• Published 11th Apr 2013
  • 1,299 Views, 42 Comments

Ragged Wings Detective Agency - Flutterguy89

What are you going to do when the Fillydelphia PD can't make any progress on your case? Put in a call to Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, private investigators, of course! Look 'em up, they're in the book.

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Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Rainbow beat her wings furiously, shuffling off the bonds of gravity, and leaving the ground and all its crowds behind. She exploded up into the sky, her climb taking her higher and higher, away from her cares, her troubles, and her worries. Through flight she could leave behind trivial things like rent, and work, and bills. The greens, browns and grays of the Equestrian surface below faded to nothingness below her. She burst through a layer of clouds, sending balls of cloud fluff scattering in every direction, and soon the clouds too began to fade away. Only the cyan blue of the sky lay before her. It was a vast field of emptiness that held no concerns, no worries, no anything.

She was so high up now, higher than any pony had every flown. She could even see the border between Luna’s Night and Celestia’s day. She was the best flier in Equestria. She was the first to bear witness to this awe inspiring sight . She was where nopony could ever bother her, annoy her, weigh her down, or hold her back. She was… alone. But for some reason the word tasted bitter in her mouth. This had been her heart’s desire hadn't it, to feel free and unfettered?

All she really felt was the cold chill of the mesosphere.

Suddenly, her wings locked up at her sides and she began to plummet. Her decent was so rapid that consciousness itself began to desert her. Her vision narrowed slowly as she crashed into the cloud layer she had so casually punched through during her ascent. As the earth hurtled ever closer, the pin prick that had become her field of sight winked out, and she was left in blackness.

She found herself unexpectedly surrounded by softness. A voice hummed to her. It was soft and soothing, motherly even, but she couldn't place it. The tune itself was a lullaby, her favorite from foal-hood. ‘…Hush now… Quiet now…’ She felt compelled to join in but her voice had betrayed her, and with every desperate attempt all she could manage was a wheeze.

A tender hoof gently stroked her mane. She tried desperately to look for the mysterious owner of the hoof, but her eyes wouldn't open. She tried to reach out to make contact with the unknown pony’s hoof, but her limbs felt both weak and heavy. She struggled in vain to do something, anything! She summoned all her strength preparing for one last desperate measure.


Fluttershy was in the middle of preparing breakfast when she heard an almighty crash come from the bedroom. Clapping a hoof to her mouth in concern she crossed the office to their makeshift bedroom and quickly as her hooves could carry her. Upon opening the door she found Rainbow sprawled on the floor, blankets draped halfway over her body.

“Dashie, are you okay?” She asked tentatively, crouching down to fallen mare’s level.

Dash grumbled and quickly attempted to right herself. However she managed only to tangle her legs in the blankets, causing her to trip once more and bump her muzzle on the cold hardwood of the floor.

Fluttershy moved to help Rainbow out of the blankets, but the cyan mare shrugged off her helping hoof and with minor difficulty extricated herself from the blankets. She cast the coverings a dark glare and a roughly tossed them back onto the cot.

“A- are you okay?” Fluttershy ventured timidly.

“Bad dream…” Rainbow growled back at her companion. Fluttershy flinched at her partner’s tone, instinctively taking a step back. Rainbow sighed, venting some of her pent up frustration in a cleansing exhale, before turning back to Fluttershy and offering a weak grin. “Sorry Flutters. Just a dream right? No need to get all upset.”

Fluttershy nodded, not unused to the cold touch of nightmares. “Well, I was working on breakfast. Daisy omelet okay?”

Rainbow and Fluttershy ambled into the office. Fluttershy found her way back to a skillet that rested on their hot plate, while Rainbow retrieved a mug from a cabinet and poured herself some coffee.

“You know ‘Shy, you gotta be some sorta angel.” She mumbled over the black liquid. “I mean coffee ready for me every morning; sure you aren’t Celestia in disguise?”

Fluttershy gave her partner a warm smile. “No horn, at least not since last checked.”

Dash chuckled and made her way to the desk/table. She flopped down in one of the chairs and kicked up her hind legs to rest on the surface. She stretched out her wings with an audible groan, working the feathery appendages around in their joints. Soon her attention returned to the dark ambrosia that sat before her and delicately brought it to her lips, blowing across the steaming surface. She relished the first sip of her coffee each morning. It was a simple ritual to ground her before the day went one of two ways: mind-numbing boredom as the pair of detectives sat around playing board games and waiting for a case, or while working a case, despite whatever meticulous plan they laid, everything would go sideways while they tracked down whatever leads they could find. If today was going to shape up to be the latter of the two, all the more reason to drink up while she could.

A daisy omelet materialized beneath Dash’s nose. She gave a smile of thanks to Fluttershy who positioned herself at the chair next to hers.

“So… what do you think we should do Dashie? I mean we could stop by the warehouse, but I don’t think they will want any, um, visitors.” Fluttershy queried after a few bites of her breakfast.

Dash looked up from her own omelet, which had vanished with the exception of a few pieces of egg which had fastened themselves to her cyan muzzle. “Well, I was thinking we could just stroll around the building all casual-like, maybe you could enlist a few pigeons or gulls or something to scope out the interior, if we find her we can figure out where to go from there.”

Fluttershy nodded, this wasn’t the first time her abilities with animals had come in useful. “You think we should head over soon? I mean, if we are sneaking around at night they might… um… want to hurt us…” The last few words escaped her mouth as a squeak.

Dash mulled it over. Normally they tended to do their investigating at night, mostly because it always felt more exciting that way to Dash. That’s how it always went down in the stories, right? On the other hoof, if they wanted to look all casual and such, a stroll by the sea in the morning seemed easier to play off as innocent to any guard ponies they encountered.

“Ya know, I think the whole night time sneaking could be dangerous, I mean these are fillynappers after all.” Dash said nodding sagely, as if the idea might have been hers all along. “Okay I’ll start packing the bags soon as I’m done with my coffee, and we’ll hit the road.”

“Oh and… um… Dashie, you got a little something…” Fluttershy indicated her muzzle with a hoof, suppressing a giggle as she did.

Dash flushed and reached for a napkin, “uh…thanks Flutters.”


The pair left the office and trotted put into the warm early autumn sunshine. Their office wasn’t in the nicest of buildings but it wasn't in the roughest part of town either. Suffice to say if you didn’t look for trouble in their neighborhood, you wouldn't find it. The two had decided to walk towards the wharf rather than flying, as much as Dash loved to take wing it was a bit conspicuous for what they had planned.

“Okay so let me get this straight, we’re marefriends?” Dash said arching a skeptical brow.

Fluttershy blushed fiercely but the plan wasn’t that hard to believe, was it? “Well… you know… if any guard ponies want to know what we’re doing, we can just say-”

“Oh I get it! Couple of hot-to-trot mares having a little midmorning rendezvous by the sea side, perhaps looking for a little privacy, hence warehouse district. Not bad Flutters, not bad at all!” Dash’s face brightened, this could work. Maybe for once the plan would work…

The buzz of morning foot traffic surrounded the pair as they closed in on the seaside warehouse district. Fillydelphia happened to have one of the busiest ports this side of Equestria, second only to perhaps Manehatten. However, where Manehatten imported cultural luxuries, Fillydelphia was a city that imported the everyday materials that the entirety of Equestria couldn’t do without. Stone, grain, lumber, and iron; Fillydelphia was a city that was built on the backs of its labor force, be they earth pony, pegasus, or even on occasion unicorn.

Finally after ducking away from the more busy main street, the two found themselves ambling towards their target. It was big, like most of the warehouses crowded around the waterside, but unlike the others their appeared to be a bit of activity surrounding the building, without even so much as a crate, piece of machinery, or shipping container in sight. Upon closer inspection the pair made out several groups of earth ponies clad in identical sweatshirts and wool caps.

Dash sniggered, “You think they get a discount at bad-guys ‘r us?”

Fluttershy smiled but held a hoof to her lips signaling her companion for silence. Fluttershy then closed her eyes and emitted a soft coo. As if they had been merely waiting the signal, a pair of pigeons fluttered down to rest in front of the pair of private eyes.

“Hello little friends,” Fluttershy spoke in her soft warm voice, “If it’s not too much trouble my friend and I have a favor we’d like to ask.”

The pair of pigeons nodded in assent.

“Oh thank you little friends. Please if you could look around inside that warehouse there, we are looking for a lost young mare, oh one second…” She rummaged around in her saddlebags and pulled out the photo of the pink earth pony mare, with her two-tone white and lilac mane. “This is what she looks like… and please be careful, little friends… these ponies all look so mean…”

Rainbow watched in awe as the pair of pigeons soared away towards the warehouse. She let out a low whistle and shot her companion a smile. “No matter how many times I see you do it’s still pretty amazing.”
“It’s nothing…” Fluttershy looked away bashfully, a smile gracing her lips. “So…I guess we wait now?”

Dash nodded. No sense in charging in until their feathered informants returned.


Fluttershy and rainbow Dash were sitting around the corner of the warehouse adjacent to the one they were staking out. The two sat against the cool brick of the wall. The pair of gum-hooves took turns passing a piece of paper, a quill in each of their teeth.

Dash marked an ‘X’ on the paper and then spat out her quill in celebration. “Hah! I win again! That’s twenty three to zip!”
Fluttershy set down her quill and smiled, ever gracious in defeat. After all what was the fun in winning if it meant Dash would lose. It’s not like she minded losing a few games of tic-tac-toe if the net result was a happy Rainbow Dash.

“Jeez Fluttershy, it’s like you don’t even want to win.” Dash said playfully nudging her companion. Fluttershy squeaked and quickly looked away, worried she’d been found out.

Then quite suddenly the pair heard hoof steps meandering towards them.

“Quick, uh, act casual,” Rainbow hissed.

A pair of stallion guard ponies happened upon the two mares, one was slate grey, the other a rust colored red.

“And what, pray tell, do we have here?” The grey pony spoke first with a slight twang to his voice.

“Uh… hi…we’re just-” Rainbow began, inwardly cursing her lack of in-the-moment grace. But she was saved by a buttery hoof being wrapped around her shoulder.

“Hush dear, it’s okay,” came the smooth voice of her companion, tinged with a sultry quality Dash wasn’t sure if she had ever heard before. Fluttershy turned to the two stallions and gave them a pleading look, her voice quivering just slightly as she tried to sell the story. “I’m sorry sirs… it’s just our parents don’t know… they’d call us filly-foolers… we just wanted to be alone.”

“Hrumph...” The rust colored stallion grumbled, apparently satisfied. He turned to his companion and gave a curt nod. “Look here ladies, I think it would be best if you move along.”

It was, of course at this precise moment Fluttershy’s spies decided to return. The birds began to flap animatedly at the yellow mare, frantically pointing at the ware house with outstretched wings.

The two stallions were instantly put back on high alert. “What are those birds doing!?” The grey pony commanded of the two.

“Th-They...um… are… uh…” Fluttershy stammered unable to come up with an excuse.

“Oh buck this.” Dash swore before catching the grey stallion with a sucker punch under his jaw. The pony went down like a sack of potatoes, and Dash turned her attention to the rust-red stallion who against all odds appeared to be smiling. Dash began to close in on the stallion, preparing to deliver another powerful thrust of her hooves, “What’s so funny, chuckles?”

The stallion didn’t answer; he simply pulled a whistle from beneath his sweatshirt and gave it a short shrill blast.

“Okay…what was that?” Dash said, feeling as though someone had told an inside joke. Turning to Fluttershy she saw that her friend’s wore a look of unbridled horror, she followed Fluttershy’s gaze she realized that the two pegasi were suddenly surrounded. ‘Not by more guards, no that would be too simple,’ Dash thought with a groan. ‘No it had to be-

“BUCKING NINJAS! You have to be bucking kidding me!”

Author's Note:

What!? Did I just update this again? Okay, its official, I'm having entirely too much fun. Lock me up, I don't know if I can stop myself.