• Member Since 5th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen May 30th



Pony Joe has decided to leave the hectic life of Canterlot and open another diner in Ponyville. When Twilight hears about this she couldn't be more ecstatic to have such an old friend come to town, maybe something more.

This story takes place during the end of my other fic Stray Ardor and continues from there.

Also I don't get why there's no Pony Joe character listening he's actually had more lines than most background characters and he has a real name.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 51 )

:twilightsmile: I can't wait to meet pony joe again!
:raritydespair: Why can't I ever have a longtime friend that I can love?!
:moustache: Swagnostic.

Is that a Dear Idiot reference I see?

I loved that fic, so I figured I'd make reference. Nice catch though.

Will this turn in the direction of a friendshipping or just shipping? I seem to think the 2nd.

The dialogue needs work. There are no bonuses in fiction for using everything the grammar teacher taught you in class. The author needs to write dialogue the way people actually speak.
If it helps, try and imagine yourself using the dialogue in a real life conversation. Would YOU talk this way? Use the words you would use-- then tweak them if necessary to suit the character. But not too much.

That's why on a lot of my fics. The better one's I have a friend of mine help write the dialogue. Everyone should admit their weaknesses and mine is dialogue and transition. I can tell a good story, but my dialogue skills need work. Thanks for the comment.

Joe seem nice :3
Need moar :D


Thank :trollestia: I read Stray Ardor, but in all seriousness great one again Waffler :pinkiehappy:

I love reading fics, so I put a lot of references to other more popular stories in this story and kudos to anyone who can pic out the fics I'm eluding to in each chapter.

I may have gotten all four references >.> anyway, nice job on the new chapter. can't wait to see the new one XP

I love the addition of well known fics.

All i got to say is this though.
When i finished the chapter and realized there wasn't another all I could say was "Son of a B(^$#"
:D Loved the story

Now....what's with Rainbow Dash? :unsuresweetie::rainbowhuh:

It's a slight nod to the fic: My Little Dashie. One of my all time favorite fics of all time. Congrats you're the only one that brought up something was off about Rainbow.

Your commas and sentence structure could use some work.
Pretty good job with the accent.

"An hour later Joe and heard a tale of deep rooted reverse spousal abuse, a budding affair, salvation, court drama and love everlasting." ... Wut. I... That... *Headdesks* Do I even want to know? Do I?

... So... You going to be continuing this anytime soon? No offense, but I don't want to waste time tracking something that's not going to get worked on. Your status SAYS it's still on-going, but you haven't updated in months... The status HAS 'On Hiatus' and 'Cancelled' for a reason, so I'm HOPING that you're still working on it, if only to see where you were going with this. Otherwise, please change the status accordingly.. Not fair to any other 'new' readers you may get who think this is still going on, when you're not. (IF that's the case.)

Yes, I'm actually writing the next chapters and those'll be out at the same time, the first is a bonus chapter an apology of sorts and the the next chapter will close this fic up. I have a final sequel planned and it's a direct sequel to the the previous story set both 5 years and 10 years into the future. I had a nasty case of writers block and things like college got in the way, but yeah the rest of this fic will be out by Tuesday at the latest. Thanks for your concern.

765207 Alright! I'll track and wait patiently then! (Had too many bad experiences finding a fic I liked, only for that to have been the last chapter before the author just up and disappears, so I figured I'd ask! xD *Twiddles thumbs patiently* )

Also this fic's predecessor was easier to write because I had my friend Chris help type it up since I'm a notorious slow typist. As for the next chapter I'm always open to ideas.

FINALLY i was wondering when it was gonna be updated oh yeah, one more thing *suck in breath* I WIELD NO SWORD OF FIRST BUT I WIELD THE SWORD OF NOTHING

I got the Stray Ardor team back to write the next chapter. The next chapter is quit long.

There's a slight spelling mistake:

'the rotating sigh'

This caught my attention, now I'm picturing a pony rotating in place, constantly sighing.

wow great chapter or mini chapter? hehe anyway tracked :twilightsmile:

Great Chapter here.

Only thing I noticed was I believe you meant to say "Diner" instead of "Dinner". Am I correct?

I saw it a few times in the chapter.

I'll fix that, mistakes happen, thanks.

next chapter please!

Yay! Update.
A couple of things you can fix:
1. diNNer is the meal. diNer is the restaurant
2. A few sentences, like the one saying Latte can understand Eyepatch, could use a few more commas to clean them up
3. You might want to explain what a hippogriff is, or at least describe it
4. instead of 'he's been working,' try 'he'd been working'

okay so it was more than a couple, send me to the moon. Anyway, nice chapter. Looking forward to the next one

The next chapter is long, I'm estimating at a minimum of 4,000 words.
I'll make those fixes when I can. sometimes when editing you can't catch every mistake. There is also a sequel planned that takes place both 5 and 10 years later. Think of it as a giant epilogue.

Why did you Suddenly start referring to him as Donut Joe? Not that you Should listen to me anything but I can't stand it. :ajbemused:

I started writing this story before, the episode MMMystery on the Friendship Express and in that episode they retconned his name from Pony Joe to Donut Joe. I figured it couldn't hurt to do the same, but in retrospect if enough readers have an issue with the change then I'd be happy to change it back.

Oh and on another note the next chapter is coming I'm half way done and it is about 3K, so expect an update within the the upcoming week.

Bravo!! A very well done story! Also, never expect to see this shipping till now :yay:

Although, there were some spelling and grammatical errors. Keep up the good work!

by the gods... a new chapter? ALL OF MY YES!!!


btw is it over?
i cant tell...
please let there be MOARRRR~!

I took a look on your story and i love the idea about pairin with Joe and Twilight, i really enjoy the progression of the story so far. By the way, are you making a reference to "My Little Dashie" with Pinke's party flyers at the end? :trixieshiftright:

Yes, I'm gonna do another chapter here, but think of it as a bonus chapter where I explain what happened to Rainbow Dash. Then I'm gonna be writing a sequel fic that takes place 5 and 10 years later.

The next chapter is a MLD reference. I wasn't sure if people would be pissed that I'd do a version of that end of that story where the guy ends up in Equestria, then I've come to realize that not many HIE fics feature a roughly middle-aged human since he would be about 37-40 years old. Kudos for catching that reference.

twelve dozen bacon covered coconut cream filled éclairs smothered in waffle batter for Discord.

Whoa! Discord?! What's he doing free?:applejackconfused:

I've always had it that in the universe of this fic, Discord is free because he's fun, plus it's fun to write some lighthearted comic relief. It has no overall effect on the story and is just used for a comedy. :derpytongue2:

That was sweet. Joe x Twilight. I liked it.

Yep, this was mostly inspired by The Descendant's story: A cup of Joe, and Dear Idiot.

Thanks for reading and I do some more planned for the future. :trixieshiftright:

The orange cow .blushed and facehooved at the same time at the excited new mayor whom despite his status was still the same hillbilly that everyone had come to love and respect.

:facehoof: what the f*buy some apples*k do ya mean cow??!?!!!?!!?!!!!?!??!

Comment posted by thewaffler deleted Sep 8th, 2013

scratch that, it wasn't a typo. It was describing Little Strong Heart, because a female buffalo is a cow.

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