• Member Since 28th Dec, 2012
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This follows the events of Dysphoria, Arc 1: Introductions and Dysphoria, Arc 2: Ponyville.

Evening Rose has been released from the hospital and is struggling to recover. Her physical injuries have healed, but the emotional scars have yet to fade. However, as she struggles to come to terms with her recent assault and the changes it heralded, strange happenings begin to occur in Canterlot.

Someone has returned that shouldn't have, and Rose is forced to go back and face the things she's left behind. There are things she doesn't understand, but the answers she looks for may lead her to more questions, and to danger.

After all, seldom are things what they appear to be.

This Arc is finished but the story continues!
Check out the rest in:

Dysphoria, Arc 4: Summer Breeze

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 136 )

But its wednesday...


Yea.. I thought about waiting until Friday, but since I will be doing some mid-week releases this Arc anyway, I figured I might as well start the Arc today. I'll still have my Monday and Friday releases every week, just there might be some on Wednesdays every once in a while as well :twilightsmile:

2262378 Wednesday is the new Monday.

This series has been somewhat overtly preachy at times, to a point where it sometimes summarizes things instead of working them into the narrative, but I've found myself enjoying it nonetheless, mostly for its originality and because I like Evening Rose/actually care what happens to her. Not many people have the balls (geddit) to tackle an issue like this.

My main complaint is the hideous Pony Creator art. I think it probably chases away 50% of potential readers; without it, you'd probably have this featured. There's a group somewhere where you can request art, and there's likely to be someone who'd be interested in doing a professional-grade cover for your fic. If you ever need an editor/another editor, I'm available.


My main complaint is the hideous Pony Creator art. I think it probably chases away 50% of potential readers; without it, you'd probably have this featured.

Really? :twilightoops:

See, I used to have some pencil drawings I made (because I couldn't find anyone to do cover art in the "Art for Fanfiction" group), but then I thought quality of them was hurting the story, which is why I changed to the pony creator art.. I'm still getting the hang of this, but I'll keep looking for someone to draw a cover (for this one and the other ones).

And yea, I know what you mean with the preachy thing. I'm trying to get better at weaving things into a narrative. That's actually why I decided to try an adventure story this time to continue to explore trans-themes. I'm hoping it will force me to do things properly.

Also, thank you for your offer to edit. Right now my editor has things covered, but she has a life too and therefore that's subject to change. I will definitely send you a message if I need an extra pair of eyes :twilightsmile:

Good start! I guess I already know whats going to happen in the next chapter, but it's good to see Octavia is being included more in the story. :twilightsmile:


We'll see :twilightsmile:

You might have been able to guess it, but I think there'll be surprises all around on Friday.
Though if you really do guess it, send me a private message. I'll be really impressed.

Post new chapters on ALL the days!! :pinkiegasp:

The plot thickens, and the tension rises. Well done, Comrade!

2271220 Oh, oh, in the dear case that I have your attention; For the love of whichever Deity you may have chosen to patron you, have you thought about putting thoughts (Redundancyy~) in Italics? It really helps.


I did think about it, but the problem is that italics is what I use to differentiate things that are written (like the newspaper headline).

Underline is emphasis
Italics is writing
I still don't know what to use Bold for, so bold is emphasis too for now
Centering without italics is a dream sequence.

Also, I follow Luna and you always have my attention :twilightsmile:

I suspect changelings are involved!

I suspect the Rhyme family talked to the company that provided the villains in Scooby-Doo with their costumes.

Wll fancy that..... Changelings.... Oh dear, those silly noble families and their horse-shit. :ajbemused:

So, I'm caught up with Dysphoria now.

It's been pretty good.

One thing is bugging me though, you set up arc one to be a mystery but you seem to have had to sacrifice that. It's plain as day what the story will be about between the fact that it’s in the LGBT group folder and the title, not to mention that it says on your profile page that it's about struggles with identity. The twist is spoiled before one even begins reading. I wish I could have had the experience you were going for; getting to know Script and then having her come out not only to the main six but also to me, the reader. I didn't realize how important that was meant to be. Thankfully, the problem ended there and I was able to enjoy arc two and the thus far quite promising arc three without any such issue.


Yeah, I'm sad I had to sacrifice that... When I first released it, it was not on the folder, and I figured people would read the story before going to my profile. However, when I moved to the second Arc, I realized I needed to help the story spread and that I needed to be more upfront about what the story was about.

I'm sorry you didn't get to experience Rose coming out to you, but I hope that getting to know her has made up for that..


Who are you Script? WHO ARE YOU! :flutterrage:

The image I kept getting was "Assassain's Creed V: Canterlot," where Rose sneaks around hidden in a robe and silently assassinates the impostor!



How did you hear about that! Ubisoft only contacted me about it yesterday!
I hope they don't pull me from writing it because of you, or I swear I'll be pissed.



2295106 Well, she did say this chapter would be short in her blog.


Yeah, but it can be short without having to end it THERE!!

I love ironic echoes.


I love them too, but it's hard to use them without sounding cheesy so I try not to. This one I just had to though :twilightsmile:

It would be unfair to call this chapter bad. Nevertheless, seeing how stupid Rose was about this whole thing has me in a sour mood.


Sorry :fluttercry:

I hope she redeems herself by the end of the Arc..

Haaa. Le suspense. AGAIN.

:pinkiegasp: OH SHIT. She was like BLAM, but then he was like BLAMM!!! but then she was all BLAAAAAAMMMM!!!!!!!! but then he was like SMACK TO THE FACE. Poor Rose. She should have pulled an Indiana Jones and just shot him and been done with it. I guess that wouldn't have made a very interesting fight, though.

Sleep deprivation induced randomness aside, though, it's nice to see Rose finally kick some ass, even if it were short lived. I am now BEYOND curious as to what's going on, and the conspiracy theorist in me is having an absolute field day with this chapter. :pinkiehappy:

OH MY GOSH!!! YES YES YES YES YES! :twilightsmile: My favorite villain in all of Equestria! I am really curious and excited to see how it goes between these two now.

As for the question, what would I give for what I most desired? Seeing how I have nothing to actually offer them I would have to do whatever they ask... Even if it may be... Wrong. Just like Rose's current situation! :pinkiecrazy:

Aww, now I feel stupid for not guessing it...I was guessing just a really really really good costume....

What would I give? Not my honor, not my pride, and never my integrity.


Then you're stronger than some of us my friend.

And then she let them use the changeling slant rhyme in return for becoming a real mare.

2321236 I like to think so. In reality I can't imagine what would happen. I've never really wanted something important and life-changing like that. Compared to most people, I have it fairly easy. I can admit that. But I do know that I would be ashamed of myself if I did weaken like that.

“The space was brightly illuminated with the same green radiance as the entirety of the walls was covered with the strange substance.”

You might want to work on that sentence a bit more.

Edit: Ah, much better

Criticizing the introduction of changelings as uncreative and predictable would be easy but I'm happy with this development for three reasons; one, it makes sense in universe; two, my immediate concern going into this arc was you'd fail to come up with an adequate explanation for Rose's double and it would be your shark-jumping moment; three, it's pushed the story in an exciting new direction.

Edit: I just realized reasons one and two are pretty much the same thing just restated.


You're right, that's very confusing. How about:

The space was brightly illuminated with the same green radiance, with the entirety of the walls being covered by the strange substance.

Does that work better?

Also, I'm glad that you approve and that I've yet to have a shark jumping moment. To be honest, I've been nervous about the introduction of changelings for a while even though it was something that had to happen because it DID seem predictable.

Hopefully I've done enough to make the story less about the changelings and the threat they posses and more about what they mean to Rose. After all, the idea of what a changeling would mean to a transpony was what spurred me to come up with all of Dysphoria.

Now I just hope I don't run this into the ground.

2326991 Agreed. The changelings and the condition of gender dysphoria actually creates a rather unique dynamic. Can't think of any story where the Changelings are the villains and the protagonist wants to cut a deal with them.

Damn! I was hoping Rose and Chrysalis would become the best of best friends and take over all of Equestria! :pinkiecrazy: Ok maybe not, but I loved this chapter seeing how it looked into Rose's past, her inner feelings, and truly showing how far she should go. I want to give her a hug! :raritycry:


Rose and Chrysalis as roommates and best friends would be a good sitcom though :twilightsmile:

Chrysalis, you're such a bitch.

Now, I'd like to yell something that I frequently yell at my TV when watching anime:

Damn Rose, don't you watch this show?! Ugh! It's like Orihime getting kidnapped in Bleach or the planet Namek *not* getting blown up on the next exciting episode of Dragonball Z.


You know what they say, self sight is 20/-2400 :unsuresweetie:

I like how you handled this section. It had the potential to have Rose cross an ethical line, but the story Chrysalis spun is believable enough that I can definitely see Rose convincing herself that helping her isn't such a big deal. Especially given how much she would want to believe her. That changed what could have been the moment where Rose lost the sympathy of the readers in to a chapter that really served to strengthen just how much Rose wants what Chrysalis is offering.

Also as an aside I think I just realised how difficult it would be to lie to a changeling.

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