• Member Since 25th Feb, 2013
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Blue Cultist

“The soul becomes dyed with the colour of its thoughts.” -Marcus Aurelius, Meditations


Pinkie's new to Ponyville, She's just been invited to work at Sugar Cube Corner and live with the Cakes while she gets to know the town. But on the way she meets a strange, blind creature with no fur, no cutie mark, and no place to live. Seeing her chance to make a friend, Pinkie quickly decides to help him, but how will this affect how the other ponies will see her with this strange blind thing?

Picture was made by my friend Escopeto. Also, not a fallen soldier story. The AU tag is because I'm setting this before Pinkie's arrived in Ponyville and things may turn out different for her, she may or may not even get Gummy.

Wow, on 9/17/2020 the remake kicked this story all the way to #2 on the popular list for a few minutes and got its first tenure on the Featured list.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 271 )

Not bad at all really. Very descriptive.

*insert wince here*
God, I always hated eye injury.


*insert wince here*
God, I always hated eye injury.

Remember to always wear eye protection when swinging a heavy bucket of boiling water on the pointy end of a pitchfork. :twilightsmile:


Finger injuries make me cringe more : / not big nasty ones either, just the small ones.

Comment posted by Jack Kellar deleted Sep 22nd, 2013

Pinkie Pie uses Hot Tea!

It's Super Effective!

I like it before, but this re-write seems pretty interesting.:pinkiehappy:

3246699 A day early my friend. Rewrite's started. =3

3247317 First it was a bucket of hot water in winter, then hot tea from a camp site.

Now he has it from the moment he entered Equestria.

So.....2 re-writes? Or 3?

Whatever, still seems mighty interesting, looking forward to more.

Oh come on, how many time will you change this story.

3305246 this is the one I'm keeping. =3

3250940 Two. Third time's the charm.

"Well, I could use some a roommate." Pinkie said,
that "some"does not belong. :derpytongue2:

3396267 read it in an Italian pizzeria accent and you'll be fine :pinkiecrazy:


Wow, this is really good. Also, becoming blind is one of the most awful thing I can imagine, I feel kind of sorry for Jonathan.

From Pinkie's description, I figured he was some kind of blind martial artist going through a couple of katas, but it turned out that he'd suddenly gone blind and was stumbling about. Gods, that's horrible.

:raritydespair::raritycry: *WAHHHH* So Sad,To bad :rainbowlaugh:

Pinkie's casual mention of her mute cousin Razzle (and how he got that way) is remarkably disturbing. Brings up Cupcakes flashbacks.

Even though I never read Cupcakes. (I'm not that stupid. :rainbowwild:)

Oh, wow, I didn't know you had this one also. Now I'm torn between liking this and disliking it for potentially taking time away from Barleycorn. Oh, well, this is great too.

Man, running with scissors, dark stuff. Fun though.

Yay, update! :pinkiehappy:

Also, you forgot to change status of story from "On Hiatus" to "Incomplete".

I loved this chapter, it was very sweet!
On another note, the pony who sold that necklace deserves a stocking full of coal...

There's just one thing I didn't understand. Who bought Party Cannon for Pinkie - Jonny or Rarity?

Lovely work as always RP, and i hope you muse was kind to you this late holiday season.


it's probable still on Hiatus, but this was the best one to write the chapter for.

Nope, it's Incomplete, look at status! =)

Also, I wanna say... Merry Christmas to all!


On another note, the pony who sold that necklace deserves a stocking full of coal...

:pinkiecrazy: "Silly brony, that's not how you spell 'rectum'!"

It will make that pony constipated, nothing more. No big deal.

5507379 Then you're not using enough coal. :moustache: Though I can't help but think your view of a 'big deal' is really skewed if you think 'coal in the stocking=a source of warmth in the cold winter' is worse than 'coal in the rectum=constipation'. I always found a nice warm fire in the middle of winter rather pleasant... never heard anyone refer to constipation as rather pleasant though.

5507367 I was thinking aorta, myself, not stocking or rectum...

I wanna see Rarity rip it into the pony who took advantage of a visually impaired being.

5507555 ... I thought the point was to make them suffer and regret their actions, not kill them immediately.:rainbowhuh:

5507578 Oh, depending on the size, they'll suffer LOTS. :D Stent implanted, multiple bypass, etc etc.

Yes! I am really glad to see that you are still working on this story, it's on my top five fav Pinkie Pie fics!

I never said such thing. I just said that coal in rectum just cause constipation, and it's not a big deal. I suffered this condition multiple times, and it's not as bad as everyone talks. A pill or two - and voila, freedom, no problems! And even if ponies have no medicine at all (given that they have hospitals, it's very unlikely), mother nature have numerous plants that heal constipation with ease. And given that Equestrian nature is highly magical, there might be even plant that heals constipation by transforming feces into butterflies and rainbows and make you shit them out.

Wow, Puppet. This was great, touching and funny. It's been a good while since you've posted anything of this fic, but you haven't lost your touch!

I know that in the fic's canon we haven't seen Dash meet Jonny, but their interaction here shows how they'll go along each other - close enough to be friends, but distant enough to be considered less than true buddies and her not being in his closest circles. I remember the head-poking from the first version, too, hehe.
Rarity's a whole sweeter cookie. He sure is casual around her if he got to needle and tease her after almost cracking his sniffer, isn't he?
As for Pinkie, yeah, seems like a certain deal of the ponies he has contact with have noticed he has a sweeter spot for her, even if it's not romantic in his or her view. Oh the teasing!

Now we know where Dash's sunglasses from Lesson Zero and the Party Cannon came from! :pinkiehappy: So, I take it that this at the latest takes place before season 2, or a slight bit through it? Then again, no mention whatsoever of Applejack, Fluttershy or (especially) Twilight give me reason to think Jonathan got there a lot earlier than I first presumed.

BTW, while there are a few faults in the writing from the lack of editing (as to be expected), there's one I can't let pass without pointing out: you called Carrot Cake "Carrot Top" once.

5507582 I was referring more to the big hole in their chest where you went in to get the coal to the aorta.:duck:

5507259 Not really night. I took it pretty hard after my cat died so this chapter was a crawl. I got about 80% of it done, then it was about a sentence a night. For a long time it didn't make any progress at all. Last night I powered through it and got this chapter done just because I didn't want to post this in February.

5507292 Incomplete, Hiatus, doesn't matter since I'm going back to LBC after this. Also, I added a sentence pointing out that Rarity bought and wrapped the cannon, but Jonny had ordered it before hand.

5507682 I am so glad to hear you say that you liked this. When a chapter takes over a month I feel like I'm uploading a chapter that's like Quasimodo, disjointed and hideous. That it won't work, that its got some huge hidden flaw that I overlooked and I'll have to take it down and completely rework it. Now I have feel like a big weight's off my chest.

I loved the interaction with Rarity, she's a lot of fun to play with since she tries to play the proper lady. Solid Punch was a little worried people would think that Flim and Flam would be implemented as the ones who cheated Jonny, but they aren't. The swindler is anonymous, which makes it worse when it could be anyone in Ponyville.

As for Mr. Cake morphing into Carrot Top in mid scene... that's part of the reason I had to halt LaB, Its too easy to miswrite Carrot Top when their names are so similar. XD Fixed btw

Well. I definitely wasn't expecting to come back from school to see this.

fav and liked, this is a really enjoyable read :)

Just read over all the chapters, and got to say, good job. Really liked it, and would like to see more.

5508766 I whole-heartedly second this motion. The interaction between Jon and everyone else is just marvelous to read.

Pinkie's just moving in with the Cakes and just met her first friend on the side of the road, a human.



Plus he/she'll probably just end up with a set of diamonds afterwards. Is it odd that I almost punched my computer screen after reading that bit?

5509438 I'm glad it provoked a reaction like that, but don't destroy your compy.
:raritywink: The pony who swindled my friend suffered greatly.

Pinkie is the cutest thing ever. She has like the biggest heart.:pinkiehappy: I wonder if after a few months, she starts to feel for the guy; romantically I mean... especially if they had to be attached at the hip for obivious/adorable reasons. I mean Johnathan wants to be around her, right?:ajsmug: Whatever... I'm just a little hopeful is all.:pinkiesad2:

I know I would have murdered someone if I had found out one of my friends got swindled because they couldn't see.

I hope to see more of this soon. Good Pinkie story is cute as fuck.

Alright; I'm interested:

5507791 Eh, a .22 cal should do the job, and quick enough medical attention should do the job without loss of life...

Hey, why such cruelty? Ponies, love and toleration, not hate and guro!

"Can't we all just get along?!"


*bang* "Anybody else can't get along?"

"Nope. I can! Kumbaya bro! Hugs? I LOVE EVERYBODY PLEASE DON'T SHOOT ME!! I hate you so much, I'm going to ignore your existence now."

"Well what do you know! World peace!"

"Well actually, I can't get along with those damn Je—" *bang*

"World. Peace."

Toleration; getting along with people you don't agree with.
World Peace; the absence of people who exploit others or refuse to co-exist with people they don't agree with... and yes ignoring someone is co-existing.

Cute. Liked this a lot.

Considering you called this a bonus, is this happening after the main story or is this also the "real" next chapter?

Also, you seem to have rushed a little with this, there are quite a few small mistakes that another proofreading should have caught. Great chapter, but more small mistakes than usual.

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