• Published 9th Mar 2013
  • 9,125 Views, 10,169 Comments

Innavedr - Imploding Colon

A broken party of friends struggles to reunite. Rainbow Dash continues to fly east.

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Where's the Rum?

"Ba da da da da daaaaaaaa-Because the world ends todaaaaaaaaay when the hoards have their waaaaaaaaaaaaaay..." Josho sang. Eagle Eye sang... and danced. There were four bottles between them, two empty, two sloshing around in the crooks of separate hooves. "So the Queen's crewwwwwwwwww must go marching onnnnnnnnn—Ba da da da dum dum dum!"

"De dum!" Josho insisted.

"De dum dum!" Eagle Eye retunred with a pirouette.

"De dum dum dum, you dum dum!" Josho growled.

"Snkkkkt—Eee hee hee hee hee!" Josho's spin went out of control. He collided with Josho, and soon both bound stallions were slumped with their backs against the metal husk of the managlider. The air tasted of fermented burps and rust while they allowed their inebriated chuckles to carry them into bleary-eyed tranquility.

"Whewwwww..." Josho swirled his whiskey and took another sip. "Mmmm... Nice ballerina spins there, kiddo."

"Thanks—HIC!" Eagle Eye teetered left and right, his beautiful mane a tangled mess. "I-I used to practice at—HIC—home when my dad thought I was fixing the farming equipment."

"I always thought you'd rotate..." Josho fought a wave of vomit, swallowed it down, and pointed. "...but only when you were sitting in somepony's lap."

"HA!" Eagle Eye heaved, leaning forward and giggling with euphoria. "Eee-hee-hee-hee-hee!"

Josho's eyes blinked heavily. "Anypony ever told you that you sound like a donkey that's sucked on a heapin' load of helium?"

"Anypony ever told you that you're—HIC—ugly as sin?"

"Everyday. Hell, even my ex-wife did."

"Oh really? HIC! Why'd you stay with her so long?"

"Because I AM so long!"

"HA!" Eagle Eye tried shoving Josho's shoulder but slumped over in the grass instead. His next few giggles were muffled. He lifted a dirty muzzle in time to slur, "You've yet to prove it!"

"Not in front of you, k-kid!" Josho grinned wickedly. "I'd rather be eviscerated by a Xonan death squad!"

"While set on fire!"

"That's a damn fine way to go!" Josho sipped again and leaned back, sighing. "Unnngh... you know, when I first woke up with you coupled to me, I thought you were gay."

"Now there's a word I haven't heard in a while..."

"What, 'gay?'"

Eagle Eye hiccuped. "'Coupled!'"

"Heh! Yeah, don't I know it." Josho turned and smirked at the lavender unicorn. "But, seriously, kid. You are really, really, really, really gay."

"That's four 'really's.'" Eagle Eye said pointing with all four hooves. He nearly dropped the whiskey bottle, but saved it with a beam of telekinesis. "You'd better get yourself checked!"

"Ungh! Why?! I'm an honorable old soldier! You wouldn't take advantage of me, would ya, ya drunken fruit dispenser?!"

"I'm not drunk..." Eagle Eye stumbled up, teetering, and lurched back towards his seat besides the managlider. "Nor a disentangler of fru-fru-fru-fruit!"

"Snkkkt! You sure sound like you're both!"

"You know what I am?" Eagle Eye grinned with rosy cheeks, sitting down next to Josho again. "I'm homeless, that's what I am."

"No no no no no... You're not homeless!" Josho took another sip, then chuckle. "However, you did get the first syllable right. Eh heh heh heh—"

"No, for real!" Eagle Eye slurred, staring into his whiskey bottle. "Homeless means I don't have a home. It means I don't have a family. At least... not the—HIC—family I thought I had. So what if I'm me? I can't not be me, y'know?"


"My dad gets sick of seeing me be me... so he'd rather see me go away... see me get killed in some stupid war..." Eagle Eye's grin melted into something more exhausted, more bitter. "Is that what it means to be a father?" He gulped. "To make sure your kids meet an end that's way more spectacular than yours?"

"I wouldn't know, kid..." Josho sighed, gazing up at the clear blue sky. "My dad died before I was old enough to carry a manarifle."

"The war?"

"Mmmm... next best thing..." Josho's eyes were thin, steely. "Xonan incursion."

"So... that... explains it..."

"Explains what?" Josho smirked aside at the once-dainty pony. "An unruly is an unruly animal, and needs to be put down. I don't care what Xonans may have done or plan to do. They're the enemy. It's as simple as that..."

"Heh..." Eagle Eye toasted with his bottle held high. "Is that why you love doing this so much?"

"Doing what?"

"Getting sloshed, you big fat idiot!" Eagle Eye took a mighty sip. He shuddered as soon as the gulps ended and slumped even further into the soil. "Mmmmmmfff... now I know why Crimson always told us not to get—HIC—hammered. This is nice and all... but it's the pits all the same..."

Josho blinked at him. He looked at the stallion's disheveled mane, then back at his face. "You were gonna stab me, weren't you?"

"Hmmm..." Eagle Eye glanced tiredly over. He frowned. "Don't you be coming onto me, old horse..."

"No, I mean earlier on the train..." Josho pointed towards the air. "With the foxes and the boxes and the cars... the foxes in box cars..."

"Ehhhh..." Eagle Eye shrugged, cradling his bottle in two frail hooves. "I dunno..."

"You were, weren't ya?" Josho smiled. "It's alright! I probably would have considered the same thing if you were falling through the train and I was standing on top of you instead."

"I couldn't do it..."

"Why not? Maybe if one of us died, the manacles would turn off and crud!"

"No no no no no..." Eagle Eye sighed. "I... just don't like killing..."

"Pfft! Bite your tongue! You do it all the time!"

"Because I have to..."

"So? You joined the army—"

"Doesn't mean I have to like it!" Eagle Eye suddenly growled with draconian resolve. It even made Josho shudder. Looking over, the petite unicorn frowned venomously. "I became a fighting member of the Blades Guild because I thought I could prove something! Instead, all that happened was me falling apart. And it didn't take all that nonsense at Foxtaur to do it, y'know. Those Xonans? The ones you seem to not care about? They might be savage animals, but their screams sound a lot like yours and mine, don't you think?"

Josho stopped teetering long enough to blink back and say, "I never gave it much mind—"

"No, you didn't, did you?!" Eagle Eye frowned, though he was growling into the shadows between them. "You only thought of yourself! Of proving something! Of getting away from the past! Of becoming something your... nnngh... your f-father never was!" He flung the bottle down into the ground. It didn't shatter. Eagle Eye stared blankly at it, then switched gears completely with a high-pitched giggle. "Heeheeheeheeheee..." He pointed at the intact bottle. "Look at that! I can't even smash bottles when I want to!"

Josho's nostrils flared. He shrugged. "Face it, kid. You were never built for this kind of stuff. Drinking and killing—"

"What, and you were?!" Eagle Eye's giggles gradually morphed into painful hyperventilation. "Did it... d-did it ever occur to you th-that a stallion's worth is not measure in the number of bodies he kills... but the number of souls he saves?"

Josho opened his mouth, but found nothing coming out. He glanced with a sudden stupor at the half-empty bottle in his grasp.

By this time, tears had welled up in the younger unicorn's eyes. Eagle hugged himself and started to tremble. "All I've been making since the get-go have been mistakes... and what's the price for discovering h-how pathetic I am?" He gulped, sniffled, and stammered, "Ponies have died. Left and right. Ponies I didn't even know. And for what? I have no home here. I have no home anywhere. All I have for myself is a hole built out of shame and regret. So much killing... and not a single bit of saving..." He covered his face and wept. "Crimson is gone. Phoenix... Zenith... so many lonely families... so many lost children..."

"Look, kid, I know it sucks," Josho grumbled. "But you gotta pull it together. I mean..." He placed the bottle down with a shaky hoof and smiled awkwardly in the stallion's direction. "You'll live through this. You'll be a better stallion than your dad ever was..."

"And just what will I-I become...?" Eagle Eye gazed up at him, his face streaming with tears. "Wh-what have you become?" He gulped. "And are you happy with it? Proud, even?"

Once more, Josho was silent. A pale sheen had fallen over his unshaven features. He realized that his hoof was still trembling.

Eagle Eye grimaced, then avoided the older pony's gaze by covering his face with his hooves once more. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. I just... I-I just want a place to be safe... to be clean... to be happy..." He gulped. "I want a place where there's a pony for me to come home to... and t-talk of all the joys of the day... and none of this ugly nonsense... it's just so very ugly..."

Josho sighed. He didn't realize he was doing it until he felt the trembling weight of Eagle Eye against him, but he had stretched a forelimb over to engulf the tender pony in a side-hug. "You'll find that home, kid. You're not like me, ya hear? You're... you're the kind of pony who deserves the good stuff."

Eagle's sobs were quiet salvos of tears, muffled in the coarse coat of Josho's shoulder. His weeping carried him into fitful slumber. All the while, Josho gazed heavenward. With each deep breath he took, the sky above him became foggier and foggier, though there wasn't a cloud to be seen.

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