• Member Since 15th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen May 26th, 2019


"Tim, you're just so nice nobody could hate you. We all are secretly in love with you." ~bats


A series of song-prompt based short stories featuring the romantic relationship between Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash. Each story will be no more than ~1,000 words.

The theme/mood/atmosphere of every chapter is influenced by the song prompt chosen.

All credit goes to the artists who wrote and performed the amazing songs that will be used at some point in this collection of stories. If you want to see a specific song used as a prompt, I'm open to any and all suggestions!

Wanna check out another song-inspired TwiDash collection? Yes? Thought so. I give you ssjgokillo's The TwiDash Playlist!

Chapters (18)
Comments ( 193 )

I like this. It's not long stories its just short tales. :pinkiehappy:

Boom! Liked, faved, subscribed, and I'm showing this to my friends. Keep em coming bro!

2212881 2212886 2212892 2212951

I love you all. I was actually really nervous when posting this. I'm so saving that picture, it is absolutely adorable. I'd post another picture in response, but M3lancholy up there has probably seen most (if not all) of my inventory...ah screw it: I give to each of you an adorable picture for being awesome:


Comment posted by AuroraLukVeil deleted Mar 4th, 2013


I call the rainbow dash one!

Like I promised.
You write a TwiDash fics, I read it.

I like it, but I have one problem


Here, have a favourite.

Cédric out

Dude... This was a good idea with the songs and all, but you have a really good story idea here! I'd drop the song thing and just flesh out these last two chapters, because they were downright beautiful. If you were to do that, you would have to really flesh them out.

2213071 I'm glad you liked it!

2213327 Thanks a bunch! Hmm, an interesting idea...I could attempt to base an entire story around that whole concept from those 2 chapters. I like it. But I also like my little song-prompt thing (something quick and easy to do when I have limited time but don't feel like working) going on here. So, tell you what, I'll keep this up and add to it every now and then but start up another story focused on the concepts of chapters 2 & 3 here. Because I agree, I'd have to flush them out a lot (background info, dramatic buildup, chapters more than 1,000 words long) but it would ultimately have a similar ending.
Also if I do this would you be interested in proofreading the chapters?


For the full length story, totally without a doubt.


Done and double done!


Cool. Would you mind proofreading/editing my upcoming chapters as well?


and do you have a skype account? PM me if you do.

Could you maybe just put a short note at the top to let people know this is a direct continuation of chapter 2? I was wondering the whole time I was reading whether it was or not and it was kind of distracting.

2213370 I would love to! And no, I don't have a Skype account :facehoof: I really should get one at some point though...

2213399 Hahahaha sorry for the confusion. I'll do that right now.


Alright cool! That's how my friends and I help each other out with our stories. We instant message each other using skype, and we also send our documents to each other with it as well. It's a very useful program, and the best part about it is that it's free!:twilightblush::twilightblush:

Hahahaha, as I said I have confidence in your abilities... And you didn't disappoint! Haha. Now onto the next story!

Kinda sad, but still very enjoyble. I like how you are putting these stories out. One last story and I'll give my full review :twilightsmile:


2214161 D'aww thanks buddy. I actually wanted to get "To The Sky" up soon too, so stay tuned :twilightsmile:



2213039>>2213327 These two chapter are as Abyss said very very good... You have the emoton right and the ideas. All you'd need to do to flesh em out is to add a bit of detail to it all. I love this idea Timaeus! I noticed this one mistake:

Now way I'm going to give up.

No way I'm going*
Other than that I loved it! Haha I can't wait for the "To The Sky" one. I wanna see you work that one out :twilightsmile: I'm sure you can haha.

2214190 2214225 btdubs on a completely unrelated note you two are quickly becoming some of my best friends :heart: Thank you so much for your support. It really means a lot to me.

“It’s beautiful Rainbow Dash. It’s the second most beautiful thing I’ve seen.”
“What’s the first?”

Hnnng. Dieing of sweetness overdose here... great chapter though.


2214749 :facehoof: Thank you for pointing that out. This is what happens when I have fun and get excited while writing. Please point out any other typos that you notice.

2214829 i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/162/317/2vA1a.png?1313349760
What can I say? I was feeling really cheesy and thought of that at the last minute :twilightsheepish: I'm glad you're liking it!

I-I-I... I-I... Speechless... BLOODY HELL MAN! You read my mind with this one! I LOVE IT! hahahaha, that was exactly asI pictured the song as I listen to it. With Rainbow and Twi in that exact situation... You blew my expectations outa the atmosphere, like a shooting star, and outa the galaxy...(HA, ya get it?) But seriously I love it. Plus the ending... heart blew up. Too many feels...

in a state of euphoria, glee, and dopamine-suppressing-foresight

Sill reading, liking it so far. Just wanted to note that I think you got the word order a little mixed up there lol, her foresight isn't suppressing her dopamine :derpytongue2:

2215141 MOAR OWL CITY REFERENCES ARE NEEDED! Oh look some fireflies! "To The Sky" I think was one of my favourite chapters to write :twilightsmile:

2216343 :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: Thank you so much!

2216802 Thanks for pointing that out, I will try and make that sound a little better. Most of the time I swear I can english good, it's just the little things like that that somehow slip by my grammar guard.

2217057hahahaha better have been. My favourite song :twilightsmile: hahaha just re read your "to the sky" AGAIN and I'm still loving it :twilightsmile: MORE OWL CITY SONGS!!!!!! Hahaha can't wait :pinkiehappy:

Got a song suggestion for ya!
Jump - Van Halen

2221205 OH. MY. GAWD. YES! I've got a couple more song prompts lined up right now, but this will DEFINITELY be used soon.

Nice story hahaha, I like it :twilightsmile: Keep em comin! hahaha, I'd like this story again but sadly I cant... So I'll settle with a spike :moustache: Hahahaha. Good story and I can't wait for more

I'm a sucker for well-done flash fiction, especially adorably romantic ones. I posted my own TwiDash prompt collection and I'm always looking for more. This one's just great, and now I've got my daily dose of d'aaawww all taken care of. Thanks!

Hmm… I like this, but two things stand out that my mind won't let me go. On the fifth to last paragraph, I'm thinking using "had not" rather than "did not" would make better sense in the context of the rest of the sentence, that the main point of the sentence is the last clause. Like, "because, if you hadn't [had you not(?), even this sounds weird] crashed into me… I probably would have said something stupid."

Second, in the seventh to the last paragraph, I think you meant "confident", unless you did mean "confidant", in which case there should be an "a", or mayhaps "my". Hell, why not both? Rainbow is both confident and Twilight's confidant. I also think there should also be a "you're" behind the "loyal" or put it with "confident" (unless it's "confidant"… in which case, add the "you're"). There's a word for this, the repetition of a word or phrase in clauses. I'll look it up. Eventually.

Oh, and faved and thumbed.

2223326 Thanks for pointing those out! This is what happens when I decide to write up my stuff at 6:00 a.m. (but then again, that's generally the only time I have to write, so pros and cons). I'm glad you're enjoying it so far, and if you ever notice anything that sounds weird or is grammatically incorrect, please let me know! I really do appreciate it.

2223283 :pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp: The author of "Egghead and Featherbrain" favourited my story!!! *squee* Ahem, okay, I'm better now. Seriously though, I really love your story, and I'm very happy to hear you like mine enough to favourite it! On that note, I've just noticed that while I've upvoted your story and read every single chapter, I've somehow forgotten to favourite it. Allow me to fix that :twilightsheepish:

I’m going to miss you to. = should be I’m going to miss you too.

Working overtime is exactly something Twilight would do, as long as it's for a good cause. And of course, RD is the best cause.


And I prided myself on never messing up "to," "too," and "two." And I agree, RD is indeed the best cause.

...and a diabetically sweet wrapup. Good show!

Hmm, requests? How about:

Or the album version (live version is better), with lyrics: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_Hfy6Ng4y0

Timaeus! You must know this! Hahaha I love your stories! But here's another piece of news! I believe you can do better! Haha not with the word prompt... No, that just makes you leave details out(not that your not rockin that out... Very well) hahaha no, you must make a romance FULL story! (If your stories here are to be any indication your talents would make it throughout the site!) (most likely... BUT not the point...) hahaha. I'd love to see you take any of these and extend me to full on stories(not that their bad... Accually they are awesome.) And you said you might, haha. (*cough*"To The Sky"*cough*) hahaha. ANYWAY review on this story. Nice flow, has great emotion. The relationship only being a week old and all might be a little much (for some people) but works nicely with the story. The flashback moment is nice to have a bit of backstory to the whole feelings part, so nice touch. (Also gave me an idea for my story) and the whole going early and working hard is totally Twi material. So all in all a great story. Looking forward to the next chapter/story :twilightsmile:

2224057 So shall it be written, so shall it be done. Give me some time though, and I can get one up! :twilightsmile:

2225607 Hmm, an interesting proposition. This may end up being a spawning point of various different fully-fledged romance stories in a few cases. I had a lot of fun writing "To The Sky," and I don't think I'd mind fleshing that out into a full on romance story. I'd just need to come up with a larger plot (hahaha) and overarching story for it, although it probably wouldn't be longer than 4-5 chapters at most. I also am planning on taking chapters 2 & 3 and using that concept to make another fully-fledged romance story (it would be a little sadder than "To The Sky," but that's to be expected) and probably around the same length if not a little longer. And I'm glad you enjoyed the last couple chapters! You and The Abyss have given me quite a bit to think about! :twilightsmile:

2225757 Hahaha, good joke there. ANYWAY hahahahaha, I know for a fact it's turn out to be a great story! ("To The Sky" AND Chap 2/3!) Believe me! haha (or don't, your choice :twilightsmile:) Soooooo... yeah. Hahaha, pretty much all I can say without giving anything away to other people! (Not that I'd know what YOU'D write... hehe...) Big story with detail = MUCH bigger story.... My math is NEVER wrong when it comes to stories :pinkiehappy:

Bass-lines? I like Pink Floyd's "Money". Plus: compound meter.

All of these are downright awesome.
If you're looking for more inspiration, here:

Darq approves.

<3 DarqFox

2227863 Hmm, "Money," eh? Interesting :trixieshiftright:

2228368 WOO! I'm glad you're enjoying it! I'll definitely take that song into consideration, thank you for the prompt. I'm just going to be really bogged down this weekend with uni stuff, but I should have more than enough time for at least one chapter this weekend.

2233024 <3

I must say, the execution is a little Cliche'd, but it could also be expanded to a very enjoyable read. I'd actually love to see a fic dedicated to this idea. Great work.

Great so far! Can't wait for more.

Too bad you've already done a fic similar to it, because otherwise Bon Jovi's You Had Me From Hello would have been a great one.

2249443 Firstly, thank you! I hope Cliche'd isn't a terribly bad thing, but I get what you mean. I'm hoping to start work on it once I get some free time on my hands (maybe a couple of weeks from now, depending on workload from uni :facehoof: ). Secondly, I really enjoyed your prompt collection (especially "Fish," that one made me laugh)! Thirdly, I'll see what I can do. Who knows? Maybe some random creative impulse will rain down on me from the heavens.

2249666 Well really the only really cliche'd bit was them both feeling the same way for each other but keep beating around the bush about it. It's a trope that's been overdone, but given the point is that these are short stories based on prompts, I can forgive it.

I like the execution, just that story element is a little overplayed. If I might make a suggestion is that Rainbow feels compelled to look for Twilight for reasons she doesn't understand (and she really wants to know why Twilight said "I'll always be yours"), and she gets increasingly more desperate as she begins to understand that her feeling may go a little beyond friendship to the point where she starts to do the Rainboom thing, and upon seeing the Unicorn, it clicks in to place.

Just a little suggestion, take it or leave it! Haha.

And thank you! I should really write another one, but I've just been so busy with the blog and stuff, I'm getting close to a point where I'll be able to start updating again, and I kinda can't wait for it.

And I can definitely relate, I have questions posed to the ask blog which have always been in the back of my mind, since last year, and have only now formed idea's good enough to post! Inspiration strikes when we least expect it.

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