• Published 27th Mar 2013
  • 4,136 Views, 74 Comments

My Little Alchemist: Friendship is NOT Science - AppleJack96

During a battle with Father, Ed and Al are transported to a different world where there Alchemy is considered Magic and Friendship is more important than science! Can they ever fit in and will they ever get home?

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Chapter 6: The Aftermath

Ed splashed through the streets of Ponyville. he had his hood pulled as low as it would go, but thanks to his horn, that wasn't far, his blond snout extended just beyond the hood and he could feel every raindrop collide with it, he turned his head to the heavens

"WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME!" He yelled at the top of his lungs "Why" he said again his voice falling to less than a whisper, as he lowered his nose to the floor and for the first time since his mother died, he cried

He wept for the losses he and Al had suffered due to his own mistakes, he wept for the world they had left behind, and most of all he cried for Winry

She was the only person he truly missed, without her he could never have made it to where he was now, it was her who gave him his Auto-Mail and he could not live without her


"ED!" He heard her shout "Is that you?"

"Well of course it's me" He Said

"Oh sweet Celestia, are we glad we found you" She Said

Ed opened his eyes, his vision a blur, and looked up at her, It wasn't Winry, It was Twilight

"Oh, It's just you" He said closing his eyes again and fell back to the floor "Leave me alone"

"No" She said firmly

"Just leave me, I'm not worth your trouble" He muttered

"Yes you are!" Twilight argued

"Why am I!" Shouted Ed, losing his temper by this point "It's my fault Al's in his armour body! It's my fault that Rarity was almost killed tonight! It's my fault that Winry is probably crying again!"

"You are most defiantly worth my trouble!" Retorted Twilight "Al has forgiven you for body, Rarity could have defended herself, by the way Granny Smith is taking care of her, and this Winry character, she would be crying for the loss of both of you!"

"But why am I worth it to you?" Asked Ed

Twilight's face turned a bright red, she leaned in as though she we about to whisper in his ear, and then suddenly pressed forward giving Ed no reaction time whatsoever and kissing him full in the lips, now it was Ed's turn to turn the colour of beetroot, as she turned away shyly, worried about rejection

Ed just sat, his eyes glazed, and his mouth uttering silent words

"Ed?" Asked Twilight

"You... You... Kissed me..." Spluttered Ed

"Yeah..." Said Twilight sheepishly

Ed didn't know how to react, on one hoof he had just been kissed by a horse, but on the other, he had just been kissed by the kindest, most caring creature he knew

he opened hi mouth to say something, but all that came forth was a strangled gurgling and a few garbled words, although Twilight did manage to make out a few of them: time, think, pony, maybe

Ed then turned and ran towards Sweet Apple Acres, to go and meet Rarity and Applejack to make sure they were OK

Twilight just sank to her haunches in the middle of the road, and watched him go

Upon arriving at Sweet Apple Acres, most of the rain had stopped, thanks to a rainbow coloured streak currently making it's way across Ponyville, giving way to the first rays of sunshine from Celestia's sun, as Ed stepped onto the porch of the farmhouse, a small red and yellow blur flew from the door and sent him flying to the floor

"Oops, sorry Ed" Said Applebloom

"It's all right, no harm done" Said Ed, standing up

"Good ta hear" Said Granny Smith, as she creaked her way into the over to the window "You must be Edward, come on in, Applejack and Rarity are waitin' for ya"

Ed walked into the small kitchen where Applejack and Rarity were sitting round a table, Rarity was sitting, a cup of some kind of fruit tea levitating before her in a blue glow, while Applejack had her nose in her breakfast, Pancakes with some kind of rainbow coloured jam on them

"Hey guys..." Ed said, rubbing the back of his head with his hoof

"Hi Ed" Said Applejack, lifting her muzzle from her breakfast

"Good morning darling" Said Rarity "Sweet Celestia, you look look you tried to sleep in a bush or something!"

"I'll have to say or something to that" Yawned Ed "I haven't slept at all"

"Well you go on upstairs an' rest up" Insisted Applejack

"Sure, I just have one thing to ask you first" Said Ed

"OK, go ahead my dear, we are all ears" said Rarity

"Has Twilight said anything to you, about me?" Asked Ed

Rarity shook her head, and Ed saw her nudge Applejack with her elbow, but Applejack just turned the same shade of red as Twilight had just minutes before, Rarity then facehoofed

"Just as I thought" Said Ed

"Wait, Ed, She really does care about you" Said Applejack "She just doesn't know how to tell you"

"Well she just tried" Said Ed " And believe me, I am really not sure on what to do now"

"Well, obviously you need to talk to HER about it" Said Rarity

"I suppose you're right" Ed yawned " I need to get some sleep see you later"

Author's Note:

Not completely sure about this chapter, I may edit it at a later date :applejackunsure:
Once again if you would like to see an idea bought to light in this story just leave a comment below explaining your idea
Please do not be offended if your idea does not feature, as it may not fit into the story, or I just don't like the idea