Primus Victorum

by Shadowflameking

First published

The Storm king wanted to take Equestria? He made a mistake using that staff of his

The Storm king wanted to take Equestria? He made a mistake using that staff of his.
Its power awoke something that had defended the land of freedom, the mighty liberty prime.

Primus Victorum!

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The Storm King had used The Staff Of Sacanas to wield the power of all four alicorn rulers, but in doing so he had awoken something powerful. It was Liberty Prime, long since shut down. He had been reactivated due to the spike in energy.

In a vault just under the castle, a long since dead machine activated, started up his systems, and began running diagnostics to see if any damage was done to him since he has last been activated.

Princess Celestia had found this strange machine while digging out the top of the mountain for the city and the castle. Not knowing what it was or how to activate it, she had sealed it away thinking it was just some old golem.

When the Storm King had stabbed the staff into the ground and drained the four alicorns of there magic, spikes of energy ran through the ground and sparked into liberty prime’s nuclear core case, jumpstarting his nuclear core as his eye light up since his systems once again had power flowing through out them.

“LIBERTY PRIME IS ONLINE. ALL SYSTEMS NOMINAL. WEAPONS HOT.” The machine boomed in a large voice as it started to walk to the vault door. Assuming it was just a vault tec door, it blew it off with a powerful laser blast from his eye.

“MISSION: THE DESTRUCTION OF ANY AND ALL CHINESE COMMUNISTS.” He boomed as he started to walk out of the castle, stomping some of Storm King's storm guards into paste, assuming they were communists.

The storm guards fled while others tried to attack Liberty Prime, doing jack shit for damage since they were using iron spears against steel. As they were crushed to paste, Liberty Prime broke through another wall to the outside. Ponies gasped at the sight of this behemoth of a golem.

“RED CHINESE THREATS DETECTED.” He boomed as he started shooting his laser at the airships in the sky, turning most of them to burning ashes and others into piles of charred wood and metal. Some of them crashed to the ground, crushing and killing more of the Storm Kings soldiers.

All of this was heard from the castle as the Storm King walked to the balcony to see what was interrupting his moment of glory. He saw Liberty Prime killing off his soldiers like flies shouting. “EMBRACE DEMOCRACY OR YOU WILL BE ERADICATED.” He boomed, throwing a mk-2 nuke like a football at an incoming air ship, blowing it to pieces.

The Storm Kings face twisted into a snarl as he aimed his staff at the machine and fired a powerful beam of magic at Liberty Prime.

But much to his surprise, Liberty Prime’s head turned and fired his laser, meeting the beam of magic head on. To his horror, the laser beam was over powering his staffs magic beam. He ducked for cover as the laser overpowered his magic and shot the wall behind him into rubble, almost hitting Twilight as she yelped at the sudden explosion of rock and marble.

The Storm King growled and stood up. “You dare fight against me!? I will turn you to molten slag you stupid golem! You will bow before my might!” He shouted at Liberty Prime.

Liberty Prime shouted back at him, unintimidated, him not having been programed to. “DEMOCRACY IS NON NEGOTIABLE.” He said, throwing a nuke at the Storm King.

The Storm King rolled out of the way, just avoiding the blast, but even from 20 feet away he could feel the heat singing his fur as he threw a obsidian orb as Liberty Prime.

The orb hit and started encasing Liberty Prime’s legs in obsidian. Thinking he had won and defeated the machine, he started laughing as Twilight stood next to him, staring at the machine as it’s legs strained and sparked. It managed to lift a leg up and stomped down into the ground, shaking the very ground itself as the obsidian shattered on both of his legs.

“INITIATING DIRECTIVE #7395: DESTROY ALL COMMUNISTS!” He yelled out to the Storm King and the surrounding soldiers. much to the shock and horror of the Storm King, and joy to Twilight.

“HOW!? YOU SHOULD BE STONE!” The Storm King shouted in shock and disbelief.

“IT'S BETTER DEAD THAN RED.” Liberty Prime said in his large booming voice as he shot another laser as the Storm King, whose tail was vaporized this time as he howled in agony.


Twilight had been thinking to herself, what was this thing? It looked like an advanced golem but made of metal and not stone and magic runes like all other golems, and one thing she was sure of was that this thing was a weapon, and weaponized golems had been thought of before but had proved unreliable because of the magic needed to run them and the ruins would get damaged and ruin the golem making it unable to function. She ignored these for now and simply thought to herself that this thing was saving Equestria, and it was not afraid to use violence.

The Storm King growled at Liberty Prime. “YOU SHALL BOW BEFORE THE STORM KING!” He said, shooting lightning from his staff at Liberty Prime.

As the lightning hit Liberty Prime, his systems power level rose up as electricity crackled off of his body. He looked Storm King in the eyes, having to look down at him.

“I AM LIBERTY PRIME, AND I BOW TO NO ONE. DEMOCRACY IS FREEDOM, COMMUNISM IS DEATH.” He said, shooting a laser at a few storm guards attacking his legs or climbing up him to try and attack his head, but Prime just swatted some of them off and stomped on them, he even threw one like a baseball, smashing him into another airship’s balloon, taking it down.

He looked down at the Storm King as he lay there and looked up. “What...are you?” He asked in a dumbfounded voice. All his planning and hard work had been undone by a machine.

“I AM LIBERTY PRIME, PROTECTOR OF DEMOCRACY AND FREEDOM OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.” He said, shooting the Storm King into ashes with his laser as the staff was thrown back into Twilight’s hooves from the sudden energy blast. And as the Storm King died, the magic obsidian holding the princesses crumbled away as they fell to the floor unconscious. Twilight watched as the Storm King's troops fled while Liberty Prime slaughtered them all and started walking away.

Before he could get to far, she called out. “WAIT!” She flew up to him. She gave him a look of gratitude and asked him. “Is there anything I can do to repay you for saving Equestria?” She asked in a kind yet somewhat scared tone, having seen what this thing can do.

“THERE IS NO NEED TO THANK ME, I SHALL PROTECT THE FREEDOM OF EVERY LIVING BEING ON EARTH AND PRESERVE DEMOCRACY AGAINST ANY AND ALL CHINESE COMMUNISTS.” He boomed and started walking away into the distance, soon disappearing beyond the horizon as Twilight landed next to the princesses, thinking of how much work it was going to be to fix everything.