works!”

She stares at me blankly… “Seriously? You’re gonna go with that? And you expect me to believe it?”

“Well look, I don’t know how magick works, okay? I just know the things I’m telling you!” I say with wide eyes, before they go to the cup of black coffee meant for me on the table… I usually add cream, but I don’t really care right now! I grab the cup and take a good swig, because this is WAY too tense!

She frowns before saying, “Well uh, I don’t really know either so uh… “before visibly swallowing. “I guess it’s possible?” before turning to take a small sip of her coffee…

I clear my throat, “Ahem, yes! Anyway, like I was about to tell you, I uh… I thought a lot about my life and the things I did when I was a statue and well… “I take a deep breath in through my nose and open my snout and release my diaphragm so the air flows out… “I was giving it a lot of thought when I was staying in my cave and um… “I blink, and frown… “I think I might seriously want to reform?”

“So why are you telling me this? Shouldn’t you, I don’t know? Seek out Princess Twilight Sparkle or Mayor Mare or maybe even The Cutie Mark Crusaders? I don’t know, somepony with actual authority? I mean, why me?”

I sigh and stare at her blankly, “Well, you have a prominent position in town, right?”

“W-well yeah!” She swallows again… “What about it?”

I smile, “You know, you could use that position to get me a second chance!”

Her eyes widen, and she frowns, “Tell me again why I should help you?”

I stare into her eyes and say, “Because if I wanted to do anything evil or wrong, you know I would’ve done that by now… The truth is, I honestly just want a second chance!” before clearing my throat and continuing… “I’ll admit, you being at the edge of town like this was really convenient for me and you’re likely my best bet right now?”before smiling at her and really hoping for the best…

And then, she stares at me and says something I didn’t see coming… “Very well then Cozy Glow! You will be allowed asylum at my estate, although for the time being, it’s probably best that you don’t leave my house…” and frowns… “I’ll have to figure out how to explain this to the city council?”

(To be continued… )

Chapter 2: From the Darkest Diamond to the Brightest Glow

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I sat there at the baby blue beauty desk while looking at myself in the mirror…

I frown as I see my visage….

Same neatly arranged bluish-white curls, and same brown eyes…

But everything else is different now…

I watched earlier as I changed into who I am now…

I watched as each scar was inflicted on me, and I saw what happened before I escaped…

I saw that same face, and realized that I’m still here…

I take a big sigh from my snout, before taking out my baggy, red pack of papers, and blue hoof lighter from my floof, and laying them out on the desk…

I hoof grind a few nugs on the table, and pull out a paper to lay it neatly before me, with the sticky side on top…

I use my right hoof to neatly arrange the crushed devil weed into a row onto the paper before quickly rolling it up, and sealing it, by licking the top, and then, using the cleft of my right hoof to twist, and tighten the stogie.

I put it in my snout before grabbing the hoof lighter from the table, and igniting it with my cleft to cause a flame to shoot up onto the end of the joint, currently inside my mouth, that soon begins to inhale, and I taste the earthy flavors of the weed on my tongue, followed by that first joyous rush of relaxation that always comes with an indica strain…

I take the joint out, and exhale an aromatic cloud of smoke from my nose as my eyes soon narrow in satisfaction from my habit…

Suddenly, I hear a knock on my door! I hear a feminine voice say, “Cozy! I wanted to check on you! Are you okay?”

My eyes widen again as I turn towards the door at the right with the burning joint still in my mouth, and say out the side of it, “Yeah, Diamond! I’m fine!”

“Uh, are you sure, Cozy? It smells like burning in there! Are you smoking devil weed?”

“NO!” I quickly say vehemently!

“Cozy, it’s alright if you smoke in your room! I’m going to allow it, but please open the window!”

I turn my head to the other side of the room, and see the window there, with the curtains blowing in the breeze… “Uh, you got it Diamond!”

“Can I come in?”

I turn back to the door, “Could you not?” before pursing my lips on the stoge for another draw, since it’s apparently cool…

“Cozy! I just wanna talk to you! I wanna make sure you’re okay for the night! Please?”

She seems both considerate, and insistent! “Alright, fine!” I say, before angrily narrowing my eyes, and pursing my lips for another drag…

I’m exhaling, and narrowing my eyes again, right as the door opens, and Diamond gets hit by a cloud of smoke… I sure messed that one up!

“Cozy! Whoa!” She exclaims before waving the air with her forehoof.


I open the door to Cozy’s room, expecting to see her there with a joint, but I certainly didn’t expect the smoky welcome! I’m blasted with a thick cloud of smoke as soon as the door opens to the inner left! “Cozy! Whoa!”

Her eyes widen as she says out the right of her mouth, “Oh, golly! I am SO sorry, Diamond!”

I sigh, and narrow my eyes when I think about what this pony is doing in MY house! “Cozy! Consideration!”

Her right forehoof quickly moves to take the joint out of her mouth as she says, “Yes! I know! I blew smoke on you! I’m the worst pony ever!”

I widen my eyes at this, and say in a lower volume, “Kinda harsh, don’t you think?”

Her eyes widen, and she nods, “Okay uh, probably? Hey, look! You seem kinda stressed? You wanna, maybe, smoke with me?”

I gaze at this light pink mare with the burning joint in her mouth, who just asked me if I wanted to smoke with her… “Uh, I really shouldn’t!”

She smiles coyly, “Well, you know Diamond, you’re ALWAYS so stuffy, and OFFICIAL or whatever, right? Why not take the plunge, and do something a little different or risqué for once, huh?”


You know, I don’t usually push drugs on other ponies… That’s not something I normally do, really… But golly gee, something just told me that I needed to smoke with this mare right now!

She sighs, “Well uh, okay Cozy… “and smiles…” Just to try something new… “before trotting in, and shutting the door, and raising her eyes to inspect the window on the far wall…

I smile at her, “Yeah, I thought that if I was gonna do it in here, I DEFINITELY should open the window, so you know? It doesn’t get ultra-smoky, or whatever!”before pursing my lips on the burning roll in my mouth to witness the flame glowing, and slowly moving towards me…

She smiles, “Well, thank you, Cozy!”before her eyes widen, “You gonna Ponegart that thing, or what?”

I take the joint out of my mouth with my hoof, and stare at her as I exhale, and say, “You know what Ponegarting is?” before holding it out to her…

She grabs it with her hoof, and brings it to her snout, before saying out the side of it, “Well, I did go to college, you know?”and then, pursing her lips to take a draw…

I smile, “Oh, right! I guess you learned quite a bit there, huh?”

She takes the joint out of her snout, and exhales smoke before smiling, “Yeah! Like when somepony needs me!” before putting the joint back…

“Needs you?”

She takes the joint out, and exhales a big cloud of smoke, “Yeah! I listened to you talk to me last night, and I listened to your words, and I gotta admit Cozy, you touched me… I want you to know that you WILL have your second chance here with me, and I’ll PERSONALLY see to it!”

“I’m REALLY persuasive, you know?”

She smiles, before taking the joint out to hold it to me, and says while exhaling smoke, “You don’t think that I, an experienced business-pony, don’t know how to tell when somepony is lying to me?”

I tentatively grab the joint, and wonder about a lot of things, “Why are you being so nice, Diamond?” before pursing my lips around the joint to inhale, and taste the sweet weed on my tongue…

She sighs, “Because Cozy, I used to be bad… I used to be a lot like you, and I thought that power, and control were the only things that mattered… “and smiles,”And so, for all of those years I tormented, and bullied other ponies, I think taking you in like this, all these years later, would be an excellent penance for me!”

I exhale, and stare at her, “Golly!”

She giggles, “I know, right? Spooky, how we’ve come this way! Me, the filly who had everything, and abused it, meeting you, the filly who had nothing, and lashed out in the worst possible way!” before widening her eyes, “This is some really good shit!”

“Yeah, I brought a hoofball sized wad of it in my floof, when I crossed over… I’ll probably never see that guy again!”I say, before bringing the joint back to my lips for another draw…

“Anyway, as long as you behave, you’re definitely welcome here at my manor! I’ll uh, bring up your new whereabouts to the city council tomorrow, so they can know you’re being reformed now, and that you’re in good hooves!”

I exhale a cloud of smoke before offering her the joint with my right hoof, “You sure they’ll just let you, a private citizen, reform one of the worst villains Equestria has ever known?”

She takes the half-joint with her hoof before saying, “Well, maybe not any citizen, but like you said, I’m me!” before bringing it to her snout, and making the cherry glow…

I frown while watching the pinker mare take a draw, “Well, if you say so?”I adjust my eyes to her, “I trust you, Diamond!” and smile, “I mean, you weren’t fibbing about all that penance, and reformation stuff, right?”

She exhales quickly, and shakes her head, “Nuh-uh! No, ma’am! Golly, no!”

I giggle at her, “Did you just say, golly?”

She widens her eyes at me, “NO!” before pursing her lips around the roach nub.

I chuckle some more, “Stop stealing my gollies!”

“I didn’t see your name on it?” She says before bringing the roach to her lips for the last draw…

I stared at the deep pink mare, right then, and there, and boldly declare, “Well, it’s a golly, right? So it clearly belongs to me!” before frowning when I finally actually think about it… “Oh, golly! We’re morons!”

Her eyes widen as she takes the joint nub out, and then quickly brings it to the floor to snuff it out while saying, “It’s fine! Jeeves can get that in the morning! Uh,” and then raising her head to me,” did I just smoke devil weed with you?”

My eyes widen when I think about that too, “Uh, yes! Yes you did! You shared a devil weed cigarette with me, Cozy Glow, the villain who tried to take over Equestria twice!”

She stares at me with a panicked expression, “I think I’m gonna be sick?” before glancing around the room with those blue eyes of hers…

Now, for the record, I don’t know what took a hold of me just then… But I stared at that other mare, and said, “Settle down Diamond…” and smile at her, “It’s okay! I’m here now!”

Her eyes are peeled at me, “You’re a villain!”

I continue smiling at her while saying, “Diamond, I used to be bad, yes! This is true! But you know, you were pretty awful yourself back there?”

“What are you trying to say?”

I sigh, and stamp my hoof, “I was saying that I’m trying to be good now!” and nod, “Yeah, I was gonna smoke the joint to help me relax! This is true! But you know, you didn’t have to say yes… “

She glares at me, “You’re persuasive!”

I frown, “It’s like it’s only now just dawned on you, who I am?”

She frowns too, “What?”

I smile, “Okay, Miss Business-Pony! I’ve got a deal for you! Call it a wager, if you like?”

She’s silent for a moment… “I’m listening?”

(To be continued… )

Chapter 3: Natural Progression

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I opened my eyes suddenly!

This was weird… I looked around and I was in a darkened room I don’t recognize… I also know that I’m laying on my side, with my head on a pillow… My usual curls are all gone and I can see my bluish-white locks of hair on this soft purple velvet pillow…

But none of that was anywhere nearly as concerning as what was over my body, as I lay there…

It was a pink hoof… I also felt warmth behind me… I felt safe here… I felt secure here…

I also felt really uncomfortable!

And so, I did the first thing that came to mind… I screamed! “AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!”

The hoof tightens around my body and I feel the warmth get real CLOSE! “Cozy! Are you okay?” I hear a feminine voice say from behind.

“I’m fine!” I shout out suddenly!

“Why did you scream?”

“You’re holding me!”

The voice is silent for a moment… “Yes… Yes I am holding you… I have no idea why?”

My wide eyes stare forward, “Uh, Diamond? How about we just forget about this, alright? How does a coffee and a joint sound?”

“You really smoke a lot, don’t you?”

I frown, “Uh, usually two or three times a day! But wake n bake is SUPER IMPORTANT and YOU DON’T miss that smoke session!”

I hear her chuckle behind me, “Alright my pink junkie! I’ll get you some coffee! You take it with two creams, yes?”

I narrow my eyes before finally conceding defeat… “Yes please… “


I stare at the pink mare, with her now disheveled bluish-white mane…

I try to be a good host, but sometimes, situations can get awkward!

Like right now, for instance, when she has narrow eyes and takes a drag from her joint while staring at me…

She says, “Idiot!” matter-of-factly out the side of her mouth…

I widen my eyes at this, “What?”

She takes the joint out and exhales smoke, “You were cuddling me!”

I gulp, “W-well yes! Yes I was!” my eyes go to the ceiling, “Technically… “

“Technically, nothing! You were holding me and loving me! So you’re an idiot!”

I stare at her as she takes another drag and frown as I ask her, “Why does that make me an idiot?”

She takes the joint out and says while exhaling smoke, “Because I’m me! The worst villain ever!”

My mouth straightens and I say, “I don’t think you’re evil… “ I say as she takes another drag…

She takes out the joint and exhales smoke again, “You don’t?”

“No, I don’t think that’s it, Cozy?”

She puts the joint in her mouth and takes a drag while saying out the side, “Then what is it, Diamond? If I’m not bad, why did I act the way I did?”

“You’re just confused, Cozy!”

She takes the joint out, “We aren’t snuggling again!”

My eyes widen, “Oh, most certainly not! I mean, I’m as straight as the day is long!”

She nods, “Right! I love stallions and cock is great!”

“Oh, yes! Penis is just the best! I have NO DESIRE to EVER be a lesbian! EVER!”

She smiles while taking another drag, “You wanna smoke with me?”

I blink and surprise myself! “Yes, please!”

She giggles while exhaling, “Get in here and shut the door!”

“I gotta be at work in an hour and a half!” I say matter-of-factly, as I’m trotting into the room.

“Well, we’d better get you good and smoked up, then, huh?”


I don’t know why I said those things to Diamond Tiara… I don’t know why I wanted to smoke with her and I didn’t understand why being near her made me happy… But I did know that it was joint time!

I took a deep inhale from the joint, before I hold it up with the cleft of my right hoof.

She smiles and collects it with her right hoof, while standing on her other three, and brings it to her mouth for a powerful draw…

I exhale and stare at her, “I thought you didn’t smoke weed?”

She exhales and takes it out of her mouth, “Well, I do now! Besides, I haven’t had a drink in two days, because of you!”

“What?” I widen my eyes.

She giggles, “Yeah, I normally had a couple of daiquiris every night, but with you here blazing up the way you do, there’s really no need!”

“Oh, golly! I got you to stop drinking!”

She chuckles while taking another drag, “That’s fine Cozy! This is better for me, anyway!”

I smile when I think about how I may have made Diamond a better pony… “Hey! No Ponegarting, remember?”


I sat at my desk, staring at the papers scattered there…

I scrunch my brow when I think about how I could’ve sworn this was organized yesterday?

I think about the pink mare with her bluish-white mane at my house…

I think about the time we’ve been spending together and how it DEFINITELY does not mean anything!

I raise my neck and puff out my chest when I consider my identity! I’m Diamond Tiara, after all! The most successful business-pony Ponyville has ever seen, and I take pride in that! I could NEVER be gay!

Then my shoulders relax when I begin to wonder why I’m even having this conversation with myself?

Suddenly, I hear a feminine voice from across my desk yelling at me, “Miss Diamond Tiara!”

I widen my eyes to snap out of my stupor and I witness the blue coat and darker blue wavy mane of my assistant, Shartrice, there on the other side of my desk, holding some papers in her glowing magick! “Shartrice! What a pleasant surprise!”

Her muzzle frowns, “Uh, are you okay Miss Diamond? I called your name three times, but you seemed to be in a daze?”

“I’m fine! Uh,” I widen my eyes, “what did you need?”


You know, she sure seemed like she was in a hurry to get out of here, when she left?

I suddenly recall my wager to her earlier…

I told her that since she aimed to reform me, and that since I wanted to be reformed anyway, we really had no argument…

I then I frown when I think about the cuddling…

I decide to forget it and avert my eyes down at the book that I’m reading… A romance novel I found in her personal library…

A straight romance novel, no less!

After all, that is what I, a perfectly straight pony would read! A completely straight and not gay novel, about two ponies being in love!


I suddenly thought about the pink mare, currently doing things in her office…

I smile when I think about how she probably forgot all about the snuggling incident and how those gay things will NEVER ever come up, ever again!

It’s so good to be straight!


I know it’s only 4 o’clock and I’m not supposed to be out of here for another hour and a half…

I also know that I want to get home, and so I made it a point to finish my work early today!

Boy, won’t Cozy be surprised to see me home, long before I said I’d be there!

Wait! Why am I thinking of her reaction to this? Why do I care so much? And why would I make her happy? Nothing about this makes sense!

I sigh out my nose before leaving my desk to trot around the right side towards my office door…

It’s almost time to see Cozy Glow…


I’ve been really stressed out and I’ll admit that I’m probably smoking a tad more than normal right now?

I should probably cut back tomorrow?

I was reading the beauty magazine, in the section on tips on how to pick up stallions, when suddenly, there’s a knock on my door!

I look up and say, “Uh, they served me dinner earlier! I don’t need anything, thanks!”

I hear a familiar female voice on the other side, “It’s me! Diamond Tiara! I’m home early!”

I widen my eyes and scrunch my mouth when I think about how I’m not ready for this! “Uh, great!”

“Can I come in?”

“I guess?”

The door opens and a pink earth mare with a white mane and tail, sporting blue highlights trots in and stares at me with her azure gaze, “How was your day, Cozy?”

I widen my eyes while still propped on my bed with my magazine, “Oh, it was great Diamond! Yeah, I hope you don’t mind, but I borrowed your beauty mag here and I was just reading it for uh,” my eyes dart to the magazine between my hind legs, “tips on uh, eyeliner, and mascara, and stuff!”

She frowns, “But you don’t wear makeup, Cozy?”

I gaze back to the other mare, “Well um, I could start, uh, I guess? That is, uh, if you really wanted me to?”

Her mouth normalizes, “Don’t be silly! You don’t need any of that stuff to look acceptable to me!” before it frowns…

I widen my eyes when I hear her words, look acceptable to me? “Uh, that’s fine! There’s also a section on sexy stallions!”

She smiles, “I like sexy stallions!”

I nod, “Me too! You wanna snuggle up and watch a movie, Diamond?” before frowning… Why am I like this?

She perks up and frowns, “C-can it wait until after I’ve eaten?”

“Oh, sure Diamond! Take your time!” Before it finally hits me what I just asked her… “I mean, golly! I’m certainly in no hurry for friendly cuddling!”

Snuggle up and watch a movie? I think to myself, as her eyes begin to widen and she frowns before saying, “Uh, I gotta go now!”

“Wait!” I shake my head, “Uh, would you like a hug? You know? Since you just got back from your stressful day at work or whatever?” I say, before wondering what I’m doing, for the umpteenth time…

She smiles, “I’d like that!”

I get off the bed and as I’m trotting towards her, I remind her, “Just as friends!”

She lovingly embraces me tightly and affectionately in her hooves while smiling and saying, “Of course! Just like we’re going to be snuggling tonight, just as friends!”

“Of course!” I say while savoring every bit of contact I can get from this other mare…


“Ugh!” I sighed while staring at that same reflection in the mirror of my desk…

Only it was different now… My usual curls were missing… I frowned when I wondered when and if I’d ever wear them again?

My eyes widen when I suddenly don’t think that’s the only thing that’s changed?

I shake my head and fix my face when I think that I gotta snap out of this! I collect some herb from my baggy and crush the nugs with my hoof, before taking a paper before me, sticky side up, and arranging the crushed weed into a neat little row…

I smile when I think about how soon, relaxation awaits!

I hold the paper in my forehooves and lick the top, before neatly rolling it up with my clefts, and then, stick it in my mouth, and grab my hoof lighter to ignite, and then I inhale the flame to the end so it ignites the devil weed there, as I inhale to bring the fresh cherry slightly closer to me…

I really need some joint tips! I think to myself while taking that first wonderful inhalation of smoke into my lungs!

Suddenly, there’s a knock on my door, followed by a voice I haven’t heard in a very long time! “Cozy Glow! Are you in there? This is Twilight Sparkle and we need to discuss the terms of your release!”

Oh, golly! I think to myself, with the burning weed roll in my mouth…

(To be continued…)

Chapter 4: Openers and Playing Kissy Face

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I opened my eyes quickly again!

I glance around and see I’m still in the same darkened room…

And that same pink hoof is over my body again, too…

… I guess I’m the little spoon, huh?

I sigh when I wonder how I’m going to get out of this?

I gently slip her hoof out from over me and smoothly slink out of the bed as my hooves all make a tiny clack on the floor…

I rise from my stance and turn my head right to see Diamond there, sleeping peacefully…

I smile when I think about what she means to me and how I love being near her…

GAY! My mind immediately thinks, and so I shake my head and turn my head the other direction to see the white wooden door to Diamond’s bedchambers…


I bring the freshly rolled joint to my lips and reach for the yellow hoof lighter on my desk, when suddenly, there’s a knock on my door! “Cozy Glow! Are you in there?” I hear a feminine voice say from the other side…

“Maybe?” I say matter-of-factly before igniting the lighter and bringing my joint to the flame with my head to inhale and bring the flame in…

“Cozy! Aren’t we gonna smoke together, like always?”

I give up and say, “Alright, sure thing, Diamond! Come on in!” before pursing my lips for draw number two… The cherry begins to glow as it moves closer to me…

Finally, the door opens and she trots in with a frown on her face, “Cozy, what’s wrong? Why aren’t we smoking together today, like usual?”

I exhale smoke and take the joint from my mouth, “Diamond, aren’t we getting kinda close?”

She gulps while trotting closer to me, “Well, kinda, yeah?”

I sigh and hold up the joint, “I just had two hits! It’s your turn!”

She carefully grabs the joint with her right hoof while staring at me with frown on her muzzle, “What’s wrong Cozy?” and brings it to her mouth for a drag…

I look up at her and say, “Diamond Tiara, I’m not a lesbian!”

She exhales smoke and stares at me carefully, “Are you sure about that, Cozy Glow?”

My eyes widen and muzzle glowers, “What would Silver Spoon think?”

She smiles while taking another drag and exhales to say to me, “I haven’t seen her in years! What do I care?” and extends her hoof to me…

I get the joint, “Oh, golly! No kidding?” and bring the joint to my lips…

She exhales smoke off to the side and stares at me with that same grin on her face, before nodding, “Yup! And my father is so busy with his Appaloosa projects these days, I’m practically alone out here in Ponyville!” and lowers her view, “It’s just me, and you… “

I exhale a cloud of smoke, before silently staring at her... “So, we’re free now?” and bring the joint to my snout for my other draw.

She nods again, “Yes, Cozy! And I’ve been thinking!”

I hold the joint up and exhale smoke, “Thinking?”

She collects the joint nub with her cleft and says, “I think… I think I’d be willing to uh… To be with you, um, you know, if you really wanted me to… Yes!” and brings it to her mouth for a hit…

I frown, “What are you trying to say, Diamond?”

She exhales smoke and stares at me, “I think what I’m trying to say is, I uh, I would get gay with you, uh, er, if you were into the idea?” before smiling nervously and bringing her quivering hoof to her mouth for a second hit…

I stared at this pink mare smoking a joint with wide eyes and at that moment, I finally asked myself, how do I truly feel about this pony? Could I be gay? I mean, is that even possible? You know, I’ll never really know unless I try it out, right? Oh, golly! Why is life so confusing? I stare at her and say, “I think… I think I would, um… Be uh, w-willing… I think I’d be willing to uh, you know… Give it a shot? Maybe?”

She puts her hoof in the air, “Right! So after we smoke, we make out and play kissy face!”

My eyes widen, “WHAT?”


I’ll admit that the kissy face thing was just a clever way to screw with her… But her reaction will tell me more about her feelings…

She stutters, “U-um, a-are you sure we’re ready for that? I mean, YEAH SURE, I like you, or whatever! Um… “as she frowns at me…

I exhale my drag and the warmth soon vanishes from my lungs as I hold the half-joint in the air, “I was joking, Cozy Glow! We’re NOT up to THAT level just yet!”

She smiles as she happily grabs the joint with her hoof, “Oh, golly! Uh, um, okay Diamond… I do love you though!”

I smile at the pink mare, currently taking a drag off the roach, and note the smile on her muzzle as she inhales…

I watch her exhale smoke…

“I love you too, Cozy Glow!” She says as her eyes narrow, “I only did this a few times in the past, but since you’re here, now… “She says before bringing the joint to her muzzle for another inhale.

I watch her take a drag and she holds up the roach for me to collect…

I grab this roach, and take one, mighty, final drag from it, before it burns out at the tip…

You know, the fire being so close to my hoof feels pretty warm, but I’m not terribly concerned with that right now…

I exhale smoke and flick the cardboard tip into the awaiting ashtray on my desk as my right forehoof reaches around my body, and I soon hear the clack of my hooves meeting the floor again as I stare forward at his pink mare…

Her sparkling blue eyes widen, “Cozy! W-what are you doing?”

“How long is this going to continue?”

She frowns, “Cozy, what are you talking about?”

I gulp and make a quick decision before stepping forward to do the unthinkable… I kiss her on the lips!

Her eyes widen, and I notice her shoulders begin to relax as she embraces being loved…

I finally withdraw my face from hers to gaze at her confused face from 10 inches away and ask her, “Well?”

Her pretty eyes open wide, “W-what just happened?”

“I uh… I think I might need a redo?” I say, before bringing my face to hers for another kiss…

She’s more prepared this time and her body doesn’t tense, as our lip lock and I notice her eyes beginning to slowly close, as she feels my passion, full force by this point…

I take my face from hers and stare into her eyes again, while she whispers, “I love you… “

I finally crack a smile as happiness begins to surge from somewhere deep within me… “I love you too, Diamond… “

“I’m calling in sick today, aren’t I?”

I frown, “What?”

She nods, “Yup! I’m calling in sick, we’re ordering pizza, and we’re watching girly movies together while snuggling!”

“What?” I repeat myself.

Her eyes widen, “Because we’re gay!”

I frown at her…

She frowns too, “What? Isn’t that what lesbians do? They eat pizza and watch girly movies?”

I suddenly begin smiling again, “Oh, golly! You know what? Lets do it! You call in sick, and I’ll roll us another joint!”

(To be continued…)

Chapter 5: Lovers

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Diamond coughs at the black smartphone in her right hoof, while keeping it perched on her neck, “Well, you know me! I won’t miss a day unless I ABSOLUTELY have to!”

I hear a voice on the other end say, “Well, that’s fine Miss Diamond Tiara! Get well soon!”

“I’ll be in as soon as I can!” Diamond says before using her tongue to press the end button on her screen and lowering the phone to stare at me, smiling at her with a freshly rolled joint in my mouth… “So we’re doing this?”

“You could’ve said no, you know? I never forced you to do anything!”

Her azure eyes widen, “But you!”

“But nothing, Diamond Tiara! You had a choice! You chose irresponsibility! Time to get stoned and eat pizza with me!” I point my left hoof at her.

She frowns, “But I haven’t ordered yet?”

I widen my eyes, “Better get on it, huh?”

She finally smiles, “Alright babe, you want your usual?”

My turn to frown! “Usual?”

She giggles, “Oh, yeah! You don’t have one? What’ll it be?”

“Baked potato pizza with extra chives!” I don’t know where that came from?

She leans forward slightly, “Uh, is that what you usually get?”

I’m taken aback for a moment before I realize that she’s actually not wrong! “Well um, yes!” I think so, actually? Never really thought about it...

She nods, “Baked potato pizza! Got it!”

I hear the voice on the other end of the phone say, “Uh, what?”

Diamond sighs, “Yes please! I’ll take a large baked potato pizza and an order of cheesy bread sticks!”

“Extra chives!” I bark at the pink mare!

Diamond’s eyes widen, “With extra chives! On the pizza, I mean!”

“Got it! Will there be anything else Miss Diamond Tiara?”

I smile when I think about what this mare is doing for me…

She nods and says, “No, thank you! That will be fine!” before staring at me, “Can I fire it up, this time, please?” and bats those pretty eyelashes of hers at me…

Okay, I know tradition dictates that the pony who rolled or packed, gets the first few drags… I know this… I also know that Diamond doesn’t know how to roll, and she probably just wants it this time?

… Maybe I should teach her how to roll today?


AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! I’m bucking off for Cozy Glow! I’m screwing my CEO responsibilities for her!

She doesn’t even need me to! I’m doing this just so I can be with her!

What the hay is wrong with me?

I bring the hoof lighter to my snout, thinking I’ll be able to think better if I get a little high!

Wait a minute? I use my right hoof and ignite the blue plastic lighter held in the cleft for force a flame to go up and I move my snout towards it, so the end of the joint is in there…

I inhale and soon feel warm smoke going down my throat… Just hang on, here!

“Golly gee, are you alright, Diamond?”

“I’m fine!” I quickly bark out while holding the smoke in my lungs… This is crazy! I am insane now! I’m going to ruin my life, just to get high with my marefriend!

Oh, sweet Celestia! I’m gay now! I have a marefriend

“Um, okay, if you’re sure!”

“Extra sure!” I say as I purse my lips for another pull… Should I talk to her about this? Naw! I’m the one in control! You’re Diamond hard and have Rich blood in you! Never forget that!

I then grab the joint with my left cleft and raise my hoof for her…

I soon feel the joint taken from me as I exhale and watch the cloud of smoke exit from my mouth… I should learn how to roll a joint today…

I soon raise my view to stare at her...

I see the smiling pink mare as she brings the hoof lighter to her face with her right hoof and clicks it to make it spark and create a flame, so she props the joint up in her muzzle so that it’s forward, and she moves her head to the flame and inhales to bring the fire to the end and ignite the weed inside…

I frown, “Guess it went out?”

She smiles while inhaling from the cigarette, “It happens!”

I’m so unsure of myself! Confidence Diamond! Confidence!

Wait! I’m actually doing this now?

I witness this beautiful pony taking a hit from the joint as her brown eyes narrow in blissful satisfaction…

Wait! When did she become beautiful?

Why am I doing this again? Oh, yeah! I’m insane now! How could I forget?

I see her relax her shoulders as her lips purse the rolled paper in her snout and her abdomen soon expands to fill with smoke…

She looked so cute there, taking a draw from the stoge…

Wait, what? I decide to test the waters, “We’re going to make out after we’re done smoking, aren’t we?”

I need to know what’s on her mind…

Her eyes widen like she’s taken by surprise before she frowns, and the joint falls sideways for a moment as she says, “Uh, probably?”

I giggle because I know I got her now! “I love you so much Cozy Glow!” Wait, what? Got her?What is happening to me?

She lowers her muzzle towards the floor with the joint still in it, so the smoke begins to rise towards her eyes and I note a single tear coming from the right side of her face when she removes the burning cigarette from her mouth with her right hoof and says, “Totally!”


WHY DID I DO THAT? I think to myself while blinking and feeling another tear going down the right side of my muzzle…

“Are you okay?” Diamond asks me from a few feet away.

I decide to act tough! “I’m fine Diamond!” And then I bring the joint to my lips again to purse them and take a powerful draw… I feel another tear welling…

“Well, as long as you’re sure!”

I’m an idiot! I think to myself while drawing on the joint again and feeling warm smoke go down my throat… Another tear soon goes down the right side of my face…

I finally hold my hoof up with the joint while practically crying…

I can hear her snickering as she takes the joint from my hoof and I still have my muzzle pointed at the ground… “You’re a goofball!” before silence again…

I raise my gaze to see this startlingly beautiful pink mare with her lovely white and baby blue mane taking a drag from the joint… I can also feel tears streaming out of my eyes by this point…

Her eyes widen, and she frowns, “Oh, gosh! Cozy Glow! Are you okay?” she says as smoke pours from her mouth and soon, she exhales the rest of the smoke from her lungs.

“I’m fine!” I say while wiping my face with my hoof…

“I really should get you something to drink! It’s morning! You’re having iced coffee!”

I close my eyes and lean my muzzle down to breathe now… I can’t really argue with her! “With cream, please!”

I hear her take a final drag and then, I’m pretty sure she put out the half-joint in the ashtray, and I soon feel her hooves enveloping my body…

“It’s okay, Cozy Glow! You don’t have to be tough!”

What? “Uh, okay!”

She giggles, “You got smoke in your eyes, didn’t you?”

“Maybe?” I say back…

She giggles some more and holds me, “I don’t know what it was like with Tirek and Chrysalis, but you don’t have to be strong around me, okay? Now, I’ll be right back, okay Cozy Glow?”

I’m silent for a moment… “Are we lovers?”

She’s silent too… “I think so, maybe?”

I blink… “I kissed you earlier, didn’t I?”

She’s quiet again… “Yes! Yes you did!”

I think again… “And you seemed to enjoy that, huh?”

She’s quiet… “Yes… Yes I did… “

I open my eyes and think to myself… Okay, we’re apparently lovers now, and we’ve been kissing… I say flatly, “I love you, Diamond Tiara!”

“I love you too, Cozy Glow!”

“Weren’t you gonna get coffee!”

I feel her body jerk as she suddenly starts, “Oh uh, right! Iced coffee!”

“With cream!”

“With cream! Yes! Of course!”

She keeps silently holding me… I say to her, “When were you gonna do that, anyway?”

“Eventually!” She says while continuing to hold me…

I finally just move my hooves to return the hug and say… “I love you, you stupid idiot!”

“I love you too, moron!”

We’re quiet again… “The morning won’t last forever, you know?”

“Shut up, Cozy… “


So I stared at the light pink mare as she showed me with her hooves and said, “Okay, so it’s important to roll the joint up from the bottom and to keep it tight with your hooves!”

I frown, “Too bad we don’t have flexible hooves! Like, little appendages on them might prove useful?”

She giggles, “Yeah well, you roll enough joints, you get used to it, Diamond! Um, I was just wondering though!” she says before showing me how to roll up freshly ground weed with her hooves and then, she licks the sticky part of the paper, before sealing it all together… She puts it on the table, stares at me with those sparkly brown eyes, and asks, “Where’s your butler, anyway? I mean, shouldn’t he be rolling joints for us!”

I sigh and then stare at her, “I got tired of it!”

She frowns, “What?”

I smile, “Yeah, with Jeeves around, I didn’t have to do anything! I mean, it was nice for a few years, but later in my teens, it started to get really old! I got bored!”

Her eyes widen, “So you fired him?”

I sigh, “Well, I did give him a good severance package!”

She’s silent… “So I guess the new Diamond Tiara does things for herself then, huh?”

I grin wider, “Would you want me any other way?”

She smiles and giggles, “Nope!”

Suddenly, the doorbell sings! DING DONG!

I say, “The pizza is here! Stay put! Uh, we were gonna watch Sleepless in Ponyville, right?”

She smiles, “Sure thing, honey!”

I blink. Honey? She called me honey? Oh, right! I’m insane and we’re lovers, now!

(To be continued… )

Chapter 6: Closing the Deal

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We watched girly movies and cuddled! I’m a lesbian, therefore, I watch girly movies and cuddle other mares!

Or uh, at least I liked to snuggle this one…

We both watched the blue stallion on the screen explaining that he’ll be back in Ponyville soon…

Cozy turns her head left towards me and asks, “You like the show, Diamond?”

Now, I’ll admit that I haven’t really been paying attention to the movie, nor am I really sure why Henry Trottings has to leave Ponyville… I also know that I don’t want her to know that! I smile, “It’s wonderful Cozy, but the best part of this whole thing is still you!” and I’m also not sure why I said that?

She smiles back and nuzzles me, “You know, at first I wasn’t so sure about any of this gay stuff, but once I get past the fact that you’re a mare, it’s actually pretty freeing!” and beams brightly at me… “You sure are swell, Diamond! I love you!”

I stare at the other mare intently, before asking her, “Cozy Glow, did you ever date any stallions?”

Her eyes widen, “What? Stallions? Oh, uh, yeah! You know? A couple here! Once there! I mean, there’s been a few stallions, yes… Down the line… “ and nods…

I narrow my eyes, “How many, Cozy Glow?”

Her eyes peel to me, “What?”

“How many stallions have you dated?”

She frowns, “Oh, um, about four, I wanna say?


She raises her voice, although still whispering, “I’ve dated four stallions in the past!”

I stare at her intently, “Did any of those dates lead to relationships?”


You know, it’s so strange! Even though my instincts were telling me to lie to Diamond Tiara, like I always do, I actually told her the truth! “Um, no! Not really!” … What’s even stranger is, I’ve never once lied to her…

She stares at me carefully with those pretty blue eyes of hers… The ponies on screen are saying stuff too, but I don’t care about that right now… “And yet, one date with a mare, and you’re automatically in a relationship!”

My eyes widen, “No, I’m not!”

Diamond smiles and nuzzles me… Before softly kissing my lips with hers… I can do nothing but surrender as I half-close my eyes and feel her love… There’s something intoxicating about it… She finally releases to smile back at me from a few inches away, “You sure about that honey!”

Oh, golly! I stare back at her and smile coyly, “Not exactly, no?” before leaning towards her for another soft tender kiss…

I soon feel her tongue entering my mouth and dancing with mine…

I finally break off and open my eyes to see her smiling face dimly lit by the light from the screen before us…

I have no idea what’s going on in the movie? She jumps on top of me then, and kisses me while pinning me down!


I stare up at the ceiling fan… WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP go the blades and I think about what we just did…

I hear her igniting a roach held on the end of a writing pen, that she brings to her snout with her forehoof to take a drag… She coughs, and sputters smoke out in front of her before rolling her body to the right to put the pen in the ashtray…

I finally blurt out the obvious, “We had sex!”

She turns her body towards me and widens her sparkly brown eyes with her mouth in an O shape as she says, “Yes, we certainly did! Gay sex!”

I turn to look at her, “Have you ever had sex with a stallion before?”

She widens her eyes, “Well uh, that is to say… “

“So, you haven’t banged any stallions before, but you did in fact, have gay sex with me… Is this correct?“ I say to her with my eyes pinned her direction…

She frowns as if a thunderbolt just hit her… “Oh, golly!”

I stare at her intently… “Cozy… I think you’re gay?”

She glowers at the wall with enormous brown eyes…

“It’s okay to be gay, Cozy… “

“Uh, I want another joint! You wanna smoke with me Diamond?” She asks blankly, while continuing to stare…

I blink… “Uh, sure Cozy! Lets smoke a joint together!”

“Yes!” Cozy nods mechanically, “I will roll us a joint and we will smoke it together!” before blankly staring at the wall again…

… I stare at her to see that she hasn’t really moved… I decide to give her as much time as she needs…


I put the paper on the table, face-up, with the sticky side on top, same as I’ve done a thousand times before…

But this was different… This was after I just had gay sex…

I hoof crush a few nugs before carefully putting them on the paper on a neat little row…

I had sex with Diamond Tiara…

I then used my hooves to lift up the assembly, and roll up the joint almost all the way, before licking the top with my tongue so that it seals properly, and then I finish making my joint…

I wonder if we’ll do butt stuff later?

I cringe and squint my eyes with that thought as I place the joint inside my snout and reach for the hoof lighter…

Diamond notices this, “Uh, are you okay Cozy?”

My eyes widen and I say out the side of my mouth, “What? Me? Oh, I’m fine Diamond! Never better!” before smiling as I take the yellow plastic hoof lighter from the table and ignite the flame… I soon bring my snout closer to it, so inhaling will lick the end of the joint and cause it to ignite…

Diamond frowns, “Well, do you wanna talk about it?”

What? I just said I was fine! Why would she think anything is wrong? Wait! What were we talking about again? “Uh, talk about what?” I say before finally pursing my lips to take that first wonderful drag off the joint…

“Well, I mean, you were a virgin, and then you had gay sex!”

I stare blankly at the wall with the burning joint in my mouth…


“That doesn’t mean I’m gay!” I say out the corner of my mouth, before closing my lips to take another drag…

“Sounds pretty gay to me?” Diamond says before getting off her chair…

I widen my eyes to her as she calmly paces around the left side of the table, “What are you doing, Diamond?”

She stops at the side of my chair and I gaze at her out the left side of my eye while staring forward and pursing my lips for another draw… “Cozy, I think you need to come to terms with this?”

I feel the smoke go down my throat before courteously holding the joint up with my left hoof… I decide to hold the smoke in my lungs this time…

The joint Diamond brushes aside, away from me, as she gets closer to me to kiss me on the lips!

I widen my eyes as my head is forced left by her lips and she soon withdraws her snout and breaths smoke out her nostrils while smiling at me… “Cozy Glow, you’re gay and you’re not alone… “ She then grabs the joint with her right hoof and brings it to her snout for her first drag…

… I just shotgunned Diamond Tiara, didn’t I? “I’m not?”

She takes the joint out of her mouth and breaths smoke out, “No, Cozy! We’re both gay and in love!”

I stare at her carefully… “I guess we are, huh?”

She smiles and brings the joint to her lips, “Took you long enough! You know, you are really stubborn, Cozy Glow!” and purses them on the tip for another drag…

I decide to ignore the comment. “Yeah uh, you go ahead and take four hits, baby! I took a little bit extra last time… “ Wait! When did she become baby?

She keeps smiling and takes the joint out to release smoke from her snout, and then turns to me, “Well, okay sweetie!” and brings the joint to her lips once more…

Sweetie? Okay, we’re apparently using pet names now! Oh, golly!I smile at her, “I love you, Diamond Tiara!”

“I love you too, Cozy Glow!” She says before exhaling smoke…


I didn’t expect her to call me baby, but I’ll admit that it’s kind of cute! I brought the half-joint to my lips for my last drag, inhaled it in, and raised my hoof for Cozy…

She grabs the roach, “You know, I used to smoke alone, but doing this with you over the past few days has been really nice!” before bringing it to her snout…

Suddenly, I see a tall purple alicorn beginning to form behind Cozy as her clear body slowly becomes more opaque!

I look up, exhale smoke, and say, “Twilight Sparkle! What a pleasant surprise! Weed is legal in Ponyville!”

Cozy stares at me with enormous brown eyes, with the joint still in her lips, as the alicorn says, “That’s not why I’m here, Diamond Tiara! You’re harboring one of the worst fugitives Equestria has ever seen!”

Cozy seems locked in place? I decide to take this into my own hooves, because it’s clear I need to deal with this! “Correction: former criminal! Cozy Glow has done no wrong in recent history!”

“That doesn’t change the fact that she’s supposed to be in stone!”

Cozy finally removes the joint and holds it in front of her, so I take the nub from her, and place it in the ashtray on the table, by Cozy’s side, and stare at the alicorn, “I will take full responsibility for her!”

Cozy stares at me with her eyes larger than ever as Twilight Sparkle says, “Are you sure, Diamond Tiara?”

Without missing a beat, I nod and say, “Yes, Twilight! I will tend to Cozy’s reformation personally!”

Twilight sighs, “Very well then! I’m placing a spell on Cozy Glow! She is unable to leave this house for right now, and if she does, I’ll be notified and will teleport here immediately! This includes time if I’m asleep, or if I’m outside of the country! If I’m still alive and on Equus, I will teleport to Cozy, the moment she tries to escape! Is that clear?”

I smile, thinking this is probably the best deal I can get for now? “Crystal, Twilight! Cozy Glow will become reformed and I won’t let you down!”

Twilight frowns at me in silence… “So, you’re both gay now?”

My eyes widen at this! “Yup! We’re both practicing homosexuals!”

I can’t help but notice an enormous frown on Cozy’s muzzle as her large brown eyes continue to stare at me in shock…


Golly dammit! I’m stoned! I don’t need this right now!

I stare at the wonderful pink mare smiling at the alicorn behind me, as Twilight says, “Very well! I will allow this relationship if, and only if you’re happy with it?”

Diamond nods, “Oh, yes Twilight! I feel like I never knew love before Cozy started holding me in her hooves!”

I hear Twilight, “Very well then! I’m glad that Cozy was able to find happiness and a relationship after her escape and I truly hope you bring light into her life Diamond!”

I stare at the pink mare who then furrows her brow and says, “Oh, yes! I love Cozy Glow with all my heart!”

Twilight nods, “I see! I’ll be back periodically to check on your progress!” before a blue flash and the tall pony disappears from view!

Do I believe her? Well, she’d have no reason to lie, uh, r-right? … Oh, golly! We need to buy more weed soon! I look a her, and finally say, “Twilight Sparkle was just behind me, huh?”

She looks down at me nods, and says “Yes dear, but you needn’t worry about that! I’ll take care of Twilight!”

“And you’re officially reforming now, right?”

She smiles at me, “Of course!”

I stare at her for another moment… I finally ask the question that’s been on my mind for the past 15 minutes… “How many stallions have you slept with?”

Her blue eyes suddenly enlarge as a confused frown forms on her muzzle! “Well uh, that is to say… “

(To be continued… )