• Published 3rd Feb 2013
  • 2,503 Views, 244 Comments

Tank N' Pals - Wildebeest

When the mane six are away, their pets will play...

  • ...

What's New, Pussycat?

Chapter 5: What's New, Pussycat?

"So what are we going to do?"

Tank, Winona, Owlowiscious, Gummy and Angel were all huddled outside the left window adorning the front of the Carousel Boutique. Fortunately, they were quickly able to spot Opal. Unfortunately, they found her curled up into a ball on the floor of the main workroom, sleeping soundly. It was just their luck that they had to catch her in the midst of one of her 5- hour power naps. There were few things that Opal hated more than being woken up, and none of them wanted to jump at the chance.

"We could just let her sleep and come back some other time," suggested Owlowiscious.

"Nuh-uh," said Winona. "We ain't leavin' nobody behind, and that's final. Pet play dates just ain't the same without Opal."

"Yeah, they're better," Angel said snidely.

"Oh, hush," hissed Winona.

"Well, if you're so adamant about it, why don't you go wake her up?" asked Owlowiscious.

"Ah...uh... well... I dunno," uttered Winona, trembling at the thought.

"He has a point," Tank remarked.

"Ah... well, you see... it's not that..."

"Actually, I think Tank should be the one to wake her up," said Angel.

"Me?!" cried Tank. "Why me?!"

"You're our best bet," said Angel. "She'd probably be more inclined to forgive you than she would to forgive any of us."

"What exactly do you mean by that?" Tank asked.

"I'm sayin' that she likes you, Tank," explained Angel, nudging him with his elbow. "Like, a lot. Have you seriously not noticed that?"

Tank shrugged as his gaze broke from Angel's and drifted towards the ground. "Well, I suppose not," he said.

"Just trust me on this one. She may be a little cranky when she gets up; okay, she'll be a LOT cranky when she gets up; but as soon as she sees you, everything will be-"


Gummy had apparently grown tired of waiting. In the middle of Tank and Angel's conversation, he decided to take the initiative himself by banging his head against the glass as hard as he could.

"Gummy, you goddamn maniac, what the hell is wrong with you?!" shouted Angel, smacking his bug- eyed companion upside the head. "We were going to have Tank do it! TANK!"

The five of them looked on in horror as Opal popped up from the floor and let loose an ear- splitting screech. Her eyes then began to dart across the room, in furious search of the culprit. Fortunately, by the time she caught sight of the front window, all of her friends had backed away from it.

All of them, that is, except for Winona, who was too paralyzed with fear to move from her spot. Winona's heart nearly stopped as soon as she heard the flit-flit-flit of the cat door flipping open. She reluctantly turned her head toward the front door to find a scowling white Persian stomping towards her. Before Winona could try to run away, Opal caught her, shoved her to the ground and pinned her down by her shoulders.

"All right, Purina- breath," she growled, "I don't know what you think you're doing here, but you better have a damn good reason for waking me up at six in the-"

"OPAL!" hollered Angel.

Opal glanced up to find Angel, Owlowiscious, Gummy and Tank about a couple meters away, cowering in fear of her. As soon as Opal saw them, her paws released themselves from Winona's shoulders and the raging fire in her eyes dissipated. The enraged scowl she saw just moments ago curled up into a warm smile as she strolled up to Tank and gave him a hug around the neck.

"Oh, hey, Tank!" Opal sang. "How you doin', boo?"

"I-I'm f-f-fine," stammered Tank. "I was w-w-wondering if I-I could a-a-ask you something..."

Winona slowly brought herself back to her feet, gasping for air. "We *gasp* was wonderin' if you'd *gasp* like to-"

"Can it, mutt!" snapped Opal, loosening her grip on the tortoise. "...Sorry about that, Tank. Now what was it you wanted to ask me?"

Tank took a couple of deep, soothing breaths before continuing. "Well, our owners all left us home alone, so we decided that it might be fun to get together tonight and, you know, hang out."

"Like a pet play date?"

"Yeah, but it'll be just the six of us. No ponies!"

Opal gasped. "Well, that just sounds wonderful!" she squealed. "Of course I'll join you!"

"But what about your nap?" Tank asked with some concern.

"Oh, that's not important to me," Opal said assuringly. "After all, I can nap any time. How often do I get to spend the night with my favorite little tortoise?"

Tank chuckled, and a luminescent blush started to creep across his rough, scaly cheeks.

"I told you," Angel whispered into Tank's ear.

"Just give me a few minutes, okay?" said Opal as she turned to walk back towards the front door. "I need to take care of a few things before I go."

"You won't be long, will you?" asked Tank.

"Oh, not at all!" called Opal as she disappeared into the boutique. "I'll be out as soon as I wash myself, brush my fur, brush my teeth, file my claws, trim my whiskers, pick out my favorite bow, pick out my other favorite bow..."