• Published 12th Apr 2013
  • 7,644 Views, 557 Comments

Millie - totallynotabrony

In the underworld of Equestria, one mysterious pony is fearfully whispered about. Only Vinyl and Octavia know why he left a trail of destruction through the criminal ranks. Now he's back, and, well...not a he anymore.

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Chapter 7B

My bed was a small comfort as I tried to come to grips with the lunch meeting I had so foalishly stormed out of. The ceiling of the bedroom I stayed in above the club did not provide answers as I stared at it. Faintly, I could hear the beginning of Fleur’s show.

I wondered what Millie would think about my behavior. I wished I hadn’t disappointed her, but Vinyl interfered. Thinking about the so-called DJ who had demanded I do something for her put me deeper into my dark mood.

An hour or two was a surprisingly long time to wallow in sorrow and self-pity. I could have done things differently and fervently wished I had. There was no going back, however. I only hoped Millie would forgive me.

Getting out of bed seemed like a good way to get started on bringing my mood up, and I decided to go downstairs. Even if I could barely stand Fleur, she would be distracted with the show. If nothing else, Iridium could keep me company. I’ve never come across a situation he couldn’t handle.

Millie was there when I stepped into the club, and my mood brightened at the sight. Her mane looked terrible as if most of it had been inartistically torn out. Regardless of that, I felt the need to apologize for my earlier behavior first.

Millie was not pleased. I took her reprimand like a lady. Truthfully, she made a good point. I needed to take some more responsibility. Starting with that, I helped Millie with a few feminine troubles, some of which involved her unusually trimmed mane. The larger issues were biological, however. I expected somepony who used to be male to be uncomfortable, but Millie’s reaction was very pronounced. I honestly thought she might cry.

Helping her through it was the least I could do. I’m her friend, after all. Millie seemed to get herself under control and decided that she should go; Vinyl was playing a show or some such.

While I felt slighted that she would leave the club for whatever it was they played at a DJ concert, I suppose Millie might prefer it to standing around at a fashion show. She left the building and I glanced around at the models that were still walking across the stage. While I supposed my deal with Fleur wasn’t so bad, it would be nice to have full control of the club, which might have happened if I could have only gotten more bits for the apartment building in Canterlot.

Surely the tenants living there had something to do with that. Mr. Greenback had noted some of the more unsavory residents when he’d bought the place. Why did so many ponies have to be involved with crime? I couldn’t fathom it. The prisons were full of those they'd caught - and many more still were loose.

Turning away from the stage, I went to find something to occupy my evening.