• Published 20th Apr 2013
  • 36,503 Views, 249 Comments

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic What If? - SuperPinkBrony12

A rewrite of a few Season 1, Season 2, and Season 3 episodes I felt could've been done differently. (WARNING: the rewrite choices are my personal opinion)

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S2E6 "The Cutie Pox" (What If?)

"Well girls I have a feeling that today's going to be the day. " Apple Bloom proudly declared as she and her fellow cutie mark crusaders, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, arrived at the newly opened Ponyville Bowl. It was a brand new bowling alley that had been built over the previous summer. "We're finally gonna get our cutie marks in bowling!" Apple Bloom set her bowling bag down besides her.

"Whoo hoo!" Scootaloo shouted.

"Yeah!" Sweetie Belle said in a muffled voice, her bowling bag still in her mouth. She quickly spit it out "I mean, yay!" she happily squealed.

"I must admit this is better then anything I could come up with." Scootaloo said.

"That's why I'm the leader this time around." Apple Bloom said "And after today, we won't even be The Cutie Mark Crusaders anymore. We'll have to come up with a new name for ourselves. Maybe we'll call ourselves 'The Three Strikes'!"

"That makes it sound like we've struck out." Scootaloo said.

"Well how about, 'The Pin Twins'?" Apple Bloom suggested.

"Um, there are three of us." Sweetie Belle said.

"Oh yeah, forgot." Apple Bloom said, she started to brainstorm "I've got it! We'll call ourselves, 'The Bowling Dolls'!"

"I like that name." Sweetie Belle said.

"Me too." Scootaloo said.

"Well what are we waiting for?" Apple Bloom said "Let's get our bowling cutie marks and bowl em over!" And with that the three fillies ventured into the bowling alley. After renting bowling shoes at the desks, with money saved up from their chores, they walked down to one of the alley lanes.

Sweetie Belle went first and used her nose to push a lavender bowling ball. It went right into the gutter, but Sweetie Belle didn't mind. After all it was only a game.

Scootaloo went next and used her back legs to buck a purple bowling ball. The kick was so strong that the bowling ball ricocheted off the walls, barely missing several ponies, knocking around some of the other players balls, and then landing in a gutter. Scootaloo nervously backed away from the ponies who cast angry glares at her.

Apple Bloom went last and gripped a red bowling ball in her teeth, she then proceeded to spit it out.

"Cool! A bowling cutie mark!" a random pony shouted. The crowd went wild.

"I did it! I did it!" Apple Bloom said, but then she looked at her flank "Blank?' she asked. Then she noticed that the crowd was referring to a random colt, who apparently had just gotten his cutie mark. As for Apple Bloom, her bowling ball managed to make it down the lane but didn't have enough speed to knock over a single pin. Apple Bloom sighed, looks like her bright idea wasn't going to work out.

(Title Sequence)

Bowling turned out to be a bust. Dispite some improvement on their perfomance not one of the CMC had earned their cutie mark. Apple Bloom was depressed. She had been so sure that would work.

"That bowling sure was fun." Sweetie Belle said "I just wish I hadn't gotten so many gutter balls."

"At least you managed to actually keep your ball in the lane all the time." Scootaloo said "After that display in the first frame I doubt Mr. Kingpin's going to let me come back anytime soon! Hey, you know, maybe I can get my cutie mark in demolition!"

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo laughed. Apple Bloom on the other hand didn't.

"Hey, come on Apple Bloom, don't be so sad." Scootaloo said.

"I know just the thing to put the bloom back on your apple." Sweetie Belle said. She and Scootaloo led Apple Bloom to Sugarcube Corner. "A treat from Sugarcube Corner should cheer you right up." Sweetie Belle said.

Apple Bloom sighed. "No it won't." she said. The Cakes took notice of this, and before long Pinkie Pie became aware of the situation.

"A party will cheer you up!" she said as she bounced into the air. She blew a kazoo, and Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle blew their party whistles.

But Apple Bloom just sighed "No it won't." she said. As soon as Pinkie Pie heard those words she gasped a,d ended up crashing into some party supplies. Fortunately she wasn't hurt. Then she recommended that the CMC go see Rarity.

"A lovely new chapeau should be just the thing darling." Rarity said as she levitated one of her new hats onto Apple Bloom.

Unfortunately Apple Bloom just sighed "No it won't." she said.

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle tried everything they could think of. They turned to Applejack, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy for help. But nothing they said or did made Apple Bloom feel any better.

"Come on Apple Bloom, don't be so upset, it's just a cutie mark." Scootaloo said.

"Or lack of a cutie mark." Sweetie Belle said.

"Shh! That's not helping." Scootaloo said "Hey, wait! Apple Bloom, where are you going?!"

"I just want to be alone for a while." Apple Bloom said.

"So bowling didn't turn like you hoped it would, I really don't see what the big deal is." Scootaloo said.

"The big deal is that I was so sure that we'd get our cutie marks in bowling that I didn't plan any more crusades. And I'm fresh out of ideas." Apple Bloom said.

"Then why don't you just think of some?" Sweetie Belle said.

"I just can't." Apple Bloom said "Every time I try to think of something the thought fades before I can remember it."

"So, maybe we can help." Scootaloo said.

"Thanks but as I said before I just want to be left alone." Apple Bloom said and headed into The Everfree Forest. She knew what routes were safe to take and what routes to avoid, but because she was so depressed she didn't pay attention to where she was going. She tripped and fell, and landed flat on her face. Suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her mouth, and brought a hoof to it in an attempt to stop it. It didn't work.

Luckily, before Apple Bloom had a chance to wonder if anyone would find her in The Everfree Forest she was greated by a familiar face.

"Well, who is it that we have here? Why it's Apple Bloom, my dear!" Zecora said. Apple Bloom was one of the first friends Zecora had made when she arrived in Ponyville, but lately Apple Bloom had been spending more time with her group called The Cutie Mark Crusaders, and it had been months since Zecora had seen her.

Apple Bloom winced in pain.

"What has happened to you, youth?" Zecora asked. Then she noticed the source of the problem "Oh dear, it seems you've gone and chipped your tooth. Come with me please, for I have just the trick. It should fix that tooth of yours quite quick."

Zecora led Apple Bloom to her hut and began to work on a mixture that would restore Apple Bloom's chipped tooth. In the mean time the pain from said chipped tooth had died down a little, allowing Apple Bloom a chance to speak. When Zecora asked her what she had been doing in The Everfree Forest Apple Bloom explained the events from earlier that day.

"Ah I see you, so when you did not get your cutie mark you became upset. However I am certain that you will may get it yet." Zecora said.

"I'h know that Zecora." Apple Bloom said, her chipped tooth made her speak with a bit of lisp "But the thing is I've tried I everything and still no cutie mark! I'm afraid I'm gonna be as old as Granny Smith and still be a blank flank! It's so unfair!"

"Apple Bloom, your frustration is well understood. But one must be patient for all things that are good." Zecora said. These were words of wisdom that she had heard many times in her native homeland.

"Ugh, I swear I've heard that from everypony I know, and I now I've heard from it every zebra I know!" Apple Bloom complained "I'm sorry Zecora but I'm just too impatient to be patient. I just want my cutie mark, and I want it right now!"

"Well for your cutie mark you will have to wait. But for now we must fix that tooth before it's too late." Zecora said. She knew if she didn't act fast the only solution left for Apple Bloom would be to see a dentist, and potentially have her tooth pulled. She put a bowl of the mixture she'd just made in front of Apple Bloom "Now, this mixture, I want you to drink every last drop. And it should mend that chip on top." Zecora instructed.

Apple Bloom quickly chugged it down. It tasted a bit bitter but she made sure to drink all of it. Once she did so just, as Zecora had hoped, the mixture repaired the chip and made Apple Bloom's tooth as good as new. Apple Bloom was amazed.

"Oh my lucky stars, you did it Zecora! I didn't think it was possible but you did it!" Apple Bloom said "You know, now that I think about it, you've got tonics that heal all sorts of things. Bad bones, bad back, bad breath."

"Yes Apple Bloom, it is quite true. I have many a healing brew." Zecora said.

"And not only stuff that fixes the bad, but stuff that brings the good!" Apple Bloom said, looking around "Good health, good hair... good heavens! Hmm, you know, I'h bet that you could mix up a brew to fix just about anything."

"It is true that there are many mixtures in this room. But none for what you want dear Apple Bloom." Zecora said "There are no shortcuts and a magic potion does not hold the key. For a cutie mark to appear time is the only remedy."

Apple Bloom sighed. She had hoped that perhaps there was something Zecora could do that could help her get her cutie mark. Then she noticed something on a nearby table.

"Say whatcha got goin' on there Zecora?" she asked.

"I'm working on another mix. It's for a rooster and his chicks." Zecora said as she grabbed a flower from a nearby shelf. "You see it seems that the rooster has somehow lost his crow, which makes mornings very slow."

"Hey, wait a minute! I've seen that flower bloomin in Ponyville before." Apple Bloom said "What's it called?"

"That is one called 'Heart's Desire'. A dash of this should ignite the rooster's fire." Zecora explained "With Heart's Desire his talent comes into view. And he'll give a mighty cock-a-doodle-doo!"

"Wow, that's impressive!" Apple Bloom said "Heart's Desire huh? Sounds like my kind of flower."

"Indeed, but what is this? Somehow I have run out of amethyst." Zecora said "I must go get more of this purple flower. Or else my brew won't have full power."

"You do that Zecora." Apple Bloom said "I'll stay here and guard your stuff." Zecora took off, but as soon as she did so Apple Bloom got an idea. "Maybe this Heart's Desire will be just the thing I need to get my cutie mark." she said to herself.

The rest of the day passed uneventfully. When Zecora came back she noticed that Apple Bloom was not around, but she didn't think anything of it. Apple Bloom seemed to have a tendency to come and go as she pleased after all.

The next day Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle didn't see Apple Bloom right away. In fact they were surprised when they approached the school yard and didn't see her anywhere. Neither of them were worried however, and simply assumed that Apple Bloom would show up eventually. The two of them took the time to talk to themselves.

"I sure hope Apple Bloom is feeling better." Scootaloo said.

"I'm sure she is." Sweetie Belle said "In fact I bet she spent yesterday afternoon coming up with some great ideas to help us get our cutie marks."

"Yeah." Scootaloo said "Anything she can come up with has to better then my dare devil ideas."

"Hey look, here she comes now." Sweetie Belle said.

Sure enough Apple Bloom appeared. But she seemed a bit happier then usual. Soon all the schoolyard colts and fillies knew why. Apple Bloom had discovered her cutie mark. It was a silver ring in the shape of an O.

"Apple Bloom, you got your cutie mark?" Scootaloo asked.

"Yep, I'h sure did." Apple Bloom said "Do ya like it?"

"It's nice, but um, what is it?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Is it an O?" Snails asked.

"Is your special talent spelling?" Snips asked.

"Or jewlery?" Scootaloo asked.

"Or making powdered dounts?" Twist asked in her lisp "Cause those sound delicious."

"Eenope." Apple Bloom said.

"Then what is it?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"It's a loop-de-hoop!" Apple Bloom proudly proclaimed.

"A what now?" Scootaloo asked.

"A loop-de-hoop. Or at least that's what I always call it." Apple Bloom said "Applejack made it for me out of a rain barrel when I was a little filly. Who would've guessed that old loop-de-hoop would end up being my special talent?!"

"Wow Apple Bloom, that's simply amazing!" Sweetie Belle said.

"You mean that's it? That's your special talent?" Diamond Tiara asked in her usual snoty tone. Needless to say she was jealous.

"Yeah it is." Apple Bloom said "You got a problem with that?"

"Of course not." Silver Spoon said "After all, you can do is spin a hoop around your waist. Puh-lease."

"Oh really?" Apple Bloom said "You think you're cutie marks are better then mine?"

"Maybe we do and maybe we don't." Diamond Tiara said.

"Well then, tell me girls, what do your cutie marks represent?" Apple Bloom said.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon said nothing. As if though they had never considered such a thing.

"I'm waiting." Apple Bloom said teasingly.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon still said nothing.

"Well, are you gonna tell me or not?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Why should we have to tell you anything?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"Yeah we don't have to explain our cutie marks to the likes of you." Silver Spoon said.

"Looks like I was right all along." Apple Bloom said "You two don't even know what your cutie marks represent. You're completely clueless as to what they really mean."

"T-t-that's not true!" Diamond Tiara said.

"Well if you aren't going to tell me what your special talent is, then you're in no position to make fun of my cutie mark. At least I know what mine represents." Apple Bloom said with a smirk.

"Oh shut up." Silver Spoon said.

"Just forget it Silver Spoon." Diamond Tiara said "She's not worth it."

"My thoughts exactly." Apple Bloom said "So if you don't have anything nice to say then say nothing at all. Got it?"

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon didn't replay.

"Now then, where was I?" Apple Bloom asked "Oh yes, I was just about to ask if any of you would like for me to show you what I can do."

"Please do so." Scootaloo said.

"With pleasure." Apple Bloom said. She proceeded to do all sorts of techniques. These included "Hoop and Bump", "Hoop and Hop", "Hoop and Skip", "Hoop and Flip", and even a move called "The hoop-la". All the colts and fillies cheered.

"Apple Bloom, you're a super-duper-loop-de-hooper!" Sweetie Belle proudly proclaimed.

"Why thank you." Apple Bloom said "This has been fun."

Just then the bell rang, and Cheerilee came into the yard.

"All right my little ponies, it's time for class." she said. Then she noticed everyone was crowded around Apple Bloom.

"Apple Bloom, please put that hoop away." Cheerilee said "It's time for class."

"Okay." Apple Bloom said, but then to her horror, she found that she couldn't get the loop-de-hoop off her waist. She had never tried to before.

"Apple Bloom, I'm not kiding." Cheerilee said "Now please put that hoop away, and come inside."

"I can't." Apple Bloom said, the hoop still spining around her waist.

"What do you mean you can't?" Cheerilee asked.

"I just can't." Apple Bloom said.

"Then you leave me no choice." Cheerilee said sternly "I'll have to take that hoop off myself and confiscate it." But whenever Cheerilee tried to remove the hoop Apple Bloom jerked around and wacked Cheerilee with it. She apologized and tried to help, but nothing worked. Eventually Cheerilee gave up.

"I don't know what's going on or why that hoop won't come off." Cheerilee said.

"I don't know either Miss. Cheerilee." Apple Bloom said.

"I guess you'll just have to get someone else to help you." Cheerilee said "But I can't put my lesson plans on hold for you. So I'm afraid you'll have to play catch up."

"I understand Miss. Cheerilee." Apple Bloom said. And with that she left the school grounds.

"I hope Apple Bloom will be okay." Scootaloo said.

"I hope so too." Sweetie Belle said.

Apple Bloom trotted sadly through Ponyville. She tried time and time again to remove the loop-de-hoop, but no matter how hard she tried it refused to budge.

Eventually she made her way to the center of town, where her sister Applejack had just finished selling some apples.

"Apple Bloom? What are you doing here?!" Applejack asked "Shouldn't you be in school right now?!"

"Applejack, ya gotta help me! I can't get this loop-de-hoop off me!" Apple Bloom said.

"Oh is that all?" Applejack asked "Well come here. We'll get that thing off in no time." However, just like Cheerilee, every time Applejack tried to remove the loop-de-hoop Apple Bloom would end up inadvertly whacking Applejack with it.

"It's no use." Applejack said "Somehow I think that loop-de-hoop has a mind of its own."

At that moment there was a flash of light. Then, suddenly, when Apple Bloom glanced at her flank there were two cutie marks. The second one was of two plates balanced on sticks. And somehow Apple Bloom found herself compelled to perform that talent. As if some unnatural force had taken over her body.

"What in tarnation?" Applejack asked when she glanced at the scene. Now not only was Apple Bloom spining a loop-de-hoop around her waist, but she was also balancing some plates on sticks. Her balance was just about perfect as several minutes passed, and she didn't seem anywhere close to dropping them.

"Applejack, help me! Please!" Apple Bloom pleaded.

Applejack was in a state of shock. She didn't know what to do. Something like this had never been heard of before. "What am I gonna do?!" she thought to herself. Then a thought came to her "There's bound to be a book in the library that can help me. And I'm sure Twilight can help me find what I'm looking for. Or maybe she'll be able to find a solution to this problem."

Applejack wasted no time in bringing Apple Bloom to the Ponyville Books and Branches Library. Just as she was about to knock on the door she noticed Apple Bloom making tapping noises with her hooves. "Apple Bloom, if you needed to go to the little fillies room you could've said something." Applejack said.

"But I don't have to go." Apple Bloom said.

"Then what's with all that tapping?" Applejack asked.

"I don't know sis." Apple Bloom said.

Applejack glanced at Apple Bloom's flank and saw that Apple Bloom now had three cutie marks. The third one was a pair of red tap shoes. Now Applejack knew something was not right. She wasted no time in knocking on the door.

"Can I help you?" Twilight asked.

"Something's wrong with Apple Bloom." Applejack said "She can't stop performing the special talents that her cutie marks represent."

"What? Three cutie marks and three talents?" Twilight asked "I've never seen or heard about anything like this."

"Well, can you fix it?" Applejack asked.

"I don't know." Twilight said "But you should bring her inside anyway. Just in case."

Applejack did so and then joined Twilight in her search for a solution.

"I swear I was just reading something about unusual equine illnesses." Twilight said "Now what was it?"

"I think I've found it." Spike said "I believe the book you're looking for is called Perplexing Pony Plagues."

"Bring it here Spike." Twilight said.

Spike did so and Twilight began to look through the book with her violet red magic, to see if anything matched Apple Bloom's problem. "Hm, let's see. Hay fever... the trots..." then suddenly Twilight gasped "Cutie pox!"

"Cutie Pox?" Apple Bloom, Applejack, and Spike asked.

"Apparently Cutie Pox was a puzzling pony plague, that afflicited an enitre population of ponies, all the way back in the paleopony period, which was just before Celestia and Luna rose to power." Twilight said all at once.

"Try saying much of that ten times fast." Spike said "I dare ya."

Twilight bucked Spike off and continued reading. "The sign of infection was random cutie marks that suddenly appeared all over its victims bodies. It caused them to perform all of the talents that came with them!"

"So then what was the cure?" Applejack asked "Come on tell me what's the cure?!"

Twilight read a little further and gasped "It says here that there was never a known cure."

"What?! No known cure?!" Apple Bloom, Applejack, and Spike asked.

"What do you mean there's no cure?!" Applejack asked.

"It says here that the cause of the outbreak was never discovered. The outbreak disappered as mysteriously as it arrived!" Twilight said "To this day there's never been another recorded outbreak of it and some ponies have dismissed it as urban legend."

"Well that's just great." Applejack said sarcastically "Now what are suppose to do?"

"I don't know." Twilight said.

"Oh no." Apple Bloom said. Then suddenly there was a flash of light and another cutie mark appeared. "Sacrebleu! Plus de marques de cutie!" when Apple Bloom realized what she was saying she gasped "Qu'est-ce c'est?! Je parle prançais?!"

"Mah sister's speaking Prench." Applejack said.

"She needs help now!" Twilight said.

"I know that Twilight!" Applejack said "We can't just wait for this to go away! Poor Apple Bloom is gonna work herself to the bone before that happens! We gotta find somepony to mix up a cure, and fast!"

"Not some pony, some zebra." Twilight said. Applejack realized in an instant where Twilight was going with this.

"Zecora!" she said "We've got no time to waste! We must get to her hut ASAP!"

"Hurry! Hurry! Make way please!" Applejack shouted.

"Dépêchez-vous!" Apple Bloom shouted.

Before Twilight, Spike, Applejack, and Apple Bloom could even clear Ponyville however, more cutie marks appeared on Apple Bloom's flank, and like the book had said she couldn't resist performing the talents that came with them.

"This is bad!" Applejack said.

"We'll never make it to Zecora's at this rate!" Twilight said.

"Then what do we do?!" Applejack asked.

"Maybe I could try to send a letter to Zecora." Spike said.

"That will never work Spike!" Twilight said "Your magic flame can only send messages to Princess Celestia!"

"But then how are we going to let Zecora know we need her help?!" Spike asked.

"I don't know!" Twilight said "Maybe Applejack and I could try to reach Zecora's hut on our own!"

"I'm not abandoning Apple Bloom! No matter what!" Applejack said.

"Then I guess I'll have to try to and get to Zecora's myself!" Twilight said.

"Are you nuts Twilight?" Spike said "You know what happened the last time you went into The Everfree Forest alone!"

"I know, but this time I'll be more careful!" Twilight said.

"Twilight, I can't ask you to risk your life for Apple Bloom!" Applejack said.

"Well then it looks like we're out of options!" Twilight said "We'll just have to wait until The Cutie Pox somehow disappears."

Meanwhile the rest of the town had begun to panic when word leaked out that Apple Bloom had somehow gotten The Cutie Pox. No one dared go near Apple Bloom for fear of catching the disease themselves.

"I thought for sure I had cured their fear. The last time that I visited here." Zecora said "But what's this, doors are locked and windows shut? Well I guess I should've stayed in my hut."

"Zecora! Thank Celestia! The reason why the town is like this is because Apple Bloom has somehow gotten Cutie Pox." Twilight said "We were just on our way to get you."

"And see if you had a cure. And now you're here!" Applejack said "Speaking of which, what exactly brings you here?"

"The reason why I came around. Was because of a special flower that I needed found." Zecora explained "You see, I thought that I had picked enough 'Heart's Desire' to fix. All the potions I needed to mix. However, yesterday after my visit from Apple Bloom. I had discovered that some had mysteriously left my room. Well Apple Bloom, what do you say? Did that 'Heart's Desire' just up and walk away?"

"Uh well I uh. You see, the funny thing is." Apple Bloom said, but before she could finish there was another flash of light and another cutie mark appeared on her flank. She then began to perform the new talent.

"So, do you have a cure for this?" Applejack asked.

Zecora responded by pulling some seeds from a pouch she'd made. "A Cutie Pox cure I have forsooth. For the healing power comes from these seeds of truth."

"Well then what are you waiting for Zecora?" Applejack asked "Give them to her already!"

"Applejack, while it is true that the seeds of truth hold the cure. For that to happen one must speak words clear and pure." Zecora said.

"So what you're saying is that somepony's gotta confess something in order for Apple Bloom to get the cure?" Applejack asked.

Zecora nodded.

"Well alright then plant them in the ground now, before Apple Bloom gets yet anothe cutie mark!" Applejack said.

Zecora did so.

"Alright then, somepony tell the truth. Please." Applejack pleaded. Nopony said anything, either because they had nothing to confess to or because they were too afraid to tell the truth.

Pinkie Pie herself almost spoke up at one point but quickly stopped herself. All the while Apple Bloom continued to get more cutie marks and performed more talents.

"Come on, somepony around here's gotta be hiding something." Applejack said "Whatever it is we promise we won't judge you."

Still nopony said anything.

"What's gonna take it to get somepony to confess?" Applejack asked herself.

Finally Apple Bloom spoke up "I just can't take it any more. I admit it! I'm the one responsible for this whole mess! It's me! Me, I tell you!I didn't really get my cutie mark! All of them were fakes! I just wanted my cutie mark so badly and I couldn't think of any other way! I figured that the 'Heart's Desire' plant would give me what I wanted more then anything! So when Zecora left her hut to find more amethyst, I mixed up a special potion and put the rest of the "Heart's Desire' plant in it! Then I left before Zecora returned!"

This confession caused the seeds of truth to grow into a plant. Much to the amazement of the citizens of Ponyville as they had never seen such a thing before.

"Apple Bloom, you've got to eat that plant!" Twilight said "It's the only way to cure your Cutie Pox!"

Apple Bloom wasted no time and as fast as she could she made her way over to the plant. She bit it off, chewed, and swallowed. The effect was instantaneous. All of the fake cutie marks that had appeared on Apple Bloom's body disappered in a flash of white light.

Apple Bloom sighed with relief when she glanced at her flank, and saw it was still blank. "Never thought I'd be so happy to see my blank flank." she said to herself.

"Hey Apple Bloom!" Scootaloo called out.

"Are you okay?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I'm fine." Apple Bloom said "And I've never been happier to be a blank flank for once. But I'm awfully sorry I lied to everyone. Especially to you two. I was just so desperate for a cutie mark and I wasn't thinking straight. I got carried away and I almost payed the ultimate price for it. When I got my fake cutie mark I kind of started acting like Diamond Tiara and showed it off way too much. And Zecora, I'm really sorry that I snuck those flowers from you, and used your stuff without permission. I-I'll understand completly if you never want me to come by again. I really betrayed our friendship."

"Oh come now Apple Bloom, don't be so silly. You are always welcome in my hut little filly." Zecora said cheerfully "With each mistake you make you learn something new. And thus grow up into a better you." And with that she disappeared just as mysteriously as she had arrived.

"Applejack, can you forgive me for not telling the truth about my cutie mark earlier? If I'd have told you then perhaps we could've avoided all of this."

"Well I'm not very happy that you lied to me, and made me worried. But at least you admitted your mistake and apologized for it." Applejack said "And I'm just glad you're okay."

"I am too sis." Apple Bloom said.

"You know what, I think you learned something today Apple Bloom." Applejack said.

"I did?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Yep." Applejack said "So why don't you write a letter to Princess Celestia?"

"Are you sure she'll want to read my letter?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Positive." Applejack said.

"Ready Spike?" Twilight asked.

"Ready!" Spike said.

"Well here goes." Apple Bloom said and she began to narrate her letter to Princess Celestia.

"Dear Princess Celestia,

Waiting for what your heart desires can be really hard. And sometimes you might be tempeted to take a shortcut in order to get it. But that dishonesty never works becasue you didn't actually earn what your heart desired. And that cheating robs you of the accomplishment.

The only cure is to be honest, both with yourself and with others. Because honesty is something that every heart desires. Cheating never gets you anywhere.

Your faithful subject,

Apple Bloom"

"I sure am proud of you little sis." Applejack said "You learned that trying to cheat won't get you anywhere."

"Yep." Apple Bloom said "And I've learned to be more careful with my plans for my cutie mark. I certainly don't want a repeat of this incident."

"Well, what should we try next?" Scootaloo asked.

"Hey, you know Apple Bloom you seemed to really know your potion stuff when ypu whipped up that thing that ultimately gave you Cutie Pox." Sweetie Belle said "Perhaps you can earn a potion making cutie mark."

"That's a great idea." Apple Bloom said "Let's go see Zecora and see if she can help us."

And with that the CMC raced off to try yet another one of their many schemes. All anyone could hope was that they would one day learn the importance of patience.