• Published 5th Mar 2013
  • 23,805 Views, 1,086 Comments

Canis Ezo Kage - BioChemicalWolfGear

A man is turned into a black wolf and finds himself in Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 8

As I looked upon the strange multicolored figure in the doorway I discovered something peculiar. The figure was silhouetted by the orange glow of the setting sun. But that was odd since the entrance to the library was facing north. I tried to look around the figure and at the oncoming radiance to discover some slanted mirrors across the street. The mirrors were leaning up against the house with seemingly no purpose, other than to reflect the sun into the library. I snickered to myself before admiring the scene before me as the orange light seemed to weave around the multicolored form in the door. But the figure seemed too surreal and the heroic pose the pony at the door displayed nullified the almost romantic aura. The pony had their chest puffed up and its head held high.

Honestly, I couldn’t tell the gender of the pony because of their proud posture and sleek frame. I could tell Twilight and Fluttershy were female, but this one didn't have any defining features of his or her body, so it was difficult for me to pin a gender to the multicolored pony. I did however notice a bit of scratchiness that I associated with a young man’s voice, so I immediately assumed the pony with a guy when it first spoke after I made the observations.

I looked back at Fluttershy who was previously leading me to the door. She first stopped when she noticed the figure a few seconds ago, and greeted it with a warm smile. I looked back at Twilight who was shaking her head disapprovingly but with a contradictory smile on her face. A book still caught in her magical grasp floated above her forgotten. I also caught a glimpse of the large shadow on the wall behind us. The shadow belonged to the pony at the door. The shadow figure also was getting smaller while the legs moved. I looked back to see the pony trotting towards us while its tail was seemingly caught in the door.

Then a sudden disappearance of the orange light. Followed swiftly by a distinct and amazing sound.


“Ow! Who left this mirror here?” Came a commentary from across the street.

I would have burst into laughter if I had the voice for it. But as the orange light suddenly disappeared and was directed away from the doorway I did my best at smiling.

“Gotta love sensitive ears.”

“I thought I’d just check up on Twilight.” started the Multicolored pony. “You haven’t been out of the library for days. You need to loosen up with this studying of yours.” he continued, almost too confidently. I began to suspect he was flirting. He then smiled, finishing with, “But I’m glad you’re opening up again. Your friends missed you Twilight.” He said sweetly.

Twilight set the book of wolves down on a nearby table, leaving it open. I contemplated moving to go see if I could read it, but the pony at the doorway made me too apprehensive to expose myself by moving into his vision.

“Thanks Rainbow Dash. But what are you doing here? Besides the obvious that is.” Twilight inquired of her, with a confused tilt of the head, but it was accompanied with a smile.

“Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash. Ok gotta remember that.” I thought.

I watched with caution as the multicolored pony sauntered toward us. He smiled smugly as he approached our group of three. I began to feel a little tense, because he has yet to even acknowledge my presence. Not only that, but I felt as if he’s been ignoring me. I took a few cautious steps back. Fluttershy was still in front of me and to my left with about a foot's length to separate us. Twilight a meter behind us and to our right.

“Is it really a crime to check up on my friend?” he defended. "Oh hey Fluttershy!" The Canary yellow Pegasus said a meek hello and smiled.

I made a motion to have Fluttershy between me and this new visitor, why I felt apprehensive about him I didn’t know. But my instincts seemed to tell me to hide from his attention hogging antics. I reflected on the time when I became noticed, I learned the process of hypnotism when I felt I needed it, and possibly how to control it. Perhaps this is another lesson my body is trying to tell me?

Wait… instincts.

“I didn’t have instincts a few days ago. Why is it that I’m only now tapping into something not naturally human?” I pondered.

“Well, when you show up suddenly after I haven’t seen you for a week, then yes.” Twilight retorted with a cocky grin that mirrored the Pegasus’s.

He looked almost struck as he recoiled in shock. “Hey in my defense, Pinkie hadn’t told me she cheered you up! And I remember I asked her to tell me when she does, so we can hang out!” she pointed an accusatory hoof at Twilight while giving her an unserious glare.

I found myself still hiding behind Fluttershy, and looking over her back. Fluttershy had only swiveled her head to track the ponies’ movements. But unfortunately for me, she decided to move her whole body to face the multicolored pony. The stallion caught the movement out of the corner of his eye and glanced over at Fluttershy quickly, then back to Twilight. It was all he needed to spot me, and when he realized that they weren’t alone he turned his whole head toward me.

“Of course Rainbow. You know, you probably could have showed up and forced me ou-.” Twilight stopped herself when she saw Rainbow looking at me with a quizzical gaze.

“The hay?” he asked.

I took a moment to consider my options. I saw the multicolored pony seem to tense up at the sight of me. I pondered why, but I realized I was slightly crouched and in an intimidating stance. I quickly righted myself and stood straight so I didn’t seem ready to hunt him. I then prayed the message was sent and the tension between us diminished. Twilight looked between us with a worried expression. Fluttershy followed Rainbow’s gaze and noticed me in my nonthreatening position and assumed he was confused.

“Oh, Rainbow Dash.” Fluttershy interrupted our tense moment and got Rainbow’s attention away from me. “This is Hush.” Fluttershy gestured toward me and continued, “He’s a… what was it Twilight?” A sheepish smile followed her question.

Twilight sighed in relief knowing the tense moment was removed by Fluttershy’s cluelessness, and smiled. She then replied calmly, “A Canis Ezo Kage.”

Rainbow looked at Twilight oddly. “A what?”

Twilight rolled her eyes at Rainbow's confusion, “It’s a type of wolf.”

I really didn’t understand this guy. But I also had the sense he was a jock of some sort. I couldn’t see him paying attention in class for more than ten seconds. But I felt obligated not to judge him, because he was friends with Twilight and I assume Fluttershy.

Ok thinking about it, I don’t think I’m obligated to like him if he’s friends with Twilight. The pony who I assume tried to take my free will, and her influence is still nibbling at my subconscious idly. I reminded myself of the anxiety I felt toward the purple little unicorn. However, I couldn’t help but be curious about her motives.

Rainbow Dash kept looking at me with a crooked head. He walked forward slowly and I glanced at Fluttershy who was looking between me and Rainbow curiously. Rainbow stepped closer cautiously and stopped two feet in front of me. He leaned in and I felt almost uncomfortable until I realized that his analyzing gaze wasn’t directed at me… but my eyes.

I thought he just felt apprehensive toward me, and that may have been the meaning at first, but now I saw a curiosity in the eyes of the stallion before me. He looked into their depths for the search of something unknown to me. I let him look without trying to hypnotize him in any way. Might as well let his curiosity run wild, so his questions will be answered. Although it didn’t stop me from being slightly apprehensive toward him as he continued to lean forward until his face was a foot from mine.

“Rainbow?” His concentration was interrupted by the yellow Pegasus, and he looked at her with a blank expression. “What were you doing?” Fluttershy asked curiously.

“His eyes are blue!” Rainbow he pointed a hoof at me, his tone was stated as if its proof I’ve committed a murder.

“What?!” Twilight exclaimed loudly and rushed passed Rainbow.

Now Twilight was in my face, and I felt a little more insecure considering the information I gathered about her bringing me here for study. She looked at my eyes and I tried to hypnotize her again, but as she started to lull off she looked away realizing her mistake. And without looking at me she started to scold me.

“Stop doing that! I know you’re trying to hypnotize me!” Twilight scolded me angrily, while concentrating on the ceiling.

“Oh my, Hush, is this true?” Fluttershy asked me with a worried expression.

I looked at her and tried to give my response in animal tongue, but Rainbow stepped in.

“The hay is going on?” Rainbow asked looking between each of us. She asked us, “What’s with you guys?”

Twilight decided to tear me a new one with words. “Fluttershy’s wolf has the ability to hypnotize ponies and animals by looking them in the eye. He did that a minute ago, and I only remembered it because I looked away when he was accessing my subconscious.” Unfortunately for Twilight, neither Rainbow Dash nor Fluttershy knew what she was talking about.

But I did. When I put her under, my natural ability made her forget all the influence I installed in her so she’s do what I want without knowing I told her to do it. By putting her half way into a trance until she broke it, she got access to my last command. Which was embarrassingly enough ‘say hi’ and she said hi. I began to question if it was really so bad she’s be angry about it, but if a lower creature like an ant were to take control of me for a split second I’d want to stomp on it. Even if it was a simple word.

“He did what?” Rainbow questioned, even more confused than before.

“Are you sure Twilight?” asked Fluttershy.

“Yes! I’m sure! I remember him experimenting with hypnosis on me!” she answered while lowering her head to look at her friends.

I contemplated running, but that would make me look guilty. Not only that, but I would have missed out on what happened next.

“Hypnosis? Seriously?” deadpanned Rainbow, looking back at me.

He stepped toward me with a quizzical look. He passed Twilight and looked me right in the eye. He had a cocky grin that I couldn’t help but want to laugh at.

“Meh, he doesn’t look so tough. I bet he can’t hypnotize the fastest Pegasus in the world.” He boasted. “Heck, I can outrun Spitfire and Fleetfoot.” he boasted, hopping into the air and hovering with his forehooves on his hips.

“Wait Spitfire? The plane? Ponies have planes?” I thought to myself.

I looked up at Rainbow Dash and began to notice his posture.

“That doesn’t seem masculine… it’s more bitchy and arrogant, than an attempt to show off.” I pondered.

But before I could follow up on the thought I was almost bombarded by the face of the same multicolored Pegasus as his body suddenly sloped downward so his head was the lowest part of his body. He was now eye to eye with me, with not even a foot of breathing room between us. I felt slightly intimidated by the proximity of the Pegasus and I backed up while giving a quick low growl.

“Uh Rainbow, can you please stop intimidating him?” Fluttershy asked meekly, but somehow gaining both our attention and Twilight's.

“Oh, sorry about that Fluttershy.” Said Rainbow awkwardly.

I moved toward Fluttershy in hopes we’d start moving to the door. But Fluttershy decided to stay and chat for a few more minutes, despite my obvious eagerness to leave.

“Don’t worry Rainbow Dash. It wasn’t your fault. You just got in his personal space.” she replied.

“Pah-lease.” Rainbow flamboyantly said ‘please’ to Fluttershy, and continued. “He just knew I was the most amazing Pegasus in the world, and he couldn’t compete.”

I opted to just growl at him before heading toward the front door angrily. Rainbow Dash succeeded in actually making me slightly aggravated. The fact I couldn’t respond to him, made the situation even more aggravating. It’s like getting picked on, when you don’t have a mouth to respond. It’s hard to not want to throw a punch. But regardless of Rainbow’s boasts and assurances that he’s the best I really didn’t care enough about him to feel obligated to lash out at him. Especially considering I’m not a dominant species anymore.

I looked back at the front door and headed toward it. Fluttershy caught on and realized we should be heading back to her place. She looked panicked as she looked back at her friends with a small frown while backing toward the door.

“Sorry girls, but I need to go home and feed the animals. And I don’t think Hush likes it here anymore.” Fluttershy explained while turning back to the front door where I waited patiently for her to open it.

“I hate paws, can’t grab anything… wait did she say girls?” I pondered.

“Naw it’s cool Fluttershy. See yah!” called out Rainbow Dash with a wave.

And that’s when I realized I made a mistake. Rainbow Dash was a girl… only her scratchy voice made the impression that she was a guy. It would also explain why Rainbow didn’t call Fluttershy out when she said ‘girls’. But then again he could probably pass if he’s that dumb. But there was little speculation about it. I looked at Rainbow Dash trying to scan her up and down for any signs of feminism.

“I’ll talk to you more about Hushed later, when I gather more information ok?” Twilight stated to her.

Fluttershy was halfway between me and Twilight when she responded.

“Thanks Twilight, but I think his name is Hush…” her eyes widened in realization. “Wait. Unless…?” she turned to me with a questioning gaze. “Your name is Hushed?”

I wagged my tail excitedly while whimpering happily. Fluttershy smiled at me and Twilight raised an eyebrow in confusion. Rainbow Dash looked like she was about to burst into joyous laughter but held it in with a hoof. I watched Rainbow for any sign of feminism to confirm the thought of her being a girl. I realized Rainbow’s body was similar to Fluttershy’s and Twilight’s. Almost slick and graceful, but hers was more toned, like that of an athlete.

“Oh, I’m sorry for calling you Hushed. I mean Hush.” Fluttershy’s apology started to take a downward turn. “I mean I was calling you Hush instead of Hushed. I’m sorry.” Fluttershy’s head lowered in bashfulness.

“…Wow. That was painful to watch.” Rainbow commented to Twilight. My ears were able to pick it up as they were swiveled forward to hear the only ponies in the room.

“I forgive you.” I growled to her. “Now I’m hungry, so can we please leave?”

Fluttershy’s ears perked up and her head raised. “Oh right, the animals. I’m sorry, we should really be heading home.” she finished with newfound urgency.

Fluttershy meekly got to the door and opened it up outward and let me go first. I decided to take her offer, considering I don’t know how to hold a door for a lady without hands… that actually makes me sad. Once I cleared the doorway she waved back to Rainbow and Twilight.

“Bye girls.” she said.

“See yah Twilight!”


Fluttershy left the room and stepped out onto the street with a smile on her face. She closed the door behind her and headed back to her place.

“This is going to be a long walk.” I thought to myself when I saw the sun about to dip below the horizon.


The trip back to the cottage was uneventful and silent. Fluttershy, no doubt, was reviewing the information about me that Twilight gave her just an hour ago. By now the sun was properly out of sight and the sky was still darkening. I walked on Fluttershy’s right as we came into view of her cottage. It took little time to get to the bridge. I looked around for the mice that I remembered seeing in the yard. I forgot about them until the cottage went in sight.

Fluttershy seemed to become impatient and she trotted faster toward her home with a worried expression. I started to worry about our safety, because I thought Fluttershy knew something I didn’t. I started looking around in search for some hidden danger that would explain Fluttershy’s worried expression. I looked to the house, in search for anything odd or out of the ordinary. The only thing I could think of is the lights being on.

But the animals weren’t outside. I only just noticed this. I looked up in search for any creatures that I would attribute to being Fluttershy’s friends and I saw an owl that was scanning the landscape. He occasionally gave a few glances toward me and Fluttershy, but he continued to scan everything around the home. I gave him no heed as I knew he wasn’t there to bother me.

I followed Fluttershy over the bridge and picked up my pace to match hers. She was a meter in front of me. Her hooves seemed to pound on the dirt road as mine landed so softly that I was but a phantom. The darkness was also shrouding me in shadows, conjoining me with the dark side of the world where nothing exists. I felt powerful in this environment. I almost didn’t want to follow Fluttershy inside. But those thoughts disappeared, when I reminded myself of the food that awaited me.

I heard the front door open and I realized Fluttershy was farther ahead of me than I realized. I looked at her with an incredulous expression as I noticed she not only got ahead of me, but was two meters ahead of me and holding the door open from the inside of her home.

“Come on Hushed. We need to feed you and the other animals.” she cooed in a sweet and soft tone, while holding a trusting smile.

I momentarily scolded myself for zoning out and leaving myself open for attack. I quickened my pace and made it through the door into the bright cottage first floor. My nose was instantly blasted with zoo smell. Fluttershy closed the door behind me, and quickly flew over to the food pellets in the corner for the many mucilaginous critters that scampered around on wood floor. I watched with little interest as some of said critters stopped their scampering and looked at me with worry.

“Am I so different, that they’d think of me as an outcast?” I thought to myself noticing the indecisive looks.

Some young mice ran into their dens while some birds scampered to their birdhouses. I noticed Angel bunny giving me an analyzing look from the green couch. He seemed slightly irritated but stopped watching me when Fluttershy brought out the bowls. He hopped off the couch and hopped over to Fluttershy rather than the bowls. Fluttershy was mid pour with one of the bags in front of a group of ferrets when she saw Angel stomping his foot on the ground impatiently.

She stopped dipping the alfalfa bag and placed it on the ground to the side where a mouse tried to get sneaky. I approached the mouse but not before hearing the conversation between Angel and Fluttershy.

“I’m sorry Angel, but my trip took longer than I thought. I’ll get your salad ok?” She was about to fly off before noticing something and looking around and asking, “Where’s Mr. Barry?”

“Gone home to his cave.” responded Angel. “He did what he can here and thought you’d get back in time. So he went down to the river and caught a fish and went home.” Angel explained with his squeaks and arm motions.

“He went home? That’s not like him.” Fluttershy commented in concern, as she flew off into the kitchen. “Well, I’ll ask him later. I’ll be back.”

I heard a distinct sound of a refrigerator door opening, accompanied by some rustling of plastic. I returned to the objective at hand and faced the mouse that was climbing the alfalfa bag. I approached him without a noise. He started to open it before I growled disapprovingly. It caught Angel's attention as well as the mouse.

“Take what’s given to you. Not what you want.” I warned the small white mouse.

“U-uh sorry…” he replied meekly.

He jumped off the bag and scurried over to the other mice with extra effort to move away from me. I noticed the mice he joined were the same I saw from earlier today. I didn’t have much time to ponder their efforts before I was interrupted by a familiar set of squeaks.

“Not bad.” noted Angel.

Angel was basically between me and the door right now. His position from when he demanded something from Fluttershy hadn’t changed, but his face seemed neutral, rather than irritated. I looked him in the eye while he was taking care to not look me in mine. His arms were folded and his ears were raised high.

“How often do you think you’d be around here?” he asked.

“About as often as I see fit. Maybe forever, but for now I will wait for my friends, and from then on I’ll plan for the future.” I told him.

In truth, I don’t want to plan for the future. I want to stay at the cottage where it’s safe and comfortable. Although, there’s a significant lack of ‘Poison Joke’ to sleep on. I guess that’s what is really keeping me from getting attached to this place. But remembering what I saw when leaving the forest with Applejack I began contemplating whether or not I want to stay here rather than on some potentially dangerous flowers.

“I guess that’s fair.” Angel commented. “Anyway, I heard about what you could do with your eyes.”

I was thoroughly confused when he said that. Were my eyes changing when I didn’t realize? Was he referencing the time I almost hypnotized him? But if he was talking about that, then he wouldn’t say ‘I heard’ because he experienced it.

“What do you mean?” I asked him.

“You can see detail not many animals here can see. Heck, I don’t think a pony would be able to pick out a mouse in the grass that wants to stay hidden.” He told me.

“That’s not all that impressive.” I thought to myself.

I was distracted for a moment by the crunching of food from the mouth of a ferret who found an impressively large chunk of alfalfa. The other ferrets looked jealous, and I felt like I must keep the peace between them. But I let it slide and continued with the conversation between me and Angel.

“Why do you find that interesting?” I asked.

Fluttershy came out of the kitchen humming a jolly tune with a bowl in her hooves, that was filled with lettuce. She gently placed the bowl of lettuce down in front of Angel. He smiled at the bowl and looked back up at me.

“We’ll talk later.” he replied and promptly brought the bowl to his face before I can ask anything else.

“Did you two have a nice conversation?” Fluttershy asked innocently.

I nodded my head.

“Good, I’ll get your food, then I’ll feed the birds.” stated Fluttershy.

Some birds chirped angrily… and also chirped angry things while up in the safety of their nests. They were out of biting distance so it wasn’t like I could retaliate. I wanted to shout something at them but at the moment I had nothing to really say against them, and their conversations were in a strange sing-song format that I couldn’t quite decipher when there were so many birds at once.

“None of that language in this house!” Fluttershy exclaimed loudly over the chewing of animals and the tweeting of birds. The room became deathly silent after Fluttershy’s aggravated outburst. “As guests in my home, you must follow my rules, and my rules are no fighting, and no bullying!” Fluttershy finished with an increased level of volume. She landed on the ground beside Angel, but closer to the door.

Fluttershy seemed more upset about the part of bullying than anything. I tried to think more about it but Fluttershy interrupted my thoughts by speaking up again.

“Say you’re sorry to Hushed,” she demanded, giving a glare to the birds. It was hard to do, considering they were all over the room. But Fluttershy pulled it off by looking at the ceiling panning from left to right so all the birds were in her view at some point.

There was some tweet version of murmurings coming from all over the room except from a few apologies that came from birds that weren’t as prejudiced as the ones that first spoke out against the idea of eating after me. Then Fluttershy huffed in anger, as she noticed some birds weren’t sincere.

“Are you really going to let this get to you?” she scolded. “Mr. Barry started off like Hushed, do you complain about him being a bear today, when you did a few years ago?” Fluttershy stated irritably. “Now say you’re sorry to Hushed.”

“Sorry Hushed.” the room was filled with a few hundred voices at once.

I looked down at Angel, who had his head out of the bowl, and was wearing a confused expression while looking above me. I looked up and saw a small red Robin had placed himself above me and looked down. It didn’t take me two guesses as to what he was trying to do. I sprinted past Angel and stopped between Angel at the door while I looked at the offending Oriole after a resounding splat echoed throughout the room as bird poop hit the ground where I once was.

The room was overcome with an intense silence. All the animals looked in fear toward the canary yellow Pegasus as she stood stock still, staring at what could have been considered the first-ever animal hate crime. I was now not only upset, but just about infuriated. Being from northern United States I was basically raised in a middle-class home where hate crimes were frowned upon, to the point where even a mention of hurting someone because of race or ethnicity could basically turn you into a social outcast. I know that I can be wrong with the north. But growing up in the neighborhood I did make my statement true for someone.

And now this hate that I so passionately loathe, was directed at me. I felt angry, infuriated even. But I kept my cool and stared up neutrally at the bird that tried to drop one on me. He had a smug look plastered on his beak. I looked around the room and I noticed some animals became apprehensive of me, and most of the ones that are stuck on the ground -Especially the mice- looked up in anger toward the offending bird. I noticed some birds were also wearing smug expressions, but most of them were looking down at me in fear and worry.

I tried to make sense of the situation, to keep my anger under control. I felt even angrier now, more so than I ever have before in the human world. I began to speculate reasons as to why this mentality was able develop into this hatred.

“How is it an entire class of animals becomes specifically prejudiced against predators, when the others are also part of the same food chain? More importantly, why do they all have the same kind of mentality when it comes to wolves as opposed to other creatures? Is it because of how wolves catch them, before they leave the ground? Or is it because they see things being torn to shreds by Timberwolves, while they watch on helplessly.” I theorized.

My thoughts of safety were broken when I heard silent sobs coming from the Pegasus that offered to feed me. I looked to her and noticed Angel had already abandoned his dinner to comfort his caretaker. I saw a rush of land animals and young birds forget the tension to comfort her. The red robin that tried to drop one on me flew down slowly and looked at Fluttershy.

Then angrily at me, and promptly landed in front of me. I let him speak. But my eyes only needed to stay on him long enough to take hold.

“You should never have come here! You destroy all that we hold dear! You’re a menace, I tell you! I will declare fisticuffs, if I have to!” he yelled, holding up his wings and somehow folding the feathers like fists.

I didn’t care for his surprisingly rhythmic words. I noticed movement from Fluttershy and she looked in the direction of both me and the little red robin. I refused to take my eyes off of the robin as he started swinging his ‘fists’ at me. I heard some whistling from the ceiling cheering the robin for his courage. I saw his movements slowing as my influence began to take effect. I could see his mind starting to slip and his breathing slowing as his body gets itself ready for a command.

“His hatred toward me and his mistrust seems to slow the process. I should be careful of that in the future.”

His wings go back to his side and his face becomes neutral as his mind gets lost in my eyes.

“I wonder what he sees in my eyes…” I realize I could just ask him.

“Dan, are you ok?” asked a bird from up top. I realized all eyes were on me, but I didn’t care.

“Tell me what you see when you look in my eyes.” I command softly and out loud.

He takes a moment to respond. “I didn’t know you had eyes… I think I’m looking through a mirror that shows me the Truth. There is a lot of Truth in the mirror. I don’t really want to look with my eyes anymore… I’d rather see clearly, and look backward than forward and blurry.” he stated blissfully.

“H-Hushed a-are you...?” Fluttershy started, but let the sentence die in her throat to watch me do what I am now.

I realize how much I could possibly do to this bird. I can make him believe I’m a god, or make him think with less prejudice. Hell, I believed I could convince him we’re best friends going on ten years now. I could play the roles of Malcolm X or Martin Luther King. I could convince him to do so many things that would hurt his friends and make him look evil. Effectively shunning him from Fluttershy’s cottage. But there was too much at stake, some will know I did this to him, and if I kill him or give him the idea of killing himself, then Fluttershy might not want me back here. If I get him shunned or kicked out then other birds might turn on me, or he might kill himself from depression.

All the options seem to have a bad side. Even the idea to change his ideals and no longer fear me, or show prejudice toward me might be frowned upon. His failure may inspire more anger toward me, and make my life miserable…

I took a new option.

“Can you see the universe?” I asked in my mind.

A few animals started to approach me as we had our staring contest. It was almost impossible not to glance at them.

“Yes.” he replied out loud.

“Can you see my memories?” I asked him in my head.


Ok need a new option… one I haven’t thought of. The fragility of the situation is stressful and unwanted. I found myself almost backed into a corner here. I should have allowed Fluttershy and her animal friends to scold the birds for thinking this way. Now that I realize what I’ve done, and so do the animals, the decision to help me will be a hard one.

But no. I need to make something spectacular happen. Something that will either get most of the animals on my side or… I should break the connection. There is no option, and he’s seen something that Twilight forgot… wait.

“I want you to tell me what the universe tells you.” I ask in my mind.

The animals seem even more apprehensive and Fluttershy stands up and approaches us. But she and all the other animals stop when the robin responds.

“I see stars. Everywhere, stars… they are all questions with no answers. The questions I’ve asked and the questions you’ve asked… our questions are similar. You and I think about the same things.” he tilted his head. “I don’t know why wolves think the same things.”

With that the solution seemed clear. It was obvious and I should have figured it out earlier. Instead of changing his views, introduce mine. Show him that I think similar to him, but just with a different body. I needed to make him believe wolves are no different than any other animal, other than their diet.

“I want you to remember what you see now. And I also want to you know that wolves, birds, and all other animals aren’t all that different. Our diets may be different, but it doesn’t make either of us evil. To be evil is to say being a wolf or a bird is wrong.” I spoke to him through my mind for the last time.

I looked away and he started shaking his head. I looked around the room to assess the damage of what I did. The ferrets, mice, rabbits, and other animals that rested on the ground had faces with varying degrees of confusion. I found myself looking at the ceiling for any more birds that decided it was a good idea to make my day miserable. They all seemed afraid as I looked in their direction; some even looked away in fear that I had some sort of mind control.

I looked back at Fluttershy who had a quizzical expression while she looked at the bird at my paws. I looked down with her and the robin looked back at me for a moment, taking care not to look me directly in the eye. He then turned and flew up to the ceiling. He hugged the corners until he reached a specific birdhouse where he then climbed inside and remained silent. Some of the animals watched the bird fly away while the rest kept their eyes on me.

I looked back at Fluttershy who was slowly piecing things together. I decided the silence was too much.

“I’d like my food now.” I growled in a low tone.

“O-oh right. I’m sorry about all this. I know you don’t mean any harm.” she replied softly.

“I’m glad one of us has faith.” I thought bitterly.

Without another word, Fluttershy walked over to the bag of dog food and brought over a bowl. I took the moment to glare at the birds. They shifted uncomfortably under my gaze but some glared back. My attention was redirected when I felt a tug at my leg. I looked down with a neutral expression to see Angel trying to get my attention. He had a neutral expression and his ears were folded back. He motioned me to lean in so he could whisper into my ear. I obliged and tilted my head down while keeping my view on the ceiling just in case.

“Come back tomorrow, and I’ll do what I can to get the birds to not fear you. Oh and whatever you did to the Robin, it may have served in your favor.” he turned around abruptly and hopped over to his dinner as if it wasn’t really his business to deal with what happened.

After Angel’s demeanor changed, the whole room also livened up and they returned to their food. The mice still took cautionary glances at me and the birds. The birds seemed to return to their homes and wait for food. Most of them seemed a little more cautious. But a few seemed to take the example of the animals below and return to what they were doing. I was slightly impressed by the sudden change of tension. Specifically, Angel’s effect on the room after he returned to his food. I found some new respect for the little white rabbit.

“Hushed, your food is ready.” Fluttershy stated.

Her voice seemed devoid of the enthusiasm she had a few minutes ago. I took pity on her because I could tell she never experienced something like this. Fluttershy walked into the kitchen, presumably to get either her food or the food for the birds. I watched as the animals followed her with their eyes. Some of them even followed her to the kitchen. I looked back at Angel, and he didn’t seem to care where Fluttershy was going. Only opting to be the leader of normalcy and continued to eat like nothing happened. I looked to the bowl of dog food pressed up against the wall and adjacent to the kitchen door.

I stood on all fours and walked over to the bowl while taking come cautionary glances at the birds that still glared at me with evil in their eyes. Only six stood out to me. There would be seven, but the last one seemed to still be pondering something while in his home. That would actually be my fault, considering I’m the one who made him go there, in avertedly or not, I’m responsible.

I found myself at my bowl and started eating ravenously. I had been hungry for a while now, and this is the only thing that will satisfy my hunger. I kept eating without looking at the ceiling, I was sure the birds wouldn’t do anything funny, after the previous encounter had already hurt Fluttershy enough. I couldn’t help but pity the Pegasus, for having so many mouths to feed. More importantly mouths that might not get along, and aren’t afraid to show and teach hatred. I finished my food and looked back up at the ceiling for any more birds who would oppose me. None batted an eye in my direction.

Most out of shame, which was respectable. Some out of irritation, not as respectable. But I chose to forgive the ones that knew the wrongness of the situation. I looked back at the door and started walking toward it. I saw something come toward me at the corner of my eye and I turned my head to it. It was a single white mouse. Since mice mostly look the same I had to rely on smell and any defining features I could possibly see on it to identify it. Through smell I found a familiar scent of the mother I saw only a few hours before. I stopped and let her approach while I laid down for a conversation to begin.

She came up to my left while my body faced the door. The distance between me and the door wasn’t all that much considering the distance to the kitchen door wasn’t more than two meters. The mouse stopped a few inches from my snout and looked up at me with a blank stare.

“What did you do?” she asked with a familiar set of squeaks.

This was the mother I met earlier.

“You mean look him in the eye? That was hypnotism. I could use that whenever I want. I don’t know if I should have done that though.” I looked at the birdhouse the Robin was in.

There was a moment of silence between us as I looked at the birdhouse. The animals seemed to be actively trying to forget the recent event. I looked around at the surprisingly bright room, then out the window into the darkness of the night. I wanted to leave so I could find that bed of Poison Joke. I was tired, and needed something comfy to sleep on. I ignored the small mouse as she attempted to engage in conversation and I stood up.

I walked over to the front door and sat down to wait for Fluttershy to come out of the kitchen. The white mouse lowered herself down onto all fours and started stepping toward me before sitting up again. She looked at me with a slightly tilted head and turned around to rejoin the other mice. I watched her go and turned my ears and my head to the kitchen doorway when I heard the clop of heavy hooves slowly coming from that direction.

I tilted my head in confusion when I saw Fluttershy with a giant bag of bird seed on her back. She seemed to be struggling to take another step as she slowly takes one step after the other toward me. Her wings were spread to take up surface area of the big plastic bag that was big enough to be used as a blanket. She bit her lip as sweat slowly trickled down her head. She got her whole body through the door and tilted her wings so the pack of seed would fall to the side without issue. Once the heavy pack of bird seed was off her back she gave a heavy sigh.

I started scratching at the door to get her attention. The unfamiliar sound startled her and she looked around anxiously for the source of the foreign noise. Her eyes rested on me and she seemed visibly calmer. But she saw I was scratching at the door and she looked down in what I assume was shame. But when she looked up she had a sad frown. She trotted over to the door without the timidity she carried a few moments ago. But her hooves clopped softly against the hardwood floor. She got to me within three seconds as the door wasn’t any more than two meters away from her. I moved aside while she grabbed the handle and pulled it open for me.

I absentmindedly wagged my tail as I walked toward the open door, and away from the cottage full of animals. I exited the door and was greeted by the scent of fresh air and freshly cut grass; I was no longer plagued by the scent of unwashed forest animals and birds. I looked back when I got two meters from the door and saw Fluttershy standing in the open doorway looking off into the Everfree Forest; her sad frown was still on her face and unchanged. A shadow dominated her features as the light from the cottage tried to escape the animal infested home. She took a few moments just looking off into the forest just as the moon started peaking above the treetops.

She looked back at me, her frown still there. “…I’m sorry you have to go through that.” she admitted, while looking at the darkening ground. “I-If I knew the birds would be like that, I wouldn’t have asked you to stay. I’m sorry if the birds made you decide to leave.” she finished sorrowfully.

“What do you mean? I was going to leave anyway.” I reassured her in my best attempt at composing myself. She looked at me in surprise. “I was never going to sleep here. Not comfy on a sofa or a pillow. I like a good flowerbed. There happens to be a really nice one deep in the Everfree.”

I figured she probably didn’t understand a word I said. But her returning smile reassured me, and let me know she got the message. “Goodbye.” she regarded him with warmth returning to her voice.

I nodded my head in response and looked across the dark moonlit lawn. I sat down and got a good look at the moon as it rose over the treetops. I heard the door squeak as it closed, and then I heard the click of the door finally closed. The light coming from the inside of Fluttershy’s cottage no longer illuminated the spot I sat as I looked at the moon. That’s when I realized the day was over, and I should go to sleep.

I stood up and walked down the inclined path and listened as the gravel below my paws quietly clicked together, announcing my presence until I made it into the grass. Stepping out into the lawn and headed for Fluttershy’s yard. I trotted slowly as I scanned around me for anything out of the ordinary. I walked for thirty seconds before I began to pass the chicken coop. I took careful steps to make sure I didn’t startle the chickens with my presence.

I looked back at the gap between the fences to see the owl that was once in the clouds now perched on a heart of the decorative wooden fence. He watched my movements as I approached the gap in the fence that led out of the backyard and toward the Everfree forest. I tried to not look him in the eye as I approached.

The scenario from inside the cottage still haunted me. So it was understandable that I’d try to avoid any contact with anything with wings, for the moment. I kept my eyes wondered in almost every direction except for him. But I still kept a few weary glances back at him just in case. His eyes seemed to give me a deep penetrating gaze as his head seemed locked-on to my eyes. I dared to not look him in the eyes as I began to pass.

He was finally out of my view, but I could still feel his eyes on me as I walked toward the forest. I got two meters, before he decided to end the cold and tense silence between us.

“Wait.” he hooted.

His voice came out calmly, but for some reason I took it as a command and I stopped. I didn’t want to engage in conversation, but my curiosity as to what he wants to say got the better of me. Against my better judgment, I turned around and looked him in the eye. His eyes didn’t seem as penetrating as they did a few minutes ago.

Silence dominated our conversation. After five seconds I replied, “Yes?”

“…I want to tell you that not all the birds scorn you like the ones protected by Fluttershy.” he told me.

I already knew this. My observations of the birds that looked ashamed told me as much. I rolled my eyes at the statement I already knew was true.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” I told him.

I turned back toward the dark forest but I heard the flapping of wings. But not just one set of wings, several sets of wings.

“We’d like to speak on our behalf.” a voice sounded from very proud speaker.

By the squawks coming from the new speakers’ beak, I could tell he was either an eagle or a hawk, and he was right behind me. But my curiosity and my unexplained need for awareness of what’s around me got me to turn to face the new arrivals. I froze in place when I noticed the many new scents that went into my nose and the many new bodies that covered the fence and on the ground.

Each of them birds. Each of these birds were large birds, like the pink flamingo that I knew couldn’t have flown down from anywhere. There was a bald eagle that stood directly in front of me, and I instantly identified him as the speaker who I just heard. I looked around at the many assortments of Hawks and Eagles that watched me. The Eagle stood proud as he looked me in the eye.

“Us birds of prey often leave the sanctuary of Fluttershy’s cottage to hunt.” he started to explain. “Over the years, the other birds became more wary of the forest, and refused to return to it. Us birds of prey however still returned to it for food that Fluttershy cannot provide.” his tone made me feel as if I was speaking to a noble.

The birds looked to each other and nodded. It was a strange gesture that seemed unnecessary, but the owl observed this and put his wing below his beak and started to rub it. I almost found it comical to see a bird do something a pony or human would do.

The owl spoke after putting his wing down. “As we larger birds were away hunting- other than the flamingo, of course.” he received a glare from the pink flamingo as he explained. “-The smaller birds that rely on Fluttershy for worms speak amongst themselves while we are away. Many have heard and seen the horrors of Timberwolves, and after generations of the stories from us birds of prey, and a few wondering birds, have tainted their thoughts.”

I began to understand the reason for what happened in the cottage. But there was something missing in his statement that I caught onto.

“…Wait generations? Just how old is Fluttershy?” I asked.

The Eagle decided to answer for him. “Don’t be fooled by Librarian’s words. Smaller birds have shorter lives than us. I’ve been around for thirty years, while the oldest smaller bird has been around for only ten. And Fluttershy wasn’t the first caretaker of the forest birds.”

Now the scenario made sense.

“Ok, that makes sense. But who’s Librarian?” I asked.

“That would be me.” interjected the owl.

The Eagle spoke up with a huff, “Well. Librarian here, heard of your exploits through me. I’ve seen your work with the Timberwolves. And your willingness to protect animals that you’d normally hunt. For this, you have my respect…” he paused and looked behind him, then back at me, then bowed. “Actually, you have all our respect.”

I sat down and looked at the Eagle with a confused expression as he bowed to me. I looked up and noticed many other birds gave a curt bow to me in respect. I felt slightly honored, but I felt that this was completely unnecessary. Although a question nagged at the back of my mind and made itself known in my response.

“So, what now?” I asked.

My ears perked up as Librarian spoke for the group. His posture had changed from casual to proud with a slight raise of his beak to give the impression of authority.

“We will wait until tomorrow. When dawn comes we will speak with the rabbits and mice. The chickens tend to keep to themselves, so their aid won’t be as recognized as a mouse. But we will organize a meeting with Angel and Barry. They’ve kept this place organized when Fluttershy is absent, and they seem to take your side. Angel more than Barry. I nodded my head, to show I was listening.

It was a skill that I found myself not doing anymore. Informative conversations didn’t come as often as they did, since I became a wolf. The simple everyday polite things you do when human seem unnatural when you’re in a different body. I stopped nodding my head when I realized how awkward it actually seemed.

Despite my internal conflict about human customs, I couldn’t help but ask myself why the birds would go through so much trouble in helping me.

I tilted my head in confusion and asked, “But why go through all the trouble for me?”

The Flamingo from before stepped forward and spoke in a surprisingly posh set of squawks, and all the birds looked at him while he spoke. “Lumberjack is the best engineer the animal kingdom has. Losing him would ruin our chance to permanently rid ourselves of the threat of Timberwolves. You are also the only defense we have against Timberwolves, other than Barry. And since you were able to…” he seemed slightly hesitant to continue. “Well, put down five packs of wolves in one night. Actually more accurately, less than an hour. Your howl also drove them away from animals that were in danger of being discovered.”

“Five packs? Well no wonder the situation felt hopeless.”

His posh pose left him and he looked down almost remorsefully. Some of the other large birds lowered their heads slightly and looked away from him. I was confused as to what they were doing until the Pink Flamingo continued.

“You didn’t just save Lumberjack. You saved me, and several other friends of mine. We were on the verge of being discovered on the forest floor, before you started howling. I believe a few other Timberwolves were going to make a move on Fluttershy’s cottage while she was away and unable to get help. We saw their eyes in the treeline and feared the worst.” he stopped squawking.

The Eagle drew attention to himself when he cleared his throat. I almost missed what he said, because I was shocked to figure out an Eagle had a throat to clear. But then I remembered I was in Equestria and it seemed normal again. That and I don't know bird anatomy.

“Anyway, the point is, you saved many animals, and we wanted to show our gratitude for saving not only our prey, but also our friends from those magical constructs. And to us, it would be a shame if you were driven away by the smaller birds’ anger, when you clearly deserve our friendship and are welcome.” he spoke while putting his wing on his chest.

“Why do I feel like they want more from me than friendship and welcome? More importantly, why tell me about their goal to remove Timberwolves then tell me they believe I deserve welcome.”

I continued to ponder on his explanation, and he opened his beak and began another sentence before I cut him off.

“You guys want something from me, don’t you?” I addressed the group.

Librarian looked directly at the Eagle, the Eagle turned back to Librarian almost instinctively when I asked my question. Librarian gave him a short glare and then looked back at me. The Eagle almost looked ashamed when he looked back at me.

“Yes, we do.” Librarian admitted, and all eyes were on him. “We want you to help protect the cottage alongside Barry. But like Barry, we will have to convince a few creatures to accept you so the job would be comfortable. But it helps that you go to the Everfree to sleep. You will learn the forest well enough soon, and you’d be able to tell us if Timberwolves are near the forest edge when you smell them.”

“So, this is what you do? You come to the aid of someone strong enough to protect you?” I accused.

The Eagle looked at me guiltily, and started speaking. “Well, that’s not-.” he was cut off by Librarian.

“Yes.” interjected the wise owl. “But we have a good reason. Without protection, this sanctuary might fail. Fluttershy may not have been the first. But she’s the best. We’ve never had a place so welcoming and easy to defend, as this place.” he spread his wings, to show he meant the cottage and its land. “This is the last true sanctuary of the Everfree. Anything within is too dangerous. Many animals try to leave, but too many already call it home. We are stuck in a beautiful prison, with us as its only guards. We need your help.”

I let his request sink in. I began to think on the scenario the birds were born into. I remembered how the forest felt when I first entered it. It was unwelcoming, until I found a place to sleep. It still reeked of blood when I entered it. But the more I learn about the Everfree the stranger it gets. I’ve seen the forest show emotion and pity. Its atmosphere changed when Applejack ran in after me. I remember the sunbeams in the distance, and the rustling of the trees when the wind blew. Then when she was gone, it unnervingly changed back into its dark and gloomy atmosphere.

The Everfree is a strange place. And these creatures call it home.

“I have to help.”

“I’ll do what I can.” I responded coolly.

Most of the birds lifted their heads in shock. The Eagle did a double take and looked at me with a bewildered expression.

“Thank you.” the Eagle replied.

I looked him in the eye with a serious glare. “If you want something from me, you ask. Don’t try to make me feel obligated to help you.” I growled menacingly.

He nodded wordlessly, giving me a nervous smile. He backed up a few paces while I continued to glare at him. I didn’t like being manipulated. I admit, I would gladly help them after they gave me their sob story, but the fact that they used it to begin with made me feel manipulated. But I wanted to help them because they said it was their home. Home is where you’re supposed to feel safe, not fear for your life.

I got to my paws and turned to the forest. I ignored the stares of the many birds while I walked out into the center of the field. The Moon was now fully visible and unobstructed by the tree canopy. My paws didn’t make a sound as they patted down the grass below me. As I walked to the forest edge my mind wondered again. It wandered to when I was human, and how many people I left behind.

And the fact I didn’t seem to miss them.

Author's Note:

OK well it took me a long time...let me explain why so you don't cry about it in comments.

Ok this chapter has a lot of aspects of it that I was iffy about. Mainly the racism thing. But it was hard for me to come back to this chapter because of worry. The ending scene basically implies a hell of a lot of more drama and potential adventure aspects for the future of my story. For those of you who've scrolled down to read the author notes I suggest you stop reading them now, and read the chapter to understand what I meant.

But yea the adventuring aspects will stay, but I'm doing my best to keep my story from turning into an adventure. It actually was the whole point of the story to get out of adventure things. I've been very good with plot design so far, and I know I can to a lot more with it later. But anyway, the reason why the last scene is here with the larger birds is to balance out the previous one.

I don't want my chapter to end on a negative note, especially since it was only slightly eventful and not all that interesting. Hell I like the beginning of the chapter but from leaving the Library and so on I'm not sure about it. So yea that's an issue. But it won't effect my story writing. I'll try to keep everyone in character and do my best for the future.

Oh and for those of you who think the 'sad' tag was for the history of Applejack's parents and potentially her hat, then you've got another thing coming. I've got a complex and potentially flawed series of events that will get you to cry >:D

and again...potentially flawed...

I've never done something sad in my life. o.o Although I accidently did something tear jerking in my older story, but I don't know what series of events led up to that. I think some guys were just posting feels images to make me feel better or something. -.-

Another thing is this story is getting boring for me and getting myself to write is becoming harder.

However those of you who've been with me longer than all you new guys would know that this doesn't stop me from writing chapters...I just happen to write more shitty ones. -.- they also come out slower...

This was a chapter I didn't like one bit. Don't worry though. I'll do better next chapter. I've actually already started it and I like where it's going.

(Also side note)

I've added tabs before long dialog and just dialog in general for this chapter. I hope that it looks more appealing to read now that I did that. If you guys don't like the new layout then you can ask me to change it.

I dunno...I think I'll add tabs after every dialog line that's long enough to hit the edge of the screen and make a new line. Therefore making dialog with a lot of detail and words will be easier to read...or at least seem that way.

Don't want to get out of a wall of text aspect and into a wall of dialog now do we? :ajsmug: