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Trixie hits the road once again, this time taking her magic act across the dimensional barrier to the world of humans. Soon she is recruited by a mysterious organization called The Golden Dawn, who say they're trying to save the world from Conversion. However, if they're wrong their misguided effort could doom millions. Trixie doesn't know who to believe, but she'll have to figure it out and decide where her loyalties lie: with her homeland and Princess Celestia, or with her new friends and the charismatic Queen Katrina!

Chapters (16)
Comments ( 30 )

For those who don't know, from Wikipedia...

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (or, more commonly, the Golden Dawn) was a magical order active in Great Britain during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which practiced theurgy and spiritual development. It has been one of the largest single influences on 20th-century Western occultism.[1][2]

Concepts of magic and ritual at the center of contemporary traditions, such as Wicca[3][4] and Thelema, were inspired by the Golden Dawn.

The three founders, William Robert Woodman, William Wynn Westcott, and Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers were Freemasons and members of Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (S.R.I.A.).[5] Westcott appears to have been the initial driving force behind the establishment of the Golden Dawn.

The Golden Dawn system was based on hierarchy and initiation like the Masonic Lodges; however women were admitted on an equal basis with men. The "Golden Dawn" was the first of three Orders, although all three are often collectively referred to as the "Golden Dawn". The First Order taught esoteric philosophy based on the Hermetic Qabalah and personal development through study and awareness of the four Classical Elements as well as the basics of astrology, tarot divination, and geomancy. The Second or "Inner" Order, the Rosae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis (the Ruby Rose and Cross of Gold), taught proper magic, including scrying, astral travel, and alchemy. The Third Order was that of the "Secret Chiefs", who were said to be highly skilled; they supposedly directed the activities of the lower two orders by spirit communication with the Chiefs of the Second Order.

The Purehooves manifiest reminds me "The Price of Generosity" fic, where ponies must deal with an already converted Earth and find themselves exactly with the problems the panflet points. In fact, they prove themselves be worst ruling our world than mankind itself. There is a meaningful scene where one of the friends of the protagonist blames humanity for putting them in such predicaments (which is ironically, a very human reaction).

Comment posted by An A10 Warthog deleted Feb 23rd, 2013

Where did you get the inspiration for the Pure Pony League?


I knew in a situation like this there would be a lot of different factions with their own viewpoints and agendas (not merely the HLF and PER), and I thought about all the possible problems that Conversion might raise, which other stories have largely glossed over, and that's what I came up with. (And of course, the name is a play on the Pure Prairie League.)

I don't see them getting much traction, though. Most ponies are going to assume Celestia knows what she's doing, even if she hasn't spelled out her whole plan for the public.


How funny, because in my story, most Newfoals joined the Nazi or Communist Parties of Equestria and are trying to make their paradises based on the works of the influential people who inspired them.


Glad to have been a part of this in the early stages of development, now I get to see a good plot bunny develop into something I can enjoy.

Well there's always "horse glue" stories if she needs more rattling. :pinkiecrazy:

World's ending, and people are still bitching about rock circles. Suppose it's the same reasoning why people look on with contempt at cancer patients trying any possible cure. I also suppose it's the same reason people are complaining about conversion.

> humans were stingy, newfoals ridiculously generous
oh Celestia, you crafty pony you.


I like this story.

“Bleaaauh! Why would anypony…?”

Trixie, weren't you just fantasizing about devouring giant bears whole?

Ah, the greatest magic humanity has ever achieved, cognitive dissonance!

...such as hoping a story will be continued. :trixieshiftright:

I sometimes think humanity's greatest skill just might be rationalization: doing whatever we want and then dreaming up justifications for it.

As for the story. . . I'm glad you like it. I knew it was never going to be the most popular, but it's one I want to tell, so I expect I'll stick with it.

Believe me Trixie you're probably the least at fault in this ridiculous debacle.

Good news is when these worthless rocks have been subsumed it'll finally drive home to these people that their world never did them any kindness and nothing of value was lost.

PPL seems like the Nationalist Socialist workers movement of Germany or the Nazi party, the PPL sees the Newfalls like the jews, just like the Nazi party Plus At first the Nazis tried doing a violent Rivault it failed and they went diplomatic.

Dear Morris Jones,

The Great and Powerful Trixie would like to congratulate you on your successful article in the Sun. You achieved a never before seen insight into the workings of human magic and the organization Trixie belongs to known as the Golden Dawn. Here you can see a photo of Ivan bent over a bottle of Earth liquor. He's fired now, for the offense of allowing a naive Equestrian to be preyed upon by liars and cheats who think nothing of the consequences of their actions. Little did he know me though, for I sense a kindred spirit in you. Like me, you deceive others in order to get your way, and your success is contingent on how many people's secrets you can betray, and to what degree. He probably will have a hard time feeding himself from the lack of employment in general due to the ending of the world, but there's always the option of taking the potion. Being forced to transform into a pony is no doubt a small price to pay for your newspaper's popularity in what people remain to read it.

The following photo, despite her feline appearance is of a human lady known as Katrina. Regrettably Trixie was unable to aquire a photo in which she was not crying, as thanks to your revelations regarding her involvement in the project, our primary supporter has pulled his funding, and it looks like it no longer stands any chance of completion, before the encroaching barrier destroys the last of this world's founts of magic. Lucky for me, because had she succeeded, the race of mankind might have been saved, which would mean less real estate available for me to lay claim to.

This may have all been prevented, if you hadn't lied to Trixie about your status as a reporter, and deceived her into thinking you were merely a lost soul curious about the world, as she would have not said things which would have been terribly destructive in a news publication. But because you persevered in being the intrepid reporter you've no doubt always wanted to be, Trixie is happy to say that thanks to you what may have been your world's last hope for salvation has been destroyed. I hope you sleep well tonight, knowing that I would just love to personally visit your home and demonstrate for you some true Equestrian magic for what you've done to my friends.

I have your address.

God, I can be morbid sometimes.

But no, this chapter was pretty good. I'm glad Trixie finally managed to get decent coffee. Go figure they would be defeating news drones with bows and arrows! I'm still not confident that there's anything of value to this project at all, but when it completely fails in their faces, at least they'll have some good stories to tell as ponies. It's funny how insecure Trixie is about her magical qualifications, despite the fact that the Senior Enchanter for the London Bureau isn't exactly jumping to volunteer himself as a magical consultant, nor is anypony else in particular. I still think it's kind of sad that her only pony contact turned out to be such a sociopath.


Thanks for that! I laughed. :rainbowlaugh:

Your analysis of the situation is pretty good, and it's encouraging that I seem to be putting across what I intended. Now, I need to get back to work on this!

Hi Jones. So what's newt? :trixieshiftright:

He'll never live that one down. :rainbowlaugh:

I didn't know Trixie was that good at magic. :rainbowderp: Just look how hard it was for Twilight Sparkle to transform an apple into an orange.


Yes, but if you go back and read carefully. . . I was sort of vague (deliberately) on whether she really turned him into a newt, or if he only thought he was.

By Katrina you mean the G1 villain, right?


Yes, but the connection is a loose one. In this scenario she's the leader of the Kemetic cult that hired Trixie.

Ohhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooooo :fluttershbad:

Trixie should give it to Twilight with complete passive/aggressive honesty :pinkiecrazy:

These nice humans were trying so very hard to find magic, but nothing was working. Maybe their magic was something I couldn't perceive? It was heartbreaking, really! So I made a little fib about seeing their magic, just a little bit, to help get their spirits up. Just a little encouragement, really! And they've been beyond excited about it ever since! No matter how much I said it was a very little magic, or that I might have been mistaken, Trixie's vision was told to be a revolutionary breakthrough that was going to push back the barrier and save the humans!

Well, actually a lot of the humans have since wised up and left. You might have noticed I'm the only one still around here. I'm still trying to find some way to activate these ancient channels of magic in their distant legends, but if it can be done, the restoration seems like it would take too long, and so much knowledge has been lost, that nopony—I mean—nohuman is sure how to restore it. We might be bungling it up even worse! It's no water off my back of course, but I was called here to perform a given task, and as long as this piece of the human world remains intact, I intend to keep trying. Really that's probably why they sent some two-bit untrained, common unicorn out here, to entertain the humans and their silly notions,. Trixie is if nothing else, very entertaining!

I'm curious, what did the humans tell you, to convince you that Trixie was discovering something amazing, rather than just lying, again? You brought a whole herd of highly skilled elite unicorns with you, say nothing of your own amazing talents, just based on one sideways remark I said a while back and have been regretting ever since, so what they said must have been incredibly compelling. Trixie didn't know she could fool the Element of Magic without even trying. Perhaps I've underestimated my talents, after all!

Damn Trixie, I have to applaud your dedication. You're assassinating your own character, just to keep them guessing.

I'm just at the fifth chapter but so far it is really interesting. a more realistic take on the conversion bureaus. It it weird that it have so little likes or even visuals , I took the freedom to add it to some Trixie related group to give it more visibility, I hope it is OK.

Sure, that's fine!

I've wondered about the poor reception of this story. I think part of the problem is, first there are the CB haters who will down-vote it just because it's CB. Then there are CB fans (or even anti-CB fans) who take a quick look and scratch their heads because it doesn't follow any of the usual CB or anti-CB formulas.

Probably my very slow release schedule of new chapters hasn't helped, though. 😔

It honestly sounds like something's sucking the magic away, possibly to do with that central node that was mentioned a while back.

After reading this I can only ask one thing... Is this secretly an Atlantis: The Lost Empire crossover? Especially the second one with all it's little weird events.

No, this isn't a crossover. I had to google for Atlantis: The Lost Empire to even remember what it was. I think I have seen that, or at least part of it, but it didn't make any big impression on me. And I didn't know there was a second one.

Eh, the second was honesty a bit shit. The main thing to note though was that a bunch of Atlantean magi-tech artifacts were typically at the route of the more modern supernatural phenomena. Not the direct cause though, it was more like other things took advantage of the pollution it let off.

Incidentally (and I should have mentioned this in the notes, I guess), the island that they overflew was Santorini, AKA Thera.

See here → https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santorini

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